AUGUST 1952-JULY 1953
MICK, J. R., 4-H Club Golden
Anniversary Marking the First Half Century of Boys'
and Girls' Club Work in Ohio, Being a
History of the Movement in Williams
County "To Make the Best
Better." N. p., n. d. 16p.
POWER, Richard Lyle, "Settlers on
Corn Belt Soil," Indiana Magazine of History,
XLIX (1953), 161-172.
RICKARD, Anne M., "The University
and Agriculture," Ohio State University
Monthly, XLIV, No. 5 (February 1953), 6-9. History of
contribution of the college
of agriculture to agricultural progress.
MILLER, Lillian M., "'Aunt Laura,'
the Story of Laura Haviland," Northwest Ohio
Quarterly, XXIV (1952), 199-210. Antislavery reformer who lived at
Michigan, but was involved in incidents
in Ohio.
YANUCK, Julius, "The Garner
Fugitive Slave Case," Mississippi Valley Historical
Review, XL (1953-54), 47-66.
BABY, Raymond S., "Prehistoric
Ohio," American Heritage, n. s., IV, No. 3 (Spring
1953), 52-55.
COLLINS, David R., "The Enon
Mound," Ohio Archaeologist, n. s., III, No. 3 (July
1953), 11-12. In Mad River Township,
Clark County.
GOSLIN, Robert M., "Mammal and Bird
Remains from the Cramer Village Site,"
Ohio Archaeologist, n. s., II, No. 4 (November 1952), 20-21.
GRIFFIN, James B., ed., Archeology of
Eastern United States. Chicago, University of
Chicago Press, 1952. 392 p., 205 plates.
"Outline of Cultures in the Ohio Region"
by Richard G. Morgan deals specifically
with Ohio.
HICKS, Lawrence E., "A Human Effigy
Head from the Ohio Valley Area," Ohio
Archaeologist, n. s., III, No. 1 (January 1953), 22-27. Lists twelve
other effigies
found in Ohio.
JOHNSTON, LaDow, "Indian Trade
Good[s] in Wood and Lucas Counties of the
Maumee River Valley," Ohio
Archaeologist, n. s., III, No. 1 (January 1953), 16-18.
KRAMER, Leon, "Granite
Objects," Ohio Archaeologist, n. s., II, No. 4 (November
1952), 30. Three of the four objects
were found in Ohio.
McPHERSON, Harry R., "The Pence
Mound," Ohio Archaeologist, n. s., II, No. 4
(November 1952), 10-16. Located in
Jefferson Township, Preble County, Ohio.
McPHERSON, Harry R., "Two Antler
Combs from Ohio," Tennessee Archaeologist,
VIII (1952), 73-80.
MAYER-OAKES, William J., An
Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Shenango
A Survey of Publications 379
River Reservoir Area in Ohio and
Pennsylvania (Annals of the Carnegie Museum,
XXXIII, Art. 3, Anthropological Series,
No. 1, Pittsburgh, 1953). 124p.+14 plates.
MEUSER, G[ordon] F., "Ceremonial
Picks," Ohio Archaeologist, n. s., III, No. 3
(July 1953), 13-15. Nine specimens
illustrated are all from Ohio.
SMITH, Arthur George, "The Hilliard
Site, Lakewood, Ohio," Ohio Archaeologist,
n. s., III, No. 3 (July 1953), 18-20.
TOWNSEND, Earl C., Jr., "Seventeen Birdstones
from a Collection of 100," Ohio
Archaeologist, n. s., III, No. 1 (January 1953), 4-7. Seven of the
stones were found
in Ohio.
WACHTEL, H. C., "Ohio Celts," Ohio
Archaeologist, n. s., II, No. 4 (November
1952), 19.
WACHTEL, H. C., "Preserve Us,"
Ohio Archaeologist, n. s., III, No. 3 (July 1953),
6-8. On the preservation of the Warren
County Serpent Mound.
WACHTEL, H. C., "Rattling the
Bones," Ohio Archaeologist, n. s., II, No. 4 (No-
vember 1952), 25-29.
"Cincinnati, the Queen City, as
Viewed from the Kentucky Shore in 1848," News
from Home, XIV, No. 1 (February-March 1953), 10-15. Panoramic view
of Cin-
cinnati reproduced from the original
daguerreotypes by Fontayne and Porter, with
"Cleveland, Ohio, 1853." Drawn
by John William Hill. On stone by B. F. Smith, Jr.
Printed by Michelin & Shattuck, and
published by Smith Brothers & Co. 23" x 37".
Old Print Shop Portfolio, XII (1952-53), 132-133.
CLIFTON, Lucile, "The Early Theater
in Columbus, Ohio, 1820-1840," Ohio State
Archaeological and Historical
Quarterly, LXII (1953), 234-245.
CUMMINGS, Abbott Lowell, "The Ohio
State Capitol Competition," Society of
Architectural Historians, Journal, XII,
No. 2 (May 1953), 15-18.
HOITSMA, Muriel Cutten, "Early
Cleveland Silversmiths," Antiques, LXII (1953),
INGRAM, Patricia Smith, "Hudson:
Early 19th Century Domestic Architecture," So-
ciety of Architectural Historians, Journal,
XII, No. 2 (May 1953), 9-14.
LOCKETT, Annie Hoge, "Cincinnati
Clockmakers 1800-1825," Historical and Phil-
osophical Society of Ohio, Bulletin, XI
(1953), 107-111.
MEAD, David, "William Charles
Macready and the Cincinnati Stage," Historical and
Philosophical Society of Ohio, Bulletin,
XI (1953), 91-98.
MYERS, Denys P., "The Architectural
Development of the Western Floating Palace,"
Society of Architectural Historians, Journal,
XI, No. 4 (December 1952), 25-31.
Ohio and Mississippi river steamboats
including the Buckeye State, the J. M. White,
and others.
PARKER, Wyman W., "Printing in
Gambier, Ohio, 1829-1884," Ohio State Archaeo-
logical and Historical Quarterly, LXII (1953), 55-66.
RICE, Otis K., "West Virginia
Printers and Their Work, 1790-1830," West Virginia
History, XIV (1953), 297-338. The northern Panhandle section
includes a portion
of northeastern Ohio.
RODABAUGH, James H., "Adena
Restored," Society of Architectural Historians,
Journal, XII, No. 2 (May 1953), 25.
380 Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly
ROOS, Frank J., Jr., "Ohio:
Architectural Cross-Road," Society of Architectural His-
torians, Journal, XII, No. 2 (May
1953), 3-8.
STEVENS, Harry R., "Pioneer
Photography," Historical and Philosophical Society of
Ohio, Bulletin, X (1952),
WEISERT, John J., "Beginnings of
German Theatricals in Louisville," Filson Club
History Quarterly, XXVI (1952), 347-359. Close connection with the theater
WINTERMUTE, H. Ogden, "The Story of
A Collection," Antiques Journal, VIII,
No. 6 (June 1953), 12-15. The collection
of Mr. and Mrs. John Adams of Spring-
field, which contains many pieces of
furniture made in or brought to Ohio in the
late eighteenth and early nineteenth
ZEPP, Erwin C., and James H. Rodabaugh,
"Ohio's Historic Sites," American Heritage,
n. s., IV, No. 3 (Spring 1953), 44-49.
[BIGGERT, Elizabeth C.], "The Dick
Papers," Museum Echoes, XXV (1952), 71-72.
[BIGGERT, Elizabeth C.], "Harding
Papers," Museum Echoes, XXV (1952), 94.
BIGGERT, Elizabeth C., "The Library
of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical
Society," Autograph Collectors'
Journal, V, No. 3 (Spring 1953), 46-48.
Fifty Ohio Rarities, 1653-1802 (Bulletin LXII of the Clements Library). Ann Arbor,
Mich., Clements Library, 1953. 40p.
Catalog of an exhibition at the Clements
Library in recognition of Ohio's
[GRIMES, James W.], 18th and 19th
Century Painting, Ohio Subjects and Ohio
Artists: An Exhibit Presented at the
Ohio State Museum, February 8- June 1, 1953.
Columbus, Ohio State Archaeological and
Historical Society in association with the
Ohio Sesquicentennial Commission, 1953.
HESSELTINE, William B., and Larry Gara,
eds., "Lyman Draper's Account of Lost
Western Manuscripts," Historical
and Philosophical Society of Ohio, Bulletin, XI
(1953), 192-204.
to Ohio: An Exhibition in
Honor of Our Neighbor's
Sesquicentennial. Indianapolis,
Indiana Historical Society,
1953. [14p.]
LB GEAR, Clara Egli, comp., United
States Atlases: A Catalog of National, State,
County, City, and Regional Atlases in
the Library of Congress and Cooperating
Libraries. Volume 2. Washington, Library of Congress, Reference
Department, 1953.
301p. One section, pages 159-169,
devoted to Ohio atlases.
