AUGUST 1950-JULY 1951
Compiled by S. WINIFRED
Centennial Souvenir of the Ohio State
Fair: A Century of Agricultural Progress
in Ohio. Columbus, Columbus Chamber of Commerce and Franklin
Historical Society, 1950. 11p.
DODDS, Gilbert F., "Centennial of
the First Franklin County Fair," Franklin
County Historical Society, Bulletin, III
(1950-51), 50-52.
DODDS, Gilbert F., "The Columbus
Horticultural Society," Franklin County
Historical Society, Bulletin, III
(1950-51), 23.
FOLCK, Chester, Springfield Ohio
Jerseys, 1880-1950. Privately printed, [1950].
SEIFERT, Myron T., "First Ohio
State Fair," Franklin County Historical Society,
Bulletin, II (1949-50), 166-167.
SHANNON, Fred A., "The Status of
the Midwestern Farmer in 1900," Mississippi
Valley Historical Review, XXXVII (1950-51), 491-510.
KEAGY, Walter R., "The Lane
Seminary Rebellion," Historical and Philosophical
Society of Ohio, Bulletin, IX
(1951), 141-160.
CARPENTER, Edmund S., "Ecology and
Pennsylvania Mounds," Pennslyvania Archae-
ologist, XX (1950), 63-74. Comparative for the Ohio Valley.
GOSLIN, Robert M., "Animal Remains
from a Prehistoric Ohio Indian Site," Ohio
Indian Relic Collectors Society, Bulletin,
No. 25 (September 1950), 16-22.
GOSLIN, Robert M., "Evidence of the
Occurrence of the Rice Rat in Prehistoric
Indian Village Sites in Ohio," Ohio
Indian Relic Collectors Society, Bulletin,
No. 26 (January 1951), 19-22.
GOSLIN, Robert M., "An Interesting
Mound Burial," Ohio Archaeologist, n. s.,
I, No. 1 (April 1951), 32-35. Mound on
Charles Lehman farm near Gore,
Hocking County, Ohio.
JOHNSTON, LaDow, "The Bar
Amulet," Ohio Indian Relic Collectors Society,
Bulletin, No. 26 (January 1951), 15-18.
JOHNSTON, LaDow, "Birdstones,"
Ohio Indian Relic Collectors Society, Bulletin,
No. 26 (January 1951), 7-14.
JOHNSTON, LaDow, "Random Thoughts
on Birdstone Types," Ohio Archaeologist,
n. s., I, No. 1 (April 1951), 21-26.
Many Ohio specimens are illustrated and
388 Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly
KELLEY, B. E., "The Stone
Face," Ohio Indian Relic Collectors Society, Bulletin,
No. 25 (September 1950), 35. Found near
Plain City, Ohio.
KRAMER, Leon, "Prehistoric Ohio
Flint," Ohio Indian Relic Collectors Society,
Bulletin, No. 25 (September 1950), 12-15D.
KRAMER, Leon, "Two Flint
Masterpieces," and "Three Spears," Ohio Indian Relic
Collectors Society, Bulletin, No.
26 (January 1951), 24-27. All were found
in Ohio.
McPHERSON, H. R., "The Cross
Mound," Ohio Indian Relic Collectors Society,
Bulletin, No. 25 (September 1950), 38-40.
MEUSER, Gordon F., "The Knobbed or
Spine-Back Gorget," Ohio Archaeologist,
n.s, I, No. 1, (April 1951), 12.
MEUSER, Gordon F., "The Notched
Ovate Banner," Ohio Indian Relic Collectors
Society, Bulletin, No. 26
(January 1951), 42.
MEUSER, Gordon F., "So-called
Effigy Forms in Ohio," Ohio Indian Relic Collectors
Society, Bulletin, No. 25
(September 1950), 6-10.
MEUSER, Gordon F., "An Unusual
Gorget," Ohio Indian Relic Collectors Society,
Bulletin, No. 26 (January 1951), 32-33.
OEHLER, Charles M., Turpin Indians: A
Report on the Findings of the Cincinnati
Museum of Natural History's
Archaeological Exploration of the Turpin Site,
Hamilton County, Ohio. Cincinnati Museum of Natural History, 1950. 36p.
Flutes and Whistles Found in Ohio Valley
Sites," Indiana Academy of Science,
Proceedings, LIX (1949), 28-33.
WACHTEL, H. C., "The Serpent Mounds
in Ohio," Ohio Indian Relic Collectors
Society, Bulletin, No.25
(September 1950), 22-24.
ANDREWS, Edward Deming, and Faith
Andrews, Shaker Furniture: The Crafts-
manship of an American Communal Sect.
With 48 Photographs by William
F. Winter. New York, Dover Publications, 1950. xi+133p.
BEACH, Warren, "A History of the
Columbus Art School," Franklin County His-
torical Society, Bulletin, III
(1950-51), 44-45.
CAVALLO, A. S., "Uncle Tom and
Little Eva, a Painting by Robert S. Duncanson,"
Detroit Institute of Arts, Bulletin, XXX,
No. 1 (1950-51), 21-25. Illustrated.
DODDS, Gilbert F., "Masonic Hall:
Worthington," Franklin County Historical
Society, Bulletin, II (1949-50),
DODDS, Gilbert F., "Ohio's
Jewels," Franklin County Historical Society, Bulletin,
II (1949-50), 182-183.
DODDS, Gilbert F., "Replica of
General William Henry Harrison Family Mansion,"
Franklin County Historical Society, Bulletin,
III (1950-51), 26.
EDDY, Mary O., "Alexander Auld and The
Ohio Harmonist," Midwest Folklore,
I (1951), 19-21. A discussion of the use
of shape notes.
Franklin County Historical Society, Anniversary
Bulletin--Featuring Early Franklin
County Homesteads, II, No. 11 (October 1950), 32p.
GOULDER, Grace, "Lancaster
Homes--City's Beautiful Old Architecture Is Out-
standing," Ohio Bell, XXVII
(November 1950), 10-11.
HASWELL, Ernest Bruce, "The
Cincinnati Art Club," Historical and Philosophical
Society of Ohio, Bulletin, IX
(1951), 203-211.
A Survey of Publications 389
McDERMOTT, John Francis, "J. C.
Wild, Western Painter and Lithographer,"
Ohio State Archaeological and
Historical Quarterly, LX (1951),
MYERD, Denys P., "Isaiah Rogers in
Cincinnati, Architect for the Burnet House,"
Historical and Philosophical Society, Bulletin,
IX (1951), 121-132.
PRUGH, Dan F., "A History of the
Famous Columbus Metropolitan Opera House,"
Franklin County Historical Society, Bulletin,
III (1950-51), 18-19.
REVETT, Marion S., "Local Music and
Louis Mathias," Northwest Ohio Quarterly,
XXII (1950), 179-183.
REVETT, Marion S., "When 'A' Was
for 'Amateur," Northwest Ohio Quarterly,
XXIII (1951), 99-106. Amateur Toledo
RHOADES, Rendell, "Clam Shells and
Buttons," Ohio Conservation Bulletin, XV,
No. 6 (June 1951), 14-15.
SALOMON, Richard G., A Handlist of
Pictures of Old Kenyon. Gambier, mimeo-
graphed for the author, rev. ed., 1950.
SMART, Charles Allen, "Oak Hill
[Chillicothe]," Museum Echoes, XXIII (1950),
[SMITH, S. Winifred], "The
Curtis-Devin House [Mount Vernon]," Museum Echoes,
XXIII (1950), 66-69.
[SMITH, S. Winifred], "The French
House [Lebanon]," Museum Echoes, XXIII
(1950), 74-77.
[SMITH, S. Winifred], "The Henry
Mathews House [Zanesville]," Museum Echoes,
XXIII (1950), 58-61.
[SMITH, S. Winifred], "The Peter
Neff House [Gambier]," Museum Echoes,
XXIII (1950), 82-85.
TODD, Eleanor Wingate, "History of
Music in America: Cleveland," Musical
America, LXXI, No. 9 (July 1951), 8-9, 24.
WABNITZ, William S., "The Early
Days of the Cincinnati MacDowell Society,"
Historical and Philosophical Society of
Ohio, Bulletin, VIII (1950), 267-290.
