ABBREVIATION, use of, by Americans,. 106 American Colonization Soc.: Shunk,
Abolition, and abolitionists, 1837, in E. W.,
"Ohio in Africa"............79-88
Ill., 53: hinder "Ohio in Africa" American Journal of Dental Science.. 295
plan .................................. 87 American
Journal of Dental Surgery 296
Academies, in early Ohio .............. 93 American Library Assoc............... 194
Accessions to Society's Library, pam- American
Medical Assoc............... 290
phlets. periods., and vols............. 216 American Medical
Botany............. 313
Accommodations of travel in O., American Microscopic Society........ 278
1850's ................................. 102 American
Missionary Assoc........... 96
Act of Congress, May 24, 1828, and O. American
Western Univ................ 138
canals ................................ 18 Amici,
manufacturer of achromatic
Act of Incorporation, for Botanic lens
.................................. 272
medical college....................... 339 Ampere, Jean Jacques, 1800-1864:
Acts, see Laws, Ohio. Promenade
en Amerique, Leaman,
Ada, O. ................................ 244 Bertha Ruth,
"Travel Notes of a
Adamic, Louis, Two-Way Passage, Bk. Mid
Nineteenth Century French-
rev., by B. E. Josephson.......... 151-2 man"
Adams, George ......................... 271 Anatomical Atlas....................... 286
Adams, J. Q............................ 266 Anatomy, 268. 302;
demonstrative..... 284
Adelbert College....................... 274 Ancient Monuments
of the Mississippi
Trumpeter: A Biography Valley
................................ 111
of Gen. James Wilkinson, by T. R. Anderson, Mrs. Irma
P.............213, 215
Hay and H. R. Werner, Bk. rev., Anderson. Sherwood, Memoirs,
by John H. McMinn............... 253-5 rev., by B. E.
Josephson............. 249
Adrian, Mich..........................49, 56 Andres
................................ 175
Adventists............................. 94 Anglaire R.............................. 240
Advertisements, on Thomsonian pat- Anglican Church....................... 158
............................... 333 Annual
Conference, O. Acad. of Hist.,
Africa, land purchase in, for Negro and O.
State Arch. and Hist. Soc... 169
....................... 79 Animalcules ........................275, 289
African Repository..................... 83 Animosities, in Eclectic
Medical In-
Agricultural and Mechanical College, stitute
................................ 283
133; College Fund.................... 134 Antimasonic prejudice................. 94
Agriculture, 316; products, at White Antimony
.............................. 267
51 Antiquarian ........................... 324
Air-raid wardens....................... 210 Antislavery
movement................... 95
Akron (O.) First Church.............. 93 Appalachians, canal
across ............ 3
Akron, O., population increase........ 221 Appeasement
........................... 354
Alabama, 312; and Thomsonian practi- Aquae
Camphorae...................... 292
tioners ............................... 335 Arab
Albany, N.
Y........................41, 42 Archaeology ........................... 211
Albion, N. Y............................ 43 Archbold, on
individualism vs. gov't.
N. M ex.................. 328 enterprise ............................ 39
Alexander Tnship., Athens Co........ 138 Architecture, historic, of
Oxford, O.,
Allegheny by
Frederick Way, Jr., Bk. 71;
O. in 1850's, 109; early O........ 343
rev., by A. H. Wheeler .............346-8 Archives,
public....................... 217
112 Arizona ................................ 314
Allegheny R............................. 346 Arkansas, 304, 329;
River.............. 328
Allegheny Valley....................... 69 Armstrong,
Hamilton................... 239
John,.....................297, 310, 312 Armstrong, S.
C........................ 146
Alligator, teeth of, in mounds......... 116 Army, U. S., medical
officers, 259; in
Allison, Dr.,...................238, 240, 241 Mexico .............................. 260
Mary........................... 246 Arnold, Benedict...................... 65
Allison, Mrs............................ 241 Arouet, Francois
Marie, see Voltaire.
Allport, W. W ......................311, 312 Arrow, steamboat.......................
Amendment to O. Const., Nov. 8, Arts and crafts, 343;
Indian, 115; in
.................................. 124 18th cent.
hist........................ 173
Agricultural Press, 1819- Assembly, O., authorizes commission
1860, by A. L.
Demaree, Bk. rev., on
canal routes ....................... 7
by P. D.
Jordan.................... 345-6 "Association of Ohio Teachers of
Assoc. of Museums, 212, Hist.,
Program for", proposed,..167,
214; Central Section of.............. 210 Astead, N.
H........................... 332
American Assoc. for State and Local Asters ................................. 317
Hist. ................................. 214 Astronomical
observatory.............. 320
American Assoc. for the Advancement Astronomical
instruments.............. 324
of Science............................ 320 Astronomical Soc.,
Cinn., O........... 110
* This single,
complete index includes under one alphabet the heretofore separate
subject and title index and the alphabetical-author
table of contents as well as the
general index.
Astronomy .............................
320 Bell, Gertrude.......................... 213
Athens Tnship., Athens Co ............ 138 Bellefontaine,
O........................ 251
Atlexco, Mex., battle of.............. 261 Bennington
Co., Vt..................... 314
Attendance, Eclectic
Medical Insti- Benton,
Elbert J., 168; on Ohio hist.
tute .................................. 288 activity ............................... 169
Auditor O. State...................... 131 Bequests,
to state universities, 119; to
Auglaize R .............................. 18 schools ............................... 132
Aurora, O................................. 9 Berchtesgaden ......................... 354
91 Bernou, Abbe,.......................... 344
Austin, Henry, Dickens' letter to..... 201 Berry, Dr.
Archibald, 297, 304, 307,
Austin, Jacob............................ 57 311,
Austin, Sybil....................... 91 Beveridge,
Albert J., Memorial Fund. 158
Austinburg Church..................91, 92 Beverly,
Mass ........................ 333
Austinburg, O.......................... 57 Bible, The.............................. 304
Aydelotte, B. P., first pres. of Ohio Bibliography,
of F. L. Paxson's works,
College of Dental Surgery, 296, 297, 73; to
Robinson's book............... 267
299, 300, 301, 304. Bibliotheque Medicale................. 287
Biddle's steps, at Niagara Falls....... 44
BACON, LORD, 179; Advancement of Bids,
on construction of O. canals.... 13
Learning, 175;
prophecy of, still un- Big
Con, by D. W. Maurer, Bk. rev.,
183 by P.
D. Jordan.....................
Bacon, Leonard........................ 93 Big
Snow: Christmas at Jacoby's Cor-
Bacteria, 271, 336; as origin of cholera 293 ners, by
Jake Falstaff [H. Fetzer];
Bacteriology ........................... 278 illus.
by D. Hendrickson, Bk. rev.,
Badger, Rev. Joseph.............91, 92, 97 by B. E.
Josephson................ 148-9
Bainbridge, O., 297, 298; first dental Bigelovia
............................... 314
school in.............................. 295 Bigelow,
Dr. Henry Jacob............. 313
Baker, Henry, 271; Employment for Bigelow,
Dr. Jacob ............313, 314, 319
the Microscope, 273;
The Microscope Bigelow,
John.......................... 313
Made Easy............................ 273 Bigelow,
John Milton, 1804-78: Waller,
Baldridge, A. H......................... 280 A.
E., "Dr. John Milton Bigelow,
Ballots on new
const., distributed to 1803-78,
an Early O. Physician-
204 Botanist" ......................... 313-31
Baltimore, Md ...................63, 338, 342 Bigelow,
Mrs. Mary ................... 323
Baltimore, O........................319, 320 Biggert,
Elizabeth, Bk. rev............ 244
Baltimore and Ohio R. R., cornerstone, Bigotry, vs.
Intell, hist................ 182
25; "[Daniel, P. V.], Trav. to Cinn. Billious fever.......................... 265
in 1853 [a letter to his daughter, Billings,
Dr. John S................... 293
E. R. Daniel]," ed. by W. D. Hoyt Binding,
prices, 1835................... 193
Jr. ................................... 62-4 Binkley,
Robert C. on O. Acad. of
Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, Hist.
program........................ 171
295, 298. Biology,
274; genetic and intell. hist... 181
Banks, Joseph. Sir..................... 314 Birds,
Indian reproduction of......... 115
Baptist Church.......................42, 43 Births,
1930's, 219. See also Population.
Baptists, 43, 45, 52; N. J., settle at Birth
rate, 220. See also Population.
Columbia, 90; 0. settlement of, 90; Bishop
and Noble, early O. publish-
Hard Shell........................... 352 ers ...............................192, 193
Barnes, Harry Elmer, Intellectual and Bishop,
William Wallace...........192, 193
Cultural History of Europe.......... 183 Bismuth
................................ 292
Barr, Lockwood. ed. "Letters from Bissell,
Samuel......................... 92
Dr. Joseph
Strong to Capt. John Bissell,
Capt............................ 240
Pratt" ............................ 236-42 Bitter Honey, by M.
J. Freeman, Bk.
Bartholow, Prof.
Roberts.............. 292 rev.,
by E. Biggert.................. 244
Bartlett, J. R...................324-325, 327 "Black Jack"
.......................... 354
Bartlett, Laurence H., Bk. rev., 157, Blacksmith
Shop (Zoar) ............... 234
216, 218. Blair, Jacob............................. 50
Baseball ................................
161 Bleeding, andcholera.................. 291
Basketball ............................. 74 Blissfield, Mich......................... 49
Baxter, J. W........................... 312 Bloody
Ground, by J. F. Day, Bk.
Bayberry ............................... 837 rev.,
by R. C. Wheeler............ 159-60
Bayle, Pierre, Dictionnaire historique Bloomfield,
O........................... 296
et critique, 175;
Lecky on............ 180 Bloomhardt,
Paul F., on O. Acad. of
Beach, Dr. Wooster...........280, 283, 340 Hist.
program........................ 171
Beale, Lionel........................... 272 Bloom Tnship., Morgan Co............ 132
Bear, teeth of, in mounds ............. 116 Bloyer, Dr.
W. E....................... 287
Beaver, O............................... 58 Blue Ridge
Mts........................ 64
Beaver, Indian reproduction of ........ 115 Blue Rock
Tnship., Muskingum Co... 132
Beckwith, plant collection............. 330 Blue Grass
region...................... 352
Beebe, Ralph, Who Fought and Bled, Bluepill
................................ 292
Bk. rev., by B. E. Josephson...... 245-6 Board of
Trustees of the O. State
Beecher, Lyman........................ 97 Arch.
and Hist. Soc., Minutes of
................................... 312 the Annual
Meeting............... 233-5
Beeson, Father......................... 146 Boas,
Prof. Franz..................... 182
Boats, canal, State of Ohio, 1st trip thors,
by M. H. Osburn......... 247
of, 17; on Miami Canal, 18; accom- Old
Oxford Houses and the People
modations, 20; cost,
20; motive Who
Lived in Them, by O. D.
power, 20; size, 20; speed, 20-1; dis- Smith
ease on, 21; mosquitoes on, 21; right Secret
Hist. of the American Rev-
of way for, 21; pulled by "electric olution,
by C. Van Doren....... 65
mule", 34; on Erie Canal, 43; travel They Saw America Born: Adven.
by in 1837, 45, 58; packet, 318; travel tures
of an Am. Family Pioneer.
by, in 1837, 43; steam, 102,
289; ing
from the Atlantic to the
travel by, in 1837, 48, 49, 51; accom- Pacific,
1638-1938, by D. D. Far-
modations on, 62; Falls City, 62, 63; rington
....................... 246-7
and cholera......................... 290 Wilderness Chronicle
of North-
Bob, Crawfish ............................ 350 west Pa., ed.
by S. K. Stevens
Body-snatching ......................... 264 and D. H. Kent,
prepared by
Boerstler, Dr. G. W................... 315 the Pa. Hist.
Survey ............ 69
.......................... 354 William McKinley Commemorative
Tributes, by C. U. Gordon ....
Bonds, O., issue of, 119; outstanding, McKinley,
K. W.--Council Fires on
of Ohio State Univ., 121; constitu- the Upper
Ohio, by R.
tional limit on issue ................. 125 Downes
.......................... 67-9
Bonsall, Dr. Charles........... 306, 307, 312 McMinn, J. H.--The Admirable
Boneset ......................... 321 Trumpeter:
A Biog. of Gen.
state, to World War veterans. 124 James
Wilkinson, by T. R. Hay
Reviews, 65-77, 143-162, 243-257, 343-355 and
H. R. Werner..............253-5
Bartlett, L. H.--How to
Read a Ondrak,
A. J.--The Economic Hist.
Newspaper, by E. Dale..........
155-7 of
the U. S., by C. W. Wright.66-7
Biggert, E.--Bitter Honey, by M. H. Overman, W. D.--David
Cheers the
Freeman .......................... 244 Team,
by J. and M. Renick,
Davis, H. E.--Hennepin's "Descrip- illus. by F. Machetanz ........... 73
tion of La." by J.
Delanglez.... 344-5 A Hist. and
Interpretation of
Downes, R. C.--Uncle Sam's Step- Wilberforce
Univ., by F. A. Mc-
children, by L. B.
Priest ........ 145-7 Ginnis ......................... 149-50
Fischer, R. J.--Great Soldiers of the Inventory of Business Records;
Two World Wars, by H. A. De- [prepared
by] Ohio Hist. Rec-
W eerd
......................... 353-5 ords Survey...................... 72
Jordan, P. D.--The Am. Agricultural Steady:
A Baseball Story, by J.
Press, 1819-1860, by A. L. De- and
M. Renick, illus. by F. Ma-
m aree
......................... 345-6 chetanz ......................... 162
The Big Con, by D. W. Maurer..
350 Stuffed
Saddle-bags: The Life of
Yankees and Yorkers, by D. R. Martin
Kundig, Priest, 1805-1879,
Fox .............................. 351 by
the Rev. P. L. Johnson...... 161
Josephson, B. E.--The Big Snow: Tommy
Carries the Ball, by J. and
Christmas at Jacoby's Corners, by M. Renick; illus. by F. Mache-
Jake Falstaff [H. Fetzer], Illus. tanz
.............................. 73
by D. Hendrickson .............148-9 Shetrone,
H. C.--Ohio in Homespun
An Old Doctor of the New School, and
Calico, by I. T. Frary.... 343-4
by J. C. Wood................... 248 Volwiler, A. T.--william Henry Har-
Sherwood Anderson's Memoirs... 249 rison,
His Life and Times, by J.