MARCHMAN, Watt P., "Ohio Rich in
Manuscript Repositories," Autograph Col-
lectors' Journal, V, No. 3 (Spring 1953), 50-53, 58.
Marietta College, The
Sesquicentennial of Ohio's Statehood, 1803-1953: An Exhibition
of Manuscript and Other Materials in
the Library, June 5, 1953 to June 12, 1953.
Marietta, Marietta College, 1953. 56p.
The Ohio Country, Territory to State:
An Exhibit Commemorating the One Hundred
Fiftieth Anniversary of Statehood and
Honoring the Return of the General Assembly
to Chillicothe, Ohio's First Capital.
Chillicothe, Ross County Historical
1953. 4p. Historical data on the
Northwest Territory and the state of Ohio to 1815.
Ohio: The Sesquicentennial of
Statehood, 1803-1953. An Exhibition in the Library of
Congress, Washington, D. C., January
8, 1953, to April 8, 1953. Washington,
Government Printing Office, 1953. 77p.
A Survey of Publications 381
POLLACK, Ervin H., and Charles F.
O'Brien, "The History of Legislative Publica-
tions in Ohio," Ohio State Law
Journal, XIII (1952), 307-349.
SMITH, S. Winifred, comp., "A
Survey of Publications in Ohio History, Archaeology,
and Natural History, August 1951 - July
1952," Ohio State Archaeological and
Historical Quarterly, LXI (1952), 410-430.
ATHEARN, Robert G., "General
Sherman and the Montana Frontier," Montana
Magazine of History, III (1953), 55-64.
BAKER, Nina Brown, Cyclone in Calico:
The Story of Mary Ann Bickerdyke. Boston,
Little, Brown & Company, 1952. 278p.
CHESNUTT, Helen M., Charles Waddell
Chesnutt, Pioneer of the Color Line. Chapel
Hill, University of North Carolina
Press, 1952. viii+324p.
CHURCHILL, Alfred Vance,
"Midwestern: Professor Charles Henry Churchill of
Oberlin," Northwest Ohio
Quarterly, XXIV (1952), 139-175.
CLEMENS, Cyril, "Howard Chandler
Christy: Impressions and Letters," Hobbies,
LVII, No. 11 (January 1953), 32-33, 75.
CLEMENS, Cyril, "My Friend, Ben
Ames Williams--Novelist and Collector," Hobbies,
LVIII, No. 3 (May 1953), 129-130.
COLEMAN, J. Winston, "John Filson:
Early Kentucky Historian," Historical and
Philosophical Society of Ohio, Bulletin,
XI (1953), 57-66. Filson was one of the
original proprietors of the land on
which Cincinnati was founded.
COLES, Harry L., "Salmon Portland
Chase," Museum Echoes, XXV (1952), 67-70.
DIRLAM, H. Kenneth, John Chapman,
"By Occupation a Gatherer and Planter of
Appleseeds." N. p., 1953. 36p. Mimeographed.
FATOUR, Paul, Ambrose Bierce, the
Devil's Lexicographer. Norman, Okla., Univer-
sity of Oklahoma Press, 1951. 349p.
"George Rogers Clark
Bicentennial," Indiana History Bulletin, XXIX (1952), 159-162.
HARDMAN, Anson F., "The Ohio
Pageant--These Are Ohio's Jewels!" Inside Ohio
Magazine, II, No. 5 (June 1953), 29-34. Lists distinguished Ohio
men and women.
HARNSBARGER, Caroline Thomas, A Man
of Courage: Robert A. Taft. Chicago,
Wilcox & Follett Company, 1952.
HATCHER, Harlan, Robert Price, Florence
Murdoch, John W. Stockwill, Ophia D.
Smith, and Leslie Marshall, Johnny
Appleseed, A Voice in the Wilderness: The
Story of the Pioneer John Chapman. Johnny Appleseed Highway Edition (Fourth
Edition). Paterson, N. J., Swedenborg
Press, 1953. 74p.
HESSELTINE, William B., and Larry Gara,
eds., "Andrew H. Ernst, Pioneer Horti-
culturist," Historical and
Philosophical Society of Ohio, Bulletin, XI (1953), 37-41.
HAVIGHURST, Walter, George Rogers
Clark: Soldier in the West. New York,
Toronto, and London, McGraw Hill Book
Company, 1952. For high school readers.
KELLY, Fred Charters, Life and Times
of Kin Hubbard, Creator of Abe Martin. New
York, Farrar, Straus & Company,
1952. 179p.
KENT, Donald H., "Henry
Bouquet," American Heritage, n. s., IV, No. 3 (Spring
1953), 40-43.
KING, Ernest J., and Walter Muir
Whitehill, Fleet Admiral King: A Naval Record.
New York, W. W. Norton & Company,
1952. 674p. Chapter I covers King's early
life in Ohio.
KNOPF, Richard C., "John
Brough," Museum Echoes, XXV (1952), 91-93.
382 Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly
LONGSWORTH, Ferne, "Elijah Stites,
Minute Man," Allen County Historical Society,
Reporter, No. 60 (July 1953), [1-4).
MACARTNEY, Clarence Edward, Grant and
His Generals. New York, McBride
Company, 1953. 352p. Includes Ohioans
James B. McPherson, Philip H. Sheridan,
and W. T. Sherman.
MARCH, David D., "Charles Daniel
Drake of St. Louis," Missouri Historical Society,
Bulletin, IX (1952-53), 291-310. A son of Dr. Daniel Drake, the
subject spent his
boyhood and part of his adult years in
MASON, Miriam E., Dan Beard: Boy
Scout (Childhood of Famous Americans Series).
Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill Company,
1953. 192p. For juvenile readers. Beard was
a native of Ohio.
MEADOWCROFT, Enid LaMonte, The Story
of Thomas Alva Edison. New York,
Grosset, [1952]. 189p. Juvenile.
NEVINS, Allan, Study in Power: John
D. Rockefeller, Industrialist and Philanthropist.
New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1953.
2 vols., 441+501p.
PEARE, Catherine O., Stephen Foster,
His Life. New York, Henry Holt & Company,
1952. 87p.
PETERS, Ralph W., "Spencer A.
Canary--First Citizen of the Maumee Valley,"
Northwest Ohio Quarterly, XXV (1952-53), 37-40.
"President Green Is Dead," American
Federationist, LIX, No. 12 (December 1952),
2-23. William Green, of Coshocton, Ohio,
president A. F. of L., 1924-1952. Also,
mining conditions in Coshocton County in
latter part of 19th century.
ROSS, Ishbel, Proud Kate: Portrait of
an Ambitious Woman. New York, Harper &
Brothers, 1953. 309p.
SCOTT, George Tressler, Illinois'
Testimonial to Mrs. Rutherford B. Hayes. 21p.
Reprinted, with Appendix added, from the
Journal of the Illinois State Historical
Society, Spring, 1953.
SHETRONE, Henry C., "Biographical
Sketch of Harry Raymond McPherson," Ohio
Archaeologist, n. s., III, No. 3 (July 1953), 18-20.
SIEVERS, Harry J., Benjamin Harrison,
Hoosier Warrior, 1833-1865. Chicago, Henry
Regnery Company, 1952. 344p. Youth and
education in Ohio.
SMITH, Dwight L., "William
Medill," Museum Echoes, XXV (1952), 59-62.
SMITH, William E. and Ophia D., A
Buckeye Titan. Cincinnati, Historical and Philo-
sophical Society of Ohio, 1953. 558p. A
biography of John H. James of Urbana.
STEVENS, Harry R., "The Reverend
William Burke," Historical and Philosophical
Society of Ohio, Bulletin, XI
(1953), 205-219. Early Cincinnati Methodist minister.
STILL, John S., "William Dennison,
Jr.," Museum Echoes, XXV (1952), 75-77.
TIMMONS, Bascom N., Portrait of an
American: Charles G. Dawes. New York,
Henry Holt & Company, 1953. 344p.
TRESTER, Delmer J., "David
Tod," Museum Echoes, XXV (1952), 83-86.
WASSON, Woodrow W., James A. Garfield,
His Religion and Education: A Study in
the Religious and Educational Thought
and Activity of an American Statesman.
Nashville, Tennessee Book Company, 1952.
WEIR, Ruth Cromer, Thomas Alva
Edison, Inventor (Makers of America Series).
Nashville, Abingdon-Cokesbury, 1953.
128p. For juvenile readers.
WILEY, Earl W., "Colonel Charles
Anderson's Gettysburg Address," Lincoln Herald,
LIV, No. 3 (Fall 1952), 14-21.
A Survey of Publications 383
"Birth of a Giant Press," Inside
Ohio Magazine, II, No. 3 (April 1953), 21-25. The
Throatless Press Company, owned by the
Hydraulic Press Manufacturing Company
of Mount Gilead and the Austin Company
of Cleveland.