BESTOR, Arthur Eugene, Jr., Record of
the New Harmony Community. A Descriptive
Catalogue of the Manuscript Volumes
Preserved in the Working Men's Insti-
tute, New Harmony, Indiana, and
Elsewhere. . . . (Illinois
Historical Survey,
University of Illinois, Publication No.
2). Urbana, Illinois, Illinois Historical
Survey, 1950. 17p.
HAYWOOD, Charles, A Bibliography of
North American Folklore and Folksong.
New York, Greenberg Publisher, 1951.
SMITH, S. Winifred, comp., "A
Survey of Publications in Ohio History, Archae-
ology, and Natural History, August
1949-July 1950," Ohio State Archaeological
and Historical Quarterly, LX (1951), 419-437.
BUTTERFIELD, Consul Willshire, History
of the Girtys; Being a Concise Account
of the Girty Brothers-Thomas, Simon,
James and George, and of Their Half-
brother, John Turner. Columbus, Long's College Book Company, 1950. xiv+
426p. From an edition published by
Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati, 1890.
390 Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly
DAVIDSON, Edgar S., "William
Chapman Ralston," Wellsville Echoes, III (1951),
DICKORE, Marie, "James E. Murdock,
Grower of Grapes and Builder of a Church,"
Historical and Philosophical Society of
Ohio, Bulletin, IX (1951), 241-247.
FORD, Harvey S., ed., "Foster on
Brice--A Forgotten Interview," Northwest Ohio
Quarterly, XXII (1950), 202-208.
GRIFFIN, Russell A., "Mrs. Trollope
and the Queen City, " Mississippi Valley
Historical Review, XXXVII (1950-1951), 289-302.
GUNDERSON, Robert Gray, "Lincoln in
Cincinnati," Historical and Philosophical
Society of Ohio, Bulletin, VIII
(1950), 258-266.
HALL, Virginius C., "Oliver M.
Spencer, Man and Boy," Historical and Philo-
sophical Society of Ohio, Bulletin, VIII
(1950), 233-257.
HUNT, Mabel Leigh, Better Known as
Johnny Appleseed. Philadelphia, J. B.
Lippincott Company, c1950. 212p.
IHDE, Ira C., "Washington Ellsworth
Lindsey," New Mexico Historical Review,
XXVI (1951), 177-196. Contains a brief
account of his boyhood in Ohio,
and an interesting comment on the
"One Study System" used at Scio College
in the late 1870's and early 1880's.
KELLY, Fred Charters, The Wright
Brothers; a Biography Authorized by Orville
Wright. New York, Farrar, Straus & Young, rev. ed., [1951,
c1950]. 340p.
KRAMER, Howard D., "An Ohio Doctor
in the Early Navy," Ohio State Archaeologi-
cal and Historical Quarterly, LX (1951), 155-174.
MIERS, Earl Schenck, The General Who
Marched to Hell; William Tecumseh
Sherman and His March to Fame and
Infamy. New York, Alfred A. Knopf,
1951. xxiii+349+xviip.
"Mrs. Alfred Kelley II, First
President of 'The Columbus Art Association,'" Franklin
County Historical Society, Bulletin, III
(1950-51), 42-43.
OTIS, Charles Augustus, Here I Am: A
Rambling Account of the Exciting Times
of Yesteryear. Cleveland, Buehler Printcraft Corp., 1951. 216p.
PARKER, Wyman W., "Edwin M. Stanton
at Kenyon," Ohio State Archaeological and
Historical Quarterly, LX (1951), 233-256.
PATTERSON, John Gerald, "Ebenezer
Zane, Frontiersman," West Virginia History,
XII (1950-51), 5-45.
PECKHAM, Howard, William Henry
Harrison, Young Tippecanoe (Childhood of
Famous Americans Series). Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill Company, c1951. 190p.
Boyhood in Virginia.
PHILLIPS, Josephine E., Rufus Putnam,
Father of Ohio. Evanston, Ill., Row,
Peterson & Company, 1950. 37p.
REYNOLDS, Quentin James, The Wright
Brothers, Pioneers of American Aviation.
New York, Random House, c1950. 183p. For
[RODABAUGH, James H.], "Arthur
Charles Johnson, 1874-1950," Museum Echoes,
XXIII (1950), 91.
SCHEVILLE, James, Sherwood Anderson,
His Life and Work. Denver, University
of Denver Press, c1951. 376p.
SCHWEMLEIN, George X., "Daniel
Drake, M.D., 1785-1852," Historical and
Philosophical Society of Ohio, Bulletin,
IX (1951), 238-240.
A Survey of Publications 391
"Sketch of General Harrison,"
Franklin County Historical Society, Bulletin, III
(1950-51), 27.
SMITH, Ophia D., "Charles and Eliza
Leslie," Pennslyvania Magazine of History
and Biography, LXXIV (1950), 512-521. Eliza was a close friend of Abbe
Bailey James of Urbana, whose
correspondence in the John H. James Collect-
ion is the basis for much of the data in
the article.
[SMITH, S. Winifred], "Edward
Tiffin," Museum Echoes, XXIV (1951), 3-5.
[SMITH, S. Winifred], "Othniel
Looker," Museum Echoes, XXIV (1951), 35-37.
[SMITH, S. Winifred], "Return
Jonathan Meigs, Jr.," Museum Echoes, XXIV
(1951), 27-29.
[SMITH, S. Winifred], "Samuel
Huntington," Museum Echoes, XXIV (1951), 19-22.
[SMITH, S. Winifred], "Thomas
Kirker," Museum Echoes, XXIV (1951), 11-13.
[SMITH, S. Winifred], "Thomas
Worthington," Museum Echoes, XXIV (1951),
STILL, John S., "Ethan Allen
Brown," Museum Echoes, XXIV (1951), 51-54.
STUTLER, Boyd B., "John Brown and
the Oberlin Lands," West Virginia History,
XII (1950-51), 183-199.
SUTTON, William A., "Sherwood
Anderson: The Advertising Years, 1900-1906,"
Northwest Ohio Quarterly, XXII (1950), 120-157.
TALBERT, Charles G., "William Whitley
1749-1813, Part I, The Life of William
Whitley," Filson Club History
Quarterly, XXV (1951), 101-121. Whitley
led a number of raids against the
Indians into Ohio.
THOMAS, Benjamin P., Theodore Weld,
Crusader for Freedom. Rutgers University
Press, New Brunswick, N. J., 1950. 307p.
THORNTON, Willis, "The American
Centaur: How an Ohio Boy Astounded the
Courts of Europe by Training the World's
Wildest Horses," American Heritage,
n.s., II, No. 2 (Winter 1951), 12-15.
John S. Rarey of Groveport, Ohio.
THURBER, James, "Photograph
Album--A Couple of Snapshots," New Yorker,
XXVI, No. 42 (December 9, 1951), 35-38.
On a Mr. Ziegler, a Columbus,
Ohio, glazier, and Belinda Woolf, a
servant in the Thurber family.
THURBER, James, "Photograph
Album--Daguerreotype of a Lady," New Yorker,
XXVII, No. 11 (April 28, 1951), 24-28.
On Margery Dangler Albright, a
neighbor of the author's in Columbus.
THURBER, James, "Photograph
Album--Gentleman from Indiana," New Yorker,
XXVII, No. 17 (June 9, 1951), 29-33. On
the author's father, Charles L.
Thurber. Ohio politicians mentioned;
statehouse described.
THURBER, James, "Photograph
Album--Lavender With a Difference," New Yorker,
XXVII, No. 24 (July 28, 1951), 20-26. A
sketch of the author's mother,
Mary Agnes Thurber.
THURBER, James, "Photograph
Album--Man With a Rose," New Yorker, XXVII,
No. 1 (February 17, 1951), 26-31.
William M. Fisher, subject of the sketch
and grandfather of the author, was a
businessman at Columbus, Ohio.
THURBER, James, "Photograph
Album--The Tree on the Diamond," New Yorker,
XXVI, No. 46 (January 6, 1951), 33-35.
On Frank James, organizer of the
Columbus Blind Asylum team.
392 Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly
WHITE, Elliot P., Jr., The Beautiful
Ohio; a Pageant of Yesterday. New York,
Exposition Press, c1950. 196p.
Recollections of childhood in Ohio.