Tibbs' Flooders: A Tale of the A. Green.........................255-6
Ohio River Flood of 1937, by E. Weaver,
C. L.--Long Meadows, by
Peck .............................160 M.
H. Moody..................... 243
Two-Way Passage, by L. Adamic
151-2 Men of
the Mountains, by J.
Washington Is Like That, by W. Stuart
.......................... 244-5
M. Kiplinger.................... 251-3 Weed,
J. M.--In the Mill, by J. Mase-
Who Fought and Bled, by R. field ......................... 75-7
Beebe ............... 245-6 Men
Working, by J. Faulkner.... 75-7
Lindley, H.--Censorship, 1917, by J. Reveille in Washington, by M.
Mock.......................... 157 Leech ....................... 249-51
Christian Newcomer, His Life, Storm,
by G. Stewart ............ 153-5
Journal and Achievements, ed. Weisenburger, F. P.
-- Anthony
by S. S. Hough ...............
74-5 Wayne:
Trouble Shooter of the
Clarence Darrow for the Defense, Am.
Revolution, by E. Wildes.. 143-4
by S. Stone .................... 73-4 With
Wayne at Fallen Timbers,
Democracy Is Different, by C.
F. by
C. F. Lender................ 144-5
Wittke [et al.] ................. 77 Wheeler,
A. H.--The Allegheny, by
George Keith, 1683-1716. by E.
W. F.
Way, Jr..................... 346-8
Kirby ........................... 157-8 Flowing South, by C. B. Fire-
The Great Mobilization and Other stone ........................ 348-50
Essays, by F. L. Paxson......
150-1 The
Sun Dial, by R. A. Smith.. 256-7
Hamilton in the Making, by A.
H. Wheeler,
R. C.--Bloody Ground, by
Heiser ................. 70 J.
F. Day...................... 159-60
Hist. of Educ. in Indiana [Re. A Forgotten Heritage, by
H. P.
print], by R. G. Boone .......... 150 Davis ....................158-9
Ohio Composers and Musical Au- The
Kentucky, by T. D. Clark.. 852-3
360 OHIO
The Voyageur's Highway, by G. of
Civilization in England, 176, 177,
L. Nute ......................... 145 178, 179.
Boom, post-Civil War.................. 96 Buchanon, Dr. Joseph
Rhodes, 280, 282, 283
Boone, Daniel
......................... 352 Buchanon, Robert..................299, 301
Boone, Richard G., Hist. of Educa- Buell,
Capt............................. 238
tion in Indiana, Bk. rev., by H. Buffalo, N. Y
...................45, 101, 197
Lindley ............................ 150 Building
committee, for Ohio College
Boonesborough, Ky..................... 352 of Dental
Surgery ................... 307
Boosas ................................. 86 Buildings,
college, of Ohio College of
Bossuet, Jacques Benigne, Discours Dental
Surgery, 305; new, Eclectic
sur E Histoire
Universelle .......... 174 Medical
Institute, 285; proposed by
Boston, Mass., 266, 272, 313, 314, 333, Ohio College
of Dental Surgery,
340, 342. 307; university, in O.,
certificates of
Botanic collections, Torrey's.......... 329 indebtedness
for...................... 120
Botanic Medical College of Ohio, Co- Bull,
Representative, amends Gilman
Forman, Jonathan, "Dr. bill
................................... 84
Alva Curtis in Columbus: the Thom- Burke,
Edmund........................ 180
sonian Recorder and Columbus' First Burlington,
Ia.......................... 54
Medical School"................... 332-40 Burnet, Jacob,
death................... 87
Botanic medicine ....269, 270, 285, 334, 339 Burr,
Aaron............................ 254
supplies ........................
264 Burr , George L........................ 179
Botanical records....................... 326 Burton, O., site of
Erie Literary Inst. 92
Botanists, American: Waller, A. E., Business
records....................... 72
"Dr. John Milton Bigelow, 1804- Business session,
Ohio State Arch.
1878, An Early Ohio Physician- & Hist. Soc., Apr.
24, 1942.........204-18
Botanist" ......................... 313 31 Butchering ............................. 118
Botany, 263, 313, 318, 320, 322, 325, Butler,
John, bequest to State....132, 133
329, 331.
Botsford, Prof. George Willis......... 182 Cadin
HOMES........................... 343
Bouquet's Peace....................... 69 Cactaceae ...........................328, 329
Boundary Commission
................. 329 Cahall,
Raymond D., "On the History
Boundary Survey
...................325, 328 of
Intellectual History"............173-83
Boundary Survey Report .............. 326 Cain, Prince George
................... 86
Bowers, Roy E., "The Historic Rural Calhoun,
John C., on emigration from
....................... 89-100, 163 New England........................ 89
"Boz [Charles Dickens] Reports on California
.............................. 314
Ohio," by Robert Price ...........195-202 Calomel, and cholera
...............291, 292
William .......................
45 Calvin, John............................ 94
Brackett, Dr. Albert G ................. 261 Camargo, Mex., battle
of............. 261
Brainard, Henry
....................... 278 Cambell, Lt. Robt. M
.................. 240
Bradstreet's Treaty.................... 69 Campbell, R. B.........................
Branch, I. B............................ 312 Cameron,
Meribeth E., on O. Acad.
Brandy, and cholera...............291, 292 of Hist.
program..................... 171
Brant, Joseph
.......................... 68 Camp, David........................... 48
Bray, E.................................
312 Camphor, and
cholera.................. 291
Prof. Charles............... 182 Canaan , Conn........................... 41
Breckinridge, Robert J., pamph ....... 235 Canada
................................. 197
Brewster, Sir David................... 272 Canal Commissioners,
O., Board of,
Bricker, John W ....................... 211 8, 22;
Second Annual Report, 9;
Bridges, 106; railroad, 63, 64; his- reports of, 9; report of Jan. 8,
toric in Oxford, O................... 71 1825,
10; report of Jan. 28, 1831,
Bridgman, Amy and Fred............ 96 19;
power of eminent domain over
British ............................68-9, 245 lands ................................. 12
British Isles............................ 325 Canal Fund .........................11, 22
Britton, Dr............................. 319 Canal boats, see
Bromfield, Edward..................... 273 Canals, 1; proposed
Congressional aid
Brough, John, judge, and cholera.... 290 for, 4; at
Lockport, N. Y., 43; and
Brower, Dr............................. 261 paper
making, 188. See also names
Brown, Rev. A. B ...................... 50 of
Brown, Ethan
Allen, on canals, 6; Canals,
Ohio: Finn, Chester E., "The
inaugural address of, 6, 7; report on Ohio
Canals: Public Enterprise on
canals ............................. 7 the
Frontier," 1-40; map of, 2; first
Brown, J. M .......................... 312 canal
boat on Erie Canal, 3; Jeffer-
Brown, John............................ 93 son
proposal, 4; as public enterprise,
Brown, William
Adams ................ 97 6;
Committee on, Dec., 1821, 7; tolls
Brown County, U. S. Grand Memorial on, 7;
Act of Jan. 31, 1822, 8; routes
Association ........................... 206 for,
9; specifications for, 14; cost of,
Broadcasts ............................. 211 15;
protected by Act of Jan., 1826,
Broadsides ............................. 188 17;
Act of Feb. 4, 1825, 19; number
Broadway House....................... 197 of
miles completed by 1832, 1833,
Bryology ............................... 318 and
1815, 19; mileage in 1850, 20; in-
Buckle, Henry Thomas, philosophy of come
from, 22; repairs, 22; surplus,
hist., 174: Introduction to the Hist. 22;
total cost of, 22-3; vs. Railroads,
29-30; rates, 31; tolls in 1851, 31; publishing
in, 189; mound near..... 211
criticism of,
32; proposed sale of, Cholera, Asiatic,
Cinn., O.: Mitchell,
32; leasing of, 33; under private con- E. W.,
"Cholera in Cincinnati".. 289-93
trol, 33; abandonment of, 34; decline Christian Philosopher .................. 272
of, 31; turned over to Railroads, 34; Churches, 343; at Little
Falls, N. Y.,
benefits of, to people, 36; funded 42; historic,
in Oxford, O.,
debt for, 119; debt for, 120; and United Brethren,
75; O. rural, 89-
debt............................ 130 100; urban
........................... 96
Candolle, Augustin Pyramus de, bot- Churchill,
Winston.............353, 354, 355
anist ................................. 313 Christy, David, 80; agent for Ameri-
Cannon, disposition of, for defense... 234 can Colonization Society, 79; and
Canton, Ill.............................. 53 churches, 81; memorial to legis., 81;
Canton, O., population................... 221 presents
negro coloniz. plan before
Capital, private, and O. canals.....10, 19 legis., 82; effect of
lecture, 83; re-
Capitol, at Columbus, O............... 109 port on legislation, 84; as lobbyist.. 85
.............................. 292 Cincinnati,
O., 3, 90, 101, 105, 185, 245-6,
Caravan assembled by M. Cutler ...... 89 261,
274, 278, 280, 297, 300, 301, 312,
Carex .................................. 321 314, 321, 341, 342; canal route
Carlisle, John F., 203, 204; motion by 204 10; population, 24, 106, 221;
in 1853,
Carmichael, Dr. ....................... 241 62-64; O. Acad. of Hist. at, 168; early
Carolinas .............................. 144 publishing in, 189; Dickens in, 196,
Carondelet, Baron...................... 254 198; Camp Washington at, 261;
Carroll, Charles........................ 25 steam doctors in,
263; Talbert's
Carroll, Dr. Thomas, 290; and cholera 291 school in, 264; diseases in, 265;
Carter, Homer W...................... 97 uel Robinson in, 266, 268; city direc-
Carter, Lorenzo, cabin of, first school tory, 266, 269;
microscopical investi-
of Cleveland.......................... 92 gations in, 275; eclectic school at,
Cartography ............................ 344 279; Dr. R. S. Newton in, 282;
Cash subscriptions ...................... 216 medical school in, 283; number of
Cass, Major ........................239 210 medical schools in, 286; cholera in,
Castor bean poisoning................. 261 291, 292, 293; dental college at, 296,
Castor oil, and cholera................. 292 299; Medical College of O. at, 298;
Castration .............................. 276 Melancthon Rogers in, 299; Botanic
Casualties, in Mex. War...........259, 261 Medical College of O.
moved to,
Catalogue, plant, Sullivant............ 319 340; Ohio Valley Farmer pub. at....
Catalogue Dept. of Soc. Lib........... 217 Cincinnati to Columbus, Dickens trip,
Catalogue of Plants Native or Natural- 199 ................................... 200
ized in the Vicinity of Columbus O.
318 Cincinnati and
Whitewater Canal..... 19
Cataplasm of
mustard, and cholera... 291 Cincinnati
Dental Soc.................. 299
Catholics, Fr., settle at Gallipolis, O. 90 Cincinnati General Hospital........... 288
Cayenne ................................ 337 Cincinnati Orphan Asylum............
............................. 330 Cincinnati, Univ.
of.................... 298
Cedar Swamp........................... 212 Cities, hist. of Hamilton, O., 70; popu-
Cell theory............................. 272 lation,
221. See also names of cities.
Censorship, 1917, by J. R. Mock, Bk. Civil
War, 284, 320; O. in, 95; life in
rev., by H. Lindley ................. 157 Washington during.................... 250
Census, of U. S., 1940 ................ 219 Civilization: Cahall, Raymond D., "On
Centennial of the North-Western Ter- the History of
Intellectual His-
ritory ............................... 184 tory" ...............................173-83
Certificates of indebtedness, O., issue Clark,
Champ.......................... 94
of, 119; July 17, 1933................ 124 Clark, Mrs. Edna Maria............... 247
Cervalo, Mex., battle of............... 261 Clark, Thomas D., The Kentucky, Bk.
Chamberlain, Dr. E. K.............260, 261 rev., by R. C. Wheeler
Chamberlain, N .........................354 Classical allusions, in Robinson's lec-
Chambers, David....................... 300 tures ................................. 267
Chandler, W. S......................... 312 Clay, Cassius Marcellus................
Chapman, C. B.....................309, 312 Clay, Henry, toast to, 1; on internal
Charleston, S. C., American Medical improvements
........................ 2
Assoc. meets at ....................... 290 Clemensen
(merchant)................. 114
Chase, Salmon P., on O. canals...... 32 Clements, William L., Library........ 65
Chastellieux, Marquis de .............. 3 Clendenin,
Dr. William................ 293
Chatelet, Madame du.................. 174 Clergy, correspondence, reminiscences,
Cheat R................................. 64 etc.: "Francis
Chemistry.................277, 284, 285, 286 Diary, 1837-1838," ed.
by W. L. Hol-
286 man ................................ 41-61
Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, cost Clerk Creek Valley
................... 321
of .................................... 15 Cleveland,
O., 45, 57, 58, 92, 202, 248,
Chevalier, Michel, on O. canals...... 15 278, 312; population, 221; population
Cheyney, Edward P., on J. H. Robin- for 1830, 1840, 1850, 24;
son ................................... 181 Church of, 96; O. historians meet
Chicago, Ill ......................55, 101, 312 17; Dickens on, 198; medical school
Children, clinical diseases of.......... 287 at
...................................... 273
Chillicothe, O., 111, 114, 246; early Cleveland Homeopathic
College........ 282
362 OHIO
Cleveland Medical College.........277, 320 Conklin, Dr. Edwin
G................. 274
Cleveland Microscopic Soc............. 278 Conklin,
Prof........................... 181
Cleveland Museum of Art............ 343 Connecticut Missionary
Soc............ 90
Clevenger, Olive....................... 212 Connecticut State
Library ................. 236
Climate ................................ 329 Connelly D., Boiler Company......... 72
.............................287, 288 Connorsville, M d....................... 312
Clinton, Gov. DeWitt, 1; on canals... 6 Conrad,
Joseph......................... 154
James......................... 237 Conservatism, in O ..................... 40
Clinton, Mich ............................ 56 Constitution,
Ohio State, 123; of 1851,
Clio ....................................
169 Ohio, 119; proposal to amend, 204;
Clocks .................................
342 proposal for revision of ............. 233
Code, Maxwell's....................190, 193 Constitution, of O.