CARLSON, Don O., "Toledo, Pivot
City of the Great Lakes," Inside Ohio Magazine,
II, No. 2 (March 1953), 28-33.
DODDS, Gilbert F., "Carriage Making
Days in Franklin County," Franklin County
Historical Society, Bulletin, IV,
No. 12 (November 1952), 74-75.
HARDMAN, Anson F., "The Ohio
Pageant--The Story of How East Liverpool
Became the Pottery Center of
America," Inside Ohio Magazine, II, No. 6 (June
1953), 26-29.
KOREN, J. M., "Canton-a City Whose
Industrial Backbone is Made of Alloy Steel,"
Inside Ohio Magazine, II, No. 7 (August 1953), 21-25.
MORGAN, Arthur E., Industries for
Small Communities, With Cases from Yellow
Springs (Community Service News, XI, Nos. 1-2). Yellow Springs, Ohio, Com-
munity Service, Inc., 1953. 107p.
RODGERS, Allan, "The Iron and Steel
Industry of the Mahoning and Shenango
Valleys," Economic Geography, XXVIII
(1952), 331-342. Development of the
industry, especially since 1947.
WRIGHT, Alfred J., Economic Geography
of Ohio (Division of Geological Survey,
Fourth Series, Bulletin 50). Columbus,
Division of Geological Survey, 1953. 217p.
WRIGHT, Orville, "How We Invented
the Airplane," Harper's Magazine, CCVI, No.
1237 (June 1953), 25-33. An account used
as a deposition in a lawsuit made on
January 13, 1920. Edited by Fred C.
ANDERSON, Sherwood, Letters of
Sherwood Anderson, edited by Howard Mumford
Jones and Walter B. Rideout. Boston,
Little, Brown & Company, 1953. 504p.
MAHR, August C., "Diary of a
Moravian Indian Mission Migration Across Pennsyl-
vania in 1772," Ohio State
Archaeological and Historical Quarterly, LXII (1953),
BARNES, Sherman B., "Shaker
Education," Ohio State Archaeological and Historical
Quarterly, LXII (1953), 67-76.
BELL, Hobart H., "Financing Public
Education in Ohio for 150 Years," Ohio Schools,
XXXI (1953), 104-107, 128.
BELL, Hobart H., "Then as Now,
Essential to the Public Welfare," Ohio Schools,
XXXI (1953), 58-63, 84-85. A history of
the public schools in Ohio.
BROWNING, Lucy, The Land Needs
Book-Learning, or The Three R's. Columbus,
Ohio Sesquicentennial Commission
Headquarters, 1952. Unpaged. Mimeographed.
Historical choral drama for elementary
CHURCHILL, Alfred Vance,
"Midwestern: Oberlin Students, Sinners and Adolescents
in the 1870's and 1880's," Northwest
Ohio Quarterly, XXV (1952-53), 41-62.
CHURCHILL, Alfred Vance,
"Midwestern: Transition at Oberlin, 1850-1887," North-
west Ohio Quarterly, XXIV (1952), 220-239.
CLOPPER, Edward N., "The Ohio
Mechanics Institute, Its 125th Anniversary," His-
torical and Philosophical Society of
Ohio, Bulletin, XI (1953), 179-191.
384 Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly
HARDMAN, Anson F., "The Ohio
Pageant--Under the Oberlin Elm," Inside Ohio,
Magazine, II, No. 7 (August 1953), 26-29.
"Lake Erie College
Centennial," Daughters of the American Revolution Magazine
LXXXVI (1952), 1296.
LEAHY, John F., and Ruth E. Seeger, A
Thirty Year Record: Projects of the Bureau o
Educational Research. Columbus, Ohio State University, Bureau of Educational
search, 1952. 107p.
LINDSEY, David, "George W. Norris
as a Student at Baldwin University," Nebraska
History, XXXIV (1953), 115-122.
1952 Directory of Ohio Libraries,
With Statistics for 1951. Columbus,
Ohio State
Library, Department of Education, 1952.
POLLARD, James E., History of the
Ohio State University: The Story of Its Firs
Seventy-Five Years, 1873-1948. Columbus, Ohio State University Press, 1952. 434p
RUPP, A. E., "'First in Ohio': A
Recheck of the Personalities and Curricular Offer
ings in Ohio's Early Educational
History," Ohio Schools, XXXI (1953), 212-214,
WILLIAMS, E. I. F., Heidelberg,
Democratic Christian College, 1850-1950. Menasha,
Wis., George Banta Publishing Company,
1952. 321p.
FISHWICK, Marshall W., "Daniel
Boone and the Pattern of the Western Hero,"
Filson Club History Quarterly, XXVII (1953), 119-138. Deals with the develop-
ment of the legendary Boone, including
the contribution of Timothy Flint.
JAGENDORF, M. A., Sand in the Bag,
and Other Folk Stories of Ohio, Indiana, and
Illinois. New York, Vanguard Press, 1953. 192p.
BAER, Mabel Van Dyke, "Cemetery
Inscriptions Found in Bulletin of Ohio Historical
and Philosophical Society,"
National Genealogical Society, Quarterly, XL (1952),
BREWSTER, Harriet Niles, comp.,
"Some Additional Descendants of John Niles,
1680-1768, of Colchester, Conn.,"
Detroit Society for Genealogical Research,
Magazine, XVI (1952-53), 123-128. Some branches of the family
lived in Ohio.
BRIGHAM, Clarence S., "Thomas Bible
Records," New England Historical and
Genealogical Register, CVII (January 1953), 74-75. Record of family of
Smith Thomas of Cincinnati.
CARPENTER, J. Rodman, "Major Silas
Howell, Who Came to the Miami Region
with John Cleves Symmes,"
Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio, Bulletin,
X (1952), 322-333. In "Little Miami
Valley Cemetery Inscriptions."
DICKOR1, Marie, "Carpenter's Run
Baptist Church, 1797-1828, in Sycamore Town-
ship, Hamilton County, Ohio,"
Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio,
Bulletin, XI (1953), 69-77, 172-174. Includes Plainfield
DICKOR1, Marie, "Plainfield Road
Cemetery," Historical and Philosophical Society of
Ohio, Bulletin, XI (1953),
DICKSON, Lura M., Ancestry and
Descendants of David Garton of New Jersey and
Ohio. Montezuma, Iowa, 1952. 67p. Mimeographed.
FULLER, Helen Swisher, "The
Ancestry of Frederick Peterson of Sussex County, New
A Survey of Publications 385
Jersey, and Franklin County, Ohio,"
Daughters of the American Revolution Magazine,
LXXXVI (1952), 1324-1325.
KEPLER, Frank Roy, "The Peter
Kepler Family, Erie and Crawford Counties, Penn-
sylvania," Detroit Society for
Genealogical Research, Magazine, XVI (1952-53),
129-132. One branch lived in Ashtabula,
LONGSWORTH, F[erne] M., "The
Breeches Bible," Allen County Historical Society,
Reporter, No. 57 (November 1952), 1-3. An account of the family
of George and
Martha Dunstall Catt of Cincinnati and
"McIntosh Emigrants to Columbiana,
Jefferson, and Carroll Counties, Ohio," Wells-
ville Echoes, V(1953), 17-21. Reprinted from the Clan Chattan
Association, Journal,
III, No. 1 (December 1952).
O'HARA, Mrs. D. T., "Brief History
and Genealogy of the Aten Family in America,"
Wellsville Echoes, IV (1952), 31-33.
PITTIS, Margaret Birney, The Hout
Family for Two Hundred and Twenty-Seven Years,
Ten Generations, 1725-1952.... Cleveland, published by the author, 1952. 638p.
"Roster of Members," Society
of Indiana Pioneers, Yearbook, 1952, 51-106. Gives
names of ancestors and state of origin.
Many from Ohio.
WARNER, Anna Harrington, "Some
Descendants of John Gray of Worcester, Massa-
chusetts," Detroit Society for
Genealogical Research, Magazine, XVI (1952-53),
133-136. Connections in several Ohio
BOWMAN, David W., Pathway of
Progress: A Short History of Ohio. New York,
American Book Company, new ed., 1951.
ECHEVERRIA, Durand, trans.,
"General Collot's Plan for a Reconnaissance of the
Ohio and Mississippi Valleys,
1796," William and Mary Quarterly, 3d ser., IX
(1952), 512-520.
IZANT, Grace Goulder, This is Ohio:
Ohio's 88 Counties in Words and Pictures.
Cleveland, World Publishing Company,
1953. 264p.
NOBLE, Ruth V., Historic American
Landmarks: An Engagement Calendar for 1953.
Cambridge, Mass., Berkshire Publishing
Company, [1952]. Unpaged. Has pictures
of three Ohio landmarks: the Hayes
Memorial Library and Museum, Fremont, Ohio;
the Taft Museum, Cincinnati, Ohio; and
Glendower, Lebanon, Ohio.
