AUGUST 1949-JULY 1950
HAYTER, Earl W., "Mechanical
Humbuggery Among the Western Farmers, 1860-90,"
Michigan History, XXXIV (1950), 1-18. Numerous Ohio examples.
KOESTER, Leonard, ed. and trans.,
"Latin Farmers in Northwestern Ohio, from the
Autobiography of Mrs. Karl Tafel," Northwest
Ohio Quarterly, XXI (1948-49),
ASHLEY, James M., "John Brown's Execution:
An Eye Witness Account," North-
western Ohio Quarterly, XXI (1948-49), 140-148. Edited by Robert L. Stevens.
CULMER, Frederic A., "Fleming
Terrell of Virginia and Missouri," Virginia
Magazine of History and Biography, LVIII, 194-208. A daughter married
Gabriel Slaughter and moved to Logan
County, Ohio. Deals with slave question.
"The 'John Brown House,'
Chatham," Ontario History, XLII (1950), 55-56. John
Brown's connection with Chatham, Kent
Co., Ontario, Canada.
NYE, Russel B., "Eliza Crossing the
Ice: A Reappraisal of Sources," Historical
and Philosophical Society of Ohio, Bulletin,
VIII (1950), 105-112.
NYE, Russel B., Fettered Freedom:
Civil Liberties and the Slavery Controversy,
1839-1860. East Lansing, Michigan State College Press, 1949. xiii
+ 273p.
STAIGER, C. Bruce, "Abolition and
the Presbyterian Schism of 1837-1838,"
Mississippi Valley Historical Review,
XXXVI (1949), 391-414.
"Ancient Burial Mound Opened in
Delaware County," Ohio Indian Relic Collectors
Society, Bulletin, No. 23
(January 1950), [6].
BAERREIS, David A., "Some Comments
on Trait Lists and the Hopewellian
Culture," Wisconsin
Archaeologist, XXX (1950), 65-73. Wisconsin-comparative.
COPELAND, Stanley, "The Hudson
Mound," Ohio Indian Relic Collectors Society,
Bulletin, No. 24 (June 1950), 15-16. Pickaway County.
GOSLIN, Robert M., "Kettle Hill
Cave," Ohio Indian Relic Collectors Society,
Bulletin, No. 23 (January 1950), [2-3].
GREENMAN, Emerson F., Guide to
Serpent Mound. Columbus, Ohio State
Archaeological and Historical Society,
rev. ed., 1950. 18p.
"Hopewell Culture Mound Explored by
Ross County Historical Society, 1946,"
Ohio Indian Relic Collectors Society, Bulletin,
No. 23 (January 1950), 7, 9.
Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly
MAXWELL, Moreau S., "A Change in
the Interpretation of Wisconsin's Prehistory,"
Wisconsin Magazine of History, XXXIII (1950), 427-443. One reference to
Hopewellian culture.
MOFFETT, Ross, "The Raisch-Smith
Site, an Early Indian Occupation in Preble
County, Ohio," Ohio State
Archaeological and Historical Quarterly, LVIII
(1949), 428-441.
SCHULMAN, Albert, "The Toledo
Mound: A Preliminary Report," Northwest
Ohio Quarterly, XXI (1948-49), 169-175.
SOLECKI, Ralph, "Report on the
Natrium Mound on the Ohio," West Virginia
History, XI (1949-50), 74-77. Adena culture.
WACHTEL, H. C., "Plate
Description," Ohio Indian Relic Collectors Society,
Bulletin, No. 24 (June 1950), 16-19. Description of Ohio
WERTZ, Charles V., "Ancient Man and
His Works in and Around Scioto County,"
Ohio Indian Relic Collectors Society, Bulletin,
No. 24 (June 1950), 20-29.
[CAREN, Henry J.], "Adena," Museum
Echoes, XXIII (1950), 10-13.
"Cincinnati Masterpiece," Cincinnati
Art Museum News, V, No. 1 (January 1950),
i-ii. Work of T. Worthington Whittredge,
Cincinnati artist.
MERTEN, John W., "Stone by Stone
Along a Hundred Years with the House of
Strobridge," Historical and
Philosophical Society of Ohio, Bulletin, VIII (1950),
3-48. A century of lithography in
[SMITH, S. Winifred], "The John H.
James House, Urbana," Museum Echoes,
XXIII (1950), 34-38.
[SMITH, S. Winifred], "The Log
Cabin Home in Ohio," Museum Echoes, XXIII
(1950), 26-29.
[SMITH, S. Winifred], "The
Maccracken House, Lancaster," Museum Echoes,
XXIII (1950), 42-45.
[SMITH, S. Winifred], "The Mills
House, Marietta," Museum Echoes, XXIII
(1950), 50-53.
[SMITH, S. Winifred], "The Rufus
Putnam House," Museum Echoes, XXIII
(1950), 2-6.
[SMITH, S. Winifred], "The Taft
Museum," Museum Echoes, XXIII (1950), 18-22.
TAFT, Robert, "The Pictorial Record
of the Old West. X. Artists of Indian Life:
Henry F. Farney," Kansas
Historical Quarterly, XVIII (1950), 1-19. Farney
was a Cincinnati artist and illustrator
of McGuffey's readers. Some of his
work is now in the Cincinnati Art
[BIGGERT, Elizabeth C.], "Thomas
Worthington Manuscripts," Museum Echoes,
XXIII (1950), 23-24.
List of Publications and Maps on the
Geology and Mineral Resources of Ohio.
Columbus, Ohio Division of Geological
Survey, 1950. 16p.
NORTH, Paul H., Jr., "Some Notable
Books of the Early Columbus Press,"
Franklin County Historical Society, Bulletin,
II (1950), 142-143.
A Survey of Publications 421
Publications in Ohio History,
Archaeology, and Natural History for Sale by the
Ohio State Archaeological and
Historical Society. Columbus, Ohio
Archaeological and Historical Society,
1950, 31p.
SMITH, S. Winifred, comp., "A
Survey of Publications in Ohio History, Archaeology,
and Natural History, August 1948-July
1949," Ohio State Archaeological and
Historical Quarterly, LVIII (1949), 442-462.
BROWN, N. Worth, and Randolph C. Downes,
eds., "A Conference with Abraham
Lincoln; from the Diary of Reverend
Nathan Brown," Northwest Ohio Quar-
terly, XXII (1949-50), 49-63. Brown lived in Cincinnati for a
time, where he
edited the Journal and Messenger.
CLOPPER, E. N., "Romance in
Reporting," Historical and Philosophical Society of
Ohio, Bulletin, VIII (1950),
128-133. Exploits of Lafcadio Hearn.
DAWSON, Mary Jones Byrne, "A
Memorial to James L. McDonald," Wellsville
Echoes, II (1950), 63-64.
DUNN, James Taylor, ed., James Wickes
Taylor: "A Choice Nook of Memory,"
The Diary of a Cincinnati Law Clerk,
1842-1844. Columbus, Ohio State
Archaeological and Historical Society,
1950. 85p.
DWIGHT, C. Harrison, "Matthias
Denman: Soldier and Realtor," Historical and
Philosophical Society of Ohio, Bulletin,
VII (1949), 218-225.
"Elihu M. Peck," Inland
Seas, VI (1950), 114-116. Cleveland shipbuilder, 1847-69.
FORD, Harvey S., ed., "The Diary of
John Beatty, January-June 1884," Ohio State
Archaeological and Historical Quarterly,
LVIII (1949), 119-151, 390-427;
LIX (1950), 58-91, 165-195.
HELMS, David Franklin, Mine Eyes Have
Seen the Glory: The Life Story of a
Nonagenarian Ohio Preacher. Nashville, Parthenon Press, c1949. 369p.