WOODFORD, Frank B., Lewis Cass: The
Last Jeffersonian. New Brunswick, N. J.,
Rutgers University Press, 1950. ix+380p.
Chapters II and III cover his Ohio years.
ZORNOW, William F., "Jeptha H. Wade
in California: Beginning the Trans-
continental Telegraph," California
Historical Society Quarterly, XXIX (1950),
345-356. Wade was an Ohioan.
ARNOLD, Sam, and James C. Yocum, Ohio
Business Data, 1926-1948, in Charts
and Tables (Research Monograph No. 59). Columbus, Ohio State University,
Bureau of Business Research, 1949. 104p.
FORD, Harvey S., "The Faurot
Failure at Lima," Northwest Ohio Quarterly, XXIII
(1951), 82-95.
"Long's College Book Co.," Publisher's
Weekly, CLIX (1951), 2642-2644. Early
McGARRY, Sheridan L., "Mormon
Money," Numismatist, LXIII (1950), 591-604,
698-706, 732-744, 830-840. The first
installment discusses and illustrates the
first Mormon notes which were issued at
Kirtland, Ohio.
"No One Will Ever Use It! 75th
Anniversary of the Birth of the Telephone, 1876-
1951,"0hio Bell, XXVIII, No. 2-3 (February-March 1951), 6-8. Telephone
history in Ohio.
NOYES, Edward, "Mary Ann Furnace,
Industrial Community of Early Central
Ohio," Historical and Philosophical
Society of Ohio, Bulletin, IX (1951),
PRUGH, Dan F., "Father of Charter
Member Was Inventor of Improved Soda
Fountain and Water Cooler,"
Franklin County Historical Society, Bulletin, III
(1950-51), 54-55.
PRUGH, Dan F., "Lazarus Department
Store Celebrates Its Centennial," Franklin
County Historical Society, Bulletin, III
(1950-51), 18.
SIEDEL, Frank, "Ribbons of
Steel," Esquire, XXXIV, No. 6 (December 1950),
115, 180-182. Experiments of John B.
Tytus in the steel mills at Middletown,
BARNHART, John D., ed., "Letters of
William H. Harrison to Thomas Worth-
ington, 1799-1813," Indiana
Magazine of History, XLVII (1951), 53-84.
BAUMAN, Robert F., ed., "Young Jim,
The Ottawa's Last Hope: A Selection from
the Dresden W. H. Howard Papers," Northwest
Ohio Quarterly, XXIII (1951),
CLOPPER, E. N., ed., "Country Life
During the Civil War: Selections from the
Diary of Sarah Elizabeth Rogers of
Butler County, Ohio," Historical and Philo-
sophical Society of Ohio, Bulletin, IX
(1951), 171-196.
DAWES, Charles Gates, A Journal of
the McKinley Years. Edited by Bascom N.
Timmons. (Lakeside Press Publication.)
LaGrange, Ill., The Towers, Inc.,
c1950. 482p.
DOW, Charles J., ed., "An 1860
Vacation Jaunt," Inland Seas, VI (1950), 177-184.
A Survey of Publications 393
From the diary of J. E. Snow relating a
trip on the Great Lakes by the West
Andover, Ohio, band.
DOWNES, Randolph C., ed., "An
American Art Student Abroad: Selections from
the Letters of Karl Kappes,
1883-85," Northwest Ohio Quarterly, XXIII (1951),
GARA, Larry, ed., "A
Correspondent's View of Cincinnati in 1839," Historical and
Philosophical Society of Ohio, Bulletin,
IX (1951), 133-140.
GRAF, LeRoy P., ed., "The Journal
of a Vermont Man in Ohio, 1836-1842," Ohio
State Archaeological and Historical
Quarterly, LX (1951), 175-199.
HARRIS, Dorothy G., ed., "Baltimore
to Waynesville in 1805: Extracts from the
Memoirs of Rebecca Wright Hill,"
Friends Historical Association, Bulletin,
XL (1951), 24-37.
HOYT, William D., Jr., "Benjamin C.
Howard and the 'Toledo War': Some Letters
of a Federal Commissioner," Ohio
State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly,
LX (1951), 297-307.
JONES, Robert Leslie, ed.,
"Flatboating down the Ohio and Mississippi, 1867-1873:
Correspondence and Diaries of the
William Dudley Devol Family of Marietta,
Ohio, Part II," Ohio State
Archaeological and Historical Quarterly, LX (1951),
MURRAY, Margaret Plyley, Memories . .
. Springtime and Youth. n.p., n. pub., n.d.
In Ross County, Salem Academy, and Ohio
REEVE, Frank D., ed., "Frederick E.
Phelps: A Soldier's Memoirs," New Mexico
Historical Review, XXV (1950), 305-327. Phelps was a native of Ohio and
after being stationed in the West spent
vacations with his family in Ohio.
STIMSON, George P., ed., "General
Grant on Tour," Historical and Philosophical
Society of Ohio, Bulletin, VIII
(1950), 291-296.
ANDERSON, Russell H., "Pioneering
in Manuscript Seminars," American Archivist,
XIV (1951), 241-247. Deals with the
collections in the Western Reserve
Historical Society Library.
BIXLER, Paul, "A Decade of the Antioch
Review," Antioch Review, IX (1951),
BLAYDES, Glenn W., "A Brief History
of the Ohio Journal of Science," Ohio
Journal of Science, LI (1951), 205-206.
CHURCHILL, Alfred Vance,
"Midwestern: The Founding of Oberlin," Northwest
Ohio Quarterly, XXIII (1951), 107-132.
DODDS, Gilbert F., "Central College
of Ohio," Franklin County Historical Society,
Bulletin, III (1950-51), 46-47.
LAMPE, Lois, "The Origin and
Development of the Ohio State University with
Special Reference to the Biological
Sciences," Ohio Journal of Science, L (1950),
MARCHMAN, Watt P., The Hayes
Memorial. Columbus, Ohio State Archaeological
and Historical Society, 1950. 40p.
MEAD, David, Yankee Eloquence in the
Middle West: The Ohio Lyceum, 1850-1870.
East Lansing, Michigan State College
Press, 1951. 273p.
394 Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly
NORWOOD, F. A., "Frankfurt-am-Main
and Baldwin-Wallace College," Ohio State
Archaeological and Historical
Quarterly, LX (1951), 20-27.
PHILLIPS, George L., "The Clean
Conscience of a Dirty Sweep: McGuffey's 'Little
Chimney Sweep' and Another," Ohio
State Archaeological and Historical Quarter-
ly, LX (1951), 265-272.
ROWE, John J., "Cincinnati's Early
Cultural and Educational Enterprises," Historical
and Philosophical Society of Ohio, Bulletin,
VIII (1950), 304-310.
THORNBURG, Opal, "The Stillwater
Tragedy: A Quaker Ballad," Midwest Folklore,
I (1951), 55-62. Locale of the story,
near West Milton, Miami County, Ohio.
CLOPPER, Edward Nicholas, An American
Family: Its Ups and Downs Through
Eight Generations in New Amsterdam,
New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and
Texas from 1650 to 1880. Published by the author, 1950. xiii+624p.
DICKORE, Marie, "The Aaron Lane
Family Bible Records, New Jersey and Ohio,"
Historical and Philosophical Society of
Ohio, Bulletin, IX (1951), 164-167.
DICKORE, Marie, "Little Miami
Valley Cemetery Inscriptions," Historical and
Philosophical Society of Ohio, Bulletin,
IX (1951), 75-79, 167-168, 247-248.
Inscriptions from Maineville,
Springdale, Murdock cemeteries and the Spence
family lot.
HUGHES, Robert Davis, The Reynolds
Family of Dayton. Dayton, Reynolds &
Reynolds Company, 1949. 87p.
ROBERTS, George McKenzie, "The
Denslow Family in America," New York
Genealogical and Biographical Record,
LXXXI (1950), 207-215.
"Roster of Members," Society
of Indiana Pioneers, Yearbook, 1950, 54-111. Gives
names of ancestors and place of origin.
Many from Ohio.
RUSSELL, Eleanor Gerard, "Elias
Gerard, Seven Sons of His 'Numerous Family,'"
Detroit Society for Genealogical
Research, Magazine, XIV (1950-51), 3-6.