OVERMAN, William D., "Ohio Town
Names," Names, I, No. 2 (June 1953),
PHILLIPS, Hazel Spencer, and Lawrence
Jordan Gray, Governors of Ohio. [Lebanon,
Ohio], published by the authors, 1952.
SIEDEL, Frank, Out of the Midwest:
More Chapters in the Ohio Story. Cleveland,
World Publishing Company, 1953. 240p.
Fictionized stories of Ohio people and
SMITH, Dwight L., "The Ohio Country
in 1785," Historical and Philosophical So-
ciety of Ohio, Bulletin, XI
(1953), 42-46. An unsigned letter dated December 22,
1785, published in the New Haven
Gazette, and the Connecticut Magazine, March
2, and 9, 1786.
STILLE, Samuel Harden, Ohio Builds a
Nation: A Memorial to the Pioneers and the
Celebrated Sons of the
"Buckeye" State. Chicago,
Lower Salem, Ohio, and New
York, Arlendale Book House, 4th ed.,
1953. 300p.
386 Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly
WILSON, Frazer Ells, Advancing the
Ohio Frontier: A Saga of the Old Northwest
Columbus, Long's College Book Co., new
ed., 1953. 124p.
DELEEUW, Adele and Cateau, Hideaway
House. Boston, Little, Brown and Company
1953. 151p. Describes a journey down the
Ohio River by flatboat and settlement o?
a farm in the Miami Valley. Juvenile.
ELLIS, William D., The Bounty Lands. Cleveland,
World Publishing Company, 1952
492p. The scene is laid in Ohio in the early
part of the nineteenth century.
SPICER, Bart, The Wild Ohio. New
York, Dodd, Mead and Company, 1953. 328p
DOWNES, Randolph C., "The Ottawa
Indians and the Erie and Kalamazoo Railroad:
A Dresden W. H. Howard Item," Northwest
Ohio Quarterly, XXIV (1952), 136-
KELLER, Kathryn Miller, "The Tales
and Travels of Turkey Foot Rock," Northwest
Ohio Quarterly, XXIV (1952), 186-198.
KING, Arthur G., "The Exact Site of
Fort Washington and Daniel Drake's Error,"
Historical and Philosophical Society of
Ohio, Bulletin, XI (1953), 128-146.
KNOPF, Richard C., Raymond S. Baby, and
Dwight L. Smith, "The Re-Discovery of
Fort Washington," Historical and
Philosophical Society of Ohio, Bulletin, XI
(1953), 1-12.
KNOPF, Richard C., "Trailing 'Mad'
Anthony Wayne," Inside Ohio Magazine, II, No.
5 (June 1953), 13-15.
KNOPF, Richard C., ed., "Two
Journals of the Kentucky Volunteers," Filson Club
History Quarterly, XXVII (1953), 247-281.
SMITH, Dwight L., "The Contest with
the Indians for Ohio Lands," American
Heritage, n. s., IV, No. 3 (Spring 1953), 32-37, 69-70.
SMITH, Dwight L., ed., From Greene
Ville to Fallen Timbers: A Journal of the
Wayne Campaign, July 28-September 14,
1794 (Indiana Historical Society
cations, Volume XVI, Number 3).
Indianapolis, Indiana Historical Society, 1952.
Pp. 239-333.
WALLACE, Paul A. W., "John
Heckewelder's Indians and the Fenimore Cooper
Tradition," American Philosophical
Society, Proceedings, XCVI (1952), 496-504.
"Yellow Creek Blockhouse," Wellsville
Echoes, V (1953), 13-17. Jefferson County,
HILTON, Earl, "The Evolution of
Sherwood Anderson's 'Brother Death,'" Northwest
Ohio Quarterly, XXIV (1952), 125-130.
JONES, Howard Mumford, ed., "The
Letters of Sherwood Anderson," Atlantic,
CXCI (1953), 30-33. Effect of Anderson's
middlewestern background on his style.
WOODRESS, James Leslie, Howells &
Italy. Durham, N. C., Duke University Press,
1953. 223p.
BLAINE, Harry S., "Henry Gibson,
Pioneer Mail Carrier of Attica, Ohio," Northwest
Ohio Quarterly, XXIV (1952), 211-219.
BROWNING, Mrs. John Keith, "The
Ohio Shrine: The Christian Waldschmidt
A Survey of Publications 387
House," Daughters of the
American Revolution Magazine, LXXXVI (1952), 1281-
CARLSON, Don O., "Greenville; A
City with an Historic Background, and a Modern
Record of Accomplishment," Inside
Ohio Magazine, II, No. 1 (February 1953),
CARLSON, Don O., "Newark--A Center
of Industry in the Center of Ohio," Inside
Ohio Magazine, II, No. 3 (April 1953), 16-20.
"Marietta," Museum Echoes, XXVI (1953), 3-5.
CHAPMAN, Edmund H., "City Planning
Under Industrialization: The Case of Cleve-
land," Society of Architectural
Historians, Journal, XII, No. 2 (May 1953), 19-24.
"Coshocton, a Remarkable Town,
Built on an Absurd Idea," Inside Ohio Magazine,
II, No. 4 (May 1953), 26-30.
CRONIN, Jack, "Cincinnati," Museum
Echoes, XXVI (1953), 11-13.
DICKORE, Marie, "Carpenter's Run
Pioneers," Historical and Philosophical Society
of Ohio, Bulletin, XI (1953),
DICKORE, Marie, "One Hundred Years
of Leadership in Fire Fighting," Historical
and Philosophical Society of Ohio, Bulletin,
XI (1953), 235-239.
DODDS, Gilbert F., 50 Historic Events
in Franklin County. Columbus, Franklin
County Historical Society, 1952. 48p.
DODDS, Gilbert F., "The Founding of
Dublin," Franklin County Historical Society,
Bulletin, IV, No. 10 (September 1952), 59.
DODDS, Gilbert F., "Rohr's Emigrant
Party," Franklin County Historical Society,
Bulletin, IV, Nos. 7-8 [9-10] (July-August 1952), 50.
DODDS, Gilbert F., "The Whetstone
River," Franklin County Historical Society,
Bulletin, V, No. 1 (December 1952), 2.
DOWNES, Randolph C., History of Lake
Shore Ohio. 3 vols., New York, Lewis His-
torical Publishing Company, 1953.
DRAPER, Walter A., and others,
"Christmas Dinner at the Commercial Club," His-
torical and Philosophical Society of
Ohio, Bulletin, XI (1953), 147-165. A play
representing a meeting in Yeatman's
Tavern in Cincinnati on Christmas Eve, 1802.
DUNN, James Taylor, ed.,
"'Cincinnati Is a Delightful Place': Letters of a Law Clerk,
1831-34," Historical and
Philosophical Society of Ohio, Bulletin, X (1952), 257-
277. Letters from Columbus and
Cincinnati written by Isaac A. Jewett in 1831-34.
"East Liverpool--Civic Life in
Action," Ohio Bell, XXIX, No. 7 (July 1952), 3-
FEENEY, Phyllis L., "Grandma's
Hotel: The Gibson House in Attica, Ohio," North-
west Ohio Quarterly, XXIV (1952), 131-135.
FEIGLE, Frank, and others, Geaugaraphy
(In One Easy Lesson). [Chardon, Ohio],
Geauga County Sesquicentennial
Commission, [1953]. 18p. and folded map. Brief
history of the townships in Geauga
FEISS, Carl, "Tallmadge, Township
No. 2, Range 10, Connecticut Fire Lands: An
Early Ohio Planned Community,"
Society of Architectural Historians, Journal, XII,
No. 2 (May 1953), 25-27.
FENNER, Laura, "In 1790, Determined
Frenchmen Settled Gallipolis," Ohio Farmer,
CCXI, No. 3 (March 7, 1953), 40-41.
GRAYSON, Emilie B., "Troy--Sends Its
Products to All Corners of the Earth,"
Inside Ohio Magazine, II, No. 6 (June 1953), 22-25, 43.
388 Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly
GREGORY, William M., The Story of
James Nicholson: The Beginning of Lakewood.
Lakewood, Ohio, the Public Schools,
1953. 59p. Mimeographed.
GRISMER, Karl H., Akron and Summit
County. Akron, Summit County Historical
Society, 1952. 834p.
HAVIGHURST, Walter, "Kelley's
Island," American Heritage, n. s., IV, No. 3
(Spring 1953), 56-59.
HEALD, Edward Thornton, Industry
Comes of Age in Stark County, 1901-1917 (The
Stark County Story, Volume III). Canton, Ohio, Stark County Historical
1952. 822p.
Historic Landmarks of Columbus and
Franklin County (Franklin County
Society, Bulletin, V, No. 10).
Columbus, Franklin County Historical Society, 1953.
History Commission of the Greene County
Sesquicentennial Organization, Out of the
Wilderness: An Account of Events in
Greene County, Ohio. N. p., 1953.
