Friday, April 12, 1946, 1:00 P.M.
The meeting was called to order by
President Arthur C.
Johnson, Sr., at 1:00 P.M. with a larger
and more representa-
tive attendance than usual. In opening
the meeting President
Johnson made the following introductory
"We are now at an important
crossroads in the life of the
Society. We will not read the reports of
the activities for the
past year, but will look forward to 1946
and 1947. This meeting
is remarkable in a number of ways; in
all the twenty-one years
I have been president, this is the first
time the Governor of Ohio
has attended a meeting. The Annual
Reports are available in
written form and will not be read at
this time. This Society has
the finest Board of Trustees
representing any institution and
I wish to express my thanks to them and
to the staff as a whole
for their loyalty and cooperation. Some
time ago I wrote letters
to the members of the Board of Trustees
asking to be relieved of
the Presidency after having served for
twenty-one years. It has
been a delightful thing, this
Presidency, but I felt that I should
retire at this time. However I received
letters from all members
of the Board asking me to remain, so I
have agreed to enter into
a compromise."
He then read the report of the
Nominating Committee which
had been appointed to nominate three
trustees for a term of three
years. This committee consisted of Dr.
Jonathan Forman, Chair-
man, Mr. Paul M. Herbert, and Herbert R.
Mengert. This re-
port was submitted in three sections:
1. The committee recommended that Albert C. Spetnagel
be retired with the title of Trustee
Emeritus for life.
2. That
because of his numerous duties, Judge Carl V. Wey-
gandt be retired from active service on
the Board and designated
an Alternate Trustee.
3. That Ralph W. Peters of Defiance,
Preston Wolfe of