SCOTT, George Tressler, The Family of
John Tressler and Elizabeth Loy Tressler:
A Sketch by a Grandson. Privately printed for complimentary distribution to
members of Tressler and Loy Families by
the Tressler Orphans' Home, Loysville,
Co., Pennsylvania [1949]. 73p.
Numerous descendants in Ohio.
SHEWELL, Harriet, The Shewell Story,
1630-1949. Privately published, [1950].
SMITH, Edward Church, "Supplement
to the Family of Daniel Bates," American
Genealogist, XXVI (1950), 222-226.
BULEY, R. Carlyle, The Old Northwest:
Pioneer Period, 1815-1840 (Indiana His-
torical Society Publication).
Indianapolis, Indiana Historical Society, 1950. 2 vols.,
632p. and 686p.
CLARK, Thomas D., "The Country
Store in American Social History,"Ohio State
Archaeological and Historical
Quarterly, LX (1951), 126-144.
JILLSON, Willard Rouse, "The
Colonial Northwest," Kentucky Historical Society,
Register, XLIX (1951), 234-244.
A Survey of Publications 395
Ohio, an Empire Within an Empire. Columbus, Ohio Development and Publicity
Commission, rev. ed., 1950. 214p.
SCHICK, Joseph S., "Early Showboat
and Circus in the Upper Valley," Mid-
America, XXXII (1950), 211-225. Several boats built in
Cincinnati and
owned by Ohioans.
SHEPARD, Lee, "Duelling in the Ohio
Valley," Historical and Philosophical Society
of Ohio, Bulletin, IX (1951),
STEVENS, S. K., "Local
History-Foundation of Our Faith in Democracy," Ohio
State Archaeological and Historical
Quarterly, LX (1951), 221-232.
WITTKE, Carl, "An 1850 Preview of Worlds
in Collision," Ohio State Archaeo-
logical and Historical Quarterly, LX (1951), 1-9.
HARRIS, Cyril, Street of Knives. Boston,
Little, Brown & Company, 1950. 370p.
Burr-Blennerhassett expedition.
HARRIS, Laura, Ring in the New. New
York, William Morrow & Company, c1950.
312p. A year of family life in an Ohio
River town at the turn of the century.
HOWARD, Elizabeth, Peddler's Girl. New
York, William Morrow & Company,
1951. 240p. A novel of life
in the Middle West in 1840.
CUNNINGHAM, J. W., "'Easy Payments'
Among the Ottawa Indians," Northwest
Ohio Quarterly, XXIII (1951), 97-98.
DODDS, Gilbert F., "Indian
Captive," Franklin County Historical Society, Bulletin,
III (1950-51), 20. Jeremiah Armstrong.
DODDS, Gilbert F., "The Life of
Jonathan Alder Among the Indians," Franklin
County Historical Society, Bulletin, III
(1950-51), 10.
JACOBS, Wilbur R., Diplomacy and
Indian Gifts: Anglo-French Rivalry Along
the Ohio and Northwest Frontiers,
1748-1763. Stanford, Stanford
Press, 1950. 208p.
MULKEARN, Lois, "Why the Treaty of
Logstown, 1752," Virginia Magazine of
History and Biography, LXIX (1951), 3-20. Involves Ohio Indian tribes.
BOOTHE, Viva Belle, and Sam Arnold, Prewar,
War, and Postwar Earnings, Hours,
and Employment of Wage Earners in
Ohio Industries, 1935-1946. Columbus,
Ohio State University, Bureau of
Business Research, c1949. 626p.
GALLAGHER, Jesse, "In the State of
Ohio," American Federationist, LVIII, No. 3
(March 1951), 21-22. A review of
American Federation of Labor activities
for 1950, with historical information.
HURST, John J., "Cincinnati Marches
Again," American Federationist, LVII, No. 10
(October 1950), 26-27. Historical
account of the labor movement in Cincinnati.
LYDEN, Michael J., and Phil Hannah,
"Ohio Is on the Ball," American Federationist,
LVII, No. 8 (August 1950), 12, 24.
Historical data on the Ohio State Feder-
ation of Labor.
396 Ohio State
Archaeological and Historical Quarterly
CARDWELL, Guy A., "Mark Twain's
Hadleyburg," Ohio State Archaeological and
Historical Quarterly, LX (1951), 257-264.
COMMAGER, Henry Steele, ed., Selected
Writings of William Dean Howells. New
York, Random House, 1950. xvii+946p.
DAVIS, Alva L., "Dialect
Distribution and Settlement Patterns in the Great Lakes
Region," Ohio State
Archaeological and Historical Quarterly, LX (1951),
KIRK, Clara and Rudolph, eds., William
Dean Howells: Representative Selections.
New York, American Book Company, 1950.
PHILLIPS, William L., "How Sherwood Anderson Wrote Winesburg, Ohio,"
American Literature, XXIII (1951), 7-30.
TILLEY, Winthrop, "A Brand from the
Critics' Fire: Or a Word for Whitlock,"
Ohio State Archaeological and
Historical Quarterly, LX (1951),
"America's Most Intriguing
Island," Ohio Edisonian, July 1951, p. 3-8. South Bass
Island, with historical data.
APPLEBY, Joseph, "A Historical
Geography of Cambridge, Ohio," Ohio Journal
of Science, LI (1951), 59-61.
BEATTIE, Homer M., "The Location of
British Fort Sandusky," Inland Seas, VI
(1950), 226-233.
BREMNER, Robert, Maineville, Ohio,
History; 100 Years as an Incorporated Town,
1850-1950. Privately published, 1950. 216p.
CHURCHILL, Alfred Vance,
"Midwestern: Pioneer Life in Northern Ohio, A
Prelude to the History of Oberlin Colony
and College," Northwest Ohio
Quarterly, XXIII (1951), 5-25.
CRONIN, John F., "The Elsinore
Tower," Historical and Philosophical Society
of Ohio, Bulletin, IX (1951),
CUNNINGHAM, J. W., "All Aboard for
Miltonville!" Northwest Ohio Quarterly,
XXII (1950), 209-212.
DICKORE, Marie, "Maineville, Ohio,
First Known as 'Yankeetown,'" Historical
and Philosophical Society of Ohio, Bulletin,
IX (1951), 71-75.
DOWNES, Randolph C., Lake Port (Lucas
County Historical Series, III). Toledo,
Historical Society of Northwestern Ohio,
c1951. 466p.
"Early Columbus Government
Recalled-Jarvis, Pike Was First Mayor in 1816,"
Franklin County Historical Society, Bulletin,
II (1949-50), 164-165.
"Evolution of the Theater in
Columbus," Franklin County Historical Society, Bulletin,
III (1950-51), 20-23.
HAMILTON, R. Hayes, Greene County and
Its Court Houses, 1750-1950. Xenia,
Ohio, 2d ed., Buckeye Press, 1951.
HARLOW, Alvin Fay, The Serene
Cincinnatians. New York, E. P. Dutton & Co.,
1950. 442p.
HEALD, Edward Thornton, The Stark
County Story. Vol. II, The McKinley Era,
1875-1901; Being Scripts 77-152, as
Broadcast over WHBC-WHBC-FM. Can-
ton, Ohio, Stark County Historical
Society, 1950. 722p.
A Survey of Publications 397
KALFS, Barbara Bolmer, comp. and ed., The
Story of a County That Grew and a
Bank That Prospered with It. Waverly, Ohio, First National Bank, [1951].
47p. Pike County.
LEVIN, Dan, "Cleveland," Holiday,
IX, No. 5 (May 1951), 34-45, 139-142,
"Life Visits the Cincinnati
Literary Club: Venerable Ohio Society Meets to Hear
Papers of Its Members," Life, XXX,
No. 13 (March 26, 1951), 148-150, 155.
Historical background.
MAXWELL, James A.,
"Cincinnati," Holiday, VIII, No. 3 (September 1950),
102-112, 114-115, 117-118.
PRUGH, Dan F., "Great Traffic
Blizzard of 1846 Recalled," Franklin County
Historical Society, Bulletin, III
(1950-51), 2.
PRUGH, Dan F., "Kelton Homestead Is
a Stimulating Source Book of Early
Columbus History," Franklin County
Historical Society, Bulletin, III (1950-51),
QUINE, C. R., comp., The Great Akron
Riot. Akron, mimeographed for the com-
piler, 1951. 23p.
