Letters* contributed by CURTIS W.
RAINBOW OHIO. Dec. 2nd, 1891.
Dear General
As you are one of the Trustees of the
Ohio State University and
as I wish to act intelligently in the
coming Legislature in all matters con-
cerning it, I take the liberty of asking your counsel
in the case. While I
have not the least doubt that the
Trustees and managers of that institution
have done all in their power to build it
up, yet they may wish it to occupy
a wider field of usefulness.
To speak frankly, it seems to be the
opinion of a great many
educators that the University is but a
favored college, largely for the benefit
of Columbus and vicinity and not a
University proper where the graduates
of other colleges may best complete
their training like Ann Arbor and the
eastern Universities. I am aware that
the institution was founded in the
interest of the farmer and mechanic and
I think it should be a place where
they could be taught not the ordinary
studies of the schools--that they
should be taught before entering--but
all that pertains to the highest work
in their professions.
But it seems to me that the time has
come when Ohio should have
a university second to none in the
country, one that will not compete with,
but supplement all other institutions of
learning in the State. I for one am
tired of seeing so many going out of the
State to complete their education.
Pardon me for giving you so many of my
own views when I set
out to ask yours and please give me
yours by letter or otherwise as most
convenient to you. You may write to me
frankly as I will keep it private if
you wish.
Yours Most Sincerely
G. A. Woon
Member elect from Washington Co.
11 Dec 1891
My Dear Sir:
Returning home after a long absence a
few days ago I found in the
heaps on my table your esteemed favor of
the 2d instant relative to the Ohio
State University. I am more than
gratified by the sentiments and general
tone of your letter. It will give me
special pleasure to confer with you on
this, to me, favorite topic. Lack of
time -- you must know that I was never
a busier man than I am now -- I am not
"out of a job" -- will prevent me
from going into the interesting
questions you present. I agree with you as
to what our State University ought to
he. First of all it should. to be
faithful to its origin, give a more
practical education than other institutions
*The Hayes letter herewith reprodced is
a recent purchase of the Haves Memorial.
Fremont, Ohio. It is preceded by the
letter of the Hon. G. A. Wood which prompted
Hayes's reply.