Ohio History Journal

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Many Ohioans have been interested in studying the evolution-

ary aspects of today's landscapes. Very likely many more will

think along these lines during the year, marked as it is by the

sesquicentennial celebration of the founding of Ohio. There

have recently come into the possession of the State Archaeological

and Historical Society some air photographs of one aspect of this

evolutionary thought.

Through the good offices of the State director of aeronautics

and the Materiel Division of the United States Army Air Corps,

Wright Field, Dayton, these photographs were taken with a view

toward establishing the persistence of some original survey lines

in the present-day landscape. The use of the airplane in making

aerial studies has met with considerable success in the exhaustive

tests to which the method was put in the Muskingum Conservancy

Project and in numerous archaeological and historical studies.

Major Fred Smith, formerly director of aeronautics, located

these original survey lines on contour sheets of the Ohio Coopera-

tive Topographic Survey. Thus oriented, he photographed virtu-

ally all of the Ludlow and Roberts Lines, and portions of the

Greenville Treaty Line. In the accompanying photographs por-

tions of these original surveys are indicated, generally in the center

of the view. They are necessarily oblique photographs, taken at

an elevation of 12,000 feet. Distortion prevents accurate scaling

of all but one of them--Fig. 5.

In a previous study, the writer ventured some observations

relative to the influence of original surveys upon Ohio town pat-

terns.1 In the meantime these photographs have been made avail-

able to the end that persistence of these lines may be observed in

rural as well as urban areas.

1 "Ohio Town Patterns," Geographical Review (New York), XXVII (1937),