SCHNEIDER, Norris Franz, Y Bridge
City; the Story of Zanesville, and Muskingum
County, Ohio. Introduction by Louis Bromfield. Cleveland, World
Company, c1950. 414p.
"Sesquicentennial City ...
Lancaster, Ohio," Ohio Bell, XXVII, No. 11 (November
1950), 3-9.
SHEDD, Carlos B., Tales of Old
Columbus. Columbus, privately published, 1951.
SHEPARD, Lee, "An Acquisition of
Great Importance," Historical and Philosophical
Society of Ohio, Bulletin, VIII
(1950), 301-303. An account book belonging
to Arthur St. Clair, Jr. The article
introduces historical material.
"The Toledo Story," Here in
Ohio, XI, No. 1 (January 1951), 16-20. Some his-
torical background facts.
ALEXANDER, Robert L., "Abraham
Metz, Ohio's First Great Ophthalmological
Author," Ohio State Medical
Journal, XLVII (1951), 236-238.
CUMMER, Clyde L., "Dr. James H.
Salisbury and the Salisbury Diet," Ohio State
Archaeological and Historical
Quarterly, LX (1951), 352-370.
EDWARDS, Linden F., "Body Snatching
in Franklin County," Franklin County
Historical Society, Bulletin, III
(1950-51), 30-31.
EDWARDS, Linden F., "Body Snatching
in Ohio During the Nineteenth Century,"
Ohio State Archaeological and
Historical Quarterly, LX (1951),
EDWARDS, Linden F., "The Ohio
Anatomy Law of 1881," Ohio State Medical
Journal, XLVI (1950), 1190-1192; XLVII (1951), 49-52, 143-146.
EDWARDS, Linden F., "Resurrection
Riots During the Heroic Age of Anatomy
in America," Bulletin of the
History of Medicine, XXV (1951), 178-184.
Many Ohio incidents are included.
GEBHARD, Bruno, "From Cincinnati's
Western Museum to Cleveland's Health
Museum," Ohio State
Archaeological and Historical Quarterly, LX (1951),
398 Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly
GOLDMAN, Leon, "Development of
Dermatology in Ohio," Ohio State Medical
Journal, XLVI (1950), 989-991, 1086-1088.
HERTZOG, Lucy S., "Dr. Samuel R.
Geiser-1850-1924," Ohio State Medical Journal,
XLVI (1950), 895.
HERTZOG, Lucy S., "The Hoyt
Family," Ohio State Medical Journal, XLVI (1950),
252-253, 341-344.
PETERSON, Arthur, and Dorothy Stafford, Magnificent
Century: An Outline of the
History of the First Hundred Years of
Organized Medicine in Toledo and Lucas
County, Ohio, 1851-1951. Privately published, [1951].
POLING, Dorothy, "Jesse Bennet,
Pioneer Physician and Surgeon," West Virginia
History, XII (1950-51), 87-128. Includes some material on Ohio
and Ohioans,
Daniel Drake, Dr. Goforth.
WAITE, Frederick C., "Ohio
Physicians in the Nineteenth Century, A Statistical
Study," Ohio State Medical
Journal, XLVI (1950), 791-793, 893-895.
BLANKENHORN, M. A., "A Visit to the
Grave of Daniel Drake," Historical
and Philosophical Society of Ohio, Bulletin,
VIII (1950), 297-300.
KRAUSHOPF, Frances, "The
Documentary Basis for La Salle's Supposed Discovery
of the Ohio River," Indiana
Magazine of History, XLVII (1951), 143-153.
LAWWILL, J. Richard, "The Anthony
Wayne Parkway," Historical and Philosophi-
cal Society of Ohio, Bulletin, IX
(1951), 40-45.
MOUNTAIN, John M., "A 22-County
Memorial for 'Mad Anthony' Wayne,"
Columbus Sunday Dispatch Magazine, April 8, 1951, pp. 6-9.
NEEDHAM, R. M., "Stamps Connected
with Ohio," Society of Philatelic Americana,
Journal, (August 1950), 607-608.
PECKHAM, Howard, "Mail Service in
Indiana Territory," Indiana Magazine of
History, XLVII (1951), 155-164. Ohio routes mentioned.
PIERCY, Caroline B., Favorite Shaker
Recipes. Shaker Heights, Ohio, Shaker Heights
Historical Society, 1950. 26p.
WAY, Capt. Frederick, Jr., "River
Namesakes of the State of Ohio," Ohio State
Archaeological and Historical
Quarterly, LX (1951), 283-291.
WOOD, Frederic M., The James A.
Garfield Home (Lawnfield). Mentor, Ohio, Lake
County Chapter, Western Reserve
Historical Society, 1950. 16p.
PHILLIPS, Richard Stuart, "February
Change; Signs of Returning Spring," Audubon
Magazine, LIII (1951), 8-11.
PHILLIPS, Richard Stuart, "May in a
North Ohio Marsh," Nature Magazine, XLIV
(1951), 242-244, 274.
THOMAS, Edward S., "Distribution of
Ohio Animals," Ohio Journal of Science, LI
(1951), 153-167.
BROOKS, Maurice, "Appalachian
Region" in "Region Reports-Fall Migration, August
15 to November 30, 1950," Audubon
Field Notes, V (1951), 14-16. Region in-
cludes part of Ohio.
A Survey of Publications 399
CHAPMAN, Floyd B., "Farm Pond
Woodies," Ohio Conservation Bulletin, XIV,
No. 10 (October 1950), 14, 32.
DAVIS, David E., "The Growth of
Starling, Stumus vulgaris, Populations," Auk,
LXVII (1950), 460-465. Ohio is one of
three states in which observations were
De GARMO, W. R., "Appalachian
Region," in "Region Reports-Spring Migration,
April 1 to May 31, 1950," Audubon
Field Notes, IV (1950), 240-242. Includes
part of Ohio.
DUSTMAN, Eugene H., "Bird Nests and
Their Locations," Ohio Conservation Bul.
letin, XV, No. 6 (June 1951), 20-21, 28-29.
DUSTMAN, Eugene H., "The Saga of
Andy and Min," Ohio Conservation Bulletin,
XIV, No. 8 (August 1950), 9, 31. Canada
geese in Marion County, Ohio.
DUSTMAN, Eugene H., "The Speed of
Birds," Ohio Conservation Bulletin, XV, No.
5 (May 1951), 25, 28.
"Fifty-first Christmas Bird
Count," Audubon Field Notes, V (1951), 43-185. Sections
193-219, pp. 109-117, pertain to Ohio.
HANDLEY, Delmar, "Baldpates," Ohio
Conservation Bulletin, XV, No. 7 (July
1951), 1.
HARPER, Arthur R., "The Wise Old
Owl," Ohio Conservation Bulletin, XIV, No. 8
(August 1950), 4, 32.
HOWARD, Hildegarde, "Pleistocene
Duck Bones from Ohio," Condor, LIII (1951),
KEMSIES, Emerson, "The Genus Plegadis
in Ohio," Wilson Bulletin, LXIII (1951),
LANGLOIS, T. H., "Crow Ducks of
Little Chicken Island," Ohio Conservation Bul-
letin, XIV, No. 10 (October 1950), 6-7.
McPHERSON, H. R., "Another
Ivory-Billed Woodpecker Record," Ohio Archaeologist,
n. s., I, No. 1 (April 1951), 39-40.
Metatarsus found in a refuse pit of the Fort
Ancient culture six miles north of
Chillicothe, Ohio.
MAYFIELD, Harold, "Middlewestern
Prairie Region," in "Region Reports-Fall Mi-
gration, August 15 to November 30,
1950," Audubon Field Notes, V (1951),
18-19, 22. Region includes part of Ohio.
MAYFIELD, Harold, "Middlewestern
Prairie Region," in "Region Reports-Spring
Migration, April 1 to May 31,
1950," Audubon Field Notes, IV (1950), 243-245.
"Regional Reports: Nesting Season,
June 1 to August 15, 1950," Audubon Field
Notes, IV (1950), 265-292. Sections on the Appalachian and
Prairie Regions, pp. 274-276, 278-279,
include Ohio.
TRIPLEHORN, Charles A., and R. S.
Phillips, "White Pelican on Ohio Shore of
Lake Erie," Wilson Bulletin, LXIII
(1951), 41.
