Abarca y Bolea, Pedro Pablo....................287 American Catholic Historical Society
Abbot, Nehemiah
................................ 26 Philadelphia Records
Abbot, Samuel
.......................................... 26 American Dental Convention....248, 253,
.................................. 22 American Federation of Labor..................175
Abbot (Abbott), family of.......................160 American Historical Association, 99, 108,
Abbott, Charles S..................................257 153, 163; Annual Reports, 110; Pacific
Abbott, Louise ...................................112 Coast Branch, 153
Aberdeen, Ohio ..................................182 American Historical Review, 154, 159, 160
Abingdon Press ..................................269 163, 178
Ackley, Horace ...................................204 American Institute of Graphic Arts........272
Acts of Ohio........................................
60 American Journal of Dental Science,
Adams, Charles
Francis, Richard Henry 251, 253, 256
Dana .......................................... 36 American journal of Medical Science, 220,
Adams, James Truslow, The Adams 223
Family .................................. .... 162 American Medical Association........222, 223
Adams, John ..................................341 American Midland Naturalist..................327
Adams, John Quincy...............127,
129, 138 American Museum of Natural History, 104,
Adams, family of........................... .160,
162 278
Adams County, Ohio ....................................
68 American Philosophical Society Proceed-
Adams, Robert N.,
My First Com- ings ............................................................127
pany ................................... 304, 305 American Prison Association ....................132
Adena Culture Aspect..........................85, 86 American Revolution (See Revolutionary
Africa .............................................. 50 War)
Anise, Sally .................................2,
3, 8 American Society of Dental Surgeons, 249,
Akron, New York..............................123,
137 253, 254,255
Akron, Ohio, 42, 63, 103, 174, 175, 176, American travelers ............. .......................285
204, 239, 269; rubber industry, 174, 176 American Union Lodge
(Freemasons), 236,
Akron (Ohio) Beacon Journal................112 237.
Alabama ...................................91,
155, 316 American University ..................................339
Alabama Cavalry,
2d Regiment...........321 Americana ............................................131,
Alabama Claims ..................... .. 167 Americans,
1, 15, 16, 17, 96, 158, 162, 176,
Alaska ............
............................ 179 288, 292, 298,
299, 302
Albany, New York.............................
31 Ames, family of.........................................160
Alexander, family of........................160 Amherstburg,
................................ 1
Alexandria, Virginia...........................286, 287 Anderson, family of....................................160
the Great
........................... 140 Anderson, Indiana, Mounds......................
Allen, Peter, 191, 202, 204, 205, 208, 228, Anderson, George ......................................239
234 Anderson,
William C.............................69,
Allegheny Mountains, 66, 177, 220, 298, 343 Andersonville Prison ..................................321
Allen, John
................................246, 248 Andover, Massachusetts.............................. 83
Allen, William, Collection......................109 Angel Mounds (Evansville, Indiana)...... 86
Allen County Historical and Archaeolog- Animal
ical Society ................................ 122 Ann
Allentown, Pennsylvania .......................202 Annapolis,
Maryland, 39, 40, 41, 42, 99,
Alliance, Ohio ..................................105 151, 249, 250; Naval
Academy, 151
Allison, M.Ray
..................................107 Ann Arbor,
Altick, Arthur R.................................122 Anthropology,
Altoona, Pennsylvania
........................... 104 Anti-Slavery Movement
at Miami Uni-
Alum Creek .................................. 222 versity ....................................................70-73
Alvord, Clarence Walworth, The Miss- Anti-Masonic Party ..................................241
issippi Valley in British Politics........178 "Appleseed, Johnny" (See
Ambler, Charles Henry,A History of John)
Transportation in the Ohio Valley........166 Arabia..............................................................
America, 89, 139, 144, 146, 147, 148, 151, Aranda, Count of......................................287
152, 158, 174, 192, 231, 239, 255, 288, Archaeology Cultural patterns in In-
296, 299, 330, 332, 334, 335, 336, 341 diana
American Anthropological Association...... 84 Arensberg, Conrad, The Irish Country-
American Antiquarian Society....................127 man ..........................................................
American Antiquarian Society Proceed- Arizona ................................................
........ 91
ings, New Series....................110, 268, 283 Armstrong, Nellie
C., "John Tipton
American Anti-Slavery Society.................. 70 Papers ....................................................338
American Archivists Society...................... 99 Armstrong, Nellie C. and Blackburn,
American Association for
Advancement Glenn A., "John Tipton Papers".......338
of Science ......................................
84 Arnold, Samuel
Green, History of Rhode
352 OHIO
Island .........................151 Baptists..................................................232, 235
Articles of Confederation...........................341 Barclay, Robert H........................................15
Ashe, Thomas, 299,
300, 301; Travels in Barkley, A. H., Kentucky's Pioneer
America, 132, 299 Lithotomists ............................................204
Ashland, Ohio................................................ 64 Bareis, Grace................................................
Ashland County, Ohio..........60, 61,
64, 65 Baring (Capitalist) ....................................337
Ashtabula, Ohio.....................................
199 Barnes,
Albert................................................ 72
Ashtabula County, Ohio, 60, 61, 64,
65, Barnes, Harry Elmer................154, 156, 157
100, 234, 239 Barnes,
Ned ..................................................102
50 Barnhart, John D.,"First Constitutions
Askin, John
3, 14; clerk
of, 10; wife
of, of Ohio Valley States" 338; "South-
14; Papers, 13, 14 ern Migration into the Old North-
........................................271 west" ..........................................................338
Ohio..........................................55, 126 Baron de Carondelet (see
Lewis E., Pioneer Merchant in Barrett, S. M., Geronimo's
Story of His
Mid-America, 279-280 Life,
90, 92, 109; Mocco, 90, 92, 109
Atkeson, T. C. and Mary M., Pioneering Barriere, M ................................................290
in Agriculture ........................................109 Barrow, George ..........................................271
Atlanta, Georgia ...................... 306,
323 Barry, John................................................. 22
Atlantic Ocean, 204, 220, 336; Seaboard, 341 Barry, Mary Chapman................................ 22
..........................105 Barton,
Bruce ..............................................161
Audrain, Pierre ..................................287,
288 Barton, William E., The
Lineage of
Austinburg, Ohio................................201, 234 Lincoln ......................................................161
Australia..................................................50, 334 Batavia, New York....................................240
Avery & French................................... 337 Bates, Edward, Diary 1859-1866..............
Avery Library,
Columbia University........344 Bath,
England......................................329, 332
Awl, William
M.............191, 224,
229, 230 Baton Rouge,
Battles (See names of places)
Babylonians.................................................. 44 Bauer, W. P.................................................104
Bachmeyer, A. C.,"The Hospitals of Baxley, H. W...................................254, 255
Cincinnati during the Past Century"....225 Bayley, Bettsy ............................................
Dorothy Church Chanler, 79, 80, Bayley, David..................................26, 27, 28
81, 82 Bayley,
Nathan................................26, 27, 28
Backus, Elijah............74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79 Bear, Mr....................................................... 78
Elizabeth........................................ 77 Beard, Aaron................................................ 26
Backus, Henry
T...........................80, 81,
82 Beard, Charles A.........................................154
Isaac................................................ 77 Beatty, Zaccheus A.....................................143
Backus, Juliana
Trumbull Woodbridge.... 82 Beecher, Lyman ........................................ 67
Backus, Lucretia.........78 Beery, George F...........................................111
Backus, Lucretia Hubbard........................ 78 Bell, Charles,
Anatomy of Expression....223
Backus, Lucy................................................
79 Bell, Charles, System of Comparative
Backus, James............................78, 79, 80, 82 Surgery
Backus, Samuel............................................ 77 Bell, Gertrude ............................................100
Backus, Sarah..................................79,
80, 81 Bell, Landon C........................................... 95
Backus, Temperance Lord.......................... 79 Bell, Robert ................................................105
Backus, Thomas......................................78, 79 Bell, family of..............................................160
Backus, William ........................................
80 Belote, T. T., "The Scioto Speculation
Backus, William Todd................................111 and the French Settlement atGalli-
Backus, family of....................................74-82 polis".................................................283,
Backus' Iron Works........................76,
77, 79 Belpre,
152, 283
Bacon, Francis ............................................128 Benedict, Ruth, 48; Patterns of
Culture 45
Bacon's Rebellion................................
273 Berks County, Pennsylvania....................161
Badger, Joseph, A Memoir................232,
233 Berthelot, J. M
.......................289, 295, 298
Badin, Stephen Theodore..........................290 Bertram, Henry F.......................................
Bagshaw, A.
R........................................ 336 Bethlehem, Pennsylvania..........5, 14, 16, 17
B ailey, Julia A
...........................................112 Bible......................................................140, 149
Bainbridge, Ohio, 135,
244, 245, 246, 247, Bickerdike, Mrs.............................................318
249, 250, 251, 252, 253 Big Beaver River........................................
Baker, Edward D........................................254 Big Bottom State Memorial......................116
Baker, Frank C........................................105 Big Kanawha................................................294
Baker, Gideon............................................. 74 Biggs,
Zaccheus ..............................................143
Baker, Ray Stannard, Woodrow
Wilson; Billerica,
Massachusetts................................ 24
Life and Letters................................. 162 Binkley, Robert C.......................................342
Baker, family of..........................................160 Binning, M. B.............................................102
Balboa Park,
San Diego, California........127 "Biographical
Sketch of Dr. A. Saugrain
Baldwin, of London....................................33 by a Female Friend, with
Baldwin, Leland D.,
"The Keelboat Age upon the French Settlement of Gallipo-
on Western Waters"................................338 lis." .........................................................286
Leland D., Whiskey Rebels: Birchard, Sardis ................................128, 131
The Story of a Frontier Uprising, 272, 273 Birkbeck, Morris ........................................333
Ballou, S. A.................................................
39 Birney, James G.........................................
Baltimore College of
Dental Surgery, 247, Bishop, Robert Hamilton, 66, 67, 68, 69,
255; Museum, 250 70, 71, 72, 73
Baltimore, Maryland, 39, 220, 246, 247, 253, Bishop, Robert Hamilton, A Plea for
254, 255, 286,
296, 300, 332,
337 United Christian Action, Addressed
Particularly to Presbyterians.................. 68 British Life and Fire
and Marine
Bishop, Robert Hamilton, ed., Rice, Assurance ..................................................337
David. Memoirs...................................... 70 Brodhead, Daniel..........................................
Black, Alexander, The Story of Ohio.... 232 Bromfield, Louis ..................................... 95
Black, G. A
105 Brookville, Indiana ....................................344
Black Hawk
............................................89-90 Brookfield, Ohio ........................................239
Black Warrior
......................................309, 310 Brotherton, Alice Williams........................263
Blackburn, Glenn A.,
"John Tipton Brougham, Henry........................................ 68
Papers" ........................................
338 Brown, Ethan Allen...................................225
Blackland, Mississippi ..............................315 Brown, John, Elements of
Blacklegs ......................................................314 B row n, Sam
....................78, 301 Brown, Solyman
Blodgett, Ruth................................................
32 Brown, C. B., tr., C. F.
Volney's View
Samuel.......................................... 32 of Soil and Climate of United States
Bloomfield, Ohio .................................... 253 of America ..............................................297
Bloomington Indiana ................................164 Brown, Edwin Witherby, 305, 306, 309,
Boardman, Nathaniel.................................. 23 312, 322; "Under A Poncho with
Bodley, Temple, Our First Great West: Grant and Sherman," 307
Revolutionary War, Diplomacy and Brown, Henry Lewis ................................305
........................................ 176-179 Brown, Kent ................................................306
Ohio..........................................54, 115 Brown, L. Parmly, New Light on
Bolton, Charles K.,
"Genealogy and History ......................................................256
History" ..........................