HODGES, Fletcher, Jr., "Stephen
Foster: Cincinnatian and American," Historical
and Philosophical Society of Ohio, Bulletin,
VIII (1950), 83-104.
HOLBERG, Ruth Langland, Restless
Johnny; the Story of Johnny Appleseed.
New York, Thomas Y. Crowell Company,
c1950. 210p.
HUNTER, Robbins, The Judge Rode a
Sorrel Horse. New York, E. P. Dutton &
Company, 1950. 268p. Judge Samuel M.
Hunter of Newark, Ohio.
KEAGY, Walter R., "Lafcadio Hearn:
Cincinnati's Stepchild," Historical and
Philosophical Society of Ohio, Bulletin,
VIII (1950), 113-127.
KEITH, Lina C., Yours Truly. N.p.,
privately published, 1950. Autobiographical
account of a Toledo woman musician. 29p.
KELLEY, Fred C., ed., "Miracle at
Kitty Hawk: Unpublished Letters of the Wright
Brothers," Atlantic Monthly, CLXXXV,
No. 5 (May 1950), 23-29; CLXXXV,
No. 6 (June 1950), 64-70; CLXXXVI, No. 1
(July 1950), 68-74. Biographical
introduction. Letters mostly on
LEWIS, Lloyd, Captain Sam Grant. Boston,
Little, Brown and Company, 1950. 512p.
LONG, Laura, Oliver Hazard Perry, Boy
of the Sea (Childhood of Famous Ameri-
cans Series). Indianapolis,
Bobbs-Merrill Company, c1949. 192p.
LONG, R. Lincoln, "Ernest
Tiedtke," Northwest Ohio Quarterly, XXII (1949-50),
95-96. Toledo businessmen.
McCARTHY, John Russell, "Wholesale
Historian: Hubert Howe Bancroft . . .,"
422 Ohio State Archaeological and
Historical Quarterly
American Heritage, n.s., I, No. 3 (Spring 1950), 17-19. Mention of birth
schooling in Ohio.
MARCHMAN, Watt P., The Hayes
Memorial. Columbus, Ohio State Archaeological
and Historical Society, 1950. 40p.
MARTIN, Sidney Walter, Florida's
Flagler. Athens, Georgia, University of Georgia
Press, c1949. 280p.
Association with Rockefeller and Standard Oil, introduces
considerable Ohio material.
PATTERSON, Edith M., George A. Patterson,
and John S. Patterson, Carl
Patterson: A Biography and Extracts
of Writings. N. p., n. pub., 1949.
Patterson was a minister of the Ohio
Yearly Meeting who lived most of his
life at Chesterhill, Ohio.
PLUMMER, Mrs. Ray B. (as told to D. F.
Prugh), "Windsor Atcheson, Pioneer
Leader and Benefactor," Franklin
County Historical Society, Bulletin, II
(1949-50), 102-103.
The Presidents of the Ohio State
Archaeological and Historical Society, 1885-1950.
Columbus, Ohio State Archaeological and
Historical Society, 1950. 29p.
PRICE, Robert, "Johnny Appleseed:
Yankee Peddler," Farm Quarterly, V, No. 2
(Summer 1950), 81, 114-120.
PRUGH, Daniel F., ed., "A Portrait
of Lyne Starling, Founder of Columbus,"
Franklin County Historical Society, Bulletin,
II (1949-50), 150-151.
REEVE, Frank D., ed., "Frederick E.
Phelps: A Soldier's Memoirs," New Mexico
Historical Review, XXV (1950),
187-221. Phelps was from Ohio. Relates
hunting experience on St. Mary's
reservoir. Ohio people.
SHEPARD, Lee, "John Johnston:
Humanitarian," Historical and Philosophical
Society of Ohio, Bulletin, VII
(1949), 239-251.
SHEPARD, Lee, "Joseph
Dorfeuille," Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio,
Bulletin, VIII (1950), 135-139.
SIGAUD, Louis A., "Tried and Not
Found Wanting," Tyler's Quarterly Historical
and Genealogical Magazine, XXXI (1950), 225-252. Trial of Aaron Burr which
implicated Blennerhassett, John Smith,
and other Ohioans.
SUTTON, William A., "Sherwood
Anderson: The Cleveland Year, 1906-1907,"
Northwest Ohio Quarterly, XXII (1949-50), 39-44.
THOMAS, Gilbert E., "The Boston Tea
Party and Olney," Olney Current, XLIV,
No. 2 (1950), 11-13. Regarding Thomas
THOMAS, Katharine Garford, Auntie
Kate: Her Journey Through Ninety Years.
Columbus, Ohio History Press, Ohio State
Archaeological and Historical
Society, 1949. 252p.
Biography of woman who lived many years in Elyria,
THOMPSON, Elizabeth H., Harvey
Cushing: Surgeon, Author, Artist. New York,
Henry Schuman, 1950. 347p.
WHITE, Robert M., "Francis Eugene
Randall, 1914-1949," American Anthropologist,
LII (1950), 243-244.
WIDDEMER, Mabel Cleland, Harriet
Beecher Stowe, Connecticut Girl. Indianapolis,
Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1949. 196p.
WILLIAMS, Beryl, Lillian Wald, Angel
of Henry Street. New York, Julian Messner,
c1948. 216p.
Survey of Publications 423
BANKS, Loy Otis, "The Evening and
the Morning Star," Missouri Historical Re-
view, XLIII (1949), 319-333. Published at Kirtland, Ohio, by
the Church of
Latter Day Saints, Dec. 1833-Sept. 1834.
"From Little Acorns," Ohio
Edisonian, May 1950, 6-9. History of Ohio Edison
FOSTER, C. T., "Financing Sohio's
Growth, 1928-1948," Sohian, XXII, No. 2
(February 1950), 9-13.
HATCHER, Harlan, A Century of Iron
and Men. Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill,
c1950. 295p.
Deals with Great Lakes regions and Cleveland, Ohio, men.
HOLLIDAY, W. T., "The Chairman's
Page," Sohioan, XXII, No. 1 (January 1950),
2-3, 24. Brief history of the Standard
Oil Company.
HOOK, Charles Ruffin, Romance of Iron
and Steel: Contribution of the Central Ohio
Valley. New York, Newcomen Society in North America, 1950. 32p.
MONTI, Minnie S., "Publishing &
Bookselling in Cleveland," Library Journal, LXXV
(1950), 1106-1108.
MORRISON, Paul Cross, "Kelleys
Island, Ohio: An Economy in Transition,"
Economic Geography, XXVI (1950), 105-124.
"Our Company Operations--Then and
Now," Sohioan, XXII, No. 1 (January 1950),
"Our Customers and Products--Then
and Now," Sohioan, XXII, No. 1 (January
1950), 11-13.
ROSE, William Ganson, "The
Greatness of the Great Lakes," Inland Seas, VI
(1950), 67-73.
SMITH, L. Marjorie, "The Pulp and
Paper Industry of the Lake States," Illinois
Academy of Science, Transactions, XLII
(1949), 91-96.
"Sohio Service--Then and Now,"
Sohioan, XXII, No. 1 (January 1950), [14-17].
"Story of an 'Oil Peddler,' " Sohioan,
XXII, No. 2 (February 1950), 14. Peter
Peterson peddled oil in Lake County,
beginning in 1892. Describes equipment.
"The Story of OPS [Ohio Public
Service Company]," Ohio Edisonian, May 1950,
THOMSON, Kenneth Scott, A Brief
History of the Cleveland Association of Credit
Men with Highlights from the News
About Cleveland and the World from
1899 to 1949. Cleveland, the Association, 1949. 48p.
Timken Roller Bearing Company, The
State of the Company, III. Canton, Ohio,
Timken Roller Bearing Company, [1950].