WHITESELL, Dale E., "Ruffed
Grousing," Ohio Conservation Bulletin, XIV, No. 11
(November 1950), 13, 30.
ATZENHOEFER, Daniel R., "Can
Rabbits Stand More Hunting," Ohio Conservation
Bulletin, XV, No. 6 (June 1951), 8-9.
ATZENHOEFER, Daniel R., "Is It
Profitable to Stock Imported Rabbits," Ohio Con-
servation Bulletin, XV, No. 2 (February 1951), 10-11.
400 Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly
BROMFIELD, Louis, "Is Public
Hunting and Fishing on the Way Out," Ohio Con-
servation Bulletin, XIV, No. 12 (December 1950), 4-5, 29-30. Hunting
in Ohio. Reprinted from Sports
BROMFIELD, Louis, "Poor Land-Poor
Hunting," Ohio Conservation Bulletin, XIV,
No. 9 (September 1950), 4-7, 32.
BROMFIELD, Louis, "The $64 Word for
Farmers and Sportsmen," Ohio Conserva-
tion Bulletin, XV, No. 3 (March 1951), 4-5, 30-32. Ecology in
Ohio. Reprinted from Sports Afield.
CHAPMAN, Floyd B., "Let's Talk
About Predator Control," Ohio Conservation Bul-
letin, XIV, No. 12 (December 1950), 6-7, 28-29.
CHAPMAN, Floyd B., "Underground
Rabbits," Ohio Conservation Bulletin, XV, No.
4 (April 1951), 11-12.
CHAPMAN, Floyd B., "What About
Winter Feeding," Ohio Conservation Bulletin,
XV, No. 2 (February 1951), 4-5, 30.
COCHRAN, Rod, "The Woodbury
Story," Ohio Conservation Bulletin, XV, No. 6
(June 1951), 4-5, 29. History of the
Woodbury wildlife tract.
COOK, Larry, "New Forests for
Ohio," American Forests, LVI, No. 11 (November
1950), 6-8, 31, 34. An account of the
work of the Ohio Reclamation Associa-
tion since 1937.
DAMBACH, Charles A., "The
Importance, Needs, and Management of American
Game Resources," Ohio
Conservation Bulletin, XV, No. 6 (June 1951), 30-32.
Ohio data cited.
DAMBACH, Charles A., "An Inventory
of Ohio's Wildlife Resources," Ohio Conser-
vation Bulletin, XV, No. 4 (April 1951), 18-19.
DAMBACH, Charles A., "Whose Job Is
It?" Ohio Conservation Bulletin, XV, No. 5
(May 1951), 4-5, 27.
DICKMAN, Irving L., "Seed for State
Forest Nurseries," Ohio Conservation Bulletin,
XV, No. 4 (April 1951), 15, 31-32.
DUSTMAN, Eugene H., "Dessert for
Ohio Hunters," Ohio Conservation Bulletin,
XIV, No. 12 (December 1950), 11, 27-28.
Deer facts and management in Ohio.
DUSTMAN, Eugene H., "Squirrel
Housing Problems," Ohio Conservation Bulletin,
XIV, No. 9 (September 1950), 15, 32.
DUSTMAN, Eugene H., "Wildlife
Mortality in Winter," Ohio Conservation Bulletin,
XV, No. 1 (January 1951), 19, 29-30.
HARPER, Arthur R., "Conservation
and Covered Wagons," Ohio Conservation Bulle-
tin, XIV, No. 12 (December 1950), 8-9, 28.
HENDERSHOT, Bill, "Are We Wasting
Our Surplus Cock Pheasants?" Ohio Con-
servation Bulletin, XV, No. 1 (January 1951), 4-5.
LAYCOCK, George, "Upside-Down Land
for Wildlife," Ohio Conservation Bulle-
tin, XV, No. 2 (February 1951), 24-25, 31-32. Reclaimed
strip mine land. Re-
printed from Outdoor Life.
MORSE, Kermit, "More Rabbits and
Quail for Ohio's Hill Farms," Ohio Conserva-
tion Bulletin, XV, No. 1 (January 1951), 8-9, 32.
RHOADES, Rendell, "The Burrowing
Crayfish," Ohio Conservation Bulletin, XV,
No. 7 (July 1951), 4-5.
RHOADES, Rendell, "Frog Legs,"
Ohio Conservation Bulletin, XIV, No. 12 (De-
cember 1950), 18, 30.
A Survey of Publications 401
ROACH, Lee, "Field
Operations," Ohio Conservation Bulletin, XV, No. 7 (July
1951), 8-9, 15. History of wildlife
conservation in Ohio.
RUMMELL, L. L., "Research Sets
Guide Posts for Soil Conservation," Ohio Farmer,
CCVI, No. 6 (September 2, 1950), 3, 26.
History of over fifty years of soil
conservation research.
STRATTON, John, "Muskingum Country:
A Report on Ohio's Muskingum Con-
servancy District-What It Is, What It
Has Done," Ohio Conservation Bulletin,
XV, No. 7 (July 1951), 14-15.
Fishes, Reptiles, and Amphibians
BAUER, Erwin A., "The Ohio
Muskalonge," Ohio Conservation Bulletin, XV, No.
6 (June 1951), 1.
BROMLEY, Al, "The Bullhead," Ohio
Conservation Bulletin, XIV, No. 9 (September
1950), 12-13.
CLARK, Clarence F., "Observations
on the Spawning Habits of the Northern Pike,
Esox lucius, in Northwestern Ohio," Copeia, 1950, pp.
CONANT, Roger, The Reptiles of Ohio. Notre
Dame, Ind., University of Notre Dame
Press, 2d ed., c1951. 284p.
LANGLOIS, T. H., "Ice Fishing-Sport
and Industry," in "In Fishing Circles," Ohio
Conservation Bulletin, XV, No. 1 (January 1951), 7, 32.
PELTON, John Z., "Muskies in
Ohio," in "In Fishing Circles," Ohio Conservation
Bulletin, XV, No. 2 (February 1951), 9, 30; Part II, by Erwin A.
Bauer, XV, No.
3 (March 1951), 21.
PELTON, John Z., "A Report on
Northwestern Ohio," in "In Fishing Circles," Ohio
Conservation Bulletin, XIV, No. 8 (August 1950), 18, 32.
RHOADES, Rendell, "The Frog Family
Album," Ohio Conservation Bulletin, XV,
No. 1 (January 1951), 11, 31-32.
RHOADES, Rendell, "Turtle
Talk," Ohio Conservation Bulletin, XV, No. 2 (Feb-
ruary 1951), 16-17, 32.
RIETHMILLER, Ray H., "Balancing
Bluegill Populations," in "In Fishing Circles,"
Ohio Conservation Bulletin, XIV, No. 11 (November 1950), 18.
ROBERTS, Dave, "Cincinnati Pay
Lakes," Ford Times, XLIII, No. 4 (April 1951),
SCHWARTZ, Charles W., "Some Ohio
Snakes," Ohio Conservation Bulletin, XV, No.
5 (May 1951), 16-17.
SPANGLER, Paul J., "Occurrence of
Scaphiopus holbrookii holbrookii (Harlan) in
Athens County, Ohio," Ohio
Journal of Science, L (1950), 277.
WALKER, John, "Report on
Southwestern Ohio," in "In Fishing Circles," Ohio Con-
servation Bulletin, XIV, No. 12 (1950), 19, 30.
WHITE, Mark O., "A Report on
Southeastern Ohio," in "In Fishing Circles," Ohio
Conservation Bulletin, XIV, No. 10 (October 1950), 27, 30.
BOWEN, Charles H., "Mineral
Resources Research at the Engineering Experiment
Station of the Ohio State
University," Ohio Journal of Science, L (1950),
DAVENPORT, F. Garvin, "Early
American Geologists and the Oil Industry," Indiana
402 Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly
Magazine of History, XLVII (1951), 21-36. Ohio geologists discussed include
J. S. Newberry, E. B. Andrews, and
Edward Orton.
HARPER, Arthur R., "Rocks and
Squirrels," Ohio Conservation Bulletin, XIV, No.
10 (October 1950), 12-13, 32.
HARPER, Charles, "The Hocking
Parks," Ford Times, XLIII, No. 5 (1951), 36-40.