Dental College As-
342 sociation ............................305-6
Cole, Arthur C., 167, 168; on O. Acad. Constitution,
steamer ................... 198
of Hist. program..................... 171 Constitutional
Convention, 1850, and
Colerain Pike........................... 261 negro coloniz. in Africa............. 81
Collectivism in
O., 37; and canals.... 38 Construction
of O. Canals......13, 15, 16
"College of Physicians and Surgeons" 339 Consumption,
pulmonary............... 265
Colleges, use of microscope in, 274, Contamination
......................... 293
275; O., 274; medical, 279, 284, 340; Contract,
for building of Ohio College
Thomsonian, 339; curriculum, 339; of Dental
Surgery.................... 307
dental, 1st, 295; 2nd, Cinn........... 296 Contractors, on Ohio
canals........... 14
Collins, Capt............................ 238 "Contrasts in 150 Years of Publishing
Collins, Eli............................. 312 in Ohio," by Charles M. Thomas 184-94
Joseph......................... 254 "Contribution
of Ohio Physicians to
Colonels, Ky............................ 352 the Mexican War," by Leon Gold-
Colonies, Am
........................... 158 man ............................... 259-62
Colonization, negro, in Africa, cost Controversy,
sectarian................. 94
83 Conventions, medical,
336; national,
Society, American, in 334,
335; 2nd National Thomsonian,
................................79-88 338;
3rd National Thomsonian...... 338
Colorado Valley ....................... 328 Convicts, as labor
on Ohio canals..... 15
Columbia, O., Baptist settlement...... 90 Cook, Blake, on O. Acad.
of Hist.
Columbia University, 324; lectures by program ............................. 171
J. H. Robinson,
at................... 181 Cook,
Jessie L..........................
Columbus, O., 201, 265, 276, 277, 297, Cook, Dr.
Jesse W., 297, 299, 300, 301,
317, 327, 333, 334, 336; population, 24, 304, 309.
221; First Church, 97; description of Coohe,
Jay, collection.................. 234
in 1850's, 111; Ohio College Assoc. Cooper,
Elizabeth....................... 237
meeting place, 168; early publishing Cooper,
Lamberton..................... 237
in, 189; Dickens in, 198; whittling Copper,
around Lake Superior, 113;
socialites of, 202; Samuel Robinson's found in
mounds......... 117
lectures published
in, 266; micro- Cordial
stimulants, and cholera....... 291
scopy in, 275; Dr. Alva Curtis in, Corlett,
W. T........................... 278
832; Thomsonianism
in, 335; Thom- Corn,
342; cultivation of in 1837, 53;
sonians in, 338; Dr. Curtis' activi- Dickens
on, 199; huskings........... 343
ties in, 340; Ohio Cultivator pub- Cornelius,
Mrs. Anne.................. 197
in.............................. 345 Cornell University..................... 178
Columbus and
Sandusky Turnpike Cornell,
J. P...................299, 300, 301
............................. 201 Cornwallis, Gen........................ 144
Columbus Genealogical Society: The Corporations,
educational.............. 306
Historical Conference, 1942, Corrosive
sublimate.................... 267
165-235. See especially............... 203 Council Fires on the
Upper Ohio, by
Commissary operations................. 205 Randolph C. Downes, Bk.
rev., by
Committee of Correspondence for Ohio 84 K. W.
McKinley.................... 67-9
Committee on Ethics (Medical)....... 261 County
population.................... 223-7
Communism vs.
Democracy........... 78 Courses,
in Ohio College of
Composers, O........................... 247 Surgery .............................. 302
Comte, Isidore Auguste Marie Fran- Council
Bluffs, Ia...................... 350
cois Xavier........................... 177 Courtright, Dr. George ................ 292
Condorcet, Marie Jean Antoine Nicolas Covington,
Ky.......................... 299
Curitat, Marquis de, "Sketch of the Cowles,
Giles H........................ 91
Progress of the Human Mind"..... 174 Cowles, J. P
............................ 50
Confidence men........................ 350 Cowles, R. B.,
proprietor of Neil
Congregational-Christian fusion....... 100 House
................................ 201
Congregational churches in the
West- Cox, Jacob, Jr
.....................274, 278
ern Reserve: Bowers, Roy E., "The Crabtree,
Donald E..................... 211
Historic Rural Church"...........89-100 Crane, Indian
reproduction of........ 115
Congregationalists, 95, 97, 98; in Conn., Crawford,
Thomas..................... 109
90; New Eng., 90; Welsh settlement Crile, Dr.
George...................... 278
of, in .............................. 90 Crime and
criminals................... 350
Congress, U. S., 327; Dickens on, Crisis, newspaper
by S. Medary....... 190
199; and cholera...................... 293 Critical thought and
intell. hist....... 182
Croghan's defense, at Stevenson's fort 48 Irreducible, 1900-1938, 127; Irredu-
Crops ................................343 cible, since
Croup ........................... 265 Debts,
of rural inhabitants.....96
Crystal Palace, London, Eng...........108 Defense
Cuba ...............................118 Defiance, Fort................. .240,241
Cuff microscope
....................273 Deism ............................ 178
Cults, see Medicine, philosophies and Deists
cults of. Delanglez,
Jean, Hennepin's "Descrip-
Cumberland, Md....................... 63 tion
of Louisiana," Bk. rev., by H.
Curtis, Alva, 1797-1881: Forman, Jona- E. Davis ......................
than, "Dr. Alva Curtis in Colum- Delaware
Indians ................... 68
bus: the Thomsonian Recorder and Demaree, Albert Lowther, The Ameri-
Columbus' First Medical School"..332-40 can
Agricultural Press, 1819-1860,
Cushing, Dr. Erastus................ 273 Bk. rev., by P. D.
Cutler, Manasseh .................... 89 Democracy Is
Different, by C.
Cuyahoga R., as canal route.......... 10 Wittke [et al.], Bk. rev., by H.
Lindley .............
AND THE DAHOMANS, by Denison, Tom.......................... 350
Commander Forbes.................. 87 Dental
ailments........................ 294
Dale, Edgar, How to Read a News- Dental Dictionary ....................
paper, Bk.
rev., by L. H. Bartlett. 155-7 "Dental
Education in Ohio, 1838-1858,"
Daniel, Elizabeth Randolph............ 63 by Edward C.
Peter Vivian], 1784-1860: Dental
literature.................... 299
"Travel to Cinn. 1853 [a letter of Dental
Pathology.................... 302
P. V. Daniel to his daughter, Eliza- Dental
profession................... 297
beth Randolph Daniel]," ed. by Dental
Register ...................297, 299
William D.
Hoyt, Jr.............. 62-4 Dental
science......................... 297
Danville, Ky......................... 312 Dental Surgery, Ohio
College of...... 296
[Clarence] for the Defense, Dentistry-Study and Teaching: Mills,
by Irving
Stone, Bk. rev., by H. Edward C., "Dental Education in
Lindley ..................... 73-4 Ohio,
1838-1858" .................294-312
Charles, 318; Origin
of Descartes.
Rene...................... 179
Species ...........................
178 Detroit
Medical College................ 331
Dater, Henry
M., on O..Acad. of Detroit,
Mich..................101, 245, 331
Hist. program ..................... 171 Detroit Review of
Medicine........... 331
Daughters of Am. Colonists........... 203 Dexter, Mich., 56: to Toledo,
distance 56
Daughters of the Am. Revolution..... 203 "Diary of the Rev.
Daughters of 1812 ................... 203 Francis, 1837-1838,"
ed. by Winifred
Davenport, O......................... 267 Lovering Holman ...............41-61
David Cheers the Team, by J. and M. Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870: Price.
Renick, illus. by Frederick Mache- Robert, "Roz Reports
on Ohio,"
tanz, Bk. rev., by W. D. Overman 73 195-202;
American Notes, 196; Let-
Edwin H amilton ..........111,
115 ters .............................. 196
Davis, Harold E., "The Ohio Academy Dickens, Mrs. Charles
..............197, 201
of History: History
of a Decade, Dictionary
of Am. Biog.............. 213
1932-1942" .....................167-72 Dictionary, Dental..................... 296
Davis, Harry P., A
Forgotten Herit- Diligence,
travel by ............... 112
age, Bk. rev.,
by R. C. Wheeler...158-9 Diplomas,
awarded by Eclectic Medi-
Davis, Nehemiah, II................. 246 cal Inst.. 280, 286; fee for,
0. Col-
Davis, Stanton
L., on O. Acad. of lege
of Dental Surgery ........... 301
Hist. program .................... 171 Director of the Ohio State
Arch. and
Dawes Act of 1887.................... 146 Hist. Soc., Report
Dawes, Henry L....................... 146 Directories, city,
Cinn..............266, 269
Day, John F.,
Bloody Ground, Bk. Disbursements
...................205, 207-8
rev., by R. C. Wheeler ..........159-60 Disease. 332, 336, 337, 338; on
Dayton, O., 18, 246; canal route to, 21; and Mex. War, 261: in
10; population, 221; in 1820, 1830, nati,
264; frontier, 265; in Miami
1840, 1850....................... 24 Valley, 265; nervous, 287; con-
DeCamp, M ........................311, 312 tagious, cholera, 289, 292; studies
De Candolle, see Candolle. on
............................... 335
DeWeerd, Harvey A., on O. Acad. of Dispensaries
........................ 287
Hist. prog., 171; Great Soldiers of Dissections
.......................272, 286
the Two World Wars, Bk. rev., by Doctors,
steam, 263. See also Physi-
R. J. Fischer ...................353-5 cians.
Deaths, O. rate, 219, 220; number of, Documents
.......................... 341
Mex. War, 259; from cholera, 289, Dodge,
Dr. Israel M......299, 300, 301, 304
290, 291, 292. Dodge,
Rev. P. D................... 96
Delemater, Dr. John...............273, 274 Dogma, vs. Intellect.
Hist........... 182
"Debt of the State of Ohio from 1900 Dogs, cholera experiments
on......... 292
to 1938 Inclusive," by Henry F. d'Olivet, Abbe..................... 173
Walradt ..........................119-42 Donahey, "Vic
........................ 234
Debt, Ohio, and canals, 2; public in Donations, for Ohio
canals..........17, 22
1849, 23; Funded, 1900 to 1938, 126; Dorchester, Lord...................
Dorn, Walter L., on 0. Acad of Hist. Episcopal
Church................... 42
program ............................ 171 Episcopalians,
43; settlement of, in
Dosage, in cholera, 291, 292. See
also Ohio
............................ 90
Medicine. Epithets,
Dickens'................ 199
Dougherty, D........................... 312 Equipment, medical, in
Mex. War.... 259
Downes, Randolph C., Council Fires Erie
Canal, 3, 35; cost of, 15; number
on the Upper Ohio, Bk. rev., by
K. of
boats on, 43; number of men em-
W. McKinley, 67-9; Bk. rev., 147; ployed
on...................... 43
"Ohio Population Trends,
1920- Erie,
Lake.......................197, 201
1940" ........................219-32 Erie Literary
Doyle, Major....................... 238 Escondido
Creek, Tex.................. 326
Drake, Dr. Daniel, 264, 265, 273; on Essai
stir les Moeurs et L'esprit... 174
cholera ........................ 289 Essays,
by F. L. Paxson...........150-51
Draper, John W., 179, 182; Hist. of Ethnologists
....................... 324
the Intellectual Develop. of Europe Europe .....................158,
177; Human Physiology, 177; "Age Evangelism ...................... 92
of Reason," 178; Hist. of the Con- Evansville, Ind
................... 312
flict Between Religion and Science. 178 Examining
Committee at Ohio College
Dresden Junction ..................... 19 of Dental
Surgery................... 311
Dubuque, Iowa ...................... 380 Ewing, Thomas....................... 1
Dubuque Medical Society ............. 30 Exchanges,
Library, with Soc......... 216
Dtunkards, settlement of, in Ohio..... 90 Exhibits at O. State
Museum......... 210
Dunkirk, N. Y......................... 45 Excision of the
clitoris............. 276
Dunlap farm, mound on............... 211 Expedition,
archaeological, advocated
Dunlevy J.
B.................... 312 by Ampere.......................... 114
Durward, Isaac......................... 161 Expenses, of
Rev. Francis, 1837,
Dutch, colonial........................ 351 58-60; of Ohio State
Arch. and Hist.
D ysentery
.......................... 261 Soc. .............................. 205
Explorers, botanical................ 326
EAGLE, Indian reproduction of........ 115 Explosion, gas, at State Office
Eagleson, Freeman T..........233, 234, 235 ing
......................... 124
"Early Use of the
Microscope in Exposition
Universelle of France..... 287
Ohio," by Russell L. Haden.......271-8
East Liverpool--Chester Bridge, bonds FACULTY, Eclectic
Medical Institute
issued and outstanding ..........25 ...........................282,
Eaton, Starling L...................210, 213 Fairfield Co., O., 319, 320,
321; first
Eclectic College of Medicine, Cincin- Board
of Health in.................... 322
nati: Taylor, Ralph, "The Forma- Fairfield
County, Hist. of............. 322
tion of the Eclectic School in Cin- Fairport
Harbor, Indian site at....... 211
cinnati" ....................... 279-88 Fallen Timbers......................... 144
Eclectic Medical Journal, 285,
287; on Falstaff,
Jake, see Fetzer, Herman.
cholera .........................
291 Farm areas,
population................ 222
Eclectic physicians,
number of, in Farm-folks, O., in
1871, 285. See also Physicians. Farm prices.......................... 24
Economic conditions, in Ohio, 5; and Farm products, 5; price of, and Ohio
canals, 1; 1820's and 1850's, 36; and canals
............................... 23
public vs. private
enterprise......39 Farmers ............................... 342
Economic Hist. of the U. S., by
Ches- Farmington,
Ill.......................... 53
ter W. Wright, Bk. rev., by A. J. Farms,
Dickens on..................... 199
Ondrak .......................... 66-7 Farrington,
Dora Davis, They Saw
Education, 323; in Indiana, 73, 150; America
Born: Adventures of an
through missionaries, 92; public land Am.
Family Pioneering from the
for, 119; higher, for Negroes in Atlantic
to the Pacific, 1638-1938, Bk.
Ohio, 149-50; microscope in,
272; rev.,
by H. Lindley ................ 246-7
"free" medical, 283; dental, in 0.... 294 Fascism vs. Democracy................ 78
Educational Service of
Ohio State Fascists
............................... 354
........................ 212 Faulkner,
John, Men Working, Bk.
Egremont, Mass., marble quarry...... 42 rev.,
by J. M. Weed................ 75-7
Ehrman, Dr., and cholera............. 291 Fayette,
Ft............................ 238
El Paso,
Tex........................ 324 Federal
aid, for O. canals............. 7
Electro Therapeutics................. 288 Fees, at Eclectic Medical
Ellis, H. Holmes..................... 211 281, 282, 284; in Ohio College of
Ohio........................ 46 Dental Surgery....................... 301
Emergency Appropriation.............. 206 Felton, C.
