Historical Organizations
Dorothy R. Donaldson, President
David Ault has been serving as vice
president of the society since the
death of the former vice president,
Walter Ellet. Wilberta Johnston has
been acting secretary and treasurer
during the prolonged illness of Mabel
The society participated in the
observance of the state sesquicentennial
with a special program in September. Dr.
B. J. Stanton gave a historical
address; Dorothy R. Donaldson gave a
talk on quilts and displayed a
number of examples of the craft; Mrs.
Wade Hoover and Alta Stoll pre-
sented pioneer music in period costume.
Jacob R. Marcus, Director
The director, Dr. Marcus, has recently
published a booklet, How to Write
the History of an American Jewish
J. Richard Lawwill, Director
Michael V. DiSalle has resigned from the
parkway board because of the
press of other business, and Governor
Lausche has appointed Lucas County
Engineer Guy Neeper of Toledo to fill
the vacancy.
The board has prepared an inventory of
the historical and recreational
resources in the parkway district and is
ready to publish its findings. The
inventory, which is basic to the board's
program, will be of considerable
interest to the public.
John A. Talcott, President
The society was granted a charter by the
state of Ohio in November 1953.
The annual meeting of the society was
held on January 26. Officers
elected for the current year are as
follows: Dr. John A. Talcott, president;
Mrs. E. W. Lohmann, first vice president;
E. C. Patterson, second vice
president; Mrs. C. S. Shiflet,
secretary; Doris Kuncz, corresponding secretary;
Mrs. W. H. Field, treasurer; Henrietta
McKinsey, historian; and Frances
Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly
Lewis, chaplain. Charles Dow was named a
member of the executive com-
mittee, and Mrs. J. D. Loomis was
elected a new member of the board of
trustees. Features of the meeting were a
talk by R. C. Patterson on the
early history of Geneva, and a paper on
the life of Platt R. Spencer prepared
by Mrs. E. W. Lohmann and read by Mrs.
R. C. Spencer. Specimen copy-
books, pictures, and other relics of Spencer's
were exhibited.
The membership of the society has passed
260 and is continuing to grow.
Mrs. Lohmann is membership chairman.
Edward McDaniel, President
Officers of the society elected at the
annual meeting on January 11 are
Edward McDaniel, president; Russell
Roll, vice president; Charles J.
Brennan, second vice president; Otto
Kersteiner, secretary; and Fred
Hammerle, treasurer. The board of
trustees organized by electing Dr. C. J.
Baldridge, chairman; Charles J. Brennan,
vice chairman; Mrs. George
Benzing, Jr., secretary. Mrs. Walter A.
Rentschler and Charles F. Reiner
were appointed to one-year terms on the
The curator of the museum, Katharine
Brown, reported 1,200 visitors for
the year and the acquisition of 175
items for the collections.
Harry Crasmy of the Miami University
Speakers Bureau spoke on "Little
Known Facts About Ohio," and Mrs.
Benzing presented a brief history of
the Zion Lutheran Church in Hamilton.
Chagrin Falls
Sylvia Linnert, President
Present officers of the society are
Sylvia Linnert, president; Betty Hugett,
secretary; and Ruth Ober, treasurer.
The society took part in a parade and
other events on August 29, 1953,
commemorating the sesquicentennial of
the state and Chagrin's 120th
HISTORY, Cleveland
W. E. Scheele, Director
The staff has continued to collect
Cleveland shale fossil fishes through the
winter months. More than 150 new
specimens were added.
Fund raising for a new building was
begun on December 11, 1953. The
goal is $2,000,000. Three main units are
planned: a hall of nature, a hall
of science, and a planetarium.
Historical News 183
C. Clayton Terrell, President
At the annual business meeting of the
society on Monday evening, January
25, the following officers were elected:
president, C. Clayton Terrell; vice
president, Louis Lieurance; second vice
president, Mrs. H. N. Lazenby;
secretary, Mabel Leslie; treasurer, Mrs.
Harry W. Hague, Jr.; historian,
Ethel H. Hayes; and librarian, Claire K.
Hague. Trustees elected were
H. H. Thorne (three-year term); Robert
P. Cotner and Clarke Nagley (two
years); and H. N. Lazenby and Mrs. J.
Gurney Terrell (one year).
Jay Lawrence, President
Jay Lawrence was elected president of
the society in November, for a
one-year term, replacing Harry A. Caton.