KASER, Paul, Ground-water Levels in
Ohio, 1948. Columbus, Department of Natural
Resources, Division of Water, 1950.
(Bulletin 21). 60p.
KERR, T. H., Natural Gas in Ohio; a
History (Ohio State University Studies, En-
gineering Series, XIX, No. 5,
Engineering Experiment Station, Circular No. 52).
Columbus, Ohio State University, 1950.
NORRIS, Stanley E., "The Bedrock
Surface and the Distribution of the Consolidated
Rocks in Montgomery, Greene, Clark, and
Madison Counties, Ohio," Ohio Journal
of Science, LI (1951), 13-15.
NORRIS, Stanley E., The Water
Resources of Greene County, Ohio (Department of
Natural Resources, Bulletin 19). Columbus,
Department of Natural Resources,
Division of Water, in cooperation with
the Water Resources Division, U. S.
Geological Survey, 1950. 52p. With
sections on "Surface Water Resources" by
William P. Cross and "Wisconsin
Glacial Deposits" by Richard P. Goldthwait.
SANDERSON, Earl E., The Climatic
Factors of Ohio's Water Resources; Precipita-
tion, Temperature, Evaporation,
Trends and Cycles, Excessive Rainfall. Columbus,
Department of Natural Resources,
Division of Water, prepared in cooperation
with the Water Resources Division, U. S.
Geological Survey, 1950, 126p.
SAVAGE, C. N., "Geology for the
Springtime Naturalist," Ohio Conservation Bulle-
tin, XV, No. 5 (May 1951), 10-11, 26.
SHAFFER, Paul R., "Shore Erosion on
Sandusky Bay," Ohio Journal of Science, LI
(1951), 1-5.
WILLIAMS, Douglas C., Ohio's Mineral
Resources: IV. Foundry Sand (Ohio State
University Studies, Engineering Series,
XIX, No. 6, Engineering Experiment
Station, Circular No. 53). Columbus,
Ohio State University, 1950. 21p.
Insects and Other Invertebrates
BARNHART, Clyde S., "A New
Silverfish of Economic Importance Found in the
United States (Thysanura:
Lepismatidae)," Ohio Journal of Science, LI (1951),
BROMLEY, Stanley W., "Ohio Robber
Flies V (Diptera: Asilidae)," Ohio Journal
of Science, L (1950), 229-234.
DEXTER, Ralph W., and Charles H.
Kuehnle, "Further Studies on the Fairy Shrimp
Populations of Northeastern Ohio," Ohio
Journal of Science, LI (1951), 73-86.
KNULL, Dorothy J., "Additions to
List of Ohio Leafhoppers," Ohio Journal of
Science, LI (1951), 16.
KNULL, Dorothy J., "Sixteen New
Leafhoppers and Notes (Homoptera: Cicadel-
lidae)," Ohio Journal of
Science, LI (1951), 178. Includes a list of new Ohio
KNULL, Josef N., The Checkered
Beetles of Ohio (Coleoptera: Cleridae) (Ohio
State University Studies, Ohio
Biological Survey, Bulletin 42). Columbus, Ohio
State University, 1951. Pp. 269-350.
A Survey of Publications 403
RHOADES, Rendell, "Pardon My
Looks-I'm Just a Hellgrammite," Ohio Conserva-
tion Bulletin, XV, No. 6 (June 1951), 10, 29.
DUSTMAN, Eugene H., "Flying
Mammals," Ohio Conservation Bulletin, XV, No.
3 (March 1951), 13, 28.
DUSTMAN, Eugene H., "The 1949-50
Ohio Fur Crop," Ohio Conservation Bulletin,
XV, No. 7 (July 1951), 30-32.
DUSTMAN, Eugene H., "Notes on the
Raccoon," Ohio Conservation Bulletin, XV,
No. 7 (July 1951), 12-13.
LAWSON, Helen and Bill, "Chipmunk;
Thirteen-lined Ground Squirrel," in "Mam-
mal Tracks," Ohio Conservation
Bulletin, XIV, No. 10 (October 1950), 15,
LAWSON, Helen and Bill, "Gray
Squirrel" and "Fox Squirrel," in "Mammal Tracks,"
Ohio Conservation Bulletin, XIV, No. 9 (September 1950), 8-9.
LAWSON, Helen and Bill, "Ohio's
Foxes," Ohio Conservation Bulletin, XV, No. 2
(February 1951), 6-7.
LAWSON, Helen and Bill, "Red
Squirrel; Flying Squirrel," Ohio Conservation Bulle-
tin, XIV, No. 8 (August 1950), 13, 32.
WHITESELL, Dale E., "The
Autobiography of a Groundhog," Ohio Conservation
Bulletin, XV, No. 2 (February 1951), 15, 30.
BRAUN, E. Lucy, "Plant Distribution
in Relation to the Glacial Boundary," Ohio
Journal of Science, LI (1951), 139-146. Includes Ohio.
HARPER, Arthur R., "The Conifers of
Ohio," Ohio Conservation Bulletin, XV, No.
3 (March 1951), 8-9, 28-30.
WALTERS, Maurice B., "Wolffia
papulifera and Lemna minima in Ohio," Ohio
Journal of Science, L (1950), 266.
ARENA, Frank C., "Southern
Sympathizers in Iowa During the Civil War Period,"
Annals of Iowa, XXX (1951), 486-538. There were many southern Ohioans
in Iowa.
HEFLINGER, W. M., "The War of 1812
in Northwestern Ohio: The Year of
Disaster," Northwest Ohio Quarterly,
XXII (1950), 159-172.
OSBORN, George C., "The Atlanta
Campaign, 1864," Georgia Historical Quarterly,
XXXIV (1950), 271-287. Several Ohioans
are important: Grant, Sherman, Mc-
Clellan, and McPherson.
ZORNOW, William Frank, "John Wilson
Murray and the Johnson's Island Plot,"
Inland Seas, VI (1950), 249-257.
COYLE, William, "A Classification
of Ohio Place-names," Ohio State Archaeological
and Historical Quarterly, LX (1951), 273-282.
OVERMAN, William D., Ohio Place
Names. Akron, published by the author, 1951.
404 Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly
WEBB, David K., and Emily A. Webb, A
List of Ohio Place Name Variations. Chilli-
cothe, Ohio, published privately, 1951.
Unpaged, mimeographed.
BREMNER, Robert H., "The Civic
Revival in Ohio-Self-Government," American
Journal of Economics and Sociology, X (1951), 87-91.
BREMNER, Robert H., "The Civic
Revival in Ohio: Tax Equalization in Cleveland,"
American Journal of Economics and
Sociology, X (1951), 301-312.
BREMNER, Robert H., "The Civic
Revival in Ohio: The Street Railway Controversy
in Cleveland," American Journal
of Economics and Sociology, X (1951), 185-206.
GRAEBNER, Norman A., "Thomas Corwin
and the Election of 1848: A Study in
Conservative Politics," Journal
of Southern History, XVII (1951), 162-179.
HEINTZ, Michael G., "Cincinnati
Reminiscences of Lincoln," Historical and
Philosophical Society of Ohio, Bulletin,
IX (1951), 113-120.
JONES, Wilbur Devereux, "Marcus A.
Hanna and Theodore E. Burton," Ohio State
Archaeological and Historical
Quarterly, LX (1951), 10-19.
MORGAN, John M., "The People Choose
Freedom: The Congressional Election of
1860 in Northwestern Ohio," Northwest
Ohio Quarterly, XXII (1950), 106-119.
NYE, Russel B., Midwestern
Progressive Politics. A Historical Study of Its Origins
and Development, 1870-1950. East Lansing, Michigan State College Press, 1951.
The Rising Tide of State Subsidies:
Ohio Taxation for Thirty Years, 1920, 1935,
1950. Columbus, Ohio Chamber of Commerce, 1951. 45p.
WEYL, Nathaniel, Treason, the Story
of Disloyalty and Betrayal in American His-
tory. Washington, D. C., Public Affairs Press, 1950. x+491p.
Includes among
others the episodes of Aaron Burr,
Brigham Young, John Brown, and Clement
L. Vallandigham.
WILEY, Earl W., "Behind Lincoln's
Visit to Ohio in 1859," Ohio State Archae-
ological and Historical Quarterly, LX (1951), 28-47.