C......................... 198
Emergency Board...................... 233 Fenn, Sereno
Peck.................... 96
Emerson, Ralph W., on New England Ferns
..........................320, 321, 329
...................... 96 Ferro, Capt............................. 240
Eminent domain, and Ohio canals..12, 16 [Fetzer,
Herman] The Big
Emory, Major W. H ... .............324, 327 Christmas at Jacoby's Corners, Bk.
Emplastrum cantharides..............
291 rev.,
by B. E. Josephson...........148-9
England, 158; cholera in.............. 289 Fever, 332, 333, 337, 338;
among work-
Englemann, Dr...................... 328-9 ers on Ohio canals
.................. 15
Epidemics, cholera ..........289, 291, 292 Finance, Ohio: Walradt, H. F.,
Debt of the State of Ohio from Fox, Dixon Ryan, Yankees
and York-
1900 to 1938 Inclusive".............119-42 ers, Bk.
rev., by P. D. Jordan..... 351
Finances, for building O. canals, 1, 13; Fox,
George........................ 158
cost of O. canals, 15; and canal Fox,
construction, 21; of Ohio College of Frame,
Lem S., epitaph........... 94
Dental Surgery...................... 308 France ...........................354
Financial Secretary, O. State Arch. Irancis,
Allen...................... 52
and Hist. Soc., report of ...........205-9 Francis,
Charles B................ 52
Findley, Rev., Negro leader ......... 82 Francis,
James...................... 41
Finn. Chester E., "The Ohio Canals: Francis, James - Hanmer, 1796-1863:
Enterprise on the
Fron- "Diary
of the Rev. James-Hanmer
tier" .......................1-40 Francis,
1837-1838." ed. by W. L.
Holman ........................... 41-61
Finney, Charles ................. 43, 46 Francis, Josiah ............... 52
Fire, at Eclectic Medical Institute.... 285 Francis,
Newton................... 52
Firearms ............................. 158 Francis, Pamela (Welles).......... 41
Firelands, The ........................ 90 Francis
Simeon ....................52
Firestone, Clark
B., Flowing South, Franklin
Co., O.............. 261, 320, 321
Bk. rev., by A. H. Wheeler.......348-50 Franklin,
Md....................... 312
First Church, Columbus, ........... 97 Frary, I.
T., Ohio in Homespun and
Fischer, Ruth Joseph, Bk. rev ....... 353-5 Calico,
Bk. rev. by H. C. Shet-
[Fisher, Elias T.]
"A Letter from rone
............................ 343-4
Greene County, Ohio, December 28, Frasier, Rev. E. A.................. 44, 45
.............................. 341-2 Fredericks, G.
J.................. 312
Fisher, Nathan, letter to .............. 341 Fredericksburg,
Va................... 296
Flannels, red. in 1900's ................ 148 Fredonia,
N. Y....................... 45
Fletcher, Calvin....................299, 301 Freeman,
Dr. Edwin..........284, 285, 287
Fletcher, Robert F., 167; on O. Acad. Freeman,
Dr. Zoheth....282, 283, 284, 285
of Hist. program..................... 171 Freeman,
Martin Joseph, Bitter Honey,
.......................... 211 Bk.
rev., by E. Biggert.............. 244
Flint working ......................... 211 Freight
cost, Cinn. to New Orleans.. 188
Flood, Ohio River..................... 160 Fremont,
Floods, and construction of O. canals, French,
68; in Mississippi Valley..... 344
15; and Ohio Canals................. 16 French
Grove, Ill..................... 52
Flora, North American................ 318 Frenchman,
travel notes of ..........101-18
Florence, George...................233, 234 Frenchtown
............................ 245
Florence, O............................. 48 Friend,
Dr. Joseph D.................. 340
Florula Bostonensis ................... 319 Friendly
Botanic Societies............ 334
Florula Lancastriensis.........319, 320, 322 Friends
(Quakers)..................... 158
Flour, prices, in 1826 and 1835........ 24 Frontier
and pioneer life, O., indi-
Flowing South, by
Clark B. Firestone, vidualism of, and canals, 37: health
Bk. rev., by A. H. Wheeler .......348-50 interest of,
265; [Fisher, Elias T.]
Folk-dancing, by O. historians........ 169 "A Letter
from Greene County,
Folktales, O., in 1900's ................ 149 Ohio,
December 28, 1817" ..........341-2
..............................343 December
28, 1817"..................341-2
Food, and cholera...................... 293 Frontiersmen,
O., characteristics of.. 39
Football ...............................
74 Fuller,
Helen S., The Genealogical
Foote, Henry E........................260-1 Section ............................... 203
Foote, Lucius........................... 57 Funded
debt, 119; retirement of, by
Forbes, Commander, accuses Liberians 1917
................................ 123
of slave trade......................... 87 Funds,
O., Ministerial and School, 129;
Ford, Capt.............................. 241 Special
School, 129, 133; University, 129
Ford, Mrs...............................
Forestry ...............................
316 GADSDEN TREATY........................ 324
Forgotten Heritage, by Harry
P. Galena,
Ill..........................312, 320
Davis, Bk. rev., by R. C. Wheeler..158-9 Galileo, and
microscope................ 271
Forman, Jonathan, "Dr. Alva Curtis Gallagher,
John M..................... 300
in Columbus:
the Thomsonian Re- Gallatin,
Albert, report on canals.... 4
corder and Columbus' First Medical Gallipolis,
O., settlement of......... 90
.........................332-40 Gambler,
O., hist. meeting in........ 169
"Formation of the Eclectic School in Gamelin,
Maurice Jean Gustave....... 353
Cincinnati," by Ralph Taylor......279-88 Garfield, James
A.................... 92
Forster, John ......................195, 196 Garrison,
Curtis W., on O. Acad. of
Ancient........................... 212 Hist. program
.................... 171
Fort Hill............................... 212 Garrison,
Dr. H. D.................... 284
Fort Steuben
Bridge, bonds issued Garver
Act ........................... 135
and outstanding ...................... 125 Gastric
irritation................... 276
Forts, in Pa., 69. See also names of Geddes,
James, 8; canal reports of... 9
forts. Geiger,
H. R......................... 274
Forty Years a Country Minister ...... 99 Genealogical Section,
reported by
Foster, Charles, on R. R. grants ......34 Helen
S. Fuller..................... 203
92 Genealogy ......................... 243
Fourdrinier machine................187, 194 Genealogy,
societies: Fuller, Helen
Fowke, Gerard ......................... 213 S.,
The Genealogical Section........ 203
Assembly, O., 7, 339; 43rd... 299 Grist
mill......................... 211
Geneva, N.
Y.......................... 273 Guadaloupe-Hidalgo
Treaty........324, 329
Gentian ............................ 321 Guayule ........................326, 331
conditions, and cholera...... 293 Guide
to Health................. 333
Geology and
geological collections, 321, 329 Guion,
Capt....................238, 240
Ky., 184; paper mill ..... 185 Gum ........................... 337
Georgia ............................... 144 Gundry, Dr.
Richard............ 276
invasion of Russia............ 354 Gurney,
Samuel................... 80
Giddings, Joshua R....................
95 Gynecology ...................... 288
Gifts, to
Society, 206, 235; to Society's
Library ........................216 HADLEY,
A. T....................... 36
Gifts, to
state universities, see Be- Haden,
Russell L., "The Early Use of
quests. the
Microscope in Ohio"............271-8
George Blodgett.............. 99 Hail,
William J., on O. Acad. of Hist.
Representative, and recogni- program ........................ 171
tion of
Liberia.............. 84 Hale, Roderick...................... 245
Indian...................... 116 Hall,
James, on Cinn.................. 108
............................. 175 Hallam,
Henry, 180: Intro. to the Lit-
Goadby, Mr.,
of London, Eng......... 275 erature
of Europe in the 15th, 16th
Island........................ 44 and
17th Centuries................ 175
Goddard, W.
H..................... 312 Hamilton,
O., 70; population......... 221
.............................. 86 Hamilton
in the Making, by Alta Har-
Golden rod
.......................313, 317 vey
Heiser, Bk. rev., by H. Lindley 70
Leon, "Contributions of O. Hamilton,
O., Intelligencer......... 191
to the Mex. War"..... 259-62 Hammers,
stone..................... 113
Golf, O.
historians and .............169 Hampton
Institute................... 146
Harry...................... 204 Hard
Shell Baptists................ 352
Charles Ulysses, William Mc- Harmon, Gen
....................... 237
Kinley Commemorative Tributes, Harris, Dr. Chapin A............295, 298
Bk. rev. by
H. Lindley............147-48 Harris,
Dr. John..........295, 296, 297, 298
Conn........................... 91 Harris,
Wilmer C., 170; on O. Acad.
Clarence P..................... 171 of
Hist. progam................. 171
at Eclectic Medical Insti- Harrison [William
Henry], His Life
287; requirements, in Ohio and
Times, by James A. Green, Bk.
College of
Dental Surgery.......... 301 rev.,
by A. T. Volwiler.........255-6
Graham, A.
A ...................... 302 Harrod, Ky...................... 352
Graham, Col.
J. D..................... 324 Hart,
Dr. Charles F............... 284
Portage Route ................. 145 Hart,
William..................... 43
Grand R.
Institute..................... 92 Hartford,
Conn.................... 41
Pres., School House............ 206 Harting,
Peter.................... 272
O............................ 314 Harvard
College, first microscope at.. 272
.............................319, 321 Harvard
Medical School........... 333
Gray, Dr.
Asa, 313, 316, 317, 318, 319, Harvard
Univ............273, 277, 313, 318
320, 324,
325, 326...................... 330 Harvest
in O., Dickens on......... 199
Herbarium........................ 321 Hatcher,
Harlan H., on O. Acad. of
Raymond J., on O. Acad. of Hist.
program................... 171
program........................ 171 Hawk,
Indian reproduction of...... 115
Capt.......................... 240 Hay,
Thomas R., co-author, The Ad-
Britain, secret service papers of mirable
Trumpeter: A Biography of
on American
Revolution............. 65 General
James Wilkinson, Bk. rev.,
Lakes...........................3 by
J. H. McMinn................253-5
Great Lakes
Survey.................... 331 Hayden,
Dr. Horace H............ 295
Great Miami
R., as canal route...... 10 Hayden,
Lemuel................... 148
Mobilization and Other Essays, Hayes Memorial.................... 234
by Frederick
Logan Paxson, Bk. Heads,
human, Indian reproduction of 115
rev., by H.
Lindley.................150-1 Healing,
339. See also Medicine and
Soldiers of the Two
World Physicians.
Wars, by H. A. DeWeerd, Bk. rev., Health, 322, 341; among
laborers on
by R. J.
Fischer ....................353-5 O.
canals, 15; and Thomsonianism,
Green, James
A., William Henry Har- 263;
interest in, 265; on frontier,
His Life and Times, Bk. rev., 294;
public...................... 332
by A. T.
Volwiler...................255-6 Health,
Board of, Cinn., 290, 291;
Greene Co.,
O., description and Fairfield
Co., 1st................ 322
[Fisher, Elias T.] "A Letter Heat,
and cholera, 291; Dr. Curtis on 337
from Greene County, Ohio, Decem- Heat
stroke......................... 261
ber 28,
1817".........................341-2 Hedger,
George A.................170, 171
Jacob.......................... 321 Heighway,
A. E ................ 260
Horatio.................... 109 Heiser,
Alta Harvey, Hamilton in the
Ville....................239, 241, 242 Making,
Bk. rev., by H. Lindley.... 70
Treaty of......68, 145, 241, 242 Heistand,
Lois...................... 218
Nehemiah....................... 271 Hempstead,
Dr. G. S. P. [or B.], 299, 301
Samuel ....................... 312 Henderson,
Leon..................... 252
Griggs, Dr.
Robert F..............319, 321 Hendrickson,
David, illus., The Big
Christmas at Jacoby's Cor- tady, N. Y., in 1837................. 42
ners, Bk. rev., by B. E. Josephson, 148-9 Horse power, mill
run by.............. 54
Ill........................... 51 Horticulture ...........................316
"Description of Louisiana," Hospitality, among Ohio pioneers.... 93
by Jean
Delanglez, Bk. rev., by H. Hough, Samuel
S., ed., Christian
Davis............................. 344-5 Newcomer,
His Life, Journal and
........................... 316, 325 Achievements,
Bk. rev., by H. Lind-
Hermon, E.
A......................... 312 ley ....................................74-5
cerebri.......................... 276 House-raisings
......................... 313
Heydt, Baron
Joist....................... 243 Houses,
historic, in Oxford, O......... 71
Rev. David ...................... 46 Howard,
Dr. Horton, printer, 265; S.
Dr. S. P..................... 299 Thomson's
agent, 334; death of..... 335
James P ....................... 301 Housing,
and cholera .................. 293
Allen.............................. 57 How
to Read a Newspaper, by Edgar
Hill, Dr. B.
L.......................... 282 Dale,
Bk. rev., by L. H. Bartlett ...155-7
Lawrence F., on O. Acad. of Howe,
Dr. Andrew Jackson, 284, 285,
program.................... 171 286,
Nathan............................ 100 Howe,
Henry, 215; celebration........ 233
Sidney ......................... 252 Howe, J.,
publisher of Samuel Rob-
Himes, Dr.
Isaac....................... 273 inson's
lectures....................... 266
Paul von.............353, 354 Howe,
George F., on O. Acad. of
Hiram College .......................... 92 Hist.
program........................ 171
studies of disease........ 335 Hoyt,
William D., Jr., ed., "Travel to
Histology ..........................277, 278 Cincinnati
in 1853 [a letter of P. V.
Rural Church," by Roy E. Daniel
to his daughter, Elizabeth
Bowers ............................ 89-100 Randolph
Daniel]" ..................62-4
allusions, in Robinson's lec- Hubbart,
H. Clyde, 169, 170; on O.
............................... 267 Acad.
of Hist. program .............. 171
Records Survey, 215; In- Hubben,
Ky............................ 160
ventory of Business Records, Bk. Hudson,
David......................... 92
rev., by W.