BAWDEN, W. T., "Some Leaders in
Industrial Education: Fred Campbell Whit
comb," Industrial Arts and
Vocational Education, XXXIX (1950), 227-229. For
over thirty years head of industrial
education at Miami University.
BAWDEN, W. T., "Some Leaders in
Industrial Education: William Elmer Roberts,"
Industrial Arts and Vocational
Education, XXXVIII (1949), 189-191,
263-265, 310-314, 357-359, 391-394.
History of manual training education in
424 Ohio State Archaeological and
Historical Quarterly
BLISS, Walter B., "The Deeds of Our
Recent Years," Ohio Schools, XXVII (1949),
253, 266-268. History of the Ohio
Education Association, 1933-49.
DODDS, Gilbert F., "Century of
Capital University," Franklin County Historical
Society, Bulletin, II (1950)
DOWNES, Randolph C., "The Jesup W.
Scott Family and the Idea of a Municipal
University," Northwest Ohio
Quarterly, XXI (1948-49), 149-168.
FALL, Paul H., "The Last Decade of
Hiram's First Century," Hiram College,
Bulletin, XXXXII, No. 5 (May 1950), [1-24].
HENDRICKSON, Andrew, "Adult
Education in Ohio," Adult Education Journal,
VIII (1949), 176-182. Recent growth.
HOLBROOK, Stewart H., "Oberlin
College: Beacon in the Wilderness," American
Mercury, LXX (1950), 485-491.
MARCHMAN, Watt P., "The Hayes
Memorial Library," Northwest Ohio Quarterly,
XXII (1949-50), 32-38.
MORGAN, Lucy Griscom, Pioneering Days
at Antioch. Yellow Springs, Ohio,
Antioch Press, c1947. 24p.
MORTON, R. L., "Ohio's Educational
Council," National Education Association,
Journal, XXXIX (1950), 291. Story of 27 years of service to the
Ohio Educa-
tion Association.
"Past Presidents of Capital U. Were
Great Leaders," Franklin County Historical
Society, Bulletin, II (1950),
SMITH, S. Winifred, "Antioch
College," Museum Echoes, XXII (1949), 82-85.
SMITH, S. Winifred, "Oberlin
College," Museum Echoes, XXII (1949), 58-61.
SMITH, S. Winifred, "Ohio Wesleyan
University," Museum Echoes, XXII (1949),
SMITH, S. Winifred, "The University
of Dayton," Museum Echoes, XXII (1949),
SMITH, S. Winifred, "Wilberforce
University," Museum Echoes, XXII (1949),
TREUDLEY, Mary Bosworth, Prelude to
the Future: The First Hundred Years of
Hiram College, 1850-1950. Hiram, Hiram College, 1950. 282p.
WEISENBURGER, Francis P., A Brief
History of Urbana University (Urbana
Junior College). [Urbana, Urbana Junior College, 1950.] 40p.
CHANDLER, Charles H., The Descendants
of Roger Chandler of Concord, Mass.,
1658. Provo, Utah, Herald Printing Co., 1949. Some of the
descendants resided
in Ohio.
DICKORE, Marie, ed., "Little Miami
Valley Cemetery Inscriptions," Historical and
Philosophical Society of Ohio, Bulletin,
VIII (1950), 68-73, 143-152. Inscrip-
tions from Old Greenbrier, Flag Spring,
and Duck Creek Baptist Church
DICKORE, Marie, "A Sea-Faring
Captain and a President's Grandparents Buried
in 'Old Bethel M. E. Cemetery' at
Bantam, Ohio," Historical and Philosophical
Society of Ohio, Bulletin, VII
(1949), 256-260.
HALL, Wm. K., "The Richardson
Family of Muskingum and Marion
Ohio," National Genealogical
Society, Quarterly, XXXVII (1949), 85.
Survey of Publications 425
HUDSON, William C., "Cornelius
Atkinson: Frontier Ranger," Detroit Society for
Genealogical Research, Magazine, XIII
(1950), 123-128. Sons were pioneers
in Monroe County, Ohio.
RABER, Nellie M., "Probate Records
of Trumbull County, Ohio," National
Genealogical Society, Quarterly, XXXVIII
(1950), 24-26. Continued from
XXXVII (June 1949), p. 47.
REESER, Nellie Wallace, Valentin Alt,
His Children and His Grandchildren. York,
Pa., mimeographed, c1949. 123p.
ROBERTS, George McKenzie, "The
Denslow Family in America," New York
Genealogical and Biographical Record,
LXXX (1949), 33-40, 105-111, 142-145,
230-238; LXXXI (1950), 31-38, 106-112,
156-165. Some descendants came to
"Roster of Members," Society
of Indiana Pioneers, Yearbook, 1949, 55-110. Gives
name of ancestor and place of origin.
Many from Ohio.
SCOTT, Eva Alice, Jacobus Jansen Van
Etten. Some Ten Generations in America
of Jacobus Jansen Van Etten,
Immigrant from Etten, North Brabant, Holland,
to Kingston, New York, About 1663. Youngstown, Ohio, privately printed,
1950. 164p.
"Seward Notes," Detroit
Society for Genealogical Research, Magazine, XIII (1950),
145-146. Family for whom Seward, Ohio,
is named.
SMITH, Edward Church, "The Family
of Daniel Bates, of Hanover, N. J., and
Cincinnati and Sandusky County,
Ohio," American Genealogist, XXVI (1950),
Society of Mayflower Descendants in
the State of Ohio. N.p., n. pub.,
1949. 125p.
WEINE, Joseph M., "Old Bethel M. E.
Cemetery at Bantam, Ohio," Historical and
Philosophical Society of Ohio, Bulletin,
VII (1949), 261-264.
BANTA, R. E., The Ohio (Rivers of
America Series). New York, Rinehart &
Company, 1949. 592p.
EMERSON, Caroline Dwight, Pioneer
Children of America (History on the March
Series). Boston, D. C. Heath &
Company, c1950. 311p. Illustrated by William
Sharp; foreword by Allan Nevins. One
unit deals with pioneers on the Ohio
HOLBROOK, Stewart H., The Yankee
Exodus: An Account of Migration from
New England. New York, Macmillan Company, 1950. Chapter III on
of the Western Reserve, and other
Inside Ohio. Columbus, Ohio Development and Publicity Commission,
1949. A
series of four-page leaflets on water,
power, research, transportation, minerals,
and taxes.
MUSSEY, Barrows, "Yankee Chills,
Ohio Fever," New England Quarterly, XXII
(1949), 435-451.
SIEDEL, Frank, The Ohio Story. Cleveland,
World Publishing Company, 1950. 256p.
SIMPICH, Frederick, "So Much
Happens Along the Ohio River," National
Geographic Magazine, XCVII (1950), 177-212.
426 Ohio State Archaeological and
Historical Quarterly
TROLLOPE, Frances Milton, Domestic
Manners of the Americans, edited, with a
history of Mrs. Trollope's adventures in
America, by Donald Smalley. New
York, Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 1949. 556p.
Describes life in Cincinnati in
the 1830's.
WHEELER, Robert C., Ohio Newspapers,
A Living Record. Columbus,
History Press, Ohio State Archaeological
and Historical Society, 1950. 257p.
HAVIGHURST, Walter, Signature of
Time. New York, Macmillan Company,
1949. 292p. Lake Erie island
RICHTER, Conrad, The Town. New
York, Alfred A. Knopf, 1950. Marietta,
Ohio, locale.
VAN EVERY, Dale, Bridal Journey. New
York, Julian Messner, 1950. 311p.
WILLIAMS, Ben Ames, Owen Glen. Boston,
Houghton Mifflin Company, 1950.
Scene: small town in southern Ohio coal
BAUMAN, Robert F., "The Migration
of the Ottawa Indians from the Maumee
Valley to Walpole Island," Northwest
Ohio Quarterly, XXI (1948-49), 86-112.