.............. 163 Brown, Mary Knoulton............................305
Bond, Beverley W. Jr ................................340 Browne, Fanny Bassett............................329
Bond, Thomas E.......................................255 Browne, Fanny Farmer..............................329
Bonnie Blue Flag (Song)............................320 Browne, Patrick William, Studies in
Bonnycastle, Richard H.,
Canada and Church History ........................................299
the Canadians
in 1846............................ 17 Browne,
Samuel J.......................................329
Book of Mormon
................................. 232 Browne, Symmes ........................................329
Book That Gave Iowa Its
Name............ 88 Browne and Looker (Cincinnati)............235
Bootman, Eleanor ...................................... 26 Bruen,
David................................................ 73
Bordman, Andw........................................... 27 Brunier, M. ............................................ 295
Borland's Farm .......................................... 24 Bryan, H . S.................................................103
Boston, Massachusetts, 21, 24, 31, 36, 84, 90, Bryan, Howard T....................................
129, 155, 156, 161, 162, 163, 204, 220, Buck, Elizabeth Hawthorn, Moccasins in
221, 232, 253,
264, 265, 266, 267, 284, the Wilderness ....................................92-93
295, 332, 337 Buddhism ......................................................278
Boston Athenaeum.............................127, 163 Buell, Don Carlos........................................312
Boston Medical and
Surgical Journal, Buffalo Creek ............................................284
The ............................................................223 Buffalo, New York....................................
Boston Tea Party ................................... 151 Buffington Island State Memorial ..........116
Botany Bay ................................331, 335, 336 Bull,
Joseph (Schebosch, or"Running
Cemetery........................................ 18 Water") ....................................................
Botanics (See Thomsonian System) Bull's Bluff, Battle at................................ 34
Bourbon, Nouvelle............................288, 289 Bulwer-Lytton,
E. R., Work on Schiller, 129
Bourne, William
...........................................337 Bunker Hill, Battle of......................141, 151
Bowers, Mary............................................. 26 Buntline, Ned ............................................270
Bowie, James ................................... 310 Bunyon, John, Pilgrim's Progress......77,
Boxley, Mrs.
E. W....................................103 Bureau,
Jean Pierre Romaine, 293, 295, 298
Boylston, Zabdiel
........................................204 Burgess
Steel and Iron Works.................... 87
Henry Marie, 132, 294, 301, Burgher Church, Scotland........................ 67
302 Burgundy,
Brackenridge, Henry Marie, Recol- Burlington Heights,
Ontario........................ 16
lections of Persons and Places in the Burnet, Jacob ........................................237
West, 291,
292, 293, 294, 302 Burnet, William ........................................237
Brackenridge, Hugh Henry..........................291 Burnham,
Bradbury, John
........................................ 132 Burns Midwifery ........................................200
Braddock, Edward,
Defeat................144, 341 Burnside, Ambrose Everett........................ 35
Bradford Brook,
Connecticut...................... 77 Burton,
Ohio ............................200, 208, 239
Bradford, Alice
Carpenter Southworth, 147, Butler County, Ohio
148, 152 Butterfield, John ........................................223
Bradford, Robert.................................149, 152 Byron, Lord....................................
128, 129
Bradford, William ...........................148, 152
Bradford, family of....................................160 Cahokia Mounds.......................................... 84
Brandeis, Louis D
.........................................169 Cairo, Tennessee ........................................
Joseph........................................9, 10 Calhoun, John C.......................................170
Brayman, Mason, Illinois Revised California..........................104, 111, 153, 166
Statutes ................................................. 275 Callot,
Victor, A Journey in North
Brest, France ........................................ 289 A
m erica ..................................................291
Brigham, Clarence S ..................................127 Calvinism, 231; at
Miami University,
Brissot de Warville,......................................296 66-70
Bristol, England......................148, 152, 332 Cambridge,
Massachusetts, 26, 31, 45, 156,
British, 1, 15, 16, 17, 93, 139, 140, 149, 190
151, 177 Cambridge,
Ohio, 96, 138, 140, 143,
Isles.................................................. 68 182
354 OHIO
Cambridge, University of..........................139 Chapman, John (b. 1774,
Hannah........................................ 26 Appleseed"), 20, 21, 27, 29, 30, 31,
James.......................................... 26 line of descent, 20-32
Campbell, James E....................................111 Chapman, Jonathan Cooley........................ 30
Campbell Mound ........................................116 Chapman,
Lucy ........................................ 30
Campbellites ................................................232 Chapman, Lucy Cooley ............................. 30
Camp Chase,
Ohio............................305, 322 Chapman,
Martha (b.
1703).................... 22
Camp Corinth
............................................315 Chapman, Martha (b. 1743) .................... 24
Camp Jackson,
Columbus, Ohio....305, 308 Chapman,
Martha Hunt........24, 25, 26, 27
Campus Martius State Memorial............116 Chapman, Martha Perley Boardman, 23, 24
Canada, 17, 50, 131, 330, 333, 334; Chapman, Mary (b.
1648, M. John
Methodist Church in, 19; Provincial Barry) .................................................... 22
Parliament, 15; Public Archives, 2, Chapman, Mary (b.
1772/3).................. 23
3, 13, 14; Upper, 6, 13 Chapman, Mary (b.
1759)........................ 24
Canby, Joseph.....................................185,
187 Chapman, Mary (b. 1796)..........................
Canfield (Youngstown), Ohio........209, 239 Chapman,
Mary Brewer..............................
Capital University...................................... 96 Chapman,
Mary Symonds
...................21, 22
Cappon, Lester J. "History of Southern Chapman,
Mary Wilbor..............................
Iron and Steel Industry from
the Chapman, Nathaniel (b. 17th century)
Colonial Period to the Present"..........338 22, 220
Cardwill, Mary E. (Also See
L. May Chapman,
Nathaniel (b. 1746, father of
Wheeler) "Johnny Appleseed") 21, 24, 27, 28, 29,
Cardwill, Mary
E., W. A. W. Souvenir 30,
31, 32
No. 2
........................................................267 Chapman, Nathaniel (b.
1776).................. 29
Carlyle, Thomas........................157, 158, 160 Chapman, Nathaniel (b. 1781).............. 30
Carman, Mrs. J. Ernest...........................112 Chapman, Patty (b. 1757)........................ 24
Carondelet, Baron
de........................288, 289 Chapman, Patty (b.
1790)..................30, 31
Agnes...............................147, 148 Chapman, Perley ......................................
Carpenter, Mary.................................147,
148 Chapman, Persis
.......................................... 30
Carre, Henri, "Les Emigres Francis en Chapman,
Phoebe Balch.............................. 22
Amerique," ..............................................284 Chapman, Pierly ..................................30, 31
Carroll, John ..............................................290 Chapman, Rebecca ................................22, 23
Cary, Alice ............................
258, 263, 266 Chapman, Rebecca Smith..........................
Cary, Freeman G.........................................
73 Chapman, Ruth Ingalls..............................
Cary, Phoebe ..............................................258 Chapman, Sally ........................................ 30
Cary, Samuel F........................................
73 Chapman, Samuel
................................22, 24
Case, Gideon ..................200,
205, 206, 209 Chapman, Simon ........................................
Cass, Lewis ................................................238 Chapman, Thomas ....................................294
Castleton Medical
School of Vermont.... 197 Charleston,
Illinois ....................................338
Catholic Emancipation ............................335 Charleston, South Carolina, 151; Harbor,
Catholic Historical Review ........................284 304
Catholics ......................................................290 Charleston, Virginia ................................238
Catholic University of America................299 Chase,
Salmon P., ed.,
Statutes of
Cawein, Madison ...................................... 263 Ohio
......................................................65, 263
Cedar Rapids,
Iowa ....................................283 Chatham,
Ontario ................2, 11, 15, 16, 18
Cedarville, Ohio ................................149,
152 Chattanooga, Tennessee, 306, 316,
321, 322,
Chamberlain, Neville ..............................158 323
Central Ohio Asylum for
Lunatics (See Chaucer, Geoffrey ......................................201
Ohio Asylum for
Lunatics) Chaudivert (See Chandivert)
James R.....................................311 Chauncey, Ohio ............................................105
Chamberlain, W. H.........................305, 306 Chevalier,
Jeanne G. R. (See Michan)
Champaign County,
Ohio..........57, 184, 242 Cheyney,
Edward P., Law in
Champlin, C.H......................................330 and other
Champlin, Christian..................................
75 Chicago, Illinois, 34,
83, 103, 247, 251,
George ........................................75 263, 318; University of,
Chandiver, M. (fils)........................286,
295 School,
Chandiver, M. (pere)........................286, 295 Chicago Tribune .......................................
Ursula.......................................... 80 Chickamaga Creek ............................283, 285
Zachariah, 34, 38,
41, 42; Chickering Institute ..................................257
wife 42 Chillicothe,
Ohio, 15, 104, 135, 182, 184,
Chandler, Zachariah, Life
of.....................34 185, 234,
238, 241, 242, 249, 265
Chapman, Abner ................................. 30 Chillicothe Supporter and
Gazette....244, 245
Chapman, Elizabeth (b.
1704)................ 22 Chinard,
Gilbert, Volney et L'Amerique, 296
Chapman, Elizabeth (b.
1741), 24, 27, 28 Chinese
................................................140, 168
Chapman, Elizabeth (b.
1770) ............29, 30 Church,
Edward P.............................246,
Chapman, Elizabeth Davis........................
22 Church, Samuel
T.............................246, 247
Chapman, Elisabeth Simons....29, 30, 31, 32 Church of England....................................236
Chapman, Davis (b. 1716), 22, 23, 24, 26, Cicero, Marcus Tullius ............................128
27, 28 Cincinnati,
Ohio, 35, 65, 102, 109, 121,
Chapman, Doris (b. 1800).................30, 31 130, 131, 132,
134, 173, 182, 185, 199,
Chapman, Dorothy Swan............................ 22 204, 220, 224, 230, 235, 237, 240, 241,
Chapman, Edward......20, 21, 22, 23, 27, 31 244, 246, 248, 251,
253, 256, 263, 264,
Chapman, John (b.
1676) ......................... 22 265,
266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 278, 280,
Chapman, John (b.
1714), 22, 23, 24, 25, 304,
306, 308, 313, 329, 332, 334, 336,
26, 27, 28 337; Institutions, 225, 227; Hughes
High school,
257 262; Literary society; Historical
Activities Committee............145
Scottish Rite Cathedral, 261; Spring Columbia, Missouri
Grove Cemetery, 252; Walnut Hills High Columbia Old Baptist
School, 257; Walnut
Hills Universalist Columbia University 160; Avery Library
Church, 261; Cincinnati, University, 344; Medical School, 221; Press, 277,
225, 340; Alumni Day, 265; McMicken 344; School of Library Science, 345;
Hall, 265; Medical Bulletin, 225; Record, Studies in Library Service, No.
