Deshler-Wallick Hotel
Columbus, Ohio
April 21, 1950
The Ohio Academy of History met in
Columbus April 21, in con-
nection with the Ohio College
Association. The morning session, at
10:00 A. M., was attended by nearly one hundred persons. This session
was devoted to a panel discussion
conducted by the members of the com-
mittee on the teaching of history in
Ohio colleges, of which Frank L.
Esterquest of Western College is the
chairman. Robert L. Jones of
Marietta College spoke on the
"Application of the Problem Method in
Lieu of Term Papers," Dr.
Esterquest talked on "Visual-Audio Aids in
the College History Classroom," and
Everett Walters of Ohio State Uni-
versity, the third member of the
committee, discussed "Stimulating In-
terest in History Outside the
Classroom." The open discussion which
followed was concerned largely with the
question of the comparative
values of the "objective" and
"essay type" examinations.
About sixty members attended the
luncheon session at 12:30, pre-
sided over by Stanton L. Davis, Case
Institute of Technology, president
of the academy. Jacob C. Meyer, Western
Reserve University, the
speaker at this session, addressed the
academy on the subject, "The
Dilemma of the Historian in a
Democracy." His address was
by an informal discussion. The 2:00
o'clock session was devoted to a
report of the committee on the teaching
of history in the Ohio high
schools. The committee, composed of
Duane D. Smith, chairman, Uni-
versity of Toledo, William E. Smith,
Miami University, and John W.
Long, Jr., Western College, submitted a
comparative study of the require-
ments for the certification of teachers
of junior and senior high school
history in the forty-eight states and
the District of Columbia and a tenta-
tive questionnaire to be sent to Ohio
high schools to determine the
status of history in the secondary
schools of the state. The committee
stressed the need for action, and urged
members of the academy to aid