"The Soldier's Creed"
Patriotism is an essential factor in
waging war and shaping its
outcome. Since the causes of a war, as
fixed in the minds of the
participants, affect both the deeper and
shallower feelings of
patriotism and are in turn influenced by
it, loyalty and the will to
fight are closely interrelated. The
concern of the military in recent
years with the soldier's ideas of war
aims has aroused interest in
his attitudes during previous conflicts.
Among these the American
Civil War, with its complex causes and
its typical American soldiers,
who were civilians in uniform, continues
to raise questions that can
be answered only partially from the
sources available.
Whatever the contributory causes of this
war, one question often
asked is worth reconsidering: Did the
northern soldier fight for his
country because it was embodied in the
inseparable Union of all the
states, or did he take up arms primarily
because of his conviction
that the slavery issue must be settled
and no other recourse re-
mained? No contemporary poll of soldier
opinion was taken. The
evidence from which conclusions are
drawn must be winnowed
piecemeal from scattered records. By
this painstaking process
Professor Bell Wiley has reached his
conclusions on this and many
other facets of the soldier's thoughts
and actions,1 but at best their
remarks are often brief and
inconclusive. Additional evidence,