COUNTY, Crestline
Ernest G. Hesser, President
The society opened its program for 1954
with a meeting on January 20
with William T. Utter, chairman of the
history department at Denison
University, as guest speaker. Dr.
Utter's subject was, "When Ohio Was
Young--the Frontier State." The
March meeting featured an address by a
member of the society, the Rev. Simon A.
Metzger, who spoke on "The
Circuit Rider and the Early Ministry of
This Area."
J. B. McCarter, treasurer for the
society, arranged a special coin collection
display, which was shown during January
and February.
Many interesting items are constantly
being added to the museum col-
lections. Mrs. Francis C. Comer, a
direct descendant of Colonel William
Crawford, who presented the colonel's
sword to the museum, has added a
brass kettle from the Crawford family.
Washington C. H.
George G. Pensyl, President
The annual meeting of the society was
held on January 25 at the home of
Edith H. Gardner. All incumbent officers
were reelected. They are George
G. Pensyl, president; Edith H. Gardner,
vice president; B. E. Kelley,
secretary; Elizabeth Johnson, treasurer;
Valdo McCoy, Chester Zimmerman,
Robert Jefferson, Mrs. B. E. Kelley,
George Robinson, Jr., and Howard
Allen, directors. Miss Gardner was
presented an honorary life membership
in recognition of her outstanding contributions
to the society. Many of the
184 Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly
family heirlooms presented by her were
arranged for display at the con-
clusion of the business meeting.
Much interest and enthusiasm was evinced
in the acquisition of the Sharp
homestead at the intersection of East
Court Street and Columbus and
Washington avenues for a museum. The
trustees had secured an option on
the property earlier in January, and a
campaign is now under way for funds
to purchase the home, which is ideally
located and well suited for museum
purposes. Scores of worthwhile museum
pieces have been obtained in recent
months, including furniture, old silver,
glass, china, brass, wearing apparel,
and pictures, and space is needed to
house them.
New memberships and renewals are being
received at a gratifying rate.
One of the most active committees is
that of records and research headed by
Mrs. Max G. Dice.
Mrs. John Longley, President
Officers elected at the November meeting
for the year 1953-54 are Mrs.
John Longley, president; James Boggs,
first vice president; Floyd Freemyer,
second vice president; Elizabeth
Hedrick, secretary; and Leo Hildbold,
treasurer. New trustees, elected for three-year
terms, are Leona McAlexander,
Mildred Stevenson, Charles Jetter, O. B.
VonderHaar, and George Zehringer.
The total membership of the society at
the time of the annual meeting
was 137.
Frank A. Livingston, President
William H. Hildreth, professor of
English at Ohio State University,
addressed the society on January 29 on
"Pictures of the Ohio Frontier." On
February 10 a special holiday program
presented short motion picture
biographies of Abraham Lincoln, Robert
E. Lee, and George Washington.
On March 5 and 6, in association with
the Ohio Telephone Pioneers
Association and the Ohio Bell Telephone
Company, the society gave a
historical musical program on early
telephone history in Franklin County.
The society has planned a "film
classic" series for its 1954-55 season,
beginning in October. The showings will
be open to the membership and
to the junior chapter of the society,
which comprises junior and senior high
school students. Six film productions
will make up the series: "The Story of
Will Rogers," "Les
Miserables," "Sergeant York," "Wilson," "Young
Lincoln," and "How Green Was
My Valley."
Work on the society's October annual
publication is already under way.
This year's issue will be devoted to
pioneer agriculture in Franklin County.
Historical News 185
Gates Mills
W. Powell Jones, President
At the annual meeting of the society
held on December 15 at the museum,
former vice president W. Powell Jones
was elected president; former
secretary Alfred Mewett, vice president
and secretary; Carter Kissell, second
vice president; and former president
Tinkham Veale was named to the
executive committee. The bylaws of the
organization were changed to
increase the term of trustees from one
to two years.
Mr. Veale gave a report on the
observance of the Ohio sesquicentennial
at Gates Mills. Over one thousand people
attending the celebration were
said to have been served at the
old-fashioned pit barbecue.
The weekly historical column in the Chagrin
Falls Exponent is being
B. J. Shanower, President
A Pioneer and General History of
Geauga County was published last year
by the society. The book has nearly 800
pages and 91 illustrations. A large
number of the members of the society and
others contributed to its compila-
tion. It has been favorably received,
and sales have been very satisfactory.
The price is $7.50.
W. A. Hammond, President
The present officers of the society are
W. A. Hammond, president; Vaughn
Lewis, vice president; and Florence
Swan, secretary-treasurer.