Fallen Timbers and Fort Miami. Columbus, Ohio State Archaeological and His-
torical Society, 1950. 8p.
JACOBS, Wilbur R., "Wampum, the
Protocol of Indian Diplomacy," William and
Mary Quarterly, VI (1949), 596-604. Ohio Indians included.
JACOBS, Wilbur R., "Was the Pontiac
Uprising a Conspiracy?" Ohio State
Archaeological and Historical
Quarterly, LIX (1950), 26-37.
[LAWWILL, J. Richard, and Dwight L.
Smith], The Great Indian Leaders in the
Indian Wars, 1790-1794. Columbus, Anthony Wayne Parkway Board, 1950. 6p.
SELLARDS, E. H., "The Indian
Captivity of Jennie Wiley," Tyler's Quarterly
Historical and Genealogical Magazine,
XXXI (1950), 256-262. Refutes idea
that she was held in Ohio.
SMITH, Dwight L., "Wayne's Peace
with the Indians of the Old Northwest, 1795,"
Ohio State Archaeological and
Historical Quarterly, LIX (1950),
STANLEY, George F. G., "The Indians
in the War of 1812," Canadian Historical
Review, XXXI (1950), 145-165.
STORM, Colton, "Maps Are
Strategy," American Heritage, I (1949-50), 8-11.
Describes strategy of Indian campaigns
in Ohio in relation to contemporary
maps of the Northwest Territory.
WILSON, Frazer Ells, Fort Jefferson,
The Frontier Post of the Upper Miami Val-
ley. Lancaster, Pa., Intelligencer Printing Co., 1950. 35p.
BOOTHE, Viva, and Sam Arnold, Prewar,
War, and Postwar Earnings, and Em.
ployment of Wage Earners in Ohio
Industries, 1935-1946. Columbus, Ohio
State University, Bureau of Business
Research, 1950. 608p.
STURM, William F., "We Thrive in
Toledo," American Federationist, LVII, No. 4
(April 1950), 10, 22. Brief historical
Survey of Publications 427
CORRIGAN, Marie, "Wind of the Word
. . . in Ohio," Library Journal, LXXV
(1950), 1124-1127. Ohio authors have
used "natural resources" in prose and
DAVIS, Alva L., and Raven I. McDavid,
"Northwestern Ohio: A Transition Area,"
Language, XXVI (1950), 264-273. A word study in towns of
northwestern Ohio.
GREEN, James Albert, "The Literary
Club of Cincinnati," Historical and Philo-
sophical Society of Ohio, Bulletin, VIII
(1950), 49-53.
HAMILTON, John A., "Timothy Flint's
'Lost Novel,'" American Literature, XXII
(1950), 54-56.
"A Toast to the Queen City
Club," Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio,
Bulletin, VIII (1950), 60-62.
VENABLE, W. H., Beginnings of
Literary Culture in the Ohio Valley: Historical
and Biographical Sketches. New York,
Peter Smith, 1949. 510p. Reprint
ALLEN, Hugh, Rubber's Home Town: The
Real Life-Story of Akron. New York,
Stratford House, 1949. xxii+265p.
BIGGS, Louise Ogan, A Brief History
of Vinton County. Columbus, Heer Printing
Co., 1950. 184p.
BINGHAM, Robert K., "Ada, Ohio,
Main Street," Allen County Historical Society,
Reporter, December 20, 1949, 6-8.
CLOPPER, E. N., "The Waters of Discord,"
Historical and Philosophical Society
of Ohio, Bulletin, VII (1949),
211-217. Cumminsville feud.
DAWSON, William J., The Aurora Story.
N.p., privately published, 1949. 79p.
DICKORE, Marie, "Newton, First
Named Mercersberg," Historical and Philosophical
Society of Ohio, Bulletin, VIII
(1950), 65-67.
DODDS, Gilbert F., "Archibald Smith
Homestead Is Memorial to County's Pioneer
Architect Carpenters," Franklin
County Historical Society, Bulletin, II (1950),
DODDS, Gilbert F., "The Frederick
Sprague Homestead," Franklin County His-
torical Society, Bulletin, II
(1950), 130.
DODDS, Gilbert F., "William Sharp
Homestead, Westerville," Franklin County
Historical Society, Bulletin, II
(1949-50), 156-157.
DOWNES, Randolph C., "The Story of
Camp Perry," Northwest Ohio Quarterly,
XXII (1949-50), 25-31. Based on an
interview with Harry Harold Kerr.
ERVIN, Edgar, Pioneer History of
Meigs County, Ohio, to 1949, Including Masonic
History of the Same Period. N. p., Meigs County Pioneer Society, [1950]. 514p.
HARRIS, Elizabeth W., A Brief History
of Salem, Ohio. N.p., n. pub., 1950. 24p.
HEALD, Edward Thornton, The Stark
County Story. Vol. I, Being the First Seventy-
six Scripts Covering the Years
1805-1874 on the Cities, Towns and Villages of
Stark County, Ohio, As Broadcast over
WHBC--WHBC-FM. Canton, Ohio,
Stark County Historical Society, 1949.
HESSLER, Iola O., Cincinnati Then and
Now. Cincinnati, League of Women
Voters of Cincinnati, 1949. 163p.
428 Ohio State Archaeological and Historical
HUSBAND, R. M., "A County Seat Is
Carved out of the Wilderness," Antiques
Journal, V, No. 6 (June 1950), 22-25, 41. Hillsboro, Highland
County, Ohio.
KELLER, Kathryn Miller, "Dynamite
Doings on Delaware Creek," Northwest Ohio
Quarterly, XXII (1949-50), 64-72.
KELLER, Kathryn Miller, Lucas County
Tourists' Guide. Toledo, Historical Society
of Northwestern Ohio, 1950.
MATTHEWS, C. W., "Chillicothe's
Master Plan Gets Action," American City,
LXIV, No. 11 (November 1949), 118-119.
Reference to first capital and plan
for preservation of historic sites. Part
of sesquicentennial plan.
"Michael Sullivant Homestead,
Hilltop's Oldest, Now Only a Memory," Franklin
County Historical Society, Bulletin, II
(1950), 117.
1950 Record of Old Houses of Hudson,
Ohio: A Brief History of 115 of Hudson's
Oldest Houses. Hudson, Hudson, Ohio, Sesquicentennial, Committee on
torical Buildings, 1950.
QUINE, C. R., Akron's Old Forge. Akron,
mimeographed for the author, 1950. 4p.
QUINE, C. R., The Old Wolf Ledges. Akron,
mimeographed for the author,
1950. 12p.
[RODABAUGH, James H.], "Fremont-100
Years," Museum Echoes, XXII (1949),
ROSE, William G., Cleveland: The
Making of a City. Cleveland, World Publishing
Company, 1950. 1280p., 343
RUST, Orton G., ed., Yesteryear in
Clark County, Ohio. Vol. III. Springfield, Ohio,
Clark County Historical Society, 1949.
RUST, Orton G., ed., Yesteryear in
Clark County. Vol. IV. Springfield, Ohio,
Clark County Historical Society, 1950.
"Salem--'The Quaker City,' A
Progressive Community with Nationally Prominent
Industries," Ohio Edisonian, July
1950, 10-12. Historical references.
SEIFERT, Myron T., "A Pioneer
Christmas with Recollections of William G.
Deshler," Franklin County
Historical Society, Bulletin, II, No. 1 (December
1949), 99-101.
Sesquicentennial of Hudson, Ohio,
June 17, 1950. [Hudson,
Sesquicentennial Com-
mission, 1950.] 36p.
STRAYER, Daniel Evan, History of
DeGraff. DeGraff, DeGraff Centennial Asso-
ciation, 1949. 140p.