D. Overman............ 72 Hudson,
O...........................58, 92
societies, Ohio: Davis, Har- Hudson
R............................... 3
old E.,
"The Ohio Academy of His- Hull,
Gen.............................. 245
History of a Decade, 1932- Hume, David, 180; and political
1942" ...............................167-72 174;
Lecky on........................ 180
O. .........................167 ff Hunt,
Capt..........................238, 241
Historiography and Philoso- Hunt,
David P........................ 304
phy: Cahall,
Raymond D., "On the Hunter,
John.......................... 333
History of
Intellectual History" 173-83 Hunter,
William M.................... 310
and an Interpretation of Wil- Hurlbut, Nestor........................ 91
berforce University, by Frederick Huxley,
Thomas....................... 178
A. McGinnis,
Bk. rev., by W. D.
Overman ...........................149-50 ILLINOIS ............................... 41
of Education in Indiana, by Illinois
College......................... 92
Richard G.
Boone, Bk. rev., by H. Illinois
Valley.......................... 211
Lindley ............................ 150 Immigrants,
Am........................ 152
of the State of Ohio, 211, 213, Immigration, newer,
the effect on
215, 223. churches,
99-100; to Ohio............ 294
Hite (Heydt)
family ................... 243 "Imperial
Smith Press"............... 191
Adolf..................353, 354, 355 In
the Mill, by John Masefield, Bk.
Hoar, see
Horr. rev.,
by J. M. Weed.................75-7
Hocking Canal.................... 19 Independence Day,
celebrations in
County........................ 321 1825
............................. 1
Max......................353, 354 Indebtedness,
of Ohio College of
Bud............................ 160 Dental Surgery....................... 308
Thomas .....................272, 273 "Independent
Thomsonian Botanic So-
Winifred Lovering, ed., ciety"
................................ 337
of the Rev. James-Hanmer India,
cholera in....................... 289
1837-38" ..................... 41-61 Indian Rights Association............ 146
Oliver Wendell, 250; and Indian
site, examination of........... 211
at Harvard.............. 277 Indiana,
41, 73, 304; education in...... 150
Holston, Dr.
J. G. F...............275, 276 Indiana
regiment....................... 261
Homeopathy and
homeopathic medi- Indianola,
Texas....................... 324
...............281, 282, 291, 335 Indians, 69, 145-7,
329-30, 343; on
................................. 343 Upper
Ohio, 67; Northwestern, 144.
Robert .......................... 271 See
also names of tribes.
William Jackson.............. 818 Individualism,
100; and O. canals.... 37
Thomas N., 204; on O. Acad. Inductive method, and intellectual
of Hist.
program ................ 171 hist ............................... 182
Mark......................... 92 Industry,
at Little Falls, N. Y., 42;
Horr, Dr.
Asa ................319, 320, 321 at
Lockport in 1837, 43; John Mase-
Horse back,
travel by, in 1837......51, 57 field's
experiences in, 76; pork.....106-8
Horse cars,
from Albany to Schenec- Infection .............................. 293
Thomsonian, at Baltimore.. 336 Journalism ............................. 345
.......................332, 338 Joyfull Newes out of the
Insects ................................. 272 Founde World....................... 322
Instruction, dental ..................... 291 Judge, J. F.........................284,
medical................... 277 Judkins,
Dr. David ................... 292
progress and hist......... 173 Judkins,
Jesse P...............300, 309, 310
rate, on O. school lands...... 130 Judges,
correspondence, reminiscences,
Improvement of the State of etc.: [Daniel,
Peter Vivian],
by Navigable Canals, Act to "Travel
to Cinn. in 1853 [a letter to
for the, Feb. 4, 1825........ 11 his daughter, Elizabeth Randolph
improvements, 2; and public Daniel],"
ed. by W. D. Hoyt, Jr....62-4
in O., 8; O. canals, 12; as Juvenile
stories ................... 74
ventures, 8; State aid to, 26;
aid abandoned, 27; O. fron- KALAMAZOO
AND ERIE R. R........... 26
as collectivists............. 38 Kearns,
Charles........................ 309
Inventory of Business Records, [pre- Keely,
G. W .........................311, 312
by] O. Historical Records Sur- Keith [George], 1683-1716, by Ethyn
Bk. rev., by W. D. Overman.. 72 Williams
Kirby, Bk. Rev., by H.
Iowa ............................ 41 Lindley ..............................157-8
Institute of Sciences and Arts.. 320 Kellogg,
George........................ 310
Iris cristata
............................ 321 Kells, C. E......................... 312
Iris lacustris ........................... 321 Kent,
Donald H., co-ed., Wilderness
Americans....................... 323 Chronicles
of Northwestern Penn-
Repeal Assoc..................... 323 sylvania,
Bk. rev., by H. Lindley... 69
Iron ................................... 267 Kent, O.,
hist. meeting in........
debt of 0................3, 119 Kentucky,
159, 239, 241, 304; religious
Irritation .............................. 338 groups
migrate to O., 90; mountain
Washington, Diedrich Knick- folk ..............................160, 244
erbocker's Hist. of N.Y............ 254 Kentucky,
by Thomas D. Clark. Bk.
of Panama.................... 324 rev.,
by R. C. Wheeler.............352-3
of Rev. Francis, 1837........60-1 "Kentucky Rifle".................... 159
Jose de................... 254 Kentucky,
Univ. of.................... 353
Kessler, Lillian..................... 72
ANDREW .................... 62 Kettering,
Charles, Honorary Bene-
Helen Hunt..................146 factor.......................
Ill................... 52 Kilbourne,
James....................... 191
Corners....................... 148 Kilbourne,
Col. James .............280, 335
Dr. John Allard.........285, 286 Kilbourne,
James, Jr................... 280
James Robb, steamer...................
38 King and Newton's United States
Samuel....................... 54 Eclectic Dispensatory................ 283
Javelins, Indian........................ 116 King, James S.........................
Capt............................. 238 King,
Dr. John, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287
Jefferson Co............................ 300 King,
Scudder and Beach, Obstetrics 284
239 King, W illiam
H..................... 310
Thomas, on canals, 3; pro- King's
"Chronic Diseases"............ 285
poses canal
.......................... 4 "King's Palace"..................... 212
Jesuits ................................. 344 Kingston, Canada.................. 289
Arthur C., Sr., 204, 213, 218, Kingsville,
O............................ 57
234. Kiplinger,
W. M., Washington Is Like
Peter Leo, Stuffed Saddle- That,
Bk. rev., by B. E. Josephson 251-2
bags: The Life of Martin Kundig, Kirby, Ethyn Williams, George Keith,
Priest, 1805-1879, Bk. rev., by
W. D. 1683-1716,
Bk. rev., by H. Lindley..157-8
........................ 161 Kitchener, Lord........................ 353
William..................299, 301 Knapp.
James.......................... 312
Pa...................... 58 Knickerbocker
[Diedrich], History of
and Scudder's Materia Medica N.
Y.................................. 254
and Therapeutics................. 286 Knox,
Henry, Sec. of War............ 237
Dr. Ichabod G.............. 335 Knoxville,
Ill.........................54, 55
Jones, Dr.J.
G................ 282 Knudson, William...................... 252
ones, John...................... 304 Koch, discovery
by..................... 293
Dr. Lorenzo E., 280, 282, 283, Koons,
Grover C....................... 213
285. Kost's
Materia Medica................ 284
Professor....................... 160 Kugler,
Mathias........................ 186
et al., Materia Medica 284 Kugler
paper mill...................... 187
White & McCurdy.............. 312 Kundig,
Martin........................ 161
Jonesville. Mich. .................... 56 Kyle, Samuel........................... 100
Philip D., on O. Acad. of
prog., 171; "S. Robinson: Cham- LABOR,
on O. canals, 14, 15; and
of the Thomsonian System"..263-70 WPA,
77; J. Masefield on, 77;
Bertha E., 169, 233; Bk. skilled,
in O. paper mills............ 188
149, 152, 160, 246, 248, 249, Laboratory
era, in medicine ........... 292
on O. Acad. of Hist. prog., Lake
Erie .......................3, 18, 19
appointment of.................. 218 Lake
Erie Univ.................... 273
Mohonk, N. Y................... 146 Legion
Ville............................ 238
Indian reproduction of...... 115 Legislation,
Ohio, see Laws, Ohio.
Monte, John, on O. Acad. of Hist. Legislature,
O., 335; authorizes com-
program .......................... 172 mission
on canal routes, 7; passes
kerosene, in 1900's............ 148 act on
internal improvement by
O., 314, 315, 316, 322, 327; navigable
canals, 11; canal act of
Bigelow in ....................... 330 1830,
18-19; supports Stanly bill for
Centennial Hist. of ........ 322 negro
colonization, 87; and restric-
O., Gazette ................. 327 tions
on medical practice, 298, 299.
O., Gazette and Enquirer.. 315 See
also Laws, Ohio.
Indian ......................... 116 Leibnitz, Gottfried
Wilhelm, Free-
Lancet and
Observer, cholera de- herr
von. ............................ 180
in.........................291, 292 Leidy,
Prof. of anatomy.............. 277
313; speculation, 4, 45; school Lender,
Charles F., With Wayne at
canal, 9; acquisition of for O. Fallen
Timbers, Bk. rev., by F. P.
12, 16; price of in 1837, 43; Weisenburger
Dunkirk. N. Y., 45: in 1814, 91: Lens,
achromatic....................... 272
in 1817, 341; public, 119; school, Leslie,
A. M............................ 310
of................................ 130 "Letter
from Greene Co., O., Dec.
grants, Ohio, for canals, 7, 12; 28,
1817 [signed Elias T. Fisher]"..341-2
18; Walradt, H. F., "The Letters,
written by Secretary of Ohio
of the State of 0. from 1900 State Arch. and Hist. Soc., 215;
1938 Inclusive"..................119-42 Dr.
Bigelow's, 328; from Greene Co.,
Land Scrip .........................133, 134 O..................................... 341
Anne............................. 160 Lewis,
Gen., and purchase of Gallinas
Langdon, Dr.
Oliver M..........260, 261 territory ............................ 86
Gen., Brigade of............... 261 Lewis,
J. M ............................ 312
Prof .......................... 320 Lewis,
William E ..............214, 215,
Laporte, Ind............................ 50 Levis, W illiam E..............214, 215, 235
Liberian govt. schooner......... 86 Lexington,
Ky................. 273, 298, 312
Salle, Rene Robert Cavelier, Sieur Liberia,
Northern...................... 79
de .................................... 344 "Liberia League "....................... 85
Dr., and cholera................ 291 Licking
County, O..................... 314
75; Lecky on..................... 179 Licking
River, as canal route......... 10
Lawrence. Col ......................353, 354 Licking Summit........................ 1
Ohio, Loan Law of 1837, repeal Lige,
Uncle............................. 160
27; on R. R.'s and canals, 31; Lighterer,
Capt......................... 240
Act of
Feb. 1, 1820, 130; of Feb. 4, Lima
Center, Mich..................... 56
139; of Apr. 17, 1882, 137; of Lime
................................. 291
14. 1889. 136, 137; amended, Lincoln,
Abraham...................... 250
21, 1894, 136; of March 13, 1894, Lincoln
Park, Cinn.................... 289
of May 21, 1894, 137; of April Lindley,
Harlow, 210, 211, 218, 233; Bk.
1896. 120; of April 22. 1896, 122; revs.,
65, 69, 70, 73, 75, 76, 78, 148,
April 12, 1898. 122; of April 23, 150,
151, 157, 158, 246-7; and O. Hist.
121; of April 3, 1900, 122; Gar- Conference,
167; on O. Acad. of
Act of March 20, 1917, 130, Hist.
prog., 172; Report of the Sec-
Act of Feb. 16, 1914, 131; Ohio retary
of the Ohio State Arch. and
Univ. Fund, 137; on corpora- Hist.
Soc., April 24, 1942 ............214-8
306; Medical Act.............. 335 Linnean
Sexual System................ 313
Thomas, Surgeon-General.... 259 Liquids,
and cholera................... 291
J. Richard.................... 212 Lisbon,
O., early publishing in........ 189
Lea, Thomas G......................... 321 Literary
allusions, in Robinson's lec-
Bertha Ruth, "Travel Notes tures
................................. 268
of a
Mid-19th Century Frenchman "Literary
and Botanical-Medical Insti-
Jacques Ampere]"..... 101-18, 163 tute
of Ohio"......................... 339
Lebanon, O.,
early publishing in, 189; Lithic Laboratory ..................... 211
scenes at...................... 200 Little
Falls, N. Y., religion and in-
William Edward, 178, 180; J. dustry
at.............................. 42
Robinson on, 182; Introdutction of "Little
Maria"......................... 158
Hist. of Rationalism. 179; Reli- Livingston,
Frank A................... 208
Tendencies of the Age, 179; De- Lloyd,
John Uri ........................ 286
cdining Sense of the Miraculous, 179; Lloyd's
Chemistry of Medicine....... 286
and Influence of the Spirit of Lloyd's Library......................... 288
Rationalism in
Enrope.............. 179 Loan Law of
1837, repeal of.......... 27
Clercq, Chretien.................... 344 Loans,
for Ohio canals..............9, 22
on Thomsonianism, cost of, Lobbying,
for negro colonization bill.. 85
S. Robinson's, 265, 267, 269; at Lobelia
.............................321, 327
Medical Institute, 280, 281, Lobelia
inflata.......................... 832
288: private medical............ 283 Local
history, Hamilton, Ohio........ 70
K. C., on O. Acad. of Hist. Locke,
Dr. J. F........................ 285
program ............................. 172 Locke, John ........................... 179
Margaret, Reveille in Washing- Locke,
Dr. John........................ 111
Bk. rev., by J. M. Weed .....249-51 Lockport, N.
Y., canals, industry and
religion at............................
43 O. State Arch. and Hist. Soc....217,
Logan, Crock........................... 160 Manufacturing, of clocks.............. 342
Logansport, Ind........................ 312 Maple Valley School, in 1900's........ 148
London, Eng............................ 275 Maps, of O. canals, 2; of mounds
Island, N. Y..................... 299 around
Chillicothe.................... 114
Long Meadows, by
Minnie Hite Moody, Marble
quarry, at Egremont, N. Y.... 42
Bk. rev. by C. L. Weaver.......... 243 "Maria ............................... 153
Longworth, Nicholas................... 108 Marietta, O., 299,
301; founding of,
Los Angeles, Calif..................... 328 89; early publishing in............... 189
Louisville, Ky., 312; medical school in, 283 Marine Iospital, Cinn., and
cholera.. 293
Louisville, Univ. of .................... 350 Marine Hospital, Detroit.............. 331
Louis XIV, age
of.................... 173 M
arion, 11
.............................. 312
Love, John W......................... 72 Markets,
5; and O. canals, 1; for O.