William E. Smith, chairman of the
department of history and dean of the
graduate school at Miami University, was
guest speaker at the first meeting
of the 1953-54 season on December 11.
Repairs to the Galloway cabin have
recently been completed, and the
problem of protecting memorials at Old
Town is now under consideration.
Watt P. Marchman, Director
Burt Tolhurst, superintendent, Ruth
Raifsnider, and Emma R. Brooks from
the Hayes Memorial staff attended the
field staff school of the Ohio State
Archaeological and Historical Society at
Columbus on January 18-19.
Watt P. Marchman, director, attended the
annual meeting of the Southern
Historical Association in Jacksonville,
Florida, on November 12-14, 1953.
He served on the association's
membership committee in 1953. The director
was guest speaker at the annual dinner
of the Men's Literary Club of
186 Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly
Sandusky on the evening of January 25,
1954, at the Hotel Rieger. His
topic was "Literary Friends and
Acquaintances of President Rutherford B.
Hayes." An exhibit of about sixty
original letters and manuscripts of
prominent American authors illustrated
the director's talk.
Rose N. Sberna, associate librarian,
spoke before a group of 65 Kiwanians
on Tuesday evening, January 12, on
historical data on the life of President
Hayes and on the work of the Hayes
The recent acquisition of all remaining
records of the Permiscot Land and
Cooperage Company of Missouri, a cotton
producing and ginning corpora-
tion, completes the library's records of
this business concern. These records
improve the library's holdings in
American business history. Other important
business collections are the papers of
Sardis Birchard, 1813-74, Rutherford
B. Hayes, Dr. James W. Wilson and
Charles G. Wilson, 1835-1904, and the
Trommer Extract of Malt Company,
1875-90, all of Fremont; the Lampazos
Silver Mines Company, Arizona, 1908-14;
and the A. L. Conger and
K. B. Conger Papers (Akron).
OHIO, Cincinnati
Virginius C. Hall, Director
The annual spring exhibition of the
society will open at the Taft Museum
April 23 and continue through June 3.
The subject of this year's exhibition
is the interests and activities of women
in Cincinnati from its founding to
the twentieth century.
The historical society will be host at a
tea at the Taft Museum for the
Picture and Museum Divisions of the
Special Libraries Association during
the national convention in Cincinnati,
May 17.
Randolph C. Downes, Executive
At the annual meeting of the society on
January 19, 1954, the following
officers were reelected: Lehr Fess,
president; Paul Block, Jr., vice president;
Carl B. Spitzer, secretary-treasurer;
Harvey S. Ford, assistant secretary-
treasurer; and Randolph C. Downes,
executive director. Irene McCreery,
head of the local history department of
the Toledo Public Library, was
named librarian to replace Mrs. Max
Shepherst, who retired.
Four new members have been named to the
editorial board of the
Northwest Ohio Quarterly: Robert F. Bauman, Indian consultant for the
law firm of Harrison, Spangenberg, and
Hull of Cleveland; Walter
Bonkowski, artist and teacher in the
Toledo public schools and illustrator
Historical News 187
of the society's public school textbook
soon to be published; Harvey P.
Groves, consultant in biography; and
Catherine G. Simonds, teacher in the
Cherry Street School, Toledo, and
co-author of the forthcoming textbook.
Mrs. William M. Ahlstrom, President
Capt. Herbert W. Dosey of Cleveland
spoke on the history of the Great
Lakes at the semiannual meeting of the
The society has on display the original
letter of condolence written by
Queen Victoria to Mrs. Garfield at the
time of President Garfield's death.
A black crepe dress worn as a
"Sunday dress" by the president's widow from
1910 to 1915 was presented to the museum
by Mrs. Herbert Feis of
Washington, D. C., a granddaughter of
President and Mrs. Garfield.
Mrs. Clyde H. Butler, President
Present officers of the society are Mrs.
Clyde H. Butler, president; Anthony
Poss, vice president; Mrs. L. B.
Weddell, recording secretary; Mrs. William
C. Moench, corresponding secretary; and
Florence Conley, treasurer.
A recent gift to the museum is an empire
sofa presented by Mrs. A. N.
Dawson. The sofa was given to her
grandfather, the Rev. Lewis Burton, by
his parishioners before his marriage in
1841. Mr. Burton later became rector
of historic St. John's parish, where for
twenty-four years he served all the
west side, including Lakewood.