5, 344
265; Studies, 283 Columbian Exposition.............................. 83
Cincinnati Emporium ......................329,
337 Columbiana County, Ohio........................ 58
Cincinnati Evening Chronicle ..................286 Columbus,
Kentucky.................................... 39
Cincinnati (Ohio) Enquirer ............112, 305 Columbus, Ohio, 21, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39,
Cincinnati, Society of
the..........................241 41,
44, 65, 78, 87, 100, 102, 103, 104,
Circleville, Ohio ..................................84,
111 105, 108, 111, 112, 113, 114,
125, 126,
Cist, L. T., 269; Autographs, 267; Studies 132, 133, 135, 166, 170, 172, 181, 185,
in Literature, 269 186,
187, 191, 200, 202, 222, 224, 225,
Civil War, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 226, 227, 228, 230, 238, 249, 265, 266,
41, 42, 43, 72, 87, 102, 103, 130, 132, 267, 269, 305, 306, 330, 339; Athletic
141, 164, 165, 167, 168, 171, 197, 257, Club, 95; Goodale Park, 308; Deshler-
271, 276, 279, 280, 307, 329, 342; Army Wallick Hotel, 123, 126; First Presby-
of the
Tennessee, 322; Atrocity Propa- terian Society, 234; Public Library, 99;
ganda, 33-43; Congressional Committee on School Board, 100; Audubon Society, 109
of, 33-43; Experiences of a Columbus Gazette
Soldier, 304-323 Columbus Genealogical Society, 106, 123,
Clark, Grace J. Estate, Estate ................103 136, 145; Annual Dinner, 95-97; Gener-
Clark, George Rogers
................................177 al
Session at Ohio History Conference,
Clark, Harold T
.......................................107 138-163
Clark, Jessie Bill
........................................102 Columbus
State Hospital....................229, 230
Robert R
.......................................113 Columbus (Ohio) Women's Club............103
Clarke, Robert, and Company, 131,
264, Commager, Henry Steele ..........................272
267, 268 Commercial
Hospital and Lunatic Asylum
Clark, William, Account of Expedition of of Ohio..................................225,
226, 230
Missouri River with Meriwether Lewis, Commercial Printing Company................269
1804-1806 ..............................................
130 Commorrah Hill, New York......................232
Clark County, Ohio............................56, 235 Conant, George
Clark County Historical Society..............122 Concord, California ....................................104
Clarke, Robert..................................131, 133 Concord, Battle of ....................................141
Clarkson, Thomas, History of the Confederacy, 33, 35-39, 41,
165, 310;
Abolition of
the Slave Trade by the Army, 320; Men, 316
British Parliament ................................130 Congregational
Association of Michigan 42
Clay, Henry ........ ........................ 64 Congress (See United States)
Clemens, Samuel L. ..........................258, 271 Congress, Library of 33, 39, 42, 111,
Clements, William
L., Library........343, 344 131,
133, 142, 171
Cleveland, Ohio, 121, 132, 134, 137, 183, Congress
for Industrial Organization
191, 199, 201, 202, 208, 210, 234, 238, (C. I.
0.)........................................175, 176
268, 286, 290; Erie Street Cemetery, 122 Congregational Church ..............................234
Cleveland, Grover, Papers................133, 160 Congressional Globe, 34, 40, 41,
42, 130
Cleveland, Ohio, Plain Dealer........112,
159 Congregationalists................................232, 233
Cleveland Medical
College................234, 239 Conneaut,
Cleveland Medical Library, Museum Connecticut,
20, 61, 62, 84, 167, 198, 232,
202, 204, 206 237, 284,
306, 339; Contribution to
Clevenger, Olive ........................................100 Ohio, 74-82; State Prison,
335; Supreme
Clinton, New York...................................159 Court of Errors, 167
Clinton River ......................................... 1 Connecticut Land Company......................198
Coalton, Ohio ........................................
103 Connelley, William E.................................286
Cobb, Jedediah ........................................226 Conover, Charlotte Reeve,
Builders in
Coburg Sound ........................................ 330 New Fields
Cockburn, Henry ......................................
68 Continental Army, 21, 31,
237; Congress,
Coggeshall, William T.,
257; The Poets and 75, 177
Poetry of the West: with
Biographical Convention of Physicians of Ohio
and Critical Notices 266 (1835) ......................................................229
Cole, Arthur C., "Some Aspects of the Cook, Blake C., "Judge John
Tyler --
Early Attack
upon American Puritan- Pioneer
Jurist" ............................126, 127
....................................... 126 Cooke, Jay, Correspondence, 111; Col-
Cole, Cyrenus, I Am a Man: The In- lection, 107
dian Black
Hawk 88, 89, 90 Cooley,
George.............................................. 30
Coleman, Asa ....................................234,
239 Cooley,
Mabel............................................... 30
Coleman, Charles H.,
"Clement L. Coolidge,
Calvin ........................................162
Vallandigham" .......................................338 Cooper, O. C...............................................103
Coleman Commandery Knights Templar Cooper, Peter ............................................160
of Troy ........................................ 239 Cooper, Dr. Stephen, "Miami
in the
College of
Physicians and Surgeons of Civil War" ............................................305
the Western District
of New York....197 Corinth, Missississippi, 306,
312, 314, 315,
Collins, Mr ..
..............................................333 319; Battle of,316,
Collot, Victor ............................................290 Cork, Ireland ..............................................332
Colonial Dames of America, State Cornell University ....................................338
356 OHIO
Cornwall, Francis........................................ 12 D
avoux, M . ..................................................295
Cornwall's Settlement..................................
11 Dawes, E. C.,"Major John Burnham
Cory, C. H., Jr ............................. 112 and His Company," 283; "The
Coshocton County,
............................141 ning of the Ohio Company and the
Cotterill, R. S., "Southern Railroads Scioto Purchase"............................284, 295
and Western Trade, 1840-1850"..........166 Dayton,
Cotton, J.
....................................................201 Dayton, Ohio, 53, 124, 126, 234, 246, 247,
..............................................235 248.
Couch, Joseph N.
........................................111 Dayton (Ohio)
Coulter, E. Merton, "Effects of Secession Deane, H.
upon the
Commerce of the Mississippi Dearborn, Frank A...........................102, 112
Valley" .........166 Decatur, Tennessee ....................................323
Cour, La (See LaCour) deCarondelet,
Baron (See Carondelet)
Covode, John ............................................ 34 Declaration of
Independence..............58, 142
Cowels, E. W........................................
234 Deism
.......................................................... 298
Cox, Jacob Dolson ....................................258 Delaware, Ohio........................103,
112, 238
Cox, James M .......................................
111 Delaware,
Ontario....................................... 15
Coxe, Daniel, Description of the English Delamater, John ........................................234
Province of Carolina..............................132 DeLuziere, Pierre Charles DeHault
Cramer, J. J ............................. ..........
103 DeLassus ........................................ 287,289
Cramer, Mrs. W. W.................................103 Democratic Party ........33, 41, 42, 156, 167
Cramer, Zadok, Navigator ........................132 Denison,
Crambery Pond Brook, Connecticut........
77 Denison University ....................83, 84, 340
Crane, Sarah Schenck, Crane Family Dental Cosmos..................................
254, 256
History ....................................................269 Dental Register
Cranston, Rhode
Island..............................149 Dental
Register of the West, 251, 253, 256
Crawford County,
Ohio.............................. 61 Dental
Sciences and Art Journal ..............254
Crawford, Phyllis, "Hello the Boat!" Dental Surgeons,
278, 279 Denke,
Christian Friederich....13, 14,
15, 16
Creighton William, Jr...............................242 Derihecour. Captain ..................................294
Crispin, William Frost, A Biographical De Romaine, Captain................................289
and Historical Sketch of Captain Detroit, Michigan, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
William Crispin ..............................268-269 34,
105, 234, 299, 343; Land
Board, 7;
"Crisis of our Country"............................304 Notarial Registers, 2
Crockett, David ........................................310 D etroit R iver ............................................1, 3
Croghan, George, Manuscripts..................343 de Warville, Brissot...................................296
Crosby, Elliakim ........................................239 Dewes, William P.......................................220
Samuel.......................................... 68 Dexter, Julius
Crump's Landing..............311, 312, 313, 314 De Vacht (Vacz),
Cullaton, M., and Company............267, 268 De Vacht (Vacz),
J. G...................286, 289
Cullen, William, Practice of Physics........200 d'Hebecourt, Chevalier Francois......289,
Culpepper, Virginia
..................................141 Dibble,
W. E., and Company..................267
Cumberland Gap
........................................182 Dickens, Charles, 173; David Copperfield,
Cumberland (National) Road.................... 56 129
Cuming, Fortescue, Tour of the West Dictionary
of American Biography 131, 133,
300, 301 158,
159, 161
Cuneo, Ray D........................................
102 Didier,
Dom................................289, 290, 298
Cunow, John G.
........................................ 16 Didier,
Pierre ....................................286,
Curry, Otway ............................................263 Dijon, France ............................................301
Cushing, Erastus ........................................201 Dilhet, Jean ........................................298, 299
Cushing, Sumner W.,
and Huntington District of Columbia................................284
Ellsworth, Principles of Human Geog- Dittrick, Howard C., "Medical
raphy ........................................................154 of the Western Reserve"........................208
Custer Monument
......................................116 "Dixie" (Song) ..........................................320
Cutler, Manasseh........................................ 61 Dodd,
Ozra J.......................................304,
Cuyahoga County,
Ohio..........60, 61, 64, 65 Doddridge,
Cuyahoga River ...........................54, 59, 62 Dodge,
Grenville Mellen
Dollard, John, Class and Caste in a
Dana, Richard Henry................................ 36 Southern Town..........................................
Danforth, S., Jr.....................................26, 27 Dolle, John ................................................102
Danow, Edward.............................................. 75 Dolsen, John..............................................
.. 16
Dartmouth College................................84,
160 Dolsen, Matthew....................................10, 16
Dartmouth College Case............................169 Donnelsville, Ohio ....................................235
Daughters of the American Revolution, 344; Doster, William E..................................... 42
Lineage Book, 21;Marietta, Ohio, 145 Douglas, Stephen ......................................137
Davey, Martin L...............................107,
176 Douglass, Frederick, The Narrative of
Davidson, Dora Gibson.............................. 103 the Life of Frederick Douglass, an
Davidson, W. J .......................................103 American Slave ......................................130
Davis, Edwin H ........................................
86 Dover, Ohio ................................................103
Davis, Harold E.
"Burke Aaron Hins- Dowden, Edward ........................................258
dale," 338; "Dictionary of Indian Place Downers Grove, Illinois..............................339
Names in Ohio," 338;
"Elisha Whittlesey Downers,
Randolph C., "Evolution of Ohio
and the Formation of the Whig
Party in Country Bounaries," 65, 233; "Indian
Illinois," 338 Relations in the Ohio Valley," 338
Davis, Jefferson
....................................39, 102 Drake, Daniel, 184, 185, 199, 211,217
221, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, Schonfeld) Moravian
settlement ..........1-19
237, 263 Fairfield, New York....................................197
Dred Scott Case
.................................... 171 Fairfield County,
Drot, Le (See Le Drot) Fallen Timbers Monument........................116
Dublin, Ireland ........................................332 Fanchard, Le Chirurgieu-dentiste ............248
Duck Creek ................................235 Farmer, Henry...................................329, 337
Dudley, Benjamin Winslow............199, 204 Farrar, Jonathan ........................................103
Duer, William....................................284, 287 Farrar, Kirby, Estate..................................103
du Lac, Perrin....................................297, 298 Federalists..............................................241,
Duluth, Minnesota ..................................107 Ferguson, Russell J., "My Connection
Dunbar, Paul Lawrence....................258, 263 with the Atlanta and Great Western
Dunbar Historic House
..........................116 Railway,
1851-63" ..................................338
Dunmore's War .........................................178 Ferrare, Jr.,
Durham, North Carolina............................157 Ferris, Jacob, The States and
Dutch ............................................................286 of
the Great
Dutton, Charles
........................................237 Field, Stephen J...........................................168
Fifield, Greenleaf ......................................239
Eagleson, Freeman T.................................126 Fighting Island ........................................ 3
Earlham College ........................................339 Filson Club, 179; Publications 176
Early Settlers
Association of the Western Findlay, Ohio ..............................................234
Reserve ...................................................122 Finney, Charles Grandison........................ 67
East Akron, Ohio ....................................