"This Is Toledo," Ohio
Bell, XXVII, Nos. 2-3 (February-March 1950), 2-15. His-
torical background.
Troy of Yesterday, Today, and
Tomorrow. Troy, Ohio, Historical
Society of Troy,
Miami County, Ohio, [1949]. 128p.
Pictorial history.
TULLIS, John, Overfield Tavern. Troy,
Ohio, Historical Society of Troy, 1950. 22p.
WELLES, G. D., "Toledo Zoo
Celebrates Fiftieth Anniversary This Year," Parks
& Recreation, XXXII (1949), 582-585.
Wellsville 155th Anniversary Celebration
Committee, Souvenir Program, June 28-
Through--July 8, 1950. Wellsville, the Committee, 1950. unpaged.
WILLIAMS, Mentor L., "J. K.
Paulding's Sketch of the Great Lakes," Mid-Amer.
ica, XXXII (1950), 67-79. A couple of paragraphs on
Cleveland in 1842.
Survey of Publications 429
Christ Hospital Blue Book, 1948-1949.
Fifty-Ninth Annual Report of the Elizabeth
Gamble Deaconess Home Association and
the Christ Hospital (The Christ Hos-
pital Bulletin, XLIX, No. 1). Brief history and reproduction of oil
painting of
Dr. Daniel Drake.
FETTERMAN, Joseph L., and Jack Horrocks,
"Psychiatric Progress in Ohio in
the Twentieth Century," Ohio
State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly,
LVIII (1949), 378-389.
FORMAN, Jonathan, "Obstetrics As
Taught at the College of Physicians and Sur-
geons of Columbus, Ohio
(1835-1841)," Ohio State Medical Journal, XLV
(1949), 895-896, 991-992.
"Ground Rules for Doctors of Morgan
County in 1848," Ohio State Medical Journal,
XLVI (1950), 462-464.
HERTZOG, Lucy S., "Dr. James Craven
Wood, 1859-1948," Ohio State Medical
Journal, XLVI (1950), 344. Cleveland physician.
HERTZOG, Lucy S., "Dr. Lester E.
Siemon, of Cleveland, 1867-1943; Dr. Thomas
A. McCann, of Dayton, 1858-1943; Dr.
Hamilton Fiske Biggar [of Cleveland],
1839-1926," Ohio State Medical
Journal, XLVI (1950), 464.
HERTZOG, Lucy S., "High Spots of
Ohio Homeopathic History 1890-1949," Ohio
State Medical Journal, XLV (1949), 1189-1195.
HERTZOG, Lucy S., "The Hoyt Family,
1839-1949," Ohio State Medical Journal,
XLVI (1950), 252. Three generations of
homeopathic physicians in Ohio.
LUPTON, Ella G., "History of
Medicine in Gallia County, Ohio," Ohio State Medi-
cal Journal, XLVI (1950), 143-148.
McCARTHY, Kenneth C., "The Progress
of Anesthesiology in Ohio," Ohio State
Medical Journal, XLV (1949), 585-588.
MAHR, August C., "Health Conditions
in the Moravian Indian Mission of Schon-
brunn," Ohio Journal of Science,
L (1950), 121-131.
PATERSON, Robert G., "James E.
Bauman's Service to the State of Ohio," Ohio
State Medical Journal, XLVI (1950), 249-252, 341-344.
PATERSON, Robert G., "The
Proceedings of the General Medical Society of Ohio
in 1829," Ohio State Medical
Journal, XLVI (1950), 51-52.
PRUGH, Daniel F., ed., "St. Francis
Hospital Celebrates Its 100th Anniversary;
Historic Starling Medical College
Founded in 1848," Franklin County His-
torical Society, Bulletin, II
(1949-50), 146-148.
WAITE, Frederick C., "Changes in
the Medical Educational Program in Ohio from
1890 to 1910," Ohio State
Medical Journal, XLV (1949), 1083-1088.
"Ecology [of the Cleveland
Area]," Explorer, II, No. 3 (Spring 1950), entire issue,
"Winter [in Cleveland and Northern
Ohio]," Explorer, II, No. 2 (Winter 1950),
BORROR, Donald J., "A Check List of
the Birds of Ohio, with the Migration
Dates for the Birds of Central
Ohio," Ohio Journal of Science, L (1950), 1-32.
430 Ohio State Archaeological and
Historical Quarterly
DEXTER, Ralph W., "A Banded Albino
Robin," Bird-Banding, XX (1949), 187.
Banded at Kent, Ohio.
DEXTER, Ralph W., "Banding Chimney
Swifts," Audubon, LII (1950), 158-161, 190.
Banding at Kent State University.
DEXTER, Ralph W., "Six Year Diary
of Two Chimney Swifts," Bird-Banding,
XXI (1950), 99-104. Banded at Kent,
DUSTMAN, Eugene H., "Know Your
Pheasants," Ohio Conservation Bulletin, XIII,
No. 8 (August 1949), 27-28.
"Fiftieth Christmas Bird
Count," Audubon Field Notes, IV (1950), 43-178. Sections
184-208, pp. 108-116, pertain to Ohio.
GOOD, E. E., "A Winter Bird
Count," Ohio Conservation Bulletin, XIV, No. 2 (Feb-
ruary 1950), 27.
KEMSIES, Emerson, and G. Ronald Austing,
"Smith's Longspur in Ohio," Wilson
Bulletin, LXII (1950), 37.
LEEDY, Daniel L., "Ducks Continue
to Nest After Brush Fire at Castalia, Ohio,"
The Auk, LXVII (1950), 234.
McPHERSON, H. R., "The Ivory Billed
Woodpecker in Ohio," Ohio Indian Relic
Collectors Society, Bulletin, No.
24 (June 1950), 12-14.
MAYFIELD, Harold, "Middlewestern
Prairie Region" in "Region Reports-Fall
Migration, August 16 to November 30,
1949," Audubon Field Notes, IV (1950),
17-19. Includes part of Ohio.
PUTNAM, Loren S., "The Life History
of the Cedar Waxwing," Wilson Bulletin,
LXI (1949), 141-182. Observations at
Put-In-Bay, Sandusky, Ohio.
SCHULTZ, Vincent, "A Tabulation of
Ohio Bobwhite Quail Foods," Ohio Journal
of Science, XLIX (1949), 247-250.
THOMAS, Marian W., and Elder P. Hengst,
"Little Gull at Columbus, Ohio," Wil-
son Bulletin, LXI (1949), 236.
WILLIAMS, Arthur B., ed., Birds of
Cleveland. Cleveland Museum of Natural
History, 1950. 220p., map,
and 1 pl. Compiled by members of Kirtland Bird
BAUER, Edwin A., "Hunting in the
Hill Country-Lawrence County," Ohio Con-
servation Bulletin, XIII, No. 10 (October 1949), 16-17.
BERNHAGEN, R. J., "Program,
Responsibilities, and Problems Concerning Water
Resources in Ohio," Ohio Journal
of Science, L (1950), 168-176.
CHAPMAN, Floyd B., "Management
Suggestions for Quail in Ohio," Ohio Conserva-
tion Bulletin, XIII, No. 10 (October 1949), 31-32.
CHAPMAN, Floyd B., "Resthaven
Sanctuary Development," Ohio Conservation Bul-
letin, XIII, No. 10 (October 1949), 21.
"Conservation Farm Is a Wildlife
Haven," Ohio Conservation Bulletin, XIII, No. 12
(December 1949), [16-17].
CRAIG, James B., "The Miracle of
Muskingum," American Forests, LV, No. 7
(July 1949), 18-23, 37, 46. Historical
material on Muskingum Watershed
Conservancy District.
DAMBACH, Charles A., "The Special
Symposium on Conservation Presented at the
Fifty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the Ohio
Academy of Science," Ohio Journal
of Science, L (1950), 156-157.