Volunteer workers have redecorated the kitchen
of the Stone House
Katharine G. Thomas, President
At the December meeting of the society
Mrs. Ernest G. Yocum of Oberlin
reviewed her late husband's book, High
on a Hill. In January Captain H.
Chester Inches of Lakewood gave an
illustrated lecture on "Shipping on the
Great Lakes," and in February
George Metcalf presented "Pictures of an
English Historical Pilgrimage"
taken on a recent trip to England.
Following the usual custom the March
meeting was devoted to Elyria
history. Professor Robert S. Fletecher
of Oberlin College described the
collection of Ely family papers which
has recently been given to the society.
He regards it as one of the richest
sources of the early history of Elyria and
the Western Reserve. The collection
includes letters written before and
188 Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly
after the founding of the town, plats of
town surveys, an 1816 map of the
area, business papers of Edmund West
(the first storekeeper in partnership
with Heman Ely), and the ledgers of the
Ely Land Company.
Howard C. Aley, President
Officers elected at the annual meeting
of the society on February 22 are
Howard C. Aley, president; Joseph G.
Butler, first vice president; Mrs.
Henry A. Butler, second vice president;
Randall H. Anderson, third vice
president; Mrs. Ernest A. Goodman,
recording secretary; Ada M. Rogers,
corresponding secretary; James L. Wick,
Jr., treasurer; and Joseph G. Butler,
assistant treasurer.
The society is working toward the
acquisition of a suitable property for
a permanent museum to house its growing
historical collections.
SOCIETY, Zanesville
Vincent B. Linn, President
The present officers of the society are
Vincent B. Linn, president; Fred
McGlashan, vice president; Mrs. Herbert
Baker, treasurer; Mrs. H. L.
Ackerman, secretary, and Norris F.
Schneider, curator. Their one-year terms
expire in June 1954.
Helen Jo Scott, President
The election of trustees of the
association on January 25, 1954, resulted
in the naming of Mrs. Avis W. Cullen,
Walter Havighurst, and Mrs. Robert
S. Mann for three-year terms; Dr. John
W. Ball, John C. Caldwell, and
Sylvia Ferguson for two-year terms; and
Dr. W. E. Smith, Adelia Cone, and
Raymond T. Brown for one-year terms.
M. Herbert Heighton, President
At a meeting on January 29 M. Herbert
Heighton was reelected president
of the society; Philip Jones, vice
president; Iva B. Seymour, recording
secretary; J. B. Holm, historian; Cyrus
Plough, curator; Earl Wilford,
treasurer; and Lucille Dudley, Merrible
Myers, Ernest Jones, and Mrs. Ora
Taylor, trustees.
After the business session, Estrilla
Daniels, Ravenna librarian, spoke on
the subject, "Portage County in
Historical News 189
Caroline B. Piercy, Secretary
A cobbler's shop and a children's
retiring room have been added to the
collection of Shaker miniature rooms
made by the secretary, Caroline B.
Piercy. Mrs. Piercy has made a number of
talks recently on the history of
the Shakers in cities in northern Ohio,
in person, on radio, and on television.
Frederick Way, Jr., President
Dan M. Heekin, president of the Heekin
Can Company of Cincinnati,
sent a collection of nine large
steamboat whistles to the River Museum in
January. They arrived at Marietta by
barge and were unloaded at Lock
No. 18. They were accepted and mounted
for display by S. Durward Hoag,
owner of the Hotel Lafayette at
Marietta. The story was featured prom-
inently in newspapers in Columbus,
Parkersburg, Marietta, and Pittsburgh.
An account was printed also in the New
York Times.
Way's Directory of Western Rivers'
Steam Towboats was published in
January. The 452-page book describes in
detail all of the steam-propelled
towboats which have operated on the
Mississippi River system. An index
lists 3,200 rivermen mentioned in the
text. Mimeographed and cloth bound
but not illustrated, the book was
published privately by the author, Capt.
Frederick Way, Jr., Sewickley,
J. M. Markley, President
Attendance at the annual dinner meeting
at the American Legion Hall,
January 28, was 215. Mrs. George Lee
Miller of Canton spoke on early
Stark County folklore and gave
reminiscences of William McKinley, whom
she knew personally. The tables were
decorated with carnations in honor
of McKinley's birthday (January 29).
Mayor Wise and Safety Director
Stanley Cmich were present and received
the congratulations of the society
on their part in winning the award for
Canton as All-American City.