Dr. Starling .................. 276 paper ................................ 188
Lower Sandusky, O .................... 48 Marks, Ben............................. 350
Lungs .................................. 275 Marquette Club of Chicago ............
Luther, Martin, Lecky on............. 179 Marquette, Pere, on
canals............ 3
Lutherans, settlement of in Ohio..... 90 Marsh,
John............................ 170
Lyman, Capt............................ 240 Martin, Benjamin...................... 271
Lyme, O..............................47, 48 Martin, J. B........................... 312
Lyne, Judge (Morgan Co.)............ 132 Martin, Samuel, Dr
................299, 301
Maryland, 336; paper mills in......... 185
MCALLISTER AND BROS., microscope... 276 Masefield. John, In the Mill, Bk.
McBride, John H...................... 57 by J. M. Weed...................... 75-7
McClellan. Ely, and cholera.......... 293 Massack,
Ft............................ 239
McCook House......................... 212 Masonic Lodge......................... 289
McCord, Jamie......................... 96 Massachusetts ......................314,
McDonald, George..................... 260 Materia
medica................268, 284, 322
McDowell, Dr.......................... 238 Mather, Cotton, on microscopes ....... 272
McGinnis, Frederick A., A Hist. and Matriculants,
see Students.
Interpretation of Wilberforce Matriculation fee, in
O. College of
Univ., Bk.
rev. by W. D. Over- Dental
Surgery....................... 301
................................149-50 Matrix, papier-mache.................. 192
"McGuffey. William Holmes, His Hist. Maumee City,
O....................... 49
and Genealogy," ..................... 203 Maumee R., 18, 240; as
canal route.. 10
McGuffey, William
H., ancestry...... 20 Maumee
of the Lakes................. 240
McGuffey Readers ..................... 203 Maurer, David W., The
Big Con, Bk.
McC.uffey Societies..................... 203 rev., by P. D.
Jordan................ 350
McKellops H. J.
..................... 311 Maxwell
Code of Laws, printing of.. 186
McKellops, H. J. B..................... 312 Maxwell, William.........181, 185, 186, 190
McKinley, Kenneth William, 218; Bk. Meacham,
Alfred B.................... 146
rev. .................................. 69 Mechanics ............................. 342
McKinley [Williaml Commemorative Medary, Samuel........................ 190
Tributes, by
Charles Ulysses Gordon, Medical
Act for O..................... 335
Bk. rev. by H. Lindley ............147-8 Medical botanists, see
McT.ain. William, Sec., Am. Coloniza- Medical
botany, 284; value of, 322.
tion Soc .......................79, 80, 86 See also Botany.
McMicken, Charles, see Shunk, E. W., Medical
Botany, A Course of 15 Lec-
"Ohio in Africa"....................79-88 tures on, by S.
Robinson............ 265
McMillan, Dr. Bishop................. 287 Medical care, in Mex.
War........... 261
McMinn, John H.. Bk. rev...........254-5 Medical College of
O....275, 277, 298, 314
McMurtrie, Douglas C., on O. Acad. Medical
cults and philosophies, 263, 264, 335
of Hist. rog
......................... 172 Medical
history, O., papers on .....259-340
McNeal, Edgar, on 0. Acad. of Hist. Medical
journals and literature...263, 323
prog. .................................
172 Medical jurisprudence................. 284
McNeil, Dr. Robert ............15, 323, 324 Medical Library Assoc. of
Cleveland.. 278
McNeill, Robert ........................ 20 Medical officers in Mex. War........ 259
McNiff, William J., on O. Acad. of Medical
profession..................... 279
Hist. prog............................ 172 Medical schools, 264, 279, 288; micro-
Machentanz, Frederick, illus., David scope in, 274;
degrees, 279; first in
Cheers the Team. Bk. rev., by W. O.
.................................... 298
D. Overman, 73; Tommy Carries the Medical
students, see Students.
Ball, Bk.
rev., by W. D. Overman, Medical
training, early in O., 279; of
73; Steady: A
Baseball Story, Bk. dentists
.............................. 294
rev., by W. D. Overman ............. 162 Medical treatment, 832. See
Mahan. Asa..........................86, 95 Therapy.
Malaria .........................21, 261, 289 Medical volumes....................... 266
Malpighi, Marcello..................... 271 Medical
Societies....................... 323
Manlove, M. N......................... 312 Medicine. 316, 318, 337; and micro-
Manna, Prince, supplies slavers with scope,
274; Botanic: Jordan, P. D.,
cargoes ............................... 86 "Samuel Robinson: Champion of the
Mansfield, O............................ 312 Thomsonian
System," 263-70; do-
Manuscript and Archives collections, mestic,
332; Eclectic: Taylor, Ralph,
Formation of the
Eclectic Microscope,
Practical Treatise on the. 272
School in Cinn."...................279-88 Microscope,
Treatise on the........... 272
Medicine, Ohio, 288, 294, 298, 322; Microscopists
.......................... 271
remedies in
early 1900's, 148; 1877 Middle
West, journalism in........... 346
on, 248;
organized, 259; Ohio State Middletown,
Conn.................. 236, 238
Arch. and Hist. Soc., Committee on Middletown,
O., celebration at, July
Archives and Medical Hist., "O. 21,
1825, 13; population............... 221
Medical Hist., 1835-58, Further As- Migration,
220. See also Population.
pects," 259-340; Thomsonian, 263; re- Milan, O
.......... ........... 46, 47, 48
form, 279: practice of............299, 320 Military and
diplomatic hist. vs. "new
Medina, O.............................. 95 hist." ................................ 174
Meiers, H...............................
314 Military leaders........................ 353
Meiers, Maria
L....................... 314 Milk diseases...........................
Membership, annual report on, in O. Mill,
carpet, J. Masefield in........... 77
State Arch. and Hist. Soc........... 215 Millcreek Valley....................... 261
Memoirs, Sherwood
Anderson's, Bk. Miller,
James M., on O. Acad. of
rev., by B. E. Josephson............ 249 list.
prog............................ 172
Memorials Fund, State Div., of O. Miller,
Oscar F., 204, 213, 215, 233;
State Arch. and Hist. Soc........... 206 Report of
the Treas. of the O. State
Memphis Medical Institute............ 282 Arch. and
Hist. Soc., April 24, 1842, 205-8
hlen of
the Mountains, by Jesse Millibars
....................... 154
Stuart, Bk. rev., by C. L. Weaver, 244-5 Mills,
Capt............................. 238
Men Working, by
John Faulkner, Bk. Mills,
Edward C., "Dental Educ. in
rev., by J. M. Weed ............... 75-77 O.,
18-58" .......................
Mendenhall, George, Dr..290, 291, 309, 312 Mills,
Helen............................ 217
Mendon, Mass.......................... 341 Mills,
Joshua, 202; Dickens on........ 198
Mennonites, settlement of, in O...... 90 Mills,
horse power, 54; steam, 51; his-
Mercury ...............................
276 toric,
in Oxford, O., 71; number of
Mercy Hospital, Cinn., and cholera pa- in
O.............................. 187
................................ 292 Milwaukee, Wis........................ 312
Merz, John Theodore, Hist of Euro- Mineralogy ....................... 320
pean Thought in the 19th Century. 180 Mingo
Indians......................... 68
Messenger, steamer
................... 197 Ministers,
at Eclectic Medical Insti-
M eteorology
........................1 3, 320 tute
............................. 281
Meteorologic conditions, and cholera.. 293 Minor, G. B.
............................ 312
Methodist Church ....................42, 58 Minutes
of the Annual Meeting of
Methodist Expositor.................... 291 the Board of Trustees of the O.
Methodists, 43, 52, 54, 56, 94, 98; set- State
Arch. and Hist. Soc..........233-5
tlement of, in O...................... 90 Missionaries ........................... 43
districts, population..... 221 Mississippi
........................... 304
Metropolitan Medical College .......... 40 Mississippi R
....................3, 54, 112,
Mexican Boundary Survey ............ 323 290, 328,
845, 348, 319.
Mexican War of 1846........259, 260, 315 Mississippi
Valley, 344, 345; cholera
Mexico, 118; Central, Gen. Lanis' Bri- in .................................... 292
gade in............................... 261 Mississippi
Valley Dental Assoc. of
Miami and Auglaize Rivers........... 239 Dental
Surgeons..................... 299
Miami and Erie Canal, 18, 34; cost of. 15 Mississippi
Valley Hist. Assoc., Cinn.
Miami Canal, 19; boats on............ 18 meeting
........................... 168
Miami Medical College.............277, 298 Missouri R
.........................348, 349
Miami R., Little....................... 341 Mitchell,
E. W., "Cholera in Cinn." 289-93
Miami Univ ........................... 141 Mitchell,
Samuel Latham .............. 333
Miami Valley, paper making center.. 187 Mitiwanga, O.,
historians meet at.... 169
Miami Village.......................... 240 Mock,
James R., Censorship, 1917, Bk.
Michigan ............................41, 314 rev.,
by H. T indley................ 157
Michigan City, Ind., 55; distance from, Moller's
Diatomaceen-Probe-Platten.. 274
to Niles, Mich........................ 56 Miillhausen,
Baldwin ...............328, 380
Lake........................ 101 M
onardes ..............................
Michigan State Hist. Soc..............
214 Monfort,
J. G ......................... 193
Michigan, State
Medical Soc. of..... 331 Monomania
....................... 276
Michigan Territory.................... 25 Monongahela
R......................... 184
Michigan, Univ. of............248, 277, 318 Monroe,
Mich.......................... 248
Project, and Newspaper In- Monterey,
Mex.. battle of............. 261
dex .................................. 216 Montesquieu,
Esprit des Lois.......... 174
Micrographia Illustrata ................ 271 Montreal.
Can.......................... 101
Micrographi Nova..................... 271 Moody,
Minnie Hite, Long Meadows,
Microscop, Das.........................
272 Bk.
rev. by C. L. Weaver........... 243
Microscopes and microscopy, 317, 318, Mooney, Peter
Freeman............... 213
819; Haden, Russell L., "The Early Moore,
David R., 167, 170; on O.
Use of the Microscope in O.".....271-8 Acad. of Hist.
prog.................. 172
Microscope and Its Application to Moore. Professor....................... 276
Clinical Medicine.................... 272 Moorehead,
Warren K................. 211
Microscope, Employment for the...... 271 Morgan,
W. H........................ 311
Microscope Made Easy, The .......... 271 Morgan's Raid ....................... 95
Richard G.................... 211 New
York Univ....................... 351
Daniel, Polyhistor ............ 175 Newark
O.............................. 1
Edward, Fellow, Royal Mi- Newcomer,
Christian, His Life, Jour-
Soc......................... 274 al
and Achievement, Bk. rev., by
Mormons .............................. 94 H. Lindley........................... 74-5
Act ........................133, 134 Newspaper
Index...................215, 216
Jeremiah, Gov ................ 1 Newspaper library of O.
State Arch.
Dr. T. Vaughn ......279, 281, 282 and
Hist. Soc........................ 216
Mrs. T. V.................... 282 Newspapers,
Cinn., and slave trade,
on O. canals.............. 21 79;
O., in 1800's and today, 189; how
.............................318, 329 to
read, 155-7; project for Index and
113; and printing.... 117 microfilm of, 215, 216; number of at
City, Museum at.............. 212 O.
State Arch. and Hist. Soc. li-
Indian, near Chillicothe, in brary,
216; .ancaster, O....315, 322, 331
112; serpent shaped, 114; ex- Newton,
Orin E., Dr.................. 282
of, near Chillicothe....... 211 Newton,
Calvin, Dr ................... 310
Auburn. Cinn .................. 289 Newton,
Robert S., Dr........282, 283, 281
Pleasant, Jefferson Co............ 132 Niagara,
N. Y......................... 101
Vernon, O......................... 312 Niagara Falls, 197; description of by
community, southern.... 160 Rev. Francis in 1837, 44-5; Dick-
Mullin, B.
F........................... 260 els
on................................ 200
Patrick H.................. 260 Nicholson,
E. G., Rev., on the failure
Dr. William.................. 287 of
"Ohio in Africa"................. 87
Bigeloviani...................... 329 Niles, Mich
.......... ......... 50, 66
and the Defense Program," 210 Northwest
Territory, 68, 266; rural
Am., in 1850's ............... 110 church
in............................. 89
Authors, in O ................. 247 Norton,
Laurence ..................233, 231
Conservancy District..... 234 Notes
on Contributors....78, 163-4, 258, 356
Improvement .............19 Nute,
Grace Lee, The Voyageur's High-
Muskingum R .......................... 19 way, Bk. rev.
by R. C. Wheeler.... 145
R. D......................275, 276
DR........................ 280
Oats .................................. 342
Grandma....................... 148 Oberhauser
microscope................ 276
Am. use of.................... 110 Oberlin, ...................46, 47, 48, 95
Ill......................... 55 Observatory,
at Cinn................... 110
Tenn........................ 312 Obsidian,
found in mounds........... 117
Eclectic Medical Assoc...... 281 Offensive,
by United Nations......... 152
Indian Defense Assoc....... 146 Offset
printing, see Printing.
