Ohio History Journal

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Contributors to This Issue

RUSSEL B. NYE is in the Department of English of Michigan

State College, East Lansing.

GEORGE W. RIGHTMIRE is President Emeritus of the Ohio

State University, Columbus.

WILLIAM MARION MILLER is Associate Professor of Ro-

manic Languages, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio.

WILLIAM D. OVERMAN is Curator of History and Archivist

of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society of Co-


JAMES H. RODABAUGH is Associate Director of Research,

Hayes Memorial, Fremont, Ohio.

EUGENE O. PORTER is Assistant Professor of Pan-American

History, Texas School of Mines, El Paso.

PHILIP D. JORDAN is in the Department of History, Miami

University, Oxford, Ohio.

EUNICE SCHUSTER BALLIS is author of Native American An-

archism, Smith College, Studies in History, Volume VII.



Reprints of any paper published in the OHIO STATE ARCHAEO-

LOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY may be obtained by the con-

tributor. Estimate of the cost will be furnished on request, which

should be made to the editor before the issue containing the article

is to be published.


A newly revised list of the Society's publications is available

from the Secretary.