JACKSON, Clingan,
"Youngstown," Museum Echoes, XXVI (1953), 43-45.
JEFFERS, Thomas E., "City of the
Gauls [Gallipolis, Ohio]," American Heritage,
n. s., IV, No. 3 (Spring 1953), 50-51,
KNOPF, Richard C., "Dayton," Museum
Echoes, XXVI (1953), 19-21.
KING, Arthur G., "Some Cincinnati
Streets," Historical and Philosophical Society of
Ohio, Bulletin, X (1952),
County Made History. Wicliffe,
Ohio, the Lubrizol Corporation, 1953.
PARK, Clyde W., "Somerset: Historic
Town on Zane's Trace," Historical and Philo-
sophical Society of Ohio, Bulletin, XI
(1953), 221-234.
QUINE, C. R., comp., Old Portage and
the Portage Path. [Akron, published by the
author], 1953. 35p. Mimeographed.
RIGNEY, Eugene D.,
"Chillicothe," Museum Echoes, XXVI (1953), 27-30.
SEIFERT, Myron T., "Columbus
Heralds First Auto Show, Christmas Night--1909,"
Franklin County Historical Society, Bulletin,
V, No. 1 (December 1952), 3-5.
Shedding Light on Worthington. Worthington, Ohio, Woodrow Guild of the First
Presbyterian Church, 2d ed., 1953. 79p.
SMITH, Dwight L., "Mansfield,"
Museum Echoes, XXVI (1953), 51-53.
SOUTHWICK, Erman Dean,
"Marietta--Is Building Its Future on a Foundation 165
Years Old," Inside Ohio
Magazine, II, No. 5 (June 1953), 20-24.
"To the Rescue by Drum Beat, Centennial
of the Cincinnati Steam Fire Department,"
News from Home, XIV, No. 1 (February-March 1953), 16-18.
VENABLE, Bryant, "Peasenhall
Lane," Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio,
Bulletin, XI (1953), 166-167. An account of the Charles Parnell
family and the
naming of a Cincinnati street for
Peasenhall Village, England.
WABNITZ, William S., ed., "The
Bates Papers and Early Cincinnati," Historical and
Philosophical Society of Ohio, Bulletin,
XI (1953), 13-36, 112-127.
CHRISTENSEN, B. V., "The Teaching
of Pharmacy in Ohio," Ohio State Archaeo-
logical and Historical Quarterly, LXI (1952), 352-364.
CLARK, Robert D., "The Medical
Training of Matthew Simpson, 1830-1833," Ohio
State Archaeological and Historical
Quarterly, LXI (1952), 371-379.
A Survey of Publications 389
DITTRICK, Howard, "An Ancestor of
Ohio Medicine: Fairfield Medical School
(1812-1840)," Ohio State
Archaeological and Historical Quarterly, LXI (1952),
"Historic Drugstore in Ohio,"
National Association of Retail Druggists, Journal,
LXXIII (1951), 425.
HORINE, Emmet Field, "Daniel Drake
and the Origin of Medical Journalism West
of the Allegheny Mountains," Bulletin
of the History of Medicine, XXVII (1953),
RODABAUGH, Mary Jane, "Some Ohio
Aspects of Military Nursing," Ohio State
Archaeological and Historical
Quarterly, LXI (1952), 339-351.
SCHULLIAN, Dorothy M., "Dr. Samuel
Hanbury Smith of Cincinnati, Columbus,
and Hamilton, Ohio," Medical Library
Association, Bulletin, XXXIX (1952), 146-
Fifth Annual State Conservation Field
Day and Plowing Contests. Cincinnati,
Inc., Ptrs., [1952]. 64p. Contains the
following data for each county: derivation
of name, date established, population,
agricultural income, major enterprise, date
conservation district organized, number
of cooperatives.
LEWIS, Charles A., and Marvin Diamond,
"A Lake Erie Treasure Hunt," Inside Ohio
Magazine, II, No. 7 (August 1953), 16-20.
SHEPARD, Lee, "A Little Story from
an Old Cemetery," Historical and Philosophical
Society of Ohio, Bulletin, X
(1952), 302-307. Concerns a Cherokee word on the
gravestone of Mrs. Clarissa Palmer
(missionary to Cherokee and Osage Indians) in
an old cemetery in Granville, Ohio.
STILL, John S., "Library Fires and
Salvage Methods," The American Archivist, XVI
(1953), 145-153. Based on experience of
the Ohio State Archaeological and His-
torical Society after the fire of June
12, 1951.
COCHRAN, Rod, "Home Sweet
Home," Ohio Conservation Bulletin, XVII, No. 1
(January 1953), 8-9, 32. A study of
territorialism in animals; observations mainly
in Ohio.
HARPER, Arthur R., "The Winter
Woods," Ohio Conservation Bulletin, XVII, No. 1
(January 1953), 4-5, 32.
SCHULTZ, Vincent, "A Limnological
Study of an Ohio Farm Pond," Ohio Journal
of Science, LII (1952), 267-283. A study of biological, physical,
and chemical con-
ditions of a farm pond on the Ohio State
University farm in Franklin County, Ohio.
VERBER, James L., "Surface Water
Movement, Western Lake Erie," Ohio Journal of
Science, LIII (1953), 42-45.
BOND, Gorman, ed., "Sixteenth
Breeding-Bird Census," Audubon Field Notes, VI
(1952), 304-324. Sections 10, 11, 12,
23, and 33 pertain to Ohio.
BROOKS, Maurice, "Appalachian
Region," in "Region Reports--Fall Migration,
August 16 to November 30, 1952," Audubon
Field Notes, VII (1953), 15-17.
BROOKS, Maurice, "Appalachian
Region," in "Region Reports, Nesting Season, June
390 Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly
1 to August 15, 1952," Audubon
Field Notes, VI (1952), 280-282. Region in-
cludes part of Ohio.
BROOKS, Maurice, "Appalachian
Region," in "Region Reports, Winter Season, De-
cember 1, 1952-March 31, 1953," Audubon
Field Notes, VII (1953), 212-213.
Region includes part of Ohio.
"Fifty-Third Christmas Bird
Count," Audubon Field Notes, VII (1953), 44-192.
Sections 200-225, pp. 113-120, pertain
to Ohio.
GILBERT, William M., "Chuck-will's-widow
in Central Ohio," in "General Notes,"
Wilson Bulletin, LXV (1953), 43.
HANDLEY, Delmar, "Ancient Murrelet (Synthliboramphus
antiquus) Taken in Erie
County, Ohio," Auk, LXX
(1953), 206-207. Specimen in the Ohio State Museum.
MASLOWSKI, Karl, "Grouse
Post-Mortem," Ohio Conservation Bulletin, XVII, No.
1 (January 1953), 10-11.
"The 1952 Christmas Bird
Count," Redstart, XX, No. 1 (December 1952), 1-16. The
region covered includes parts of Ohio,
West Virginia, and Virginia.
NOLAN, Val, Jr., "Middlewestern
Prairie Region," in "Regional Reports, Nesting
Season, June 1 to August 15, 1952,"
Audubon Field Notes, VI (1952), 284-285.
Region includes part of Ohio.
NOLAN, Val, Jr., "Middlewestern
Prairie Region," in "Region Reports--Fall Mi-
gration, August 16 to November 30,
1952," Audubon Field Notes, VII (1953)
NOLAN, Val, Jr., "Middlewestern
Prairie Region," in "Region Reports--Winter
Season, December 1, 1952-March 31,
1953," Audubon Field Notes, VII (1953),
215-216. Region includes part of Ohio.
RANDLE, Worth, and Ronald Austing,
"Ecological Notes on Long-eared and Saw-
whet Owls in Southwestern Ohio," Ecology,
XXXIII (1952), 422-426.
STEWART, Paul A., "Winter Mortality
of Barn Owls in Central Ohio," in "General
Notes," Wilson Bulletin, LXIV
(1952), 164-166.
ALLEN, Durward, "Wildlife History
and the Soil," Ohio Conservation Bulletin, XVII,
No. 7 (July 1953), 10-11.
ATZENHOEFER, Dan, "Rabbit Nests are
Death Traps. .. Sometimes," Ohio Con-
servation Bulletin, XVII, No. 6 (June 1953), 10-11.
AUMANN, Francis R., Ohio Government
and Conservation: Legislation, Program, and
Administration (Ohio State University Studies, Engineering Series,
Engineering Ex-
periment Station, Circular No. 54). Columbus,
Ohio State University, 1953. 24p.
BEDNARIK, Karl, "Enjoy Wildlife,
Hunting & Fishing in Cuyahoga County," Ohio
Conservation Bulletin, XVII, No. 6 (June 1953), 12-15, 32.
BEDNARIK, Karl, "Enjoy Wildlife,
Hunting & Fishing in Ottawa County," Ohio
Conservation Bulletin, XVI, No. 10 (October 1952), 16-19.