239 Firelands (Sufferers' Lands), Ohio............62
East Indian Charter
.................................333 Firelands Pioneer, Index to......................122
Eastport, Mississippi ......................319, 322 Firelands Historical Society........................122
Eaton, John ..............................................269 Firestone Tire and Rubber Company, 174,
Eaton, Starling E
.......................................100 175
Eayr (Eyre), Joseph.................................. 31 Fisher, Lilian ..............................................102
Eberle, John, 214, 217, 229; Notes of Fitch, John ....................................................
Lectures on the Theory and Practice of Flagg (Dentist) ........................................255
Medicine 223 Flanner, Thomas ........................................238
Ebbert and Richardson Company............269 Flavel, John ................................................
Eckenrode, H. J
.......................................133 Fletcher, R. F.............................................103
Ecuador, South America
...........................104 Fletcher, Robert S., "History of Oberlin
Edinburgh, Scotland, 17,
198; University, College;" "The Lane Seminary Re-
67, 68 bellion;" "Charles G. Finney"............338
Edmiston, John..................................185, 187 Flint,
John................................................ .... 27
Edward County, Illinois............................335 Flint, Timothy, Condensed Geography and
Edwards, John Starke ................................238 History of the Western States, 132; His-
Jonathan............................231, 238 tory and Geography of the Mississippi
Edwards, William............................3, 4, 5, 12 Valley, 132
Egbert, K.C
....................................... 112 Flint,
Michigan....................................103, 112
Egypt ........................................................ 337 Flint Ridge,
Ohio....................................284 Florence, Anna..............................................
Ellis, H.H.......................................104, 105 Florence, George..................................99, 124
Ely, Hewan.................................................. 63 Florence Mound, Fox,
Ely, Justin.................................................... 82 Florence, Ontario.......................................... 14
Ely, Marian Griswold....................79, 80, 82 Florida..........................................91, 105, 112
Emerson, Ralph Waldo..........128, 129, 145 Florissant, Upper
Louisiana..............289, 290
Emporia, Kansas
.................................. 162 Flower, Colonel............................................ 31
End of Pirates........................................... 77 Flower, Elijah
England, 15,
101, 139, 144, 146, 147, 148, Flower, F. A., Edwin McMasters Stan-
149, 150, 151,
152, 156, 179, 181,
216, ton ........................................................... 42
250, 329, 332, 334, 335, 337; Bank of Flower, Richard ..........................................333
333 Foley,
Janet Wethy, 123; "An Adven-
England, Richard........................................3, 7 ture in Genealogy," 137
English (See British) Ford, Henry A.and Kate
B., History of
English Channel
.......................................155 Cincinnati, Ohio, 268; History of Hamilton
Embargo Act
........................................ 152 County, Ohio, 268
Episcopal Church................................234, 236 Ford, Julia Ellsworth,
..............................................232 Award ......................................................278
Erie Canal..........................................141, 165 Forman, Jonathan....................134, 135, 136
Erie County,
Ohio .................60, 61, 63, 64 Forrest, Bedford...................................39, 40
Eskimos .............
....... ....................... 179 Forrest, N. B ..............................................316
Essex County, Masschusetts, Probate Fort Amanda Monument............................116
Files ........................................................ 22 Fort Ancient, Ohio................................83
, 84
Essex Institute,
Historical Collections.... 23 Fort Ancient State Memorial....................116
Etowah Mounds..................................84, 86 Ft. Collins, Colorado ..................................104
Europe....3.7, 63, 212, 287, 288, 299, 330, 336 Fort Duquesne ............................................297
Europeans ........................................ 137 Fort HillState Memorial..........................116
Evansville, Indiana, 86; Angel Mounds, 86 Fort
Industry, Treaty of............................
Evarts, William M.....................................167 Fort
Jefferson State Memorial..................116
Evens, Frank .............................................319 Fort Laurens State Memorial............115, 116
Eyre (Eayr), Joseph.................................. 31 Ft.
Malden ..................................................
Ft. Pillow, Tennessee, 39, 40, 41: Massacre
Ontario (Moraviantown or 316
Fort Pitt ......................................................343 Greenfield, Ohio ..........................................253
Fort Recovery State Memorial..................116 Genealogy for Young People............138-145
Fort St.
Clair State Memorial..................116 Georgetown, Kentucky ............................249
Fort Sill,
Oklahoma.................................... 91 Geauga County, Ohio..............60, 61, 64, 65
Fort Sumter ......................................304, 307 General
Electric Company..........................156
Fort Wayne, Indiana,
Sentinel................ 31 General Medical Society (Ohio)..............187
Laura W.....................................112 Genet, Edmond Charles..............................290
Foss, David....................................................
27 Geneva, Switzerland
Foster, John W., The
Mississippi Genius
of the West............................257, 266
Valley ........................................................132 Geographical Review ................................ 53
Foulk, Charles
............................................102 George III................................................74, 75
James................................................ 32 George, Henry ...........................................258
Fowle, Mary................................................ 32 George, Ralph ............................................112
Fowle, Ruth..................................................
32 Georgia, 84, 86, 155;
University Press, 271
Fox, Natural History of the Human Germans ........................................................155
Teeth ..........................................................250 Germany, 158, 330;
Nazi philosophy, 158
Fox, Ohio ....................................................104 Geronimo ....................................................90-92
Fox sisters ..................................................232 Gervais, Jean Baptiste......................289, 295
France, 101, 151, 198, 244, 283, 284, 285, Gervais and Menager..................................289
287, 300, 301, 330 Gibbens, Alvaro F., Historic Blenner-
Comte ..........................................300 hassett Island Home................................268
Franco-American Review ..........................284 Gibbon,
Edward ................................127, 128
Franco, Francisco ......................................158
Gibbs, W. E.................................................104
Frankfort (Kentucky) Commonwealth....249 Gibraltar Island ..........................................111
Franklin, Benjamin ..................................292 Giddings, Joshua R...........................103, 240
Franklin, Missouri ....................................309 Gilkey, E. Howard, Ohio Hundred Year
Franklin County, Ohio....................184, 229 Book
Franklinton Ohio .....................................100 Gilliam, David Tod, "Medical
Frederick, Maryland ..................................250 Gillin, John P. "Some
Unfinished Busi-
Fredericksburg, Battle of............................
35 ness in Cultural
Virginia ............................253 Girty, Simon................................................ 93
Free Soil Party....................................
171 Glasgow, Scotland
Freeman, Edward Augustus......................156 Glendale, California..................131, 153, 166
Freemasons ........................................236, 242 Glendale, Mississippi..........................321, 322
Fremont, John C........................................129 Globe, Arizona ............................................103
Fremont, Ohio..........................125, 127, 130 Gloucestershire, England ............................332
French, 9, 10,
139, 149, 157, 285, 287, Gnadenhutten, Ohio, 1; Massacre, 17;
297, 298 Monument, 116
French Alliance ..........................................177 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von..................129
French and Indian War....................149,
151 Goforth, William ........................................237
French Grant,
Ohio........289, 295, 300, 301 Goldman, Robert P.....................................126
French Revolution........................58, 68, 157 Goldsmith, Jonathan ..................................239
French Scioto Company..............................296 Goldsmith, Oliver, The Deserted Village, 302
Frenchmen ..................................................288 Gooch, Daniel
W......................................... 39
Friends, Society of............10, 107, 232, 234 Goodale, Lincoln......................227, 234,
Fronde, James Anthony, History of Eng- Goodman, John ..........................................220
land from the Fall of Wolsey tothe Goodman, Joseph C.....................................126
Death of Elizabeth............................... 157 Goodrich, Grant............................................
Fuller, Bridget Carpenter..................147, 148 Goodrich, B. F.
Fuller, F. W........................................
102 Goodwin, Erastus......................200,
208, 239
Furness, W. H., A Discourse on
the Oc- Goodwin, Howard R.........97, 100, 105,
of the National Fast.................. 33 Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company......174
Gordon, Antoinette K. The Iconography
Galbreath, C. B., History of Ohio
..........241 of Tibetan Lamaism........................277-278
Gale, George W...........................................
67 Goslin, Robert...................................104, 105
Gallagher, William Davis, 258, 263, 270; Goss, Charles Frederick............................250
Miami Woods, A Golden Wedding and Gould, John, "Early Records of the
Other Poems, 267; Selections from the Church in Topsfield,
Massachusetts".... 23
Poetical Literature ofthe West, 266 Gounlay, J. P
County, Ohio..................58,
300, 302 Graham, Francis ........................................
Ohio, 283-303; Harmonist So- Grand Army of theRepublic (G.A.R.)..133
ciety, 303 Grand Rapids, Michigan............................105
Galloway, Ohio ..........................................111
Grand River..............................................9, 61
"Gano Papers" ..........................................269 Granger Cases
Gardette ......................................................255 Grant, Ulysses Simpson, 127, 137, 138, 160,
Gardner, Frank W.....................................102 167, 313
Garfield, James A.,
258; Papers, 133 Grant Historic House................................116
Garibaldi, Giuseppe ..................................102 Granville,
Ohio........................................83, 84
Garlick, Theodatus ....................................239 Great Banks
(Newfoundland)........148, 149
Garrison, Curtis W., 125, 126,
127; "A Great Britain..........150,
151, 155, 204, 212
President's Library," 127-133. Great Lakes..............................................54,
Gaspe ............................................................151
Great Miami River .................................... 54
Gates, Paul W., "The Disposal of the Great Revival ..............................................232
Public Domain" ......................................338 Greeks ..................................................44, 155
Gay, Norman
..............................................319 Greeley, Horace
Green, Dr
......................................... 244 Harris,
H.................................246, 247
Green, William
.........................................175 Harris, John, 238, 244, 246, 247, 248, 249,
Green & Russell..........................................
26 250, 251, 252, 253, 255, 256; School of
Greenfield, Ohio..............251, 252, 253, 306 Medical
Instruction, 244, 250, 256
Greenville, Ohio, 111; Treaty, 111; Treaty Harris,
Martha Edmiston Wampler..........250
Line, 53-56 Harris,
Silvia, tr., "Search for
Eden, an
................................255 Eighteenth
Century Disaster; Memoires
Gregory, George........................214, 215, 216 of Countde
Grimm, Harold J., "Democracy --the Harrison, Benjamin....................68, 128,
American Way" ..................................96-97 Harrison, William Henry 1, 15, 16, 167, 225
Griswold, John ............................................
78 Harrison State Memorial............................116
family of ............................. 82 Harsen's Island .......................................... 14
Griswold, Lawrence, Tombs, Travel and Hart, Fred W.............................................103
Trouble ........................................ 109 Hartford,
Connecticut ................................306
Lucy........................................78, 82 Hartwick College ........................................338
Griswold, Rufus
W., The Female Poets Harvard University, 47, 83, 104, 129,
of America; The Poets and Poetry of 196, 221; Law School,
128, 129; Medical
America ........................................ 266 School, 191; Peabody Museum, 104;
Groesbeck, William ....................................170 Tercentenary Publications, 45
Grove City, Ohio, Presbyterian Church, 111 Hatcher, Harlan
Ohio............................143 Hatchie Hills, Battle of..................317, 318
Guernsey County Historical Society..138, 144 Havana, Cuba ............................................152
Guidebook to Historic Places in Western Haven, (?) ..................................................