ZORNOW, William Frank, "Lincoln,
Chase, and the Ohio Radicals in 1864," His-
torical and Philosophical Society of
Ohio, Bulletin, IX (1951), 3-32.
ZORNOW, William Frank, "McClellan
and Seymour in the Chicago Convention of
1864," Illinois State Historical Society,
Journal, XLIII (1950), 282-295.
"Christmas in Ohio-1750,"
Cresap Society, Bulletin, XVI, No. 1 (January 1951),
[1-2]. From the Columbus (Ohio) Sunday
Dispatch Magazine.
DES CHAMPS, Margaret Burr, "Early
Presbyterianism along the North Bank of the
Ohio River," Presbyterian
Historical Society, Journal, XXVII (1950), 207-220.
DRURY, Clifford M., "The Western
Missionary Society, 1802-1836," Presbyterian
Historical Society, Journal, XXVIII
(1950), 233-248.
EDMAN, Victor Raymond, Finney Lives
On; the Man, His Revival Methods, and His
Message. New York, Fleming H. Revell Company, c1951. 250p.
GORRELL, Donald K., "Presbyterians
in the Ohio Temperance Movement of the
1850's," Ohio State
Archaeological and Historical Quarterly, LX (1951),
LUDWIG, Joseph, "The Story of Peter
Carabin, Proto-Priest of Northwestern Ohio,"
Northwest Ohio Quarterly, XXII (1950), 184-201.
A Survey of Publications 405
SCHOTT, John, Our Shaker Heritage. Shaker
Heights, Ohio, Shaker Heights His-
torical Society, 1950. 10p.
BANKS, W. S. M., II, "The Rank
Order of Sensitivity to Discrimination of Negroes
in Columbus, Ohio," American
Sociological Review, XV (1950), 529-534.
BARNHART, John D., "The Migration
of Kentuckians Across the Ohio River,"
Filson Club History Quarterly, XXV (1951), 24-32.
BESTOR, Arthur Eugene, Jr., Backwoods
Utopias: The Sectarian and Owenite Phases
of Communitarian Socialism in
America, 1663-1829. Philadelphia,
University of
Pennsylvania Press, 1950. xi+288p.
BINKLEY, William C., "The South and
the West," Journal of Southern History,
XVII (1951), 5-22. Part played by the
South in developing the West, includ-
ing the Ohio Valley.
FISHEL, Leslie H., Jr., "The
Negro's Welcome to the Western Reserve," Midwest
Journal, II, No. 1 (Winter 1949), 50-60; II, No. 2 (Summer
1950), 34-40.
KOLLER, Marvin R., "Some Changes in
Courtship Behavior in Three Generations of
Ohio Women," American
Sociological Review, XVI (1951), 366-370.
NOYES, Edward, "The G. A. R. as an
Instrument of Charity in Ohio at the Height
of Its Development," Northwest
Ohio Quarterly, XXII (1950), 213-220.
PRICE, Edward T., "The Mixed-Blood
Racial Strain of Carmel, Ohio, and Magoffin
County, Kentucky," Ohio Journal
of Science, L (1950), 281-290.
WEISS, Leah, The Story of Why and How
the Leah Weiss Relief Kitchen Became a
Landmark in Cincinnati. Cincinnati, privately published, 1950. 190p.
BROWN, Andrew T., "The Great Lakes,
1850-1861," Inland Seas, VI (1950),
161-165, 234-239.
DOW, C. J. "The Dean
Richmond," Inland Seas, VII (1951), 41-45. A ship lost in
Lake Erie in 1893.
HARLOW, Alvin F., "A Paralyzed
City," Historical and Philosophical Society of
Ohio, Bulletin, IX (1951),
103-112. Cincinnati in 1872.
POMEROY, Lawrence A., Jr., "Life
Line of America," Inland Seas, VII (1951),
13-20. Discussion of the importance of
lake commerce with some historical data
on lake ships.
REARDON, William J., "A Little
Known Tunnel in Cincinnati," Historical and
Philosophical Society of Ohio, Bulletin,
IX (1951), 227-233.
SILCOTT, George, and others, The
Return of the Interurban: The Story of The Ohio
Railroad Museum. Worthington, Ohio, Central Ohio Railfan's Association,
(12 p.)
WHITE, Wallace B., "The Ghost Port
of Milan and a Druid Moon," Inland Seas,
VI (1950), 211-221; VII (1951), 21-28,
81-90. Milan in 1847-55.
BROWN, Andrew T., "The Great Lakes,
1850-1861," Inland Seas, VII (1951), 29-32.
"The Great Lakes in Niles' National
Register: Northern Ohio in 1813," Part II,
Inland Seas, VI (1950), 189-192.
CREW, Mildred, "J. J. Ampere's
Journey Through Ohio: A Translation from His
406 Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly
Promenade en Amerique," Ohio State Archaeological and Historical
LX (1951), 64-89.
LANGLOIS, Thomas H., "The Caves on
South Bass Island," Inland Seas, VII (1951),
LINDSEY, David, "Ohio Through
French Eyes, 1849-1864," Historical and Philo-
sophical Society of Ohio, Bulletin, IX
(1951), 91-102.
MEWETT, Alfred, "The Plank Road
[from Cleveland Heights Eastward]," Gates
Mills Historical Society, I (May 1951), [3-7].
ROBERTS, Carl V., "Tour Ohio and
See America," Chrysler Owners' Magazine,
Events, II, No. 3 (March 1951), 7-9.
WILLIAMS, Mentor L., "A Great Lakes
Excursion: 1847 Style," Inland Seas, VI
(1950), 153-160.
WINDELL, Marie, ed., "James Van
Dyke Moore's Trip to the West, 1826-1828,"
Delaware History, IV (1950), 69-104. Moore spent the greater part of two
in eastern Ohio.
AUGUST 1950-JULY 1951
Compiled by S. WINIFRED
Centennial Souvenir of the Ohio State
Fair: A Century of Agricultural Progress
in Ohio. Columbus, Columbus Chamber of Commerce and Franklin
Historical Society, 1950. 11p.
DODDS, Gilbert F., "Centennial of
the First Franklin County Fair," Franklin
County Historical Society, Bulletin, III
(1950-51), 50-52.
DODDS, Gilbert F., "The Columbus
Horticultural Society," Franklin County
Historical Society, Bulletin, III
(1950-51), 23.
FOLCK, Chester, Springfield Ohio
Jerseys, 1880-1950. Privately printed, [1950].
SEIFERT, Myron T., "First Ohio
State Fair," Franklin County Historical Society,
Bulletin, II (1949-50), 166-167.
SHANNON, Fred A., "The Status of
the Midwestern Farmer in 1900," Mississippi
Valley Historical Review, XXXVII (1950-51), 491-510.
KEAGY, Walter R., "The Lane
Seminary Rebellion," Historical and Philosophical
Society of Ohio, Bulletin, IX
(1951), 141-160.
CARPENTER, Edmund S., "Ecology and
Pennsylvania Mounds," Pennslyvania Archae-
ologist, XX (1950), 63-74. Comparative for the Ohio Valley.
GOSLIN, Robert M., "Animal Remains
from a Prehistoric Ohio Indian Site," Ohio
Indian Relic Collectors Society, Bulletin,
No. 25 (September 1950), 16-22.
GOSLIN, Robert M., "Evidence of the
Occurrence of the Rice Rat in Prehistoric
Indian Village Sites in Ohio," Ohio
Indian Relic Collectors Society, Bulletin,
No. 26 (January 1951), 19-22.
GOSLIN, Robert M., "An Interesting
Mound Burial," Ohio Archaeologist, n. s.,
I, No. 1 (April 1951), 32-35. Mound on
Charles Lehman farm near Gore,
Hocking County, Ohio.
JOHNSTON, LaDow, "The Bar
Amulet," Ohio Indian Relic Collectors Society,
Bulletin, No. 26 (January 1951), 15-18.
JOHNSTON, LaDow, "Birdstones,"
Ohio Indian Relic Collectors Society, Bulletin,
No. 26 (January 1951), 7-14.
JOHNSTON, LaDow, "Random Thoughts
on Birdstone Types," Ohio Archaeologist,
n. s., I, No. 1 (April 1951), 21-26.
Many Ohio specimens are illustrated and