Survey of Publications 431
"Experts Make Wild Game Flourish on
Model Farm Tract in Highland County,"
Ohio Conservation Bulletin, XIII, No. 12 (December 1949), 4-5.
"Father of Forestry," Ohio
Conservation Bulletin, XIV, No. 7 (July 1950), 16.
Reprinted from Ohio State Journal editorial.
HARTLEY, Oliver, "Soil
Conservation-Ruin or Redemption?" Ohio Conservation
Bulletin, XIV, No. 5 (May 1950), 4-5.
"How Ohio Game Is Being
Managed," Ohio Conservation Bulletin, XIII, No. 10
(October 1949), 14-15.
"How Ohio Ravages Her Land," Ohio
Conservation Bulletin, XIII, No. 11 (November
1949), [16-17].
LEEDY, Daniel L., "Ohio's Status As
a Game and Fur Producing State," Ohio
Journal of Science, L (1950), 88-94.
MARION, A. W., "Program,
Responsibilities, and Problems of the New Ohio De-
partment of Natural Resources," Ohio
Journal of Science, L (1950), 158-163.
MASTERS, Charles O., "Ohio's Pond
Plants and Animals," Ohio Conservation
Bulletin, XIII, No. 8 (August 1949), 22-23; No. 9 (September
1949), 22;
No. 10 (October 1949), 22; No. 11
(November 1949), 22-23; No. 12 (December
1949), 22-23; XIV, No. 1 (January 1950),
22-23; No. 2 (February 1950), 22-23;
No. 4 (April 1950), 22-23; No. 5 (May
1950), 22; No. 6 (June 1950), 22.
MELVIN, John H., "Program,
Problems, and Policies Concerning Mineral Re-
sources in Ohio," Ohio Journal
of Science, L (1950), 164-167.
"Ohio Leads Nation As Builder of
Lakes," Ohio Conservation Bulletin, XIII, No. 9
(September 1949), 16.
Ohio Wildlife Research Unit, Ohio State
University, "Knowing Ohio Wildlife,"
Ohio Conservation Bulletin, XIV, No. 5 (May 1950), 27-28; No. 6 (June 1950),
"Ohio's Golden Harvest of Fur,
Game: Game Banquet Table from Columbus
to Cincy and Back," Ohio
Conservation Bulletin, XIII, No. 8 (August 1949), 20.
OWENS, W. E., "Cowan Creek Dam and
Lake," Ohio Conservation Bulletin, XIII,
No. 9 (September 1949), 17, 31.
ROACH, Lee, "In Fishing
Circles," Ohio Conservation Bulletin, XIII, No. 8
(August 1949), 12-13; No. 9 (September
1949), 12-13; No. 10 (October 1949),
12-13, 29-30; No. 11 (November 1949),
12-13; No. 12 (December 1949), 12-13;
XIV, No. 1 (January 1950), 12-13.
SEARS, Paul B., "Conservation in
Theory and Practice," Ohio Journal of Science,
L (1950), 149-155. Refers especially to
Lorain, Richland, and Knox counties.
"Story of the Wayne National
Forest," Ohio Conservation Bulletin, XIII, No. 10
(October 1949), 4-6.
"Stream Pollution, Too Long
Neglected," Ohio Conservation Bulletin, XIII, No. 11
(November 1949), 29.
STUBER, James W., "Looking
Backwards in Conservation," Ohio Conservation
Bulletin, XIII, No. 11 (November 1949), 20.
STUBER, James W., "Then and Now in
Conservation," Ohio Conservation Bulletin,
XIII, No. 12 (December 1949), 20; XIV,
No. 1 (January 1950), 20-21; No. 2
(February 1950), 20; No. 3 (March 1950),
20; No. 4 (April 1950), 20.
"A Summary of Waterfowl Kill Census
at Buckeye Lake, Ohio," Ohio Conservation
Bulletin, XIV, No. 1 (January 1950), 27-28.
432 Ohio State Archaeological and
Historical Quarterly
TRAUTMAN, Milton B., "A Hostile
Force Invading Lake Erie," Ohio Conservation
Bulletin, XIV, No. 1 (January 1950), 4-6. Silver lamprey.
TUCKER, Walter A., "Greater Use of
Surface Water Needed," Ohio Conservation
Bulletin, XIV, No. 7 (July 1950), 14. Reprinted from the Columbus
March 25, 1945.
"Vigilant Rangers Guard State
Forests," Ohio Conservation Bulletin, XIV, No. 1
(January 1950), [16-17]. Photos by R. L.
"Wildlife Habitat Improvement:
Federal Aid Projects," Ohio Conservation Bulletin,
XIV, No. 5 (May 1950), 4-5.
Fishes and Reptiles
BAUER, Edwin A., "Fishing in
Southern Ohio," Ohio Conservation Bulletin, XIV,
No. 3 (March 1950), 4-5.
"Northern Pike Offers
Characteristic Gameness and Unpredictable Antics," Ohio
Conservation Bulletin, XIII, No. 11 (November 1949), 19.
ROACH, Lee, "In Fishing
Circles," Ohio Conservation Bulletin, XIV, No. 5 (May
1950), 12, 15; No. 6 (June 1950), 12-13;
(July 1950), 12, 19.
WEISS, Gilbert, "The
Bluegill," Ohio Conservation Bulletin, XIV, No. 7 (July
1950), 18.
WOOD, John Thornton, "Observation
oil Natrix septemvittata (Say) in South-
western Ohio," American Midland
Naturalist, XLII (1949), 744-750.
WOOD, John Thornton, and William Edward
Duellman, "Size and Scutellation in
Natrix septemvittata (Say) in
Southwestern Ohio," American Midland Naturalist,
XLIII (1950), 173-178.
ALKIRE, Robert L., and Harold J. Flint,
comps., Map of Oil and Gas Pipe Lines
in Ohio. [Columbus], Ohio Division of Geological Survey, 1949.
41" x 53".
BURTON, Walter E., "Deep in the
Heart of Ohio," Popular Mechanics, XCIV,
No. 2 (August 1950), 134-138, 218, 224.
Limestone mining near Barberton,
Ohio, with explanation of formation of
the limestone.
HARPER, Arthur R., Ohio in the
Making: A Brief Geological History of Ohio.
Columbus, College of Education, Ohio
State University, 1948. 80p.
MELVIN, John H., "Ohio--Salt of the
Earth," Ohio Conservation Bulletin, XIII,
No. 10 (October 1949), 4-5.
SMITH, William H., Sand and Gravel
Resources in Northern Ohio (Geological
Survey of Ohio, Report of
Investigations, No. 6). Columbus, Ohio Division of
Geological Survey, 1949.
WHITE, George W., Geology of Holmes
County (Geological Survey of Ohio, Fourth
Series, Bulletin 47). Columbus,
Ohio Division of Geological Survey, 1949.
373p. Includes chapter on gas
and oil by Raymond E. Lamborn.
WILSON, T. H., and T. H. Kerr, Ohio
Coal and Oil Studies (Ohio State University
Studies, Engineering Series, XVIII, No.
4). Columbus, Ohio State University,
1949. 35p. Pt. 1, Investigation of the
Washability of Several Ohio Coals; Pt. 2,
Survey of Production of the Corning Ohio
Oil Pool.
Survey of Publications 433
Insects and Other Invertebrates
DEXTER, Ralph W., Thomas C. Surrarrer,
and Charles W. Davis, "Some Recent
Records of the Fresh-Water Jellyfish
Craspedacusta sowerbii from Ohio and
Pennsylvania," Ohio Journal of
Science, XLIX (1949), 235-241.
PRICE, Homer F., "Notes on the
Dragonflies (Odonata) of Northwestern Ohio,"
Ohio Journal of Science, L (1950), 71-78.