The society has accepted the offer of
the county commissioners to occupy
two rooms on the second floor of the
county offices in the old Harter home
at 933 Market Avenue North. Rent and
utilities will be free. The growth
of both the Canton Public Library and of
the society made the former
location in a corner of one room at the
library no longer practicable. The
society had 1,159 members as of January
1, 1954, Secretary Heald reports.
190 Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly
Carl H. Pockrandt, President
The January lecture by the Rev. Orlando
L. Tibbets, pastor of the First
Baptist Church in Barberton and formerly
president of the Baptist Seminary
of Mexico City, was titled "Under
the Mexican Sombrero." In February the
final portion of the color films made by
Willard P. Seiberling in his travels
through Europe was shown.
Clarence Hooper, President
The society received by bequest last
year the estate of the late Colonel
Dana Morey. The personal property has
been sold, but the house and
grounds are still in the hands of the
society. A committee has been appointed
to consider the possibility of using the
house as a museum and headquarters
for the society.
Martin W. Feigert, President
The Van Wert County Historical Society
was formally organized on
January 17, at a meeting in the Marsh
Foundation school, when a constitu-
tion was adopted and officers elected.
Elected for one-year terms were Martin
W. Feigert, president; Willson P.
Brumback, vice president; Mrs. Albert
Kanan, secretary; and Herbert F. Wise,
treasurer. All officers are ex-officio
members of the board of trustees, and
provisions were made for twelve
additional trustees.
The purpose of the organization is
"the promotion of historical studies
and investigation pertaining to the
state of Ohio and Van Wert County,
through the discovery, collection,
preservation, organization and, if practical,
the publication of historical facts and
by the collection and preservation of
books, pamphlets, papers, maps,
genealogies, pictures, manuscripts, letters,
journals, field books, records and other
articles which describe or illustrate
the social, religious, political,
industrial, or educational progress."
The society also proposes "to
cooperate with the schools of the county in
the teaching of state and local history,
to cooperate with the libraries of the
county in the upbuilding of state and
local history sections, in the establish-
ment of historical museums, and the
marking of historical places of interest
throughout the county."
Dr. John S. Still was present to extend
the congratulations of the Ohio
State Archaeological and Historical
Society. Mrs. Harry B. Longsworth spoke
Historical News 191
on the importance of recording local
history and related some of the experi-
ences of the Allen County Historical
Society, of which she is secretary.
Hazel S. Phillips, President
New officers elected at the January
meeting were Hazel S. Phillips, who
succeeds her husband as president; Laura
Cunningham, vice president;
Corrinne S. Schwartz, secretary; Lena M.
Iorns, treasurer; Audrey Townsley,
historian; and Helen Lamb, curator.
Trustees elected were Seth Furnace,
Perle M. Riley, Hazel Brookes, Harry C.
Schwartz, and L. J. Gray.
Established in 1940 with nineteen
members, this society now has over two
hundred members. A group of high school
students are very active in the
organization. The program for the year
will be arranged by the younger
members with John Brewer and Jerry
Miller as co-chairmen.
In response to many requests the charter
and bylaws of the society have
been published, and copies are being
Mrs. Gardner S. Townsley will remain as
editor of the monthly
Historicalog. Marion Snyder has been named chairman of the committee
cemetery records. His committee will
attempt to complete the tombstone and
burial records for the 114 known burial
grounds in Warren County.
Edgar S. Davidson, President
Present officers of the society are
Edgar S. Davidson, president; Donald
Newbold, first vice president; Edwin V.
Pugh, second vice president; Ruth
Urie, secretary; and Luella Thompson,
treasurer. Their terms extend to
November 15, 1954.
At the January meeting pictorial
historical records of Wellsville's 155th
anniversary two years ago, the Ohio
sesquicentennial, and the opening of
the River Museum were shown. The display
was prepared by Isa Anderson.
Laurence H. Norton, President
Colton Storm, formerly assistant director
of the Clements Library at the
University of Michigan, has been named
director of the Western Reserve
Historical Society. He will assume his
new duties on June 1. After gradua-
tion from Oberlin College in 1930, Mr.
Storm served as cataloger for the
American Art Association in New York. In
1935 he formed Charles
Retz & Storm, Inc., dealing in
manuscript collections and rare books. In
Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly
1942 he went to the Clements Library as
curator of maps and manuscripts.