Pennsylvania ........................................109 Havre,
France ............................................287
Guilday, Peter, The Life and Times of Hawk's
Nest of the Allatoonas
John Carroll .................................
290 (Chattanooga) ........................................322
Guillotin, Joseph Ignace..............................292 Hawley,
O. K
....................................... 234
Gulf of Mexico ..................................
164 Hayden, Horace H.............................254,
Guntown, Mississippi ................................315 Hayes, Lucy Webb....................................133
Gurowski, Adam, Diary..............................
38 Hayes, Rutherford B., 168, 258; Library,
127-133; Memorial, 117, 125; Papers, 133
Hainault, France
........................................287 Hayes-Tilden Electoral
Hall, James, Romance of Western His- Hayes, T. B.................................................103
tory; Sketches of History, Life, and Hayes, Webb C.,
Manners in the West..............................132 Hayes
Foundation ........................................128
Hall, John W.....................................304,
305 Hayward,
Halstead, W. L., "Life of Murat
Hal- Heckewelder, John, 10, 285; A Narrative
stead ..........................................................338 of the Mission of the United Brethren
Hamburg, Mississippi ................................319 among theDelaware and Mohegan In-
Hamilton, Alexander ..................................273 dians, 286
Hamilton, Charles ......................................268 Hebrews
Hamilton College .......................................159 Hendrick, Burton J., The Lees of
Hamilton County, Ohio..............................229 ginia
Hamilton, Ohio....................................242,
304 Hennepin, Louis, A New Discovery........132
Hamilton (Ohio) Daily News..................306 Henry
VIII ........................................157
Hamlin, Talbot F., Some European Herodotus....................................44, 127,
Architectural Libraries ................344, 345 Hertford, North Carolina............................250
Hammurabi .................................................. 44 Hesse, District of......................................
2, 3
Historic House................................116 Hesseltine, W. B., Civil War Prisons, 38;
Hancett, Luther ..........................................239 "The Propaganda
Literature of Con-
Hanks, Lucy ........................................ 161 federate Prisons".....................................
Hanks, family of.....................................161 Hewitt, Abram S......................................160
205 Hiestand, Lois R., 90, 92, 93, 109, 113,
Hanover, New
Hampshire..................160, 190 124, 272,279, 342
Hardin County,
Ohio..................................251 Hildreth,
Samuel Prescott, 183, 184,
Hardin County (Ohio) Medical So- 233, 242;
Biographical and Historical
ciety ..........................................................251
Memoir of the Early Pioneer Settlers
Hardy, John ................................................
27 Ohio, 182; Journal of the
Proceedings of
Harker, C. E.
........................................ 103 the Medical Convention
of Ohio, 210
Harmon, John Brown........................205,
238 Hildreth, family of......................................150
Harper, Arthur
R........................................104 Hills, John Harvey..................................238
Harper's Weekly..............35, 36, 38, 39, 41 Hillsboro,
Ohio ............................................252
Harpersfield, Ohio ......................................239 Hine,
Lucius A...........................................258
Harrell, Mrs. J. S .......................................103 Hingham, Massachusetts ..........................161
Harriman, S. F
.......................................267 Hippocrates ..................................................154
Harrington, Fred H., "Horace N. Allen: Hiram College ............................................338
an Ohio
Diplomat".............................. 338 Historical and Philosophical Society of
Harris, Chapin A., 238, 244, 246, 247, 250, Ohio, 96, 121; Quarterly Publication, 269
251, 252, 253, 256; Principles and Prac- Historical
Records Survey (Ohio) "Joshua
tice of Dental Surgery, 253; The Dental R. Giddings Papers"; "Bibliography
Art, a
Practical Treatise on Dental Sur- of Ohio History and Literature";
gery, 253; Dictionary of Dental Surgery, "Inventories of Governmental and
Biography, Bibliography and
Medical Church Records; "Survey of Historic
Terminology ............................................254 Sites" ........................................................339
Harris, James ....................................244,
246 History, Approaches
History, Personal Element in,............153-163 Illinois Infantry, 64th Regiment
History of
Ohio........................108, 118,
124 (Yates Sharpshooters) ..........................321
Hitler, Adolph ....................................... 158
Illinois River....................288,
296, 333, 334
Hoge, James ................................................229 Illinois Territory ........................................274
Hohenzollern Line,
William II................146 Imlay, Gilbert, Topographical Descrip-
................................................102, 147 tion of the Western Territory of
Holmes, Oliver
(Jurist)..............169 North America ........................................132
Holmes, Oliver Wendell (Poet)........139, 258 Independence Bell
Holt, Joseph.................................................. 39 India .............................................................. 37
Home and School .................................. 266 Indian Lake..................................................
Honolulu, H. I .......................................
104 Indiana, 31, 59, 81, 85,
86, 87, 104, 105,
Hoover, Herbert, 128;
War Library, Le- 110,
120, 164, 257, 267, 268, 305, 327,
land Stanford,
California, 128 344; Historical Bureau, 338;
Hopewell Mound Group............................
84 antiquities, 85-87
Hopewellian Culture Phase..................85, 86 Indiana Daughters of the
Hopkins, Stephen ......................................149 Revolution ................................................344
Horace ..........................................................140 Indiana Historical
Society..................85, 105
Horner, Francis............................................
68 Indiana History Bulletin............................110
Horst, J. R ...................................... 102 Indiana Magazine of
History ....................110
Hoshour, S. K.......................................
259 Indiana Territory ........................................274
House of Representatives Indianapolis, Indiana,
85, 103, 161, 257,
(See United States) 338
Houston, Samuel
........................................310 Indians,
1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15,
Howard, James ............................................341 16, 17, 35, 36, 37, 50, 54, 84, 85, 86, 89,
Howard, Jerome B.
(See Pitman, Benn) 90,
91, 92, 93, 111, 131, 141, 142. 204,
Howard, Mary ............................................341 285, 286, 288, 292, 293, 332, 343,
Howard, Matthew ......................................341 90, 91, 92; Chippewas, 1, 2, 3, 9, 14;
Howard, Peyton ........................................341 Christian, 1, 3; Comanche, 92; Cayugas,
Howe, Frank Henry...................................258 61; Creek, 343; Delawares, 2, 3, 9,
Howe, Henry, Historical Collections of Fox, 89, 90;
Mohawks, 9, 10; Moravians,
Ohio ..........................................................302 1-19; Munseys, 2, 5, 9, 11; Place names
Howells, William Dean..............................258 derived
from, 58-65; Pueblos, 50, 141;
Howland Township, Trumbull County, Sac,
89, 90; Sac and Fox Rebellion, 90;
Ohio ..........................................................238 Seneca, 93, 343.; Shawnee, 343; Sioux, 92;
Hoys, Isaac
............................................... 220 Wars,
Hubbart, Henry Clyde, "Pro-Southern Indre,
Influences in the Free West,
1840- Ingals, Jedde
................................. ....... 25
1865"; The Older Middle West, 1840- Inscription Rock ........................................117
1880 ..........................................................
166 Institute of American Genealogy..............142
Hudson (ship) ............................................330 Iowa, 90, 283, 318; State
Hudson (dentist) ........................................255 Society, 88
Hudson, Ohio....................200, 205, 206, 233 Iowa City,
Iowa.......................................... 88
Hudson River.....................................164, 199 Iowa, Origin of Name............................88-89
Hulbert, A. B.,
"Andrew Craigie and Iowa Territory .....................................88, 89
the Scioto Associates";
"The Methods Iowa
River.................................................. 90
and Operations of the Scioto Group of Ipswich, Massachusetts, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24,
........................................ 283 27, 31; Vital Records to 1849, 21, 22, 23
William................................................ 15 Iredell,
Abraham................................. 13
Hulme, Edward M., "The Personal Ireland................................47 148,
332, 335
Equation in History"
.............................153 Iron Industry, Scioto County, Ohio......87-88
Humboldt, Illinois ......................................247 Italians ........................................................155
Hume, David ............................................128 Italy .
....... ..................... 83
Hunt, David ................................................
27 Iuka, Tennessee........................ 319
Hunt, Peter, Jr............................................. 26 Iuka, Battle of............................................316
Hunt, Samuel ............................................ 24 Ivey, M ary Schooley....................................112
Hunt, William ............................................ 27
Hunter, John, Blood, Inflammation and Jackson, Andrew, 89, 158, 171, 243, 310
Gun Shot Wounds .................................200 Jackson,
James ............................................219
Hunter, Louis C., "Steamboat Trans- Jackson, Ohio ..........................................112
portation in the Ohio Valley"..............339 Jacksonian Democrats ................................171
Hunter, Ward ............................................273 Jacobs, Philip................................................ 17
Hunter, William ........................................
250 Jacobs, Polly................................................ 18
Huntington, Ellsworth, Jacobs, W. C...............................................319
Civilization and Climate........................154 Jacobs, family of..................................17, 18
Huntington, W. P
.......................................102 Jacobson, Henry A., "Dispersion and
Huron County, Ohio, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 81 Flight of the Missionaries and Indians
River.................................................. 62 Living at Fairfield, Canada,
in October,
Hutchinson, Thomas ..................................258 1813," 15, 17; "Narrative of an
tempt to Establish a Mission among the
(Indian) ..............5, 8 Chippewa
Indians of Canada," 14
Illinois, 78, 105, 177, 246, 247, 274, 279, James, Alice Archer Sewall
288, 296, 309, 322, 335, 338, 339; As- James, J. A., Oliver Pollock
sembly, 275; Code, 275; State Historical James Imprints Collection ........................109
Library, 274; University, 84, 339 James, U.
Collections....................178 Janus ........................................................... 82
Jay, John ........................................177 Pioneer" ....................................................339
Jefferson County,
Ohio........................59, 234 Kinney's Corners, New York....................257
Jefferson Medical College..........................196 Kinsman, Ohio, 191, 202, 204, 205,
208, 234
Jefferson, Ohio....................................240, 241 Kircudbrightshire, Scotland ......................148
Jefferson, Thomas, 59, 127, 143, 159, 296, Kirtland, Jared Potter......................237, 239
341, 342;
Library, 127 Kline,
Hamilton................................115, 117
Jeffrey, Francis............................................
68 Klippart, John, Memorial
Fund......116, 117
Jenkinson, Isaac, Jefferson and
Burr......268 Klippart,
Josephine, Library ......................109
Jenks, A.
E. ..
............................................105 Knapp, H .
Jennings Academy
......................................257 Knapp, H. S., 64; History
of the Pioneer
Jewett, John Brown
...................................258 and
Modern Times of Ashland County, 65
"Johnny Appleseed" (See Chapman, John) Know-Nothing Party
........................................ 158 Knox, John ..................................................157
Johnson, Arthur C., Sr., 97, 101, 105, 114, Koecher (dentist) ......................................255
117, 118, 121, 123, 124, 125, 126, 137, Koehler, Margaret, "The Public Career
138 of
Judson Harmon"...............................339
Johnson, E. N .......................................
104 Kohlmeier, A. L.,The Old
Johnson, John ..................................
274 as the Keystone
of the Arch of Ameri-
Nathan B....................................239 can Federal
Union: ................109,
Johnson, Richard M...................................