WEAVER, C. R., "Some Aspects of the
Distribution of Larval Parasites of the
Oriental Fruit Moth in Ohio," Ohio
Journal of Science, XLIX (1949), 154-159.
DUSTMAN, Eugene H., "Ohio's
1948-1949 Fur Crop," Ohio Conservation Bulletin,
XIV, No. 7 (July 1950), 4-5.
DUSTMAN, Eugene H., "The Scent
Master," Ohio Conservation Bulletin, XIII,
No. 12 (December 1949), 27. Skunk (Ohio
status given).
LAWSON, Helen and Bill, "Mammal
Tracks and Facts," Ohio Conservation Bulletin,
XIV, No. 5 (May 1950), 20-21; No. 6
(June 1950), 18-19; No. 7 (July 1950),
YOUNG, Charles H., "Habits of the
Thirteen-Striped Ground Squirrel," Ohio
Conservation Bulletin, XIII, No. 11 (November 1949), 27-28.
THOMAS, Edward S., "Mahogany [in
Ohio]," Ohio Conservation Bulletin, XIII,
No. 11 (November 1949), 5. Reprinted
from Columbus Sunday Dispatch
HEFLINGER, W. M., "The War of 1812
in Northwestern Ohio: Background and
Causes," Northwest Ohio
Quarterly, XXII (1949-50), 8-24.
MORGAN, John M., "Old Steady: The
Role of General James Blair Steedman at
the Battle of Chickamauga," Northwest
Ohio Quarterly, XXII (1949-50), 73-94.
NEWMAN, Ralph G., "Battles and
Leaders of the Civil War," Lincoln Herald,
LI, No. 3 (October 1949), 11, 24-25. On
a series of articles in The Century,
November 1884 to November 1887, some of
which were contributed by Ohioans,
Grant, Sherman, Buell, McClellan,
Rosecrans, etc.
OSBORN, George C., "A Confederate
Prisoner at Camp Chase: Letters and a
Diary of Private James W.
Anderson," Ohio State Archaeological and Historical
Quarterly, LIX (1950), 38-57.
ROSEBOOM, Eugene H., "The Mobbing
of the Crisis,'2 Ohio State Archaeological
and Historical Quarterly, LIX (1950), 150-153.
WILLIAMS, Kenneth B., Lincoln Finds a
General: A Military Study of the Civil
War. New York, Macmillan Company, 1949. 2 vols., xviii, ix,
902p. Evaluation
of leaders including Ohioans.
ZORNOW, William Frank, "Confederate
Raiders on Lake Erie. Their Propaganda
Value in 1864," Inland Seas, V
(1949), 42-47, 101-105.
434 Ohio
State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly
ALLEN, Florence E., and Mary Welles, A
Certain Unalienable Right; What Ohio
Did To Help Secure It: An Outline of
the Ohio Woman Suffrage Movement.
Cleveland, Committee for the
Preservation of Ohio Woman Suffrage Records,
1950. 59p. mimeographed.
ALLEN, Robert S., Our Sovereign
State. New York, Vanguard Press, 1949. 413p.
Exposes backstair politics in New York,
Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois, and eight
other states.
AUER, J. Jeffery, "Lincoln's
Minister to Mexico," Ohio State Archaeological and
Historical Quarterly, LIX (1950), 115-128.
BREMNER, Robert H., "The Civic
Revival in Ohio-Artist in Politics: Brand
Whitlock," American Journal of
Economics and Sociology, IX (1949-50),
BREMNER, Robert H., "The Civic
Revival in Ohio: Municipal Ownership and
Economic Privilege," American
Journal of Economics and Sociology, IX (1950),
BREMNER, Robert H., "Tom L.
Johnson," Ohio State Archaeological and Historical
Quarterly, LIX (1950), 1-13.
CARPENTER, Charles K., The Origin of
the Woman's Crusade and the W. C. T. U.
N.p., Mines Press, 1949. 29p.
GRIFFITH, J. P., and J. W. Smith, Ohio:
The State and Its Government. New
York, Oxford Book Company, rev. ed.,
1949. 123p.
GUNDERSON, Robert Gray, "The Dayton
Log-Cabin Convention of 1840," Historical
and Philosophical Society of Ohio, Bulletin,
VII (1949), 203-210.
MACKOY, Harry B., "A Political
Letter of 1818," Historical and Philosophical
Society of Ohio, Bulletin, VII
(1949), 226-231. From A. H. Owens, secretary
of war, pro tem, to Gen. Joseph Dobbins
regarding the Seminole War.
WILEY, Earl W., "Ohio
Pre-Convention Support for Lincoln in 1860," Lincoln
Herald, LII, No. 2 (June 1950), 13-17, 39.
WITTKE, Carl, "Peter Witt, Tribune
of the People," Ohio State Archaeological
and Historical Quarterly, LVIII (1949), 361-377.
ZORNOW, William, "Lincoln and
Chase: Presidential Rivals," Lincoln Herald,
LII, No. 1 (February 1950), 17-28; No. 2
(June 1950), 6-12, 21.
ZORNOW, William, "Some New Light on
Fremont's Nomination at Cleveland in
1864," Lincoln Herald, LI,
No. 3 (October 1949), 21-23, 25.
COLE, Charles C., Jr., "Finney's
Fight Against the Masons," Ohio State Archaeo-
logical and Historical Quarterly, LIX (1950), 270-286.
FARRELL, John T., "Background of
the 1902 Taft Mission to Rome. I.," Catholic
Historical Review, XXXVI (1950), 1-32.
HUTCHINSON, Paul, ed., "Great
Churches of America. II. Evangelical and Re-
formed, New Knoxville, Ohio," Christian
Century, LXVII (1950), 233-238.
JOHNSON, Charles A., "The Frontier
Camp Meeting: Contemporary and Historical
Appraisals, 1805-1840," Mississippi
Valley Historical Review, XXXVII (1950),
Survey of Publications 435
KLETT, Guy S., ed., "A Missionary
Journey in Ohio in 1809," Presbyterian His-
torical Society, Journal, XXVII
(1949), 229-234. Diary of the Rev. William
KUHNS, Frederick, "A Glimpse of
Home Missionary Activities in the Old North-
west," Presbyterian Historical
Society, Journal, XXVII (1949), 89-116.
McCONAHEY, S. C., and Elizabeth
Humphreville, The First Presbyterian Church,
Mt. Pleasant, Ohio, Formerly the
Presbyterian Congregation of Indian Short
Creek, 1798-1948. Martins Ferry, Ohio, Sedgwick Printing Co., 1948. 159p.
Includes an account of the progress of
Presbyterianism in eastern Ohio.
"Minutes of Miami Presbytery (Ohio)
1810-1812," Presbyterian Historical Society,
Journal, XXVII (1949), 117-129. Publication of original
Minutes of Ohio Yearly Meeting of the
Religious Society of Friends, 1949. N.p.,
n. pub., n.d. 69p.
"Minutes of the Presbytery of
Ohio," Presbyterian Historical Society, Journal,
XXVII (1949), 179-193.
"Minutes of Washington (Ohio)
Presbytery, 1808-1811," Presbyterian Historical
Society, Journal, XXVII (1949),
PRUGH, D. F., "History of Clinton
Township's First Church Is Recorded for
Society's Library of Local History,"
Franklin County Historical Society, Bul-
letin, II (1950), 122-124.
"Records of the Church in Aurora in
Library," Western Reserve Historical Society,
Historical Society News, V, No. 1 (January 1950), 4.
ROBBINS, Roy M., "Crusade in the
Wilderness, 1750-1830," Indiana Magazine of
History, XLVI (1950), 121-132. Deals with entire Old Northwest.