BEDNARIK, Karl, "Meet the Man
Behind the Badge," Ohio Conservation Bulletin,
XVII, No. 7 (July 1953), 2-5, 26, 30.
CHAPMAN, Floyd B., "Enjoy Wildlife,
Hunting & Fishing in Vinton County," Ohio
Conservation Bulletin, XVII, No. 2 (February 1953), 16-19, 27-28.
CHAPMAN, Floyd B., "Ohio Tackles
Turkey Restoration," Ohio Conservation Bul-
letin, XVII, No. 1 (January 1953), 20-21.
A Survey of Publications 391
CHAPMAN, Floyd B., "Wildlife Losses
from Forest Fires," Ohio Conservation Bul-
letin, XVI, No. 10 (October 1952), 20.
COLE, Vernon W., "A Pollution
Survey of Raccoon Creek," Ohio State University,
Engineering Experiment Station News, XXV, No. 2 (April 1953), 20-24.
COLE, Vernon W., "Report on Raccoon
Creek," Ohio Conservation Bulletin, XVII,
No. 3 (March 1953), 16-17, 27.
DAVIS, Charles C., and Harland B. Roney,
"A Preliminary Study of Industrial Pol-
lution in the Cleveland Harbor Area. I.
Physical and Chemical Results," Ohio
Journal of Science, LIII (1953), 14-30.
GALLAGHER, Thomas G., "The Effect
of Water Pollution on Wildlife in Ohio,"
Ohio State University, Engineering
Experiment Station News, XXV, No. 2 (April
1953), 16-20.
GOODMAN, Louis J., "Erosion Control
in Engineering Works," Ohio State Univer-
sity, Engineering Experiment Station
News, XXV, No. 2 (April 1953), 27-32.
GROVES, Elden R., "After the Shovel
Has Passed--What of the Land?" Ohio Farmer,
CCX, No. 7 (October 4, 1952), 3, 38-41.
HAGUE, John A., "Richland
County," Ohio Conservation Bulletin, XVII, No. 5
(May 1953), 16-19.
HARPER, Arthur R., "Enjoy Wildlife,
Hunting & Fishing in Ross County," Ohio
Conservation Bulletin, XVII, No. 1 (January 1953), 12-15, 32.
HARROLD, L. L., "Basic Water
Concepts for Soil and Water Conservation," Ohio
Journal of Science, LIII (1953), 168-172.
MORSE, H. Howe, "Guesswork vs
Surveys in Soil Conservation," Ohio Conservation
Bulletin, XVII, No. 3 (March 1953), 22-23.
MOSLEY, Carl, "Enjoy Wildlife,
Hunting & Fishing in Hocking County," Ohio Con-
servation Bulletin, XVII, No. 3 (March 1953), 8-11, 27, 29.
PETERS, Ralph W., "Water Management
and the Conservancy District," Ohio State
University, Engineering Experiment
Station News, XXV, No. 2 (April 1953), 25-27.
Plant Ohio Today--For Tomorrow. N. p., Plant Ohio Committee, [1953]. 20p.
REDETT, Robert B., "How About This
Oak Wilt," Ohio Conservation Bulletin,
XVII, No. 3 (March 1953), 20-21, 23.
RILEY, Charles V., "Striplands Can
Produce Wildlife," Ohio Conservation Bulletin,
XVII, No. 6 (June 1953), 2-3, 30-31.
SHAFER, Paul V., "Stream
Improvement on the Little Miami River," Ohio State
University, Engineering Experiment
Station News, XXV, No. 2 (April 1953), 12-16.
STARR, Ray, "There's Virgin Fishing
in Them Hills," Ohio Conservation Bulletin,
XVII, No. 5 (May 1953), 6-7. In lakes in
strip pits in Jefferson County.
TRYON, Clarence Archer, Jr., and Daniel
F. Jackson, "Summer Plankton Productivity
of Pymatuning Lake, Pennsylvania," Ecology,
XXXIII (1952), 342-350. Part of the
lake lies in Ashtabula County, Ohio.
TURNER, George J., Jr., "Enjoy
Wildlife, Hunting & Fishing in Coshocton County,"
Ohio Conservation Bulletin, XVII, No. 4 (April 1953), 12-15.
"25 Million More Trees for
Ohio," Inside Ohio Magazine, II, No. 4 (May 1953),
WICKLIFF, E. L., "Eighty Years of
Wildlife Conservation in Ohio, 1873-1953," Ohio
Conservation Bulletin, XVII, No. 7 (July 1953), 18-19, 31.
392 Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly
WICKLIFF, E. L., "Gizzard Shad
Rides Again," Ohio Conservation Bulletin, XVII,
No. 5 (May 1953), 23, 25.
CUMMINS, Bob, "The Lake Erie
Whitefish," Ohio Conservation Bulletin, XVII,
No. 3 (March 1953), 18-19.
"Fishing Forecast for
Fifty-Three," Ohio Conservation Bulletin, XVII, No. 4 (April
1953), 16-17. Ohio waters.
ST. CLAIR, Harry P., "Some Favorite
Fishing Spots," Ohio Conservation Bulletin,
XVII, No. 2 (February 1953), 4-5.
ARKLE, Thomas, Jr., "The Geology of
Switzerland Township, Monroe County, Ohio,"
Ohio Journal of Science, LIII (1953), 1-13.
BAGLEY, C. T., "Subsurface Study of
Glacial Deposits at Cleveland, Ohio," Ohio
Journal of Science, LIII (1953) 53-71.
BOWEN, Charles H., Petrology and
Economic Geology of the Sharon Conglomerate
in Geauga and Portage Counties, Ohio (Ohio State University Studies, Engineering
Series, XXII, No. 3, Engineering
Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 153). Columbus,
Ohio State University, 1953. 58p.
Fossil Vertebrates of the Tri-State
Area. Art. 1. Location and
Stratigraphy of Known
Occurrences of Fossil Tetrapods in
the Upper Pennsylvanian and Permian of Penn-
sylvania, West Virginia, and Ohio, by William E. Morgan. Art. 2. Late Pennsyl-
vanian and Early Permian Vertebrates
of the Pittsburgh-West Virginia Region, by
Alfred Sherwood Romer. (Annals of the
Carnegie Museum, XXXIII, Pittsburgh,
1953). 110p.+2 plates.
GRAY, Henry H., and Dwight E. Arnold,
"Penecontemporaneous Erosional Slump
Structure near Mineral City, Ohio,"
Ohio Journal of Science, LII (1952), 261-266.
LEONARD, A. Byron, "Molluscan
Faunules in Wisconsin Loess at Cleveland, Ohio,"
American Journal of Science, CCLI (1953), 369-376.
The Meigs Creek No. 9 Coal Bed in
Ohio: Part I, "Geology and
Reserves," by William
H. Smith, Russell A. Brant, and Fred
Amos; Part II, "Washability Characteristics
and Other Properties," by Peter O.
Krumin. (Division of Geological Survey, Report
of Investigation No. 17, and Engineering Station, Bulletin No. 151). Columbus,
State University, 1953. 163p.
MERRILL, William M., "Pleistocene
History of a Part of the Hocking River Valley,
Ohio," Ohio Journal of Science, LIII
(1953), 143-158.
SHIDELER, William H., "The
Cincinnati Arch, a Creator of Geologists," Historical
and Philosophical Society of Ohio, Bulletin,
X (1952), 310-319.
STOUT, Wilber, "Age of Fringe Drift
in Eastern Ohio," Ohio Journal of Science,
LIII (1953), 183-188.
WAYNE, William J., "Pleistocene
Evolution of the Ohio and Wabash Valleys,"
Journal of Geology, LX (1952), 575-585.
WHITE, George W., "Sangamon Soil
and Early Wisconsin Loesses at Cleveland,
Ohio," American Journal of
Science, CCLI (1953), 362-368.
Insects and Crustacea
ANDREWS, Ted F., "Seasonal
Variations in Relative Abundance of Cyclops vernalis
Fischer, Cyclops bicuspidatus Claus,
and Mesocyclops Leuckarti (Claus) in Western
A Survey of Publications 393
Lake Erie, from July, 1946, to May,
1948," Ohio Journal of Science, LIII (1953),
DEXTER, Ralph W., "Spread of the
Japanese Beetle into Portage County, Ohio,"
Ohio Journal of Science, LII (1952), 360-362.
MILLER, William E., "Biological
Notes on Five Hymenopterous Parasites of Pine
Bud and Stem Moths in Ohio," Ohio
Journal of Science, LIII (1953), 59-63.
CHAPMAN, Floyd B., "Ghost
Rabbits," Ohio Conservation Bulletin, XVII, No. 7
(July 1953), 6-7, 32. On the snowshoe
rabbit and the attempt to restore it to Ohio.
COCHRAN, Rod, "He Always Walks to
the Nearest Exit," Ohio Conservation
Bulletin, XVII, No. 5 (May 1953), 2-3. Habits of the skunk,
including the striped
eastern skunk which is found in Ohio.