Medical Assoc., convention Obstetrics
.............................. 284
Cinn............................... 261 Ohio,
41, 304, 314; enters Union, 4; in
Museum, Spencer microscope early
1820's, 37; debt of, 119-42; pop-
in .................................... 274 ulation:
Downes, R. C., "O. Popula-
Resources Planning Board... 210 tion
Trends, 1920-40," 219-32: public
Rd ............................ 15 works:
Finn, C. E., "The O. Canals:
sciences........................ 274 Public
Enterprise on the Frontier"..1-40
in O., by canals .......... 1ff Ohio,
Description and Travel: Fran-
................................. 354 cis,
James-Hanmer, "Diary, 1837-38,"
Nazism vs. Democracy ................ 78 ed. by W. L. Holman,
41-61; Lea-
colleges.........................149 man,
B. R., "Travel Notes of a
Negro regiments .......................354 Mid-Nineteenth Century
and Ohio R. flood ........... 160 [Jean Jacques
Ampere]," 101-18;
Colonization, Africa: Shunk, Price,
R, "Boz Reports on O."...195-202
W., "O. in Africa"............ 79-88 Ohio,
History, Societies: O. State
House, Columbus, O.........198, 201 Arch.
and Hist. Soc., Minutes of
Donald ......................... 252 the
Annual Meeting of the Board of
................................ 337 Trustees, April
24, 1942, 233-5;
Buffalo, Mich............101, 102, 105 [Proceedings
of the] Annual Meet-
Constitution, newspaper by S. ing,
April 24, 1912.................204-18
Medary .............................. 190 Ohio Academy of
History: The Ohio
Discovery........................ . 344 History Conference, 1942, 165-265;
Englanders....................... 351 Davis,
Harold E., "The Ohio Acad-
England States.................. 101 emy
of History: History of a Dec-
Hampshire.. ..................... 337 ade,
1932-42" .......................167-72
Jersey............................. 144 Ohio
Academy of Science ............ 213
Mexico ........................... 314 Ohio
Agricultural and Mechanical Col-
Orleans, La ................5, 312, 350 lege ..............................134, 135
York Botanical Gardens.......... 317 Ohio
Agriculturist...................... 346
York City, 3, 101, 312, 327, 350; Ohio
and Erie Canal, 1; cost of....... 15
on, 197; Physio-Medical Ohio
and Midwest Historical Confer-
in............................. 340 ence ................................. 169
York State................41, 304, 324 Ohio
Art and Artists.................. 247
York State Barge Canal ........ 35 Ohio
Builds a Nation" .............. 211
Ohio Canal, 19. See also Canals. Physician-Botanist,"
by A. E. Wal-
"Ohio Canals: Public Enterprise on ler
.................................. 313-31
the Frontier." by Chester E. Finn.. 1-40 Ohio
State Univ. Fund..................... 134
Ohio Cherishes Her Historic Tradi- Ohio Univ., 138-41; certificates of in-
tion, booklet
issued............... 212 debtedness .............................120-122
Ohio College Assoc., 168; Social Sci- Ohio
Valley, 101, 118; concentration of
ence section ...............
167 Negroes
in, 81; [Daniel, Peter Viv-
Ohio College
of Dental Surgery, ian],
"Travel to Cinn. in 1853 [a let-
Cinn.: Mills, E. C., "Dental Edu- ter
to his daughter, Elizabeth Ran-
cation in O., 1838-58"............291-312 dolph Daniel]," ed. by W.
D. Hoyt,
Ohio Committee for Conservation of Jr.....................................
Cultural Resources.................. 210 Ohio
Valley Farmer ........................ 346
Ohio Company, purchase of land......... 129 Ohio Volunteers, in Mex.
War........... 262
Ohio Composers and Musical Authors, Ohio War History Commission, 211;
by Mary Hubbell Osburn, Bk. rev., proposal
for............................ 214
by H. Lindley......................
247 Ohio
Wesleyan Univ........................ 274
Ohio Country ..................... 245, 343 Ohio Writer's Project,
WPA.................. 215
Ohio Cultivator
..................... 345 Ohioana Library............................. 247
Ohio Dental College Assoc.............. 305 "Ohio's Debt, 1900-38,"
by Henry F.
Ohio Development and Publicity Com- Walradt
........................... 212 Old
Doctor of the New School, by
Ohio Eagle............................. 328 James
C. Wood, Bk. rev., by B. E.
Ohio Eagle and Fairfield Advertiser.... 323 Josephson ............................. 248
Farmer........................... 345 Old
Oxford Houses and the People
Ohio Federation of Music Clubs......... 247 Who Lived in Them, by Ophia
Ohio Genealogical Quarterly........... 203 Smith,
Bk. rev., by H. Lindley..........71
Ohio Historical Records Survey........ 210 Omaha, Neb..............................
Ohio History Conference, 1942 [Pro- "On the
History of Intellectual
ceedings] ..............165-235, 259-340 list.,"
by Raymond D. Cahall ...........173-83
"Ohio in Africa," by Edward Wesley Ondrak, Andrew J., Jr., 218;
Bk. rev., 67
......................... 79-88 O'Neal, Harold C...........................
Ohio in Homespun and Calico, by
I. Ophthalmology ......................... 287
T. Frary, Bk. rev. by H. C. Shet- Opii
Camph................................ 292
.............................343-4 Opium, 267, 331;
and cholera .........291, 292
Ohio Laws, see Laws, Ohio. Oquawka,
Ill............................... 54
Ohio Medical College.................. 297 Orchids
................................. 321
Ohio Medical and Surgical Journal..... 275 Ordinance
of 1787, effect on churches... 89
Ohio Medical History, 1835-58, Further Oregon
boundary .......................... 323
Aspects [Papers of the Committee Orosius,
and "new hist.".............
on Archives and Medical Hist. of Orphans,
result of cholera................ 289
the O. State Arch. and Hist. Soc., Osburn,
Mary Hubbell, Ohio Compos.
read at the Ohio Hist. Conference, ers
and Musical Authors, Bk. rev.,
.............................-340 by H.Lindley............................. 247
"Ohio Population Trends, 1920-40," by Otolaryngology
........................... 287
Randolph C. Downes................219-32 Ottawa,
Ill.............................. 51
Ohio R., 19, 106, 112, 341, 342, 348, 352; Otter, Indian reproduction
of............. 115
Upper, Indians on.................... 67 Overman,
William D., 170, 210, 214;
Ohio River Flood....................... 160 Bk. revs., 72, 74, 150,
161, 162; chap.
Ohio State Archeological and Histori- on
"Education," by...................... 211
cal Society: Minutes of the Annual Owen,
Wilkinson agent..................... 254
Meeting of the Board of Trustees, Oxford,
O., 312; houses, 71; publish-
April 24, 1942, 233-5; The Ohio Hist. ing
at.................................. 192
Conference, 1912, 165-235; Proceed-
ings of the 56th Annual Meeting, PACIFIC
Ocean .......................316, 329
April 24, 1942 .................204-18 Pacific Railroad........................... 829
Ohio State Archaeological and Histori- Pacific
Railroad Expedition............... 327
cal Society, Committee on Archives Packet
boats, see Boats, packet.
and Medical History: "Ohio Medi- Painesville,
O........................... 281
cal History, 1835-58, Further Aspects Page,
Henry Folsom, bequest of........... 138
3]"...................... 259-340 Palmerston, Lord........................... 80
Ohio State Arch. and Hist. Soc., Li- Palmyra,
Mich.............................. 49
of.......................... 341 Palmyra, Mo............................... 312
Ohio State Medical Assoc., Transac- Pamphlets
................................ 188
tions of
the...................... 275 Panaceas, medical.......................... 263
Ohio State Medical Soc., 261, 315; Pro- Paper Making
and Trade, Ohio:
ceedings of. on Mex. War............ 260 Thomas,
Charles M., "Contrasts in
Ohio State Museum, and World War 150
Years of Publishing in O."...184-91
II ............................... 209 Parasites, animal......................... 271
Ohio State Univ., 133-38; certificates Parker,
Orson, Rev .....................47, 48
of indebtedness of, 120; outstanding Parrot,
Indian reproduction of.......... 115
bonds, 121; Dept. of Botany, Con- Parry,
Dr. Charles C.................324, 325
tributions, No. 449: "Dr. John Mil- Partheniun argentatum ................ 326
ton Bigelow, 1804-78, an Early
O. Patch,
Sam................................ 43
Patents, Thomsonian................... 333 Pioneers,
Ohio, characteristics of, 39;
Pathology, 276, 284; cellular, 272; and [Fisher,
Elias T.], "A Letter from
microscope ....................273, 275 Greene
County, O., Dec. 28, 1817"..341-2
Patterson, Grove, on O. Acad. of Piperine
.............................. 292
Hist. prog
...................... 172 Pipes, Indian........................... 115
Patterson, Rex, bequest to State...... 132 Pittsburgh,
Pa...........58, 197, 312, 342
Pattison, Mark, Tendencies of Re- Pittsfield,
O.......................... 56
ligious Thought in England.,,,..... 180 Plan
of Union........................ 90
Paxson, Frederic Logan, The Great Plant
collections and collecting.......
Mobilization and Other Essays, Bk. .........................316,
322, 325, 327
rev., by H.Lindley........... 150-1 Plant ecology........................826,
Peace, proposition for.............. 162 Plant families
............... ...322,
Pearls, found in mounds
.......... 117 Plant life..............................
Peck, Elisabeth, Tibb's Flooders: A Plant
lore............................ 322
Tale of the Ohio R. Flood of 1937, Plant nomenclature................... 322
Bk.. rev., by B. E. Josephson .... 160 Plant
science............................ 316
.......................... 316 Plantae
Wrightianae ..................... 326
Peebles. H. E........................ 312 Plants,
313, 315, 317, 318. 319, 320, 321,
Penitentiary, Ohio State............. 261 323,
326, 330, 332; flowering, 329;
William...................... 158 named
for John M. Bigelow, 331;
Pennsylvania, 144; canals, 14-15; dis- medicinal
.......................... 334
covery of.......................... 69 Pleasant
Township, Marion Co............ 132
Pennsylvania, Western ................ 68 Poffenberg,
Jacobus von .............. 254
Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal........... 20 Poland, ............................... 58
Pennsylvania Historical Survey: Wil- Politics,
and O. canals, 2; and canal
derness Chronicles of Northwestern routes ................................ 10
Pa., Bk. rev.,
by H. Iindley........ 69 Pollock,
Rev. A. D................... 43
Pennsylvania Univ., Medical School... 277 Pomeroy-Mason
Bridge, bonds for.... 125
Peoria, Ill......................... 52 Ponca Standing
Bear .................. 147
Periodicals, agricultural............
345 Pontiac .............................. 68
Perkins, D. W .....................
312 Pope, plant collector.................
Perrysburg, O ......................49, 57 Pope
Pius IX, Encyclical Letter and
Benjamin H .............. 171 Syllabus ........................... 178
Pershing, John J...................... 353 Popular
Science Monthly............. 179
Perspiration, and cholera............. 291 Population,
Free Negro, New Englard 81
Peru, Ill. ............................ 51 Population,
Ohio: in 1800, 1810 and
Vt............................. 314 1820, 5;
1825 on, 2; and O.
Petain, Henri Phillipe ............... 353 24;
decline, 219; by counties, 1920's
Pews. sale of ......................... 97 and
1930's, 223-7; changes, by age
Pharmacopoeia, herbal ................. 263 groups,
228-9; by age and sex .... 229
........................ 286 Pork ........................ 312
Pharmacy.............279 284, 303, 316, 831 Pork industry..................106,
107, 108
Mrs........................... 323 Port Gibson,
M iss................... 312
Philadelphia, Pa., 58, 240. 242, 276. 300, Porter, J.
F......................... 309
312, 333, 342; Wayne at, 145; Dick- Porter,
W............................ 267
ens on, 197; Thomsonian convention Portsmouth, ............289, 299, 301
at ................................... 336 Post-war
planning....................... 151
Philadelphia Museum
of Natural Sci- Pottery,
Indian ..................... 116
ences ............................... 321 Poverty ............................. 94
Philosophical allusions, in Robinson's Powell,
Newton, Theory and Practice. 284
lectur........................... 267, 268 Powell,
Dr. W. Byrd.................. 282
Philosophical systems, Leibnitz on....... 181 Powell,
Sabrina.................. 160
Philosophy of history ................ 176 Powell, Tibb........................ 160
Phonography ..........................
320 Powell, W itt...................... 108
Diagnosis...................... 287 Powers, Hiram...................... 108
Physicians, 264, 294, 329, 315. 335, 338; Prairies,
Dickenson.................. 197
and Thomsonianism, 263; back coun- Pratt, H. R.........................
try, training
of, 265; and micro- Pratt,
John, 1753-1824: Strong,
scopes, 275; botanic.................. 334 seph, "Letters to Captain John
Physicians, Ohio: Goldman,
Leon, Pratt,"
ed. by Lockwood Barr ....236-42
"Contribution of
O. Physicians to Pratt,
John. of Hartford, the Ances-
the Mex. War" ......................259-62 try and
Descendants of ........ 237
Physicians, Correspondence, reminis- Pratt,
William....................... 237
cences, etc.:
Strong, Joseph, "Let- Pratt,
Zachariah.................... 237
ters to Captain John Pratt," ed. by Presbyterian
Church.........42, 43, 53, 96
Barr................... 236-42 Presbyterians,
42, 43, 48, 52, 54, 94;
Physiology.................277, 284, 285, 302 N. Y. and
Pa., come to ....... 90
Institute .............. 340 Press
......................185, 193 345
Physio-Medical system ............336, 338 Preparation,
medical, and Mex. War.. 259
college.................... 340 Presses, first
in O............... 190
Pike, J., and Company.................... 266 Pressure
blocs................... 334
Pioneering .............................. 246 Price,
Robert, on O. Acad. of Hist.
Pioneers ................................ 294 prog.,
172; "Boz Reports on O.".195-202
Prices, for room
and board, 1837, 57; Reformed
Medical School of Cinn............ 280
land, in 1814, 93; in 1817, 341; bind- Regiment,
2d, Mex. War, casualties
ing, in 1835,
193; farm products,
in of .................................... 261
1817, 342; microscopes, in 1850's..... 276 Regiment, 3rd, Mex.
War, casualties
Priest, Loring Benson, Uncle Sam's of ..................................... 261
Stepchildren, Bk.
rev., by R. C. Relation
des descouvertes................. 344
...........................145-7 Relics, Indian........................... 115
Prince, Rev. Thomas...................... 273 Religion, at
Little Falls, N. Y., 42;
Princeton, Ill ........................... 55 at
Holland, N. Y., 43; at Lockport,
Univ......................274, 324 N.
Y., 43; in Trenton Village, N.
Printing, offset, 73; and Mound-Build- Y., 43; at
Dunkirk, N. Y., 45; in
ers, 117; methods in 1860............. 190 1837, 48; in
Ill., 52; public land for,
Prior, Capt.............................. 240 119,
129; in Ky., 352. See
[Proceedings of] the O. Hist. Confer- names of
religious denominations.
ence, 1942.................65-235, 259-340 Religious
ceremony, Indian, of smok-
[Proceedings of the] Ohio State Arch. ing
.................................... 116
and Hist. Soc., 56th Annual Meet- Religious
organizations in O., land
ing, 1942
.........................204-18 for
Protestants .............................
43 Remedies,
Samuel Thomson's, 333. See
Protozoa ...........................
271 also
Providence, R. I.....................325, 342 Renick,
James, co-author David Cheers
Public education and internal im- the
Team, Bk. rev., by W. D. Over-
provement in O....................... 8 man,
73; Steady: A Baseball Story,
Publications, research, value of......... 194 BK. rev., by W.