16 Koons, Grover
Richard Malcolm......................271 Krehbiel, C. J. and Company................269
Johnston, Thomas W...................................
18 Kreider, Michael
Z...................235, 238, 239
Jonah, F .T
Jones, John................................246, 247, 248
Lac, Perrin du(See du Lac)
Jones, John E
....................................... 112 La Cour, M
Jones, John Paul............148, 149,
150, 152 Laennec, Rene Theophile............................211
Jones, John Rice
.................................... 274 Lafillard, M. ................................................295
Jones, William..........................246, 250,
251 LaForge, Antoine, Memoir........................287
Jordan, Philip
D.......................................340 Lake,
Archibald..............148, 149, 150,
Joslin, John
.................................................. 31 Lake, Mary
Bird..............148, 149, 150, 152
Journal of the Practice of Medicine and Lake County, Ohio....................60, 61, 64, 65
Surgery and Pharmacy inthe
Military Lake Erie........1, 15, 54, 63, 141, 164, 199
Hospitals of France................................219 Lake Erie, Battle of....................................122
Journal of the Proceedings of a Con- Lake Ontario .........................................
vention of Physicians of Ohio Held Lake St. Clair.............................................. 3
in the City of
Columbus, 227, 288, 229 Lakewood, Ohio ........................................102
Journal of Southern History......................
33 Lamaism ........................................................278
Judkins, William ......................................234 Lambda Kappa .........................................220
Juettner, Otto, Daniel Drake and His Lancaster Gazette .....................................247
Followers ........................................225, 226 Lancaster, Ohio, 102,
111, 182, 230, 235,
Julian, George W., 34, 35, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42 239, 242, 247
Jung, Michael............3, 4, 5, 12, 13, 14, 16 Landy, Beatrice L ......................................270
......................................71, 72 Landy, James ..............................................270
L ane, E
........................................................ 81
Kanawha River................285,
286, 293, 294 Lane, Ebenezer (Captain)............79, 80, 82
Kansas ................................................161, 306 Lane Seminary ....................
............ 70
Kansas City, Missouri ................................112 Laning, Edward ........................................278
287, 300 Laning, J. F., "Evolution of
Katy .............................................................. 151 C
ounties" ................................................ 65
Keene, New Hampshire
..............................141 La Tranche River (See Thames River)
Keene, Ohio ........................................ 141 Lawton, Oklahoma...................................... 90
Keifer, J. Warren .................................
235 Lea, Albert L., Notes on the Wisconsin
Kellogg, Louis P. "Last Years
of the Territory .................................................. 88
Revolution on the Upper Ohio"............339 Lea, Albert M.,
The Book that
Kelsey, B. C.......................................
100 Iowa Its Name....................................
Kingston, Ohio ........................................
182 Lebanon, Connecticut.................................. 78
Kenney, Lawrence J.
"The Gallipolis Lebanon,
Ohio..................185, 237, 257, 260
Colony" ....................................................284 Le Drot, M
Kent County,
Ontario................................ 18 Lee, Robert E.............................................161
Kenton, Ohio............................246, 250, 251 Legree (Uncle Tom's
Cabin) ....................317
Kentucky, 5,64,
68, 70, 182, 189, 196, Lehman,
B. H. Carlyle's Theory
of the
199, 220, 231, 232, 249, 250, 251, 252, Hero
286, 298, 338; University,
105 Lemoine, M ................................................289
Kenyon College ..................................128 Leominster, Massachusetts, 20, 21, 28,
Kientz, Philip
............................................105 30, 31, 32: First Congregational Church,
King, E. W ........... ............................
307 Records, 29. 30; Public
Library, 29;
Lawrence J., "Jonathan T. Vital
Records to 1849, 29, 31
Plummer" ...............................................
339 Leslie's Newspaper
.................. 35, 38, 3, 43
David ..........................................242 Lewis, Andrew.................................293, 296
Kinnear, R. E ......................................
103 Lewis, John
Kinney, Coates....257, 258, 263, 266,
270; Lewis, Meriwether, Account of Expedi-
MSS. 258-259 tion up Missouri
River with William
Hannah Kelly..............................257 Clark, 1804-1806
Kinney, Mary C.
Allen..............................257 Lewis,
W. G. W., Biography of
Kinney, Muriel, "John Carey: an Ohio Lewis
..................................................... 130
362 OHIO
Lewis and Clark
Expedition......................341 Lyme,
Connecticut................................78, 167
Lewisburg, Pennsylvania ..........................103 Lynd,
R. S. and H. M., Middletown;
Lewiston, Ohio .......................................... 54 Middletown in Transition........................
Lexington, Battle of..........................141,
151 Lyon, M. W., Jr."Mammals of
Lexington, Kentucky, 64, 70, 105, 173, 189, diana" ......................................................327
196, 199, 204, 220, 252, 289, 311 Lyons,
France......................................291, 300
(Kentucky) Journal..................221 Lytle,
Leyden, Holland.................................147,
148 Lytton, E. R.
Library of Congress (See Congress,
Library of) McAdow,
Samuel ......................................234
Lilly, Eli, Prehistoric Antiquities of McAfee,
Robert B. "Journal"................5, 15
Indiana ........................................ 85-87 McArthur,
.................................... 15
Lincoln, Abraham, 33, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, McCracken, Samuel
127, 137, 139, 165, 247, 307, 323; An- McCullogh, Paul
cestry of,
161; Cabinet of, 34 McDaniels, Elmon ............................. 104
Lincoln, Nancy
Hanks................................161 McDermott, J. F. "Guillotin Thinks of
Lincoln, Samuel
........................................161 America," 292; "John B. C.
Lucas in
Lindley, Harlow, 95, 96, 106, 114, 118, 121, Pennsylvania," 293; "Henry Marie
123, 124, 125,
126, 135, 345; "History Brackenridge and His Writings," 293
of Earlham College;" "History ofthe McDowell,
Ephraim............................199, 204
Quakers in the Old Northwest," 339 McDowell, Irvin.......................................... 34
Linton, Ralph, The Study of Man ............45 McFarland estate ......................................124
Lisbon, Ohio
......................................199, 205 McGovern, John, "The Gallipolis
Laboratory for the
Eastern United Colony" ....................................................284
States, 52, 100, 101, 125; Accessions to, McGrane, Reginald C., "Robert
Clarke," 131
104-105 McGuffey Collection ..................................109
Little, Nathaniel
49 Machetanz, Frederick, Panuck, Eskimo
Little, Pamela
Bradford....................149, 152 Sled Dog ..................................................179
Little Miami
River...................................... 56 McIntosh, Nathan, Scripture Corres-
Major, "Journal" ...................... 7 pondences
........................................235, 237
Liverpool, England....................332, 336, 337 McKee,
Alexander.................................... 2, 3
Livingston, Frank
A...........95, 96, 138, 145 McKenney, Ruth, Industrial Valley, 174-176
Livy ..............................................................128 McKinley, Kenneth William, 104, 107, 112,
Lloyd, J. U.
and C. G.,
Drugs and 113, 343, 344
Medicines of North America; Ranuncu- McKinly, Mrs. William............................103
laceae .......................................................268 McKinley, William,
Lloyd, John Uri
.....................................258 McLean, John....................................170-172
Logan County,
Ohio.................................... 55 McMahan, Brien .................................... 139
Logan Elm
..................................................117 McMeans, Annie ................................ 111
Lorie, France ........................................ 104 McMullen, Haynes, "Life of Robert
London and Middlesex Historical So- Clarke" ......................................................339
ciety, Transactions ................................ 7 MacNeilan, Debora May, An Interpret-
London, England, 17, 39, 47, 132, 157, 297, ation of the Life and Poetry of
330, 332 333,
334, 335, 336, 337 Coates Kinney ........................................269
London Chronicle ......................................330 McNiff, Patrick ..............................2, 6, 7, 8
London Morning Herald............................330 McPherson, H.
London, Ohio ............................103 Madison, James ................................... 16, 143
London, Ontario
........................................ 7 Madison,
Ohio............................244, 247, 253
London Times......................................330,
336 Magrath, Willis ..........................................105
Long, David
.............................191, 202, 238 Mahan, Alfred Thayer, Influence of Sea
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth....l29, 145, 258 Power upon History, 1660-1783, 156;
30 Sea Power and Its
Relation to the War
Longsworth, Mrs. Harry B
.........................122 of
1812 156
Longwoods Road
......................................5, 18 Mahoning County, Ohio......................60, 64
Ebenezer........................................ 74 Mahoning River............................................
Loomer, Samuel, Jr...................................
74 Mahoning Valley Historical Society........122
County, Ohio......................60, 63, 65 Mahoningtown, Ohio ................................
Lorraine, France
............................................ Maden,
Fort .........................1....... ....
Louis XIV ........................................
300 Malinowski, B., "Culture as
a Deter-
Louisiana, 288; State
University, 338; minant of Behavior".............................
Upper, 287, 290 Malone,
Dumas ..........................................158
Louisville Journal of
Medicine and Manassas, Battle of................34,
35, 36, 38
Surgery ......................................................221 Manchester, England ..............................336
Louisville, Kentucky, 5, 176, 221, 249, 252, Mann, Horace ............................................263
290, 338 Manning, Henry ........................................239
Lovejoy, Ellis,
Collection............................109 Maret,
Madeline Francoise Charlotte......293
Lovingood, Sut
........................................271 Marietta, Ohio, 75, 78, 79, 80, 82, 95, 142,
Lower Sandusky,
Ohio......................128, 129 145, 149, 152, 173, 181, 182, 183; 191,
Loyal Legion ..............................................133 201, 210, 232, 235, 236, 237, 283, 285,
Loyd Library Bulletin
................................23 295, 339; Congregational
Church, 233;
................................................. 2 Mound Cemetery, 150
Lucas County,
..................................167 Marion, Ohio
Lucas, John
B. C.............................291, 293 Marquis, Mr ..............................................318
Ludlow Line....................................
53, 55-57 Marsh, John O., 88, 172, 179, 277; "The
Lyman, Eliphalet ...................................... 79 American Party in
Ohio," 339
Marshall, (?) ..............................................
40 72, 73, 304, 307, 340
Marshall, John ........................................169 Miami University, Anti-Slavery
Martin, Abigail
.......................................... 75 Movement at ......................................70-73
Martin, Dorothy V.....................................
96 Miami University,
Anti-Slavery Society.... 70
Martin, John
................................................ 75 Miami University, Board of Trustees, 71, 72
Martin's Ferry, Ohio................................
182 Miami University, Bulletin
Marvin, Mrs. George U............................... 98 Miami University, Calvinism
Maryland, 20, 139, 189, 247, 249, 250, 254 Miami University Library................304,
Maryland, University Medical Depart- Miami
University, Participation in con-
ment ..........................................................254 troversy
between liberal and orthodox
Marx, Karl ........................................
155 Presbyterians ........................................67-70
Mason, James M.......................................221 Miami University, Participation in
........................................ 171 struggle between slavery and anti-
Mason-Dixon Line
......................................155 slavery forces ......................................70-73
(See Freemasons) Miami University, University Rifle
Massachusetts, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, Company...............................304, 205,
28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 45, 80, 83, 84, 105, Miamisburg Mound
127, 147, 148, 190, 195, 196, 234, 268, Miamisburg, Ohio
283, 305; General Hospital, 83 Michau, Genevieve Rosalie, (See Saugrain)
Province...................... 28 Michau, Jean
....................................293, 295
Massachusetts Medical Society....................206 Michau, Jeanne G. R.