HARPER, Arthur R., "The Cottontail
in Ohio," Ohio Conservation Bulletin, XVII,
No. 2 (February 1953), 6-7, 31-32; No. 3
(March 1953), 12-13, 31-32; No. 4
(April 1953), 8-9, 29-30.
MASLOWSKI, Karl, "Let's Look
Back," Ohio Conservation Bulletin, XVII, No. 7
(July 1953), 8-9. Ohio mammals now
HARPER, Arthur, "Ferns of
Ohio," Ohio Conservation Bulletin, XVII, No. 5 (May
1953), 12-13, 31; No. 6 (June 1953),
PORTER, Walter P., "Notes on
Orchidaceae Collected in Athens County, Ohio,"
Ohio Journal of Science, LIII (1953), 179-182.
WALTERS, Maurice B. "Mosses of a
Northern Ohio Area," Ohio Journal of Science,
LII (1952), 291-295. North Chagrin
Reservation of the Cleveland Metropolitan
Park System.
CLOPPER, E. N., "More About the
Twin Sisters," Historical and Philosophical So-
ciety of Ohio, Bulletin, XI
(1953), 47-49. Cannon cast in Cincinnati and used in
the battle of San Jacinto, April 21,
QUENZEL, Carrol H., "A Billy Yank's
Impression of the South," Tennessee Historical
Quarterly, XII (1953), 99-105. Based on letters of George H.
Cadman, a member
of the 39th Regiment, O. V. I.
SMITH, Bethania Meradith, "Civil
War Subversives," Illinois State Historical So-
ciety, Journal, XLV (1952),
220-240. Considerable mention of G. W. L. Bickley,
Vallandigham, and other Ohioans.
Thirty-seventh Infantry Division, 37th
Infantry Division, Pictorial History. Camp
Polk, La., Thirty-seventh Infantry
Division, 1952. 399p. "Buckeye Division."
AUMANN, Francis R., "The Growth and
Regularization of the Licensing Process in
Ohio," University of Cincinnati
Law Review, XXI (1952), 97-124.
DOWNES, Randolph C., "Ohio's First
Constitution," Northwest Ohio Quarterly, XXV
(1953), 12-21.
DOWNES, Randolph C., "Ohio's Local
History Law," Northwest Ohio Quarterly,
XXV (1953), 69-70.
394 Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly
DOWNES, Randolph C., "Ohio's Second
Constitution," Northwest Ohio Quarterly,
XXV (1953), 71-78.
DORSEY, Herbert W., "The Spirits of
'26," Inland Seas, IX (1953), 119-124. An
account of rum smuggling across Lake
Erie in the twenties.
EELLS, William H., comp., Your Ohio
Government. Columbus, Ohio, Midwest Law
Printers and Publishers, 1953. 88p.
GUNDERSON, Robert Gray, "Horace
Greeley and the Log-Cabin Campaign," His-
torical and Philosophical Society of
Ohio, Bulletin, X (1952), 279-290.
GUNDERSON, Robert Gray,
"Presidential Inauguration, 1861," Historical and Philo-
sophical Society of Ohio, Bulletin, XI
(1953), 99-106. Gives reaction of Ohio
newspapers, among others.
GUNDERSON, Robert Gray, "Tippecanoe
Belles of 1840," American Heritage, n. s.,
IV, No. 1 (Fall 1952), 3-5. Women in the
political campaign.
HARDMAN, Anson F., "The Ohio
Pageant: Ohio Elects Her First President," Inside
Ohio Magazine, II, No. 3 (April 1953), 32-37.
LINK, Arthur S., "The Middle West
and the Coming of World War I," Ohio State
Archaeological and Historical
Quarterly, LXII (1953), 109-121.
MARTIN, Dorothy V., "An Impression
of Harding in 1916," Ohio State Archae-
ological and Historical Quarterly, LXII (1953), 179-180.
NICHOLS, Jeannette P., "The Middle
West and the Coming of World War II,"
Ohio State Archaeological and
Historical Quarterly, LXII (1953),
SCHRIFTGIESSER, Karl, "Lausche of
Ohio--How to Survive a Landslide," Collier's,
CXXXI, No. 13 (March 28, 1953), 74-80.
TRESTER, Delmer J., "David Tod and
the Gubernatorial Campaign of 1844," Ohio
State Archaeological and Historical
Quarterly, LXII (1953), 162-178.
UTTER, William T., "Chillicothe
Junto," American Heritage, n. s., IV, No. 3 (Spring
1953), 38-39, 70-71.
WARNER, Landon, "Henry T. Hunt and
Civic Reform in Cincinnati, 1903-1913,"
Ohio State Archaeological and
Historical Quarterly, LXII (1953),
WHIPPLE, James B., "Municipal
Government in an Average City: Cleveland, 1876-
1900," Ohio State Archaeological
and Historical Quarterly, LXII (1953), 1-24.
CHURCHILL, Alfred Vance,
"Midwestern: An Oberlin Boyhood," Northwest Ohio
Quarterly, XXV (1953), 96-115.
MASTICS, Al, "History of the
Cleveland Yacht Club, 1948-1952," Inland Seas, VIII
(1952), 263-267.
"Pike Lake State Park," Ohio
Conservation Bulletin, XVII, No. 6 (June 1953), 18-19.
PREBLE, Jack, and Clark Archer,
"Sportsmen's Paradise," Ohio Conservation Bulletin,
XVII, No. 6 (June 1953), 8-9.
WHITE, Ray, Arthur Day, and Kenneth M.
Byers, "John Bryan State Park," Ohio
Conservation Bulletin, XVII, No. 4 (April 1953), 18-19.
ANDERSON, Charles A., "Minutes of
Richland [Ohio] Presbytery, 1817-1820,"
Presbyterian Historical Society, Journal,
XXX (1952), 55-72.
BRINTON, Ellen Starr, "The Yearly
Meetinghouse of Mount Pleasant, Ohio,"
Friends Historical Association, Bulletin,
XL (1953), 93-103.
A Survey of Publications 395
BROWN, James Haldane, "Origins of
Ohio Synods and Presbyteries," Presbyterian
Historical Society, Journal, XXXI
(1953), 41-61.
BROWN, James Haldane, "Presbyterian
Social Influences in Early Ohio," Presbyterian
Historical Society, Journal, XXX
(1952), 209-235.
COLE, Charles C., Jr., "The
Evangelist as Theological Disputant: Charles Grandison
Finney and Some Others," Ohio
State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly, LXII
(1953), 219-233.
Introducing "Churches in the
Buckeye Country," an Interfaith Project. [24p.] Pros-
pectus of a book to be published by the
Religious Participation Committee of the
Ohio Sesquicentennial Commission.
Contains short historical sketches of the fol-
lowing denominations: Protestant
Episcopal, Disciples of Christ, Churches of God,
Church of the Brethren, Friends
(Quakers), Methodist, Congregational Christian,
Evangelical United Brethren, Evangelical
and Reformed, Presbyterian, United
Presbyterian, and Baptist. Also printed
in Ohio Christian News, June 1953.
PEARSON, George W., "Memories of
Great Churchmen of the Past Fifty Years--A
Toledo Newspaper Man's Reaction to
Different Brands of Theology," Northwest
Ohio Quarterly, XXV (1953), 79-90.
SALOMON, Richard G., "Early Days of
the Church in Ohio," Church Life, LVII,
No. 5 (June 1953), 3-19.
SMITH, Ophia D., "The Rise of the
New Jerusalem Church in Ohio," Ohio State
Archaeological and Historical
Quarterly, LXI (1952), 380-409.
SMITH, Ophia D., "The New Jerusalem
Church in Ohio from 1848 to 1870," Ohio
State Archaeological and Historical
Quarterly, LXII (1953), 25-54.
BROWNING, Lucy, The Land Needs Faith.
Columbus, Ohio Sesquicentennial Com-
mission Headquarters, 1953. 47p.
Mimeographed. A choral drama for intermediate
schools in Ohio.
12 (December 1952). This issue features
Ohio in connection with the state's
sesquicentennial. Historical data on
Franklin, Hamilton, Madison, and Stark counties
and on the cities of Canton and
Cincinnati, sponsored by local officials or organi-
zations. See pages 1359, 1365, 1372,
1392, 1393, 1402.
FESS, Lehr, "The President's
Page--The Ohio Sesquicentennial," Northwest Ohio
Quarterly, XXV (1953), 6-10.
HARDMAN, Anson F., "The Ohio
Pageant," Inside Ohio Magazine, II, No. 1 (Feb-
ruary 1953), 22-26. Ohio's early
HARDMAN, Anson F., "The Ohio
Pageant," Inside Ohio Magazine, II, No. 2 (March
1953), 14-18. History of the adoption of
the state emblems.