D. Overman, 162;
Publishers and Publishing, Ohio: Tommy Carries the
Ball, Bk. rev.,
Thomas, Charles M., "Contrasts in by W. D.
Overman....................... 73
150 Years of Publishing in Ohio"....184-94 Renick, Marion, co-author, David
Pulte, Dr., and cholera.................. 291 Cheers
the Team, Bk. rev., by W.
Purviance, David ........................ 100 D.
Overman, 73; Steady: A Base-
Putnam Co. Auxiliary
Soc., Zanes- ball
Story, Bk. rev., by W. D. Over-
ville and.............................. 85 man,
162; Tommy Carries the Ball,
Putnam, George W......................... 197 Bk. rev., by
W. D. Overman......... 73
Report of the Director of the 0.
QUADRUPEDS, Indian reproduction of....... 115 State Arch. and Hist.
Quakers and Quaker movement, 158; Report of
the Secretary of the O.
settlement in Ohio..................... 90 State
Arch. and Hist. Soc..........214-8
............................ 293 Report
of the Treasurer of the O.
Quebec, Canada, 101; cholera in.......... 289 State Arch. and
Hist. Soc.........205-8
Queckett, John........................... 272 Repository,
Christy's "Lecture on Af-
Quicksand ............................... 330 rican Colonization," in.............. 82
Quilting bees............................ 343 Reptiles,
Indian reproduction of........ 115
Quinn, Dr. J. J.......................... 292 Republican
Party, beginnings of in O. 95
Reveille in Washington, by Margaret
RADIO, 100; broadcasts................... 211 Leech, Bk.
rev., by J. M. Weed......249-51
Railroad ties............................ 329 Review volumes, added to Society's
Railroads, travel on in 1837, 58; Bal- Library
............................... 216
timore and O., discomfort on, in Revenge, O.
............................ 321
1853, 63; speed of in 1853, 63; and Revolution,
Am..................65, 143, 237
paper making
....................... 188 Rhees, Dr.............................. 241
Railroads in Ohio, vs. canals, 25, 30, Rhododendron ......................... 321
33; construction of, 26; in 1850-60, Rhubarb,
and cholera................... 292
28; State aid to, 26; as private ven- Richardson,
Joseph.................310, 312
ture, 26; rate of mortality among, Richmond,
Capt......................... 240
28; number of-
miles completed, Richmond,
Ind.......................... 312
1848-60, 29; rates..................... 31 Riddell,
Dr. John Leonard............... 315
84 Rifles ............................... 158
Rationalism, as interpreted by Lecky..... 180 Rightmire, George
W.........204, 233, 234
Rationalists, French, and intellectual Rigney,
Eugene.......................... 204
.............................. 181 Rising Sun,
Ind...................... 312
Raymond, Charles H....................... 310 Rittenhouse,
David, on can......... 3
Raymond, Miss............................ 312 Ritz,
Harold A., gift to Society..... 235
R ead, M
r............................. 341 R
ivers ..........................346, 352
Receipts of the O. State Arch. and "Roaring
Jack Russell".................. 352
Hist. Soc
...................... 205, 207 Roads, 96; corduroy...................
Recollect missionary....................
345 Robbins, Elisha .................. 42, 43
Recruiting service....................... 820 Roberts.
A. Sellew, 170; on O. Acad.
Red Cross, first-aid course.............. 210 of Hist.
prog....................... 172
Redman, W. G............................. 311 Roberts,
Pres. of Liberia, 79, 86; pur-
Red-Stone, Pa., paper mill ..........184, 185 chases coast of
Liberia, 80; refutes
Reed, Herbert A........................ 48 statement
of Forbes ................. 87
Reeve, A. J............................ 312 Robinson, Howard.................... 170
Reformed Medical College, Worthing- Robinson,
James Harvey, on intellec-
338 tual
hist., 173; lectures .........18, 183
376 OHIO
Robinson, Samuel: Jordan, Philip D., tory
to a Course on the, by Samuel
"Samuel Robinson: Champion of the Robinson
............................. 266
Thomsonian System" .................263-70 Scientific and
Eclectic Medical Insti-
N. Y ...................... 43 tute of
Va........................... 280
Rogers, Dr. Melancthon, 296, 297, 299, Scientific
writing, Dr. Bigelow and...... 329
300, 301, 304, 309. Scioto
Gazette......................184, 191
Rodgers, A. D.......................... 318 Scioto
R., 105; as canal route........... 10
Rominger, -- ...........................
112 Scissors,
stone, Indian.................. 116
Ronche de Bout........................ 240 Scott, Col.
H ........................ 211
Roosevelt, Franklin D . ................. 252 Scudder,
Dr. John M ........284, 285, 286, 287
Rootstown Church.......................... 91 Scudder,
Dr. William Byrd......... 287
Rosa, Dr. Storm.......................... 281 Scudder's
"Principles of Medicine".... 285
Ross, William
B........................ 304 "Scudder's
School"..................... 284
Royal Microscopic Soc., Journal of Sculpture
and sculptors ................108-9
274 Sea serpent............................. 314
Royal Soc. of England.................... 272 Seaboard,
eastern...................... 3
Royal Springs, Ky........................ 185 Secret
History of the Am,. Revolu-
Rubber .................................. 826 tion,
by Carl Van Doran, Bk. rev.,
Ruggles Township, Western Reserve. 92 by H.
Lindley........................... 65
Churches: Bowers, Roy E., Secret
service papers, on Am. Revo-
"The Historic Rural Church"....... 89-100 lution ............................ 65
Rural population, increase in............ 222 Sectarianism ......................... 98
Russia, 355; cholera in, 289; invasion Secretary
of the O. State Arch. and
of ................................. 354 H
ist. Soc., Report.................. 214-8
Russell, Dr.L. E.................... 288 Section 16, provisions of............... 132
Rye .................................. 342 Sedges ............................319, 321
Seeckt, Hans von...................353, 354
SACKETT, Betsy............................ 92 Selfishness,
among early dentists..... 295
Sackett, Harvey .......................... 92 Sergeant
Pryor, boat.................. 349
Sacramento Valley........................ 28 Sesquicentennial
Exposition in Phila-
St. Augustine, and "new hist."...... 173 delphia
.............................. 277
St. Clair, Arthur....................... 144 Sessions,
Eclectic Medical Institute,
St. Francis Seminary, Wis................ 161 286; medical
school................ 287
....................... 112 Seton Hospital.......................... 288
St. Louis, Mo................. 101, 197, 312 Settlement,
of O. Valley, 89; of re-
St. Patrick's Cathedral, Detroit ....... 331 ligious groups in O., 89 ff.; in Tall-
Salisbury Plain,Eng..................
114 madge, O............................. 92
Saltlands, in ....................... 127 Settlers ................................ 343
San Antonio, Tex...................... 324 Seville, Spain......................... 322
San Diego, Calif.............. 324, 326, 329 Seward, Rev.
John, minister at Aurora 92
San Francisco, Calif................328, 329 Shakers
............................... 352
Sandusky, O., 201; travel to, by Dick- Shark,
fossilized teeth of.............. 116
ens, 196; Dickens in, 199; Dickens' Shawnee
Indians.......................... 68
boatride from, to Cleveland........... 202 Sheffield,
Mass........................ 41
Bay Bridge, bonds issued Shells,
Indian.......................... 116
125 Shera, Jesse
II........................ 192
Sandy and Beaver Canal .................. 19 Sherman,
William T............... 146
Sangamon Journal.......................... 52 Sherwood,
Dr. W...................... 284
............................ 293 Short-hand writers...................... 320
Sanders, Dr. J. Milton..............282, 283 Shetrone,
Henry C., 233; on O. Acad.
Sanderson, Gen.......................... 315 of
Hist. prog., 172; Report of the
Saponaria ..............................
321 Director
of the 0. State Arch. and
342 Hist. Soc., April 24, 1942
B. A .................. 304 Shotwell, John .........................
Savage, J. B. (Printing) Company......... 72 Shrubs, arid land
................. 326
Sawyer, A. I ............................ 28 Shunk,
Edward Wesley, 163; "Ohio
Sawyer, Dr. John........................ 278 in
Africa" ..................
Scarborough, William
S .............. 149 Sickness,
93; number of cases, Mex.
Schenectady, N. Y........................ 42 War, 259.
See also Medicine; Phy-
Schleidon, cell theory of............... 272 sicians.
Schlieffen, Alfred von ........353, 344, 355 Sidewalks
............................... 106
Schmidt, Johahn.....................185, 188 Siebert,
Wilbur H...................... 167
Schools, O., support of, 128; for Ne- Sierra
Nevada........................... 328
groes, 149; use of microscopes in, Sihler,
Christian...................... 278
277; dental,
294; medical, 339-40; Silver,
found in mounds................ 117
singing ........................... 343 Singing schools........................ 343
Schoolhouses, log........................ 92 Skenectady,
N. Y., see Schenectady.
Schwann, cell theory of................. 272 Skull,
Indian.......................... 116
Science, 322; vs. religion, 178; vs. Slack,
Elijah........................... 310
miracles, 180; microscope and, 271, Slave trade,
79; destruction of......... 82
272, 274, 275; hist. of, 263; plant Slavery
issue............................ 95
ecology as a.......................... 329 Slippery
elm........................... 337
Science of Life, A
Lecture Introduc- Slough, Capt............................ 240
Adam ...........................180 State
Memorials, Div. of, 205, 210;
Albert Barton.................. 186 attendance
at parks and memorials... 212
Dr..............................241 State
Office Building, gas explosion
Smith, H.
R....................310, 312 at .................................... 124
Henry A......................309-12 Steady:
A Baseball Story, by James
Smith, Henry
Clay ................. 185 and Marion
Renick, illus. by Fred-
Smith, J. B
......................309, 312 erick
Machetanz, Bk. rev., by W. D.
Smith, J.
W............................ 57 Overman
.............................. 162
John............................185 Steam boats, see Boats,
Josiah.......................... 45 Steam mills, see Mills.
Lt............................. 240 Stephen,
Leslie, 180; Essays on Free-
Monteith...................,,,. 186 thinking
and Plainspeaking......... 180
Ophia D., Old Oxford Houses Stephenson,
Lecky on.................. 179
the People Who Lived in Them, Stevens, Sylvester K., ed., Wilderness
rev., by H. Lindley ............ 71 Curonicles
of Northwestern Penn-
Richard Austin, The Sun Dial, sylvania,
Bk. rev., by H. Lindley.... 69
rev., by A. H. Wheeler........256-7 Stevenson's
Fort...................... 48
W............................... 45 Stewart,
George, Storm, Bk. rev., by
Dr. William, on canals...... 3 J. M.
Weed.......................... 153-5
William E................... 171 Stidham,
Rev. T. F....................... 278
Smith, Ft........................... 329 Still, Bayrd............................. 151
Indian religious ceremony.... 116 Stillman,
Timothy ................45, 57
Snow, in
1900's....................... 148 Stock,
financial, of Ohio College of
of American Archivists........ 214 Dental
Surgery..................... 308
of Mayflower Descendants...... 214 Stockholders,
of the Ohio College of
dental ................. 295 Dental Surgery.......................... 312
Sociologists ........................ 350 Stokes,
Foundation....................... 351
Soil, in
Albany, 1837, 42; in Schenec- Stone,
Benjamin...................... 260
1837, 42; in Northeastern O., Stone,
hammers, 113; and flint work-
1837 ............................. 47 ing ................................... 211
acid........................... 320 Stone,
Irving, Clarence Darrow for
microscope ................ 273 the
Defense, Bk. rev., by H. Lind-
353; number cared for, Mex. ley
War .............................. 259 Stony
Point..................... .......
bonus, state, to World War Storm,
by George Stewart, Bk. rev.,
veterans ........................ 124 by J. M. Weed......................153-5
O............................... 27 Strong,
Joseph, d. 1812: "Letters to
Calif......................... 328 Captain
John Pratt," ed. by Lock-
Sons of
the Am. Revolution .......... 214 wood Barr .....................236-42
Soren ........................ 256 Stuart, Jesse, Men of the Mountains,
Bishop .......................... Bk.
rev., by C. L. Weaver.........244-5
and cholera ................290, 291 Students,
medical, and microscope,
Railway Route .............. 387 271;
medical, Harvard, and micro-
324; plants in............ 331 scope,
277; number of, at Eclectic
Civil War.................... 351 Medical
Institute, 281, 283; new, at
settlements.................. 239 Eclectic
Medical Institute, 287; total
C. W ................ 312 number, in
O. College of Dental
Diagnosis................... 286 Surgery,
1845-46..................... 304
microscopic............... 275 Stuffed
Saddlebags: The Life of Mar-
and R. R.'s in O., 27; tin Kundig,
Priest, 1805-1879, by the
............................... 45 Rev.
Peter Leo Johnson, Bk. rev.,
Charles A., 273, 276; manu- by
W. D. Overman.................. 161
of microscopes .......... 274 Sturges
prairie, Mich................... 56
John R ................ 288 Sturgis, Solomon........................... 80
Lydia and Lyman ........ 93 Sturm, Mrs.
Lillian Bimeler...212, 233
Albert C., 212, 233, 234; Sturtevant,
Julian M .............92, 93, 97
Patron ......................... 235 Sugar .................................. 342
Spiritualists .................... 94 Sullivant, Lucas.......................
population ............221 Sullivant,
William S., 317, 318, 319,
Ephraim George .........111,
114 320, 324, 329.
Indian reproduction of..... 115 Sulphuric
acid....................... 292
200; travel by, 1837, 41-42, Sun
Dial, by Richard Austin Smith,
46, 58;
travel by Dickens......196, 197 Bk.
rev., by A. H. Wheeler .........256-7
Major ..................... 237 Supernaturalism vs. intellectual hist.. 182
Irene C., 213; financial sec., Surgeons,
315, 323, 325, 327; in Mexi-
of ........................205-9 can
War, 260; U. S. Army, 261; and
Joseph....................... 355 microscope,
275. See also Medicine;
Edwin M..................... 250 Physicians.
Buck.......................... 245 Surgery
......................275, 284, 288
Medical College ........276, 321 Suzanne ............................. 256
State and
Local Floras ........... 319 Svapnia ............................... 331
Bridge Commission.............. 124 Swallow,
Indian reproduction of...... 115
Legislative Appropriations..... 206 Swammerdam,
Jan........................ 271
378 OHIO
"Swamp Land Indemnity Fund," in lumbus;
the Thomsonian Recorder
Ohio .................................. 128 and Columbus' First Medical
Swamplands, in O., 128; and O. canals 15