Soldiers and Sailors
of Michaux, Andre, 289; Travels, 290
Revolutionary War ........................ 31 Michaux, Francois
Andre, 173, 285,
Massacre at the Bad Axe............................ 90 Travels, 298
Massie, Nathaniel ......................................242 Michaux,
............................. 289
Mather, Increase, Call to Delaying Sin- Michigan, 59, 81,
82, 105, 112, 314, 343;
ners; True Religion................................ 78 University,
276; University Press, 343
H........................................239 Middlebury (East Akron), Ohio..............239
Mathews, Shailer, The Spiritual Inter- Middlesex, England ..................................335
pretation of History ..............................156 Middlesex,
Massachusetts, 26, 27; Probate
Mathias, Darius ..........................................104 Court, 28; Registry of Deeds, 23
Maumee, Ohio ........................................
167 Middlesex County, Massachusetts........26-28
Maxwell Code of Laws..............................132 Middlesex, New York
May, J.
G....................................... 102 Midland ........................................................266
Mayflower ........................................146, 148 Milburn,
William Henry, Pioneers,
Mayflower Compact ..................................146 Preachers and People of
the Missis-
Maysville, Kentucky..........................251, 252 sippi Valley .................................
Mead, Margaret,
Coming of Age in Miles, Mrs.
Robert I................................102
Samoa; Growing Up in New Guinea; Miles, Nelson A........................................
Sex and Temperament in Three Sav- Miller, James M., The Genesis of West-
age Societies............................... 50 ern Culture ............................108, 172-174
Means, Dr. Russel G.................................102 Miller, Oscar F., 97, 108, 114, 117, 118,
Ohio.................................................. 63 124, 125, 126
College of Ohio,
186, 187, 189, Miller,
William ..........................................232
199, 206, 225, 226 Milleritism
Medical Convention of Ohio, 186, 187, 227 Mills, Edward C. "The
Beginning of
Medical Preceptorship..........................192-195 Formal Dental Education at Bain-
Medical Repository ........................ 219 bridge,
Medical Society of Ohio..............................201 Mills, William
C........................................ 86
Medical Society
of the 13th District of Milman, Henry Hart ..............................128
.................................................. 111 Milton, John ..............................................128
Medical Society
of the State of Ohio......184 Milton Station, Illinois..............................247
Medical State Convention (Ohio) Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 105; Public Mu-
Proceedings .............................187, 226 seum,
Medina, Ohio
.............................................. 63 Minerva, Ohio ............................................104
Medina County,
Ohio............60, 61, 62, 65 Minneapolis, Minnesota....................105, 342
Meigs, C. M.
................................................ 34 Minnesota, 105, 314,
342; Minnesota,
Meigs, Return Jonathan............................283 University, 105; University Press, 342
Melish, John........................................302,
303 Minnesota Commandery
of the Loyal
Memphis and
Railroad............320 Legion ......................................................304
Memphis, Tennessee..................39, 319, 322 Minnesota Historical Society....................342
Menager, M.....................289, 298, 300, 301 Misner, Joseph
......................................... 18
Menasha, Wisconsin ...................................
52 Mississippi..............244,
251, 252, 316, 322
Mendenhall, Thomas Corwin......................258 Mississippi Cultural
Pattern...................... 85
Menhorn, J. M., Jr
.....................................103 Mississippi River,
61, 90, 131,
139, 164,
Meteor ..........................................................309 165, 252, 287, 288, 301, 309, 314, 333,
Methodist Church,
72, 235, 236; in Can- 334
ada, 19 Mississippi
Valley............85, 131, 246,
Methodists ........................................232, 234 Mississippi Valley, Association of Dental
Mexicans ................................................
91, 92 Surgeons
..........................................252, 259
Mexico............................................91, 92, 131 Mississippi Valley Dental Association......248
Miami Colony
(Cincinnati, Ohio)............182 Mississippi Valley Historical Associ-
Miami River, 9, 10; (Little), 232 ation
..................................................66, 108
Student....................................304, 305 Mississippi Valley Historical Re-
Miami University, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, view ......................................162, 166, 283
Missouri..............................112, 279,
306, 309 Muscle Shoals
Missouri Historical Society ......................286 Museum Echoes
University of
..........................................279 Muskingum Colony
(Marietta, Ohio)......182
University Studies
..................................279 Muskingum Conservancy Project.............. 53
Mitchell, Samuel
........................................210 Muskingum County, Ohio..................142, 228
Mitchell, Thomas
D...................................229 Muskingum River, 13, 142, 143, 145, 149,
Mohawk River
........................................164 152
Monette, John
Wesley, History of the Musselman, Jennie C. ..............................102
Discovery and Settlement of the Valley Mussolini, Benito ........................................158
of the Mississippi by Spain, France,
Great Britain ..................................130 Narraganset Bay ..........................................151
Monfort, Joseph Glass ..................69, 72, 73 Nash, Jay H. .................................. 141
Mong, George ....................................
112 Nashoba, Tennessee ..............271
Monica, Sister M.,
And Then the Nashua,
New Hampshire..................102,
Storm ........................................................109 Nashville, Tennessee
Monroe, Dr. ........................................
244 Nashville and Decatur
Monroe, James ........................................ 170 Natchez, Mississippi ..................................252
Montgomery County, Missouri................309 National Crisis
Montgomery County,
Ohio ......................229 National
(Cumberland) Road, 56, 121, 165
Montgomery Township, Richland County, National Intelligencer
................................ 35
........................................................ 64 National Museum ........................................328
Montour, Andrew ........................................ 2
National Society of
Founders and
Moore, Thomas ........................................ 128 Patriots of America
Moore, William H .......................................318 Nazareth, Pennsylvania
............................ 14
Moorehead, Evelyn Ludwig........................ 84 Negroes..........................................37-40,
43, 70
M oorehead,
Helen King ........................83-84 Nelson,
Moorehead, Margaret ................................ 84 Nevins, Allan, 133; Abram S. Hewitt:, 160;
Moorehead, Singleton Peabody..................
84 Hamilton Fish, 160; Study in
Moorehead, Warren King,
83-84; American 160
Indian in the United States, 84; Pre- New Boston, Ohio
historic Implements,
84; Primitive
Man New Canaan, Connecticut............................ 84
in Ohio, 84; Report on Archaeology of New Castle, Indiana
Maine, 84; Stone
Age In North America, New
England, 20, 21, 28, 82, 131, 145, 146,
84; Stone Ornaments Used by Indians in 147, 189, 199, 221, 232, 300, 341
the United States and Canada, 84 New England Medical and Surgical
Moorehead, William G., father,
83; son, Journal ......................................................219
84 New Fairfield,
Moravian Church, Archives....................5, 17 New Guinea
................................................ 48
Moravian Historical Society,
Trans- New Hampshire, 112, 141, 160, 182, 190
actions ................................................14, 15 New Haven,
Connecticut, 47, 78, 102, 154,
Moravian Mission Board........................16, 17 276, 284; Tercentennial Committee, 102
Moravian Society,
8; Missionaries, 3, 6, 7, New Jersey........................232, 235, 237,
10, 14, 16,
18, 19; Missions, 1, 11 New Lights
Moravian Settlement at Fairfield, On- New London, Connecticut..........................
...................................................... 1-19 New London County, Connecticut....74, 75
(See Fairfield) New Madrid, Upper Louisiana......287, 289
Moraviantown, Battle of
............................ 1 New Orleans, Louisiana, 286, 288, 298, 329,
Morgan, Richard
G. 84, 87, 98, 104, 105, 337;
Port, 111
278 New Salem,
Ontario.................................... 13
Morgan, William ........................................240
New South Wales........................................334
Mormon, Book of ......................................232 New
........................................ 232 New York, (State)
104, 137, 160, 161, 178,
Moroni (Angel)
........................................232 189,
196, 197, 210, 221, 231, 232, 240,
Calvin ..............237 241, 244, 247, 248, 253, 256, 257;
Morrell, Eugenia N.....................................102 Historical Society, 123; Hospital, 206
Morrow, Josiah, "Tours into Kentucky New York (City) 31, 38, 39, 41, 42, 45,
and the Northwest Territory"..............294 47, 50, 53, 61, 62, 63, 65, 125, 129, 149,
Morton, George ................................147,
148 154, 155, 157, 158, 160, 161, 162,
Morton, Julia Carpenter....................147,
148 174, 179, 190, 199, 219, 220,
221, 232,
Morton, John P.,
and Company ..............176 241,
244, 248, 249, 253, 254, 255, 264,
Moses ..................................................153, 183 265, 266, 267, 277, 278, 280, 284, 290,
Motz, Henry ................................................
2 312, 329, 330, 332, 335, 336, 337, 341,
Mound-Builders' Country Club
House, 344;
University, 141
Newark, Ohio ........................................107 New York Courier......................................330
Mound Builders
State Memorial......115, 117 New York Herald......................................
Mound City, Ohio,
Mounds, 86; State New York Herald Tribune........................272
Memorial, 117 New York Independent..........38,
39, 42, 43
Mound City,
Tennessee........................39, 41 New York Times......................33,
35, 38, 41
Mounds........................................83, 84,
85-87 New York Tribune..................33, 35, 38,
Moundsville, West Virginia........................103 New York World's
Fair, Ohio Build-
Mt. Clemens, Michigan
1 ing ....................................................98, 125
Mt. Pleasant, Ohio ..........................107, 111 Newark, New
Munn vs. Illinois Case......................168, 169 Newberry Library
Muqui, M. .......................................