St. Raphael Church, Springfield,
Ohio, 1849-1949. N.p., n. pub.,
SALOMON, Richard G., "The
Episcopate on the Carey Case: New Sources from
the Chase Collection at Kenyon
College," Historical Magazine of the Protestant
Episcopal Church, XVIII (1949), 240-281.
SALOMON, Richard G., "The Pierpont
Morgan Collection of Bishops' Letters,"
Historical Magazine of the Protestant
Church, XIX (1950), 53-58.
SCHOTT, John, Our Shaker Heritage. Cleveland,
Shaker Historical Society, 1949.
10p. mimeographed.
SHERMAN, Harold J. "The Beginnings
of the Presbyterion Church in Toledo,"
Northwest Ohio Quarterly, XXI (1948-49), 120-131.
SMITH, Margaret B., "History of the
Yellow Creek Presbyterian Church," Wells-
ville Echoes, I (1949), 34-36, 38-39.
BECK, Melvin, "Packet Boat
Valhalla," Ford Times, XLII, No. 3 (March 1950),
51-53. Describes River Museum at the
Campus Martius Museum, Marietta.
BURGESS, George H., and Miles C.
Kennedy, Centennial History of the Penn-
sylvania Railroad Company, 1846-1946.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Railroad
Company, 1950. 835p. Includes Ohio railroads
consolidated with the Pennsyl-
vania Railroad.
"Charles Wasch Recalls Topeka
Sinking," Great Lakes News, XXXV (1950), 23-24.
436 Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly
JONES, Robert Leslie, ed.,
"Flatboating down the Ohio and Mississippi, 1867-1873:
Correspondence and Diaries of the
William Dudley Devol Family of Marietta,
Ohio, Part I," Ohio State
Archaeological and Historical Quarterly, LIX (1950),
"Let's Explore Ohio-Early Canals
and Roads," Ohio Conservation Bulletin, XIII,
No. 8 (August 1949), 16.
"Walk-in-the-Water Arrived in
August," Western Reserve Historical Society, His-
torical Society News, IV, No. 8 (August 1949), [2]. Illustration [1].
ARMYTAGE, W. H. G., "William
Chambers in America, 1853," Ohio State Archaeo-
logical and Historical Quarterly, LIX (1950), 139-149.
BANTA, R. E., "Explorers of the
Ohio," American Heritage, n.s., I, No. 3 (Spring
1950), 20-23, 54. Claim for Arnout
BRUCE, Mary Hoge, "The Wilderness
Road," Historical and Philosophical Society
of Ohio, Bulletin, VII (1949),
FERGUSON, Alfred R., "Charles
Dickens in Ohio," Ohio State Archaeological and
Historical Quarterly, LIX (1950), 14-25.
"The Great Lakes in Niles' National
Register-Northern Ohio in 1813," Inland
Seas, V (1949), 118-121.
JACQUET, E. A., "Steamboating Will
Get You If You Don't Watch Out!"
Sohioan, XXI, No. 7 (August 1949), 10-15. Trip on the Ohio,
Mississippi, and
Tennessee rivers, with brief mention of
earlier type boats.
KLEIN, Benjamin and Eleanor, eds., Ohio
River Handbook. Cincinnati, Young &
Klein, rev. ed., 1950. 376p.
THOMAS, Robert, "Buckeye
Argonauts," Ohio State Archaeological and Historical
Quarterly, LIX (1950), 256-269. Ohioans in the California gold
rush, 1849-50.
WHITE, Wallace B., "Trailing
Roger's Rangers Through the Firelands," Inland
Seas, VI, No. 1 (Spring 1950), 18-25. To be continued.
BIEMILLER, Carl L., "Football Town
[Massillon, Ohio]," Holiday, VI, No. 5 (No-
vember 1949), 72-83. Record since 1933.
JILLSON, Willard Rouse, "Early
Kentucky Maps," Kentucky Historical Society,
Register, XLVII (1949), 265-293; XLVIII (1950), 32-52. Many show
parts of Ohio.
LAWWILL, J. Richard, "The Anthony
Wayne Parkway--A Memorial for the Living,"
Parks & Recreation, XXXIII (1950), 237-240.
MEAD, David, "Some Ohio
Conversations of Amos Bronson Alcott," New England
Quarterly, XXII (1949), 358-372. Lectures at Cincinnati,
Cleveland, Toledo, and
POWER, Richard Lyle, "Ditchwater
and Our Hoosier Ancestors," Society of Indiana
Pioneers, Yearbook, 1949, 30-34.
Influence of the Black Swamp on the settle-
ment of Indiana.
RAUP, H. F., "A Preliminary Study
of Geographic Names in Ohio," Museum
Echoes, XXII (1949), 86-88.
Survey of Publications 437
ROELLINGER, Francis X., Jr., "Oscar
Wilde in Cleveland," Ohio State Archaeo-
logical and Historical Quarterly, LIX (1950), 129-138.
"Territorial Days of Indiana,
1800-1816," Indiana History Bulletin, XXVII (1950),
91-120. Material on Harrison and
incidental Ohioana.
"Three Years Progress--Ohio," 1949
Yearbook, Park and Recreation Progress, 70-72.
Washington, D. C., National Conference
on State Parks, 1950.
AUGUST 1949-JULY 1950
HAYTER, Earl W., "Mechanical
Humbuggery Among the Western Farmers, 1860-90,"
Michigan History, XXXIV (1950), 1-18. Numerous Ohio examples.
KOESTER, Leonard, ed. and trans.,
"Latin Farmers in Northwestern Ohio, from the
Autobiography of Mrs. Karl Tafel," Northwest
Ohio Quarterly, XXI (1948-49),
ASHLEY, James M., "John Brown's Execution:
An Eye Witness Account," North-
western Ohio Quarterly, XXI (1948-49), 140-148. Edited by Robert L. Stevens.
CULMER, Frederic A., "Fleming
Terrell of Virginia and Missouri," Virginia
Magazine of History and Biography, LVIII, 194-208. A daughter married
Gabriel Slaughter and moved to Logan
County, Ohio. Deals with slave question.
"The 'John Brown House,'
Chatham," Ontario History, XLII (1950), 55-56. John
Brown's connection with Chatham, Kent
Co., Ontario, Canada.
NYE, Russel B., "Eliza Crossing the
Ice: A Reappraisal of Sources," Historical
and Philosophical Society of Ohio, Bulletin,
VIII (1950), 105-112.
NYE, Russel B., Fettered Freedom:
Civil Liberties and the Slavery Controversy,
1839-1860. East Lansing, Michigan State College Press, 1949. xiii
+ 273p.
STAIGER, C. Bruce, "Abolition and
the Presbyterian Schism of 1837-1838,"
Mississippi Valley Historical Review,
XXXVI (1949), 391-414.
"Ancient Burial Mound Opened in
Delaware County," Ohio Indian Relic Collectors
Society, Bulletin, No. 23
(January 1950), [6].
BAERREIS, David A., "Some Comments
on Trait Lists and the Hopewellian
Culture," Wisconsin
Archaeologist, XXX (1950), 65-73. Wisconsin-comparative.
COPELAND, Stanley, "The Hudson
Mound," Ohio Indian Relic Collectors Society,
Bulletin, No. 24 (June 1950), 15-16. Pickaway County.
GOSLIN, Robert M., "Kettle Hill
Cave," Ohio Indian Relic Collectors Society,
Bulletin, No. 23 (January 1950), [2-3].
GREENMAN, Emerson F., Guide to
Serpent Mound. Columbus, Ohio State
Archaeological and Historical Society,
rev. ed., 1950. 18p.
"Hopewell Culture Mound Explored by
Ross County Historical Society, 1946,"
Ohio Indian Relic Collectors Society, Bulletin,
No. 23 (January 1950), 7, 9.