Mr. Storm is the author of numerous
articles and books, and is co-author of
Invitation to Book Collecting. He has been editor of American Book Prices
Current and of Manuscripts, the periodical publication
of the Manuscripts
Society, of which he is now serving as
president. Mr. Storm replaces Dr.
Russell H. Anderson, who resigned in
At the annual meeting on January 22,
1954, the incumbent officers of the
board of trustees, headed by Laurence H.
Norton, were reelected. The Hon.
R. Henry Norweb and Charles B. Bolton
were elected as vice presidents to
serve with Herman L. Vail. Howard P.
Eells, Jr., and James D. Ireland were
added to the board of trustees.
Erwin C. Zepp, director of the Ohio
State Archaeological and Historical
Society, delivered the first of the
winter historical talks on January 29.
William D. Ellis gave the second, on
"Frontier Finance," on February 26.
The last of the industrial
sesquicentennial exhibits were provided by the
railroads of Cleveland, which presented
an excellent display of train models,
and the Lake Carriers' Association,
which presented a marine exhibit. During
the month of January there was an
extensive and colorful display of work
by Cleveland pupils who had visited the
museum and made murals, models,
and so forth, based on their experiences
there. The feature exhibit in
February was the annual photographic
exhibit provided by four camera
clubs in Cleveland. Besides the selected
prints there was a competition open
to high school students and a series of
Sunday afternoon colored slide
programs, chiefly travelogs.
About Historians
Raymond W. Bixler is chairman of the
department of history at Ashland
College succeeding E. G. Mason, who
retired last year.
Robert Kreider of the department of
history at Bluffton College presented
a paper, "The Anabaptists and the
Magistrate of Strasbourg, 1525-1555,"
at the seventy-fifth program of the
American Society of Church History, at
Chicago, December 28-30, 1953.
C. D. Cremeans, associate professor of
history at Oberlin College, has
resigned his position there to continue
work with the state department at
Washington, D. C. His successor at
Oberlin has not yet been appointed.
The Mind of the Middle Ages, A. D.
200-1500 by Frederick B. Artz,
Historical News 193
chairman of the department, will appear
in a second edition, revised, in the
spring of 1954. Alfred A. Knopf is the
Charles R. Mayes, doctoral candidate at
the University of Minnesota, has
been added to the staff of the
department of history at Ohio University.
John F. Cady, professor of history,
received the award of the Carnegie
Endowment for Publications of the
American Historical Association at its
December meeting in Chicago. The grant insures
the early publication of
his manuscript, entitled The Roots of
French Imperialism in Eastern Asia,
by the Cornell University Press.
Foster Rhea Dulles is the new chairman
of the history department at Ohio
State University. His appointment was
effective October 1, 1953.
Lawrence F. Hill is on the program
committee for the April meeting of
the Mississippi Valley Historical
Association at Madison, Wisconsin.
Eugene H. Roseboom and Francis P.
Weisenburger have brought out a
new and revised edition of their History
of Ohio. It was published by the
Ohio State Archaeological and Historical
Historical Organizations
Dorothy R. Donaldson, President
David Ault has been serving as vice
president of the society since the
death of the former vice president,
Walter Ellet. Wilberta Johnston has
been acting secretary and treasurer
during the prolonged illness of Mabel
The society participated in the
observance of the state sesquicentennial
with a special program in September. Dr.
B. J. Stanton gave a historical
address; Dorothy R. Donaldson gave a
talk on quilts and displayed a
number of examples of the craft; Mrs.
Wade Hoover and Alta Stoll pre-
sented pioneer music in period costume.
Jacob R. Marcus, Director
The director, Dr. Marcus, has recently
published a booklet, How to Write
the History of an American Jewish
J. Richard Lawwill, Director
Michael V. DiSalle has resigned from the
parkway board because of the
press of other business, and Governor
Lausche has appointed Lucas County
Engineer Guy Neeper of Toledo to fill
the vacancy.
The board has prepared an inventory of
the historical and recreational
resources in the parkway district and is
ready to publish its findings. The
inventory, which is basic to the board's
program, will be of considerable
interest to the public.
John A. Talcott, President
The society was granted a charter by the
state of Ohio in November 1953.
The annual meeting of the society was
held on January 26. Officers
elected for the current year are as
follows: Dr. John A. Talcott, president;
Mrs. E. W. Lohmann, first vice president;
E. C. Patterson, second vice
president; Mrs. C. S. Shiflet,
secretary; Doris Kuncz, corresponding secretary;
Mrs. W. H. Field, treasurer; Henrietta
McKinsey, historian; and Frances