295 Newbury, Massachusetts ............................ 22
Murdock, James E ....................................258 Newport, Ohio ................................149, 152
Newton, Ohio ....................................204,
205 Ohio Committee on Medical History and
Niagara ...................................................... 102 Archives, 95, 96, 106, 110,
123; Public
Niagara, Ontario............................ 6, 7, 9,
10 Sessions of, 134-136
Nichols, Jeanette P., "John Sherman;" Ohio Company, 145-147,
232, 284, 287, 295;
"Silver Diplomacy" ..............................339 Purchase, 78
Norman, Oklahoma
....................................154 Ohio Constitutional Conventions, 102, 168
North America ......................................85, 99 Ohio Educational Monthly ......................266
North American Civic League................ 84 Ohio Genealogical
Quarterly.................... 95
North American Medical and Surgical Ohio Historical Collections......87, 108, 172
Journal ......................................................220 Ohio History Conference, 95,
96, 108, 126,
North Carolina ........................................250 134, 181; General Sessions, 137-163; Pro-
Northampton, Massachusetts .................. 79 ceedings, 95-163
Northwest Territory, 66, 74, 78, 111, 122, Ohio Infantry,
20th Regiment Volunteers,
132, 143, 147, 149, 150, 170, 181, 182, Co. B., 307; 81st Regiment Volunteers,
221, 236, 274, 285, 334; Development, Co. C, 306, 310-311, 313, 315, 319
164-166; Celebration, 98, 103, 115, 117, Ohio Journal of Dental
118, 122, 144 Ohio Magazine
Norwalk, Ohio..........81, 122, 240, 264, 302 Ohio Medical
Norwich, Connecticut, 74, 75, 78, 79, 80, Ohio Medical
152; Committee of Inspection, 75; West Ohio Medical Society
Farms, 75 Ohio
River, 54, 56, 111, 145, 150, 164, 182,
Village, Ohio ............................235 189, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 292,
Notarial Registers, Detroit........................2 295, 296, 298, 301, 303, 314, 329, 333,
O...................................276 334, 337
Notestein, Lucy Lilian, Wooster of the Ohio State
Archaeological and Historical
276-277 Society, 53, 83, 87, 95,
96, 125-128, 138,
Notre Dame, Indiana ................................327 172, 265, 269, 339, 340; Annual Busi-
Nouvelle Bourbon ..............................288, 289 ness
Session, 97-124; Annual
........................................338 Ohio State Archaeological and Historical
O'Byrne, Mrs. Roscoe C., ed., Roster of Quarterly, 65, 78, 108,
111, 127, 134,
Soldiers and Patriots of the American 179, 241, 266, 283, 284, 285, 287, 292,
Revolution Buried in Indiana ................344 294
........................................................ 50 Ohio State
Society................246, 256
Octagon State Memorial..............................107 Ohio State Journal, 103, 112,
113, 246, 248
University............................... 84 Ohio State
Medical Association................234
Ohio, 1, 9, 12, 20, 21, 28, 30, 34, 42, 66, Ohio State Medical Journal .....................200
70, 71, 72, 84, 88, 95, 96, 111-114, 128, Ohio State University, 95, 96, 98, 99,
131, 132, 133, 141, 143, 145, 146, 147, 105, 106, 123, 124, 136, 137, 153, 170,
152, 169, 172, 174, 176, 179, 181, 182, 179, 339, 340
184, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 194, 195, Ohio
University..........................97, 126, 340
196, 198, 199, 204, 205, 206, 207, 210, Ohio Valley, 165, 172, 173, 174, 211,
220, 221, 223-241, 243, 244, 246, 248, 338, 339; culture, 172-174
250, 251, 252, 256, 257, 258, 260, 261, Ohio Valley Sociological
Society........44, 101
264, 266, 269, 270, 272, 276, 277, 279, Ohio Yearly Meeting of
280, 285, 287, 289, 297, 304, 305, 306, Ohioans....................................................53, 179
307, 309, 322, 324, 325, 333, 334, 338, Oklahoma...................................................... 90
344; Archives, 112; Attorney General, 124; Old Northwest (See Northwest Territory)
Board of Medical Censors. 253; Centen- Oldham,
nial Celebration, 265;
Commission for Olmstead, Frederick L., A Journey
New York Wold's
Fair, 98; Cooperative the Seaboard Slave States...................130
Topographic Survey, 53; Court of Com- Ondrak, Andrew J.............................113, 280
mon Pleas, 186; Deaf and Dumb Asylum, O'Neill, Eugene
Division of Conservation, 102; O'Neil, Peggy
Records, 112; General As- Ontario ................................ 1,
2, 7, 18
sembly, 108, 183, 186, 224-229; historical Ontario Archives, Reports................2,
7, 15
societies in,
95, 122-123; Penitentiary, Ontario Historical Society, Papers and
224-225, 230; projected history of, 340; Records.................................
7, 8,13
roots in Connecticut,
74-82; School for Ontario, Michigan
and Detroit Historical
the Blind, 227-229;
Senate, 78; Sources Societies
.................................................... 1
of County Names,
58-65; State House, Oppelt, Gottfried Sebastian................13, 14
247; State Library, 110, 130; State Ordinance of 1784....................................178
Memorials, 108, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, Ordinance of 1787 ................178, 181,
120, 121; Tentative policy for, 119-121; Osburn, Mrs. Raymond D., History of
State Museum, 52, 83, 97-107, 112, 114, Music in Ohio
116-121, 123-126, 134-138, 142, 328, 339; Osgood,
Joseph............................................ 26
Supreme Court, 167, 170; Survey lines as
seen from air, 53-57. Ottawa,
Ohio Academy of History, 95, 96, 106; Ottawa County,
Ohio....................60, 61, 64
sessions at Ohio History Conference, 126- Overman, William D., 99, 112, 127, 176,
127 179,
273, 276; "The Defunct
Ohio Canal ........................................ 63,
165 and Normal Schools in Ohio,"
Ohio College of Dental Surgery, 248, 253 Owatonna,
Minnesota..........................342, 343
College Teachers'
Association........126 Oxford,
Ohio, 69, 124, 304, 305, 306, 307,
Ohio Colonization Society ........................ 70 308, 313, 339
Pacific Historical Review ..........................153 266, 273, 285, 288, 292, 295, 297, 303,
Page, Elizabeth, The Tree of 306, 332, 337
Liberty ...............................................341-342 Philanthropist ......................................70, 111
Page, Walter Hines
...................................271 Philbrick, Francis S., 275;
Pope's Digest,
Painesville, Ohio........................208, 234, 239 1815,
Palmyra, New York
...................................232 Phillips Academy..........................................
Panuck ... 179 Phillips, Josephine E., "Blennerhassett in
Paris, France, 151, 244, 286, 290, 291, 292, Business"; "Commodore Abraham Whip-
293, 297, 298, 300 ple," 339; "James Backus, Citizen of
Abiah............................................2, 10 Marietta, 1788-1791," 78; "Wagons
Parkersburg, West Virginia......................268 Away," 339
Parkman, Ohio ........................................ 239 Phillips, Ulrich B., History of Trans-
Parks, Edd Winfield,
Segments of portation in the
Eastern Cotton Belt....166
Southern Thought ............................271-272 Phillips,
Wendell ........................................263
Parkurst, Phineas ......................................200 Phonographic Institute Company............269
Parmly, Eleazar..........................244, 254, 255 Piatt, John James,
258, 263; The Hesperian
Parsons, Samuel ........185, 224, 227, 228, 230 Tree, 267; The Union
of American
Parsons, family of................................82, 150 Poetry and Art, 267
Passover, Feast of
......................................140 Piatt, Sarah..........................................258, 263
Paterson, Robert G.................134, 135, 136 Picque, J. N.
Patriote ........................................ 287 Pierrepont,
Patterson Grove
...............123, 136, 137, 138 Pigeon Creek, Pennsylvania, Presby-
Payne, Henry B......................................159 terian Church ........................................233
Pea Ridge,
Battle of
......................................38 Pilgrims..................................................142, 146
Peabody Education Fund............................133 Pioneers, Lure of......................... 145-153
Peabody Museum..................................84, 104 Pirnie, M. D., Michigan Waterfowl
Peace-maker (See Western Peace-maker and Management ............................................109
Monthly Religious Journal) Pitcher, M. Avis, "Gentlemen Mer-
Peattie, Roderick, Geography of Ohio....182 chants and Traders in the Ohio
Peck, Elisabeth, American Frontier ........109 Valley, 1760-1820" ................................339
Peck, Tracy
................................................258 Pitman, Benn,
and Howard, Jerome B.,
Peckham, Howard H.,
ed., George Crog- The American System ofShorthand.
han's Journal of His Trip to Detroit The Phonographic Dictionary
in 1767 ........................................ 343-344 Phrase Book ..........................................269
Peeke, Hewson L., 112; "History of the Pitman, Benn, Sir Isaac
Pitman, His
Firelands," 339 Life and Labors ....................................269
Peekskill, New York
....................................256 Pittenger, John ..........................................111
Peel, Robert ........................................ 332 Pittsburg Landing,
Tennessee, 309, 310, 314
Pennsylvania, 5,14, 16, 17, 20, 93, 139, Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, 45, 173, 199, 206,
141, 189, 195, 202, 232, 233, 273, 284, 272, 278, 287, 291, 293; University, 338;
285, 289, 339, 343; University, 113, 199, University Press, 272, 338
220, 221 Plainfield, Ohio
Pennsylvania "Dutch" ............................155 Planter ........................................................ 31
Pennsylvania Packet ..................................285 Plantou,
Dr. ................................................244
Penwell, John................................................ 41 Plato
Perley, Allan ................................................ 23 Plattsburg,
Ohio............................................ 56
Jean.................................................... 23 Plimpton, Florus B., Poems ......................267
Perley, John..................................................
23 Plymouth, Massachusetts..................148, 152
Perley, M. V. B., History and Geneal- Point Pleasant, Ohio........................296, 302
ogy of the
Family........................ 23 Poles ..............................................................155
Perley, Samuel ........................................
23 Pollard, Solomon.......................................... 27
Perrin du Lac, 297; Voyage dans les deux Polosky, William ........................................102
Louisianes, 1801-1803 ............................298 Pompey, New York..........................244, 253
Perrine, Dr.
................................................217 Pope, Alexander .......................................128
Perry, Oliver Hazard....................15, 16, 102 Pope, John..................................................315
Perry, Ohio
.......................................... 111 Pope, Nathaniel, 78;
Laws of the
Pershing, Benjamin H., "Edward Tiffin", 339 tory of
Illinois, 274
Peters W.
E., Ohio Lands........................
55 Pope, family of............................................
Petersburgh, Ohio ......................................209 Populist Revolt
Petit, Jean Georges..................285, 289, 290 Portage County, Ohio, 60, 61, 62, 65, 217,
Petty, Henry................................................ 68 234
Peyton, Alice ........................................ 320 Portage County, Ohio................................191
Peyton, E. A ........................................
320 Porter, Mrs. R.
Peyton, Jane ................................................341 Porter,
Lizzy ........................................
320 Portsmouth, England ................................332
Peyton, Mrs. E.
A.......................................320 Portsmouth,
Ohio ................................87, 103
Peyton, Pocahontus ....................................320 Potomac Company ....................................164
Peyton, Sallie .......................................
320 Potomac River ............................................138
Pharmacopoeia (See United
States Pharm- Potter, Jared ........................................237
acopoeia) Potter, Nathaniel ......................................211
Philadelphia Dental College......................255 Powdermaker, Hortense, After Free-
Philadelphia Journal of
Medical and dom .......................................................... 47
Physical Sciences ....................................220 Power, James ..............................................
Philadelphia, 13, 33, 38, 65, 72, 93, 152, Prairie du Chien,
Wisconsin...................... 90
190, 196, 198, 199, 209, 220, 221, 254, Presbyter ...................................................... 72
Presbyterian Church,
66, 71, 72, 235; As- Rice, David, Memoirs.............................. 70
sociate Reformed Church,
68; Board of Richardson, Charles F...............................258
Education, 67; "Conservatives," 68, 69; Richland County,
Ohio.............................. 64
between liberal and orthodox Richmond, Indiana............................267, 268
groups, 67-70; General Assembly, 67, 69, Richmond, John L., "History of the
234 Successful Case of Caesarian Oper-
Presbyterian Church, "Ministers and ation" ..............................................204,
Elders of the Presbyterian Church, Richmond, Virginia........................35, 36, 41
who declined to adhere to either Richou, Pierre ............................................295
division" ........................................ 68, 69 Ridgeville, Ohio, Centennial Cele-
Presbyterian Church, New School, 67, 69, 71 bration ......................................................262
Church, Old School,
67, 69, Rightmire, George W.................................107
71, 72, 73 Riley, James Whitcomb............................258
Church, Old School
Gen- Rimmer,
Harry ............................................104
eral Assembly
........................................ 72 Rio
Grande River........................................
Presbyterian Church
"Reformers," 68, 69, Robbins, Maurice
71 Roberts, A. Sellew
Presbyterian Church, Struggle between Roberts Line...........................53, 55,
56, 57
slavery and anti-slavery groups........70-73 Robertson,
William ....................................128
Presbyterians ......................................232,
276 Robinson, J. Ben ........................................247
Price, Robert
..................................20, 21 Robinson, H. H...........................................171
Prices ..................................................294, 303 Robinson,
Lois ................... 103
Princeton, New Jersey................................166 Robinson, Polly S....................