HARLOW, Perse E., and others, eds., Keepsake
Program for Fayette County's Cele-
bration of Ohio's Sesquicentennial. Washington Court House, Ohio, Fayette County
Sesquicentennial Committee, [1953]. 20p.
Includes list of important county dates
and numerous old photographs.
HAVIGHURST, Walter, "The Ohio
Heritage," Ohio State Archaeological and His-
torical Quarterly, LXII (1953), 211-218.
HEAD, Florence R., ed., Ohio,
1803-1953. (Martha Kinney Cooper Ohioana Library
Association publication.) Cleveland,
World Publishing Co., [1952]. Unpaged.
Sesquicentennial year book with
historical notes and pictures (engagement calendar).
396 Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly
How to Celebrate the Ohio
Sesquicentennial in the Schools. [Columbus],
Ohio State
Department of Education and the Ohio
Sesquicentennial Commission, 1952. 21p.
McCOMBS, R. L. F., Suggestions for
Celebrating Ohio's 150th Anniversary. Columbus,
Ohio Sesquicentennial Commission
Headquarters, 1952. 19p.
MANN, Olen V., "Ohio Reaches
Historic Milestone," Ohio Farmer, CCXI, No. 5
(March 7, 1953), 8, 26-27.
Mercer County Sesquicentennial Corporation,
Official Souvenir Program of the Mercer
County Sesqui-Centennial. Celina, Ohio, the Corporation, 1952. 52p.
History of
Fort Recovery and towns and churches.
Ohio's Capitals. New edition issued by Ted W. Brown, Secretary of State,
1953. 16p.
"Ohio's Sesquicentennial,
1803-1953," Pictorial Enquirer, Sunday, March 1, 1953, pp.
Our Heritage: Fayette County
Celebrates. Keepsake Program for Fayette County's Cele-
bration of Ohio's Sesquicentennial. [Washington Court House, Ohio], Fayette County
Sesquicentennial Committee, Inc., 1953.
Program Outlines on Cincinnati and
Hamilton County, Nos. 1-27. Prepared
in con-
nection with the Ohio Sesquicentennial
Celebration, March 1, 1953 - February 28,
1954, by the Readers' Bureau of the
Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton
County. Topics with suggested readings
include: forerunners, pioneer days, the Ohio
River, people of Cincinnati, growth of
the city, education, industry, welfare, religion,
government, biography, Civil War,
medicine, literature, transportation, theater,
architecture, art, and music.
WHITE, Ray, "The Sesquicentennial
Tree," Ohio Conservation Bulletin, XVII, No. 4
(April 1953), 4-5, 26-27.
Your Ohio--The Story of a River and
Its Tributaries. Cincinnati, Corps of
U. S. Army, Ohio River Division, 1953.
Folded map with illustration and text on
ATHERTON, Lewis E., "The Midwestern
Country Town--Myth and Reality," Agri-
cultural History, XXVI (1952), 73-80.
EGBERT, Donald Drew, and Stow Persons,
eds., Socialism and American Life. 2 vols.,
Princeton, N. J., Princeton University
Press, 1952. 776p.+575p. Shaker settlements
receive due attention.
HOSTETLER, John A., "The Amish in
America," American Heritage, n. s., III, No. 4
(Summer 1952), 4-8. Greatest
concentration is in Holmes County, Ohio.
The Jews of Ohio. Cincinnati, American Jewish Archives, 1953. 15p.
KAATZ, Martin R., "The Settlement
of the Black Swamp of Northwestern Ohio:
Early Days," Northwest Ohio
Quarterly, XXV (1953), 23-36.
LYDENBERG, Harry Miller, "Lincoln
and Prohibition," American Antiquarian So-
ciety, Proceedings, LCII (1952),
9-62. Several references to Ohio.
PRUGH, Daniel F., "The Woman
Suffrage Movement: Susan B. Anthony Visits
Columbus in 1888," Franklin County
Historical Society, Bulletin, IV (1952), 79.
WOODS, James H., Helping Older People
Enjoy Life. New York, Harper & Brothers,
1953. 139p. A record of Golden Age clubs
in Cleveland.
A Survey of Publications 397
BOWEN, Dana Thomas, Shipwrecks of the
Lakes: Told in Story and Picture. Daytona
Beach, Fla., published by the author,
1953. 368p.
GARD, R. Max, and William H. Vodrey,
Jr., The Sandy and Beaver Canal. East
Liverpool, Ohio, East Liverpool
Historical Society, 1952. 210p.+2 folded maps.
DORSEY, Herbert W., "Sidelights on
the Erie-Tashmoo Race," Inland Seas, VIII
(1952), 207-208.
DORSEY, Herbert W., "The Spirits of
'26," Inland Seas, IX (1953), 119-124. An
account of rum smuggling across Lake
Erie in the twenties.
DUNCAN, Francis, "The Story of the
D & C," Inland Seas, VIII (1952), 167-176,
268-274; IX (1953), 27-34, 125-129.
History of the Detroit and Cleveland Navi-
gation Company.
ODLE, Thomas D., "The American
Grain Trade of the Great Lakes, 1825-1873,"
Inland Seas, VIII (1952), 177-178, 187-192, 248-254; IX (1953),
52-58, 105-109.
An Outline of the History of Ohio's
Roads and Related Transportation Development.
Columbus, Ohio Department of Highways,
Highway Planning Survey with the
U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of
Public Roads, for the Ohio Highway
Study Committee, Engineering Staff,
[1953]. 45p.
RICE, Frank, "The Most Reluctant
Lady of the Lakes," Inland Seas, VIII (1952),
229-233. The Crescent City, captained
by Frank Rice. Told to his granddaughter,
Esther Rice Battenfeld.
SMITH, Catherine Blaskovich, "The
Terminus of the Cumberland Road on the Ohio,"
West Virginia History, XIV (1952-53), 193-264.
Let's Explore Ohio. N. p., Standard Oil Company (Ohio), 1953. 64p.
SMITH, Dwight L., "The Ohio River
in 1801, Letters of Jonathan Williams, Junior,"
Filson Club History Quarterly, XXVII (1953), 199-222.
WHITE, Wallace B., "Firelands Roads
and Taverns of the 1830's," Inland Seas, IX
(1953), 86-91.
AUGUST 1952-JULY 1953
MICK, J. R., 4-H Club Golden
Anniversary Marking the First Half Century of Boys'
and Girls' Club Work in Ohio, Being a
History of the Movement in Williams
County "To Make the Best
Better." N. p., n. d. 16p.
POWER, Richard Lyle, "Settlers on
Corn Belt Soil," Indiana Magazine of History,
XLIX (1953), 161-172.
RICKARD, Anne M., "The University
and Agriculture," Ohio State University
Monthly, XLIV, No. 5 (February 1953), 6-9. History of
contribution of the college
of agriculture to agricultural progress.
MILLER, Lillian M., "'Aunt Laura,'
the Story of Laura Haviland," Northwest Ohio
Quarterly, XXIV (1952), 199-210. Antislavery reformer who lived at
Michigan, but was involved in incidents
in Ohio.
YANUCK, Julius, "The Garner
Fugitive Slave Case," Mississippi Valley Historical
Review, XL (1953-54), 47-66.
BABY, Raymond S., "Prehistoric
Ohio," American Heritage, n. s., IV, No. 3 (Spring
1953), 52-55.
COLLINS, David R., "The Enon
Mound," Ohio Archaeologist, n. s., III, No. 3 (July
1953), 11-12. In Mad River Township,
Clark County.
GOSLIN, Robert M., "Mammal and Bird
Remains from the Cramer Village Site,"
Ohio Archaeologist, n. s., II, No. 4 (November 1952), 20-21.
GRIFFIN, James B., ed., Archeology of
Eastern United States. Chicago, University of
Chicago Press, 1952. 392 p., 205 plates.
"Outline of Cultures in the Ohio Region"
by Richard G. Morgan deals specifically
with Ohio.
HICKS, Lawrence E., "A Human Effigy
Head from the Ohio Valley Area," Ohio
Archaeologist, n. s., III, No. 1 (January 1953), 22-27. Lists twelve
other effigies
found in Ohio.
JOHNSTON, LaDow, "Indian Trade
Good[s] in Wood and Lucas Counties of the
Maumee River Valley," Ohio
Archaeologist, n. s., III, No. 1 (January 1953), 16-18.
KRAMER, Leon, "Granite
Objects," Ohio Archaeologist, n. s., II, No. 4 (November
1952), 30. Three of the four objects
were found in Ohio.
McPHERSON, Harry R., "The Pence
Mound," Ohio Archaeologist, n. s., II, No. 4
(November 1952), 10-16. Located in
Jefferson Township, Preble County, Ohio.
McPHERSON, Harry R., "Two Antler
Combs from Ohio," Tennessee Archaeologist,
VIII (1952), 73-80.
MAYER-OAKES, William J., An
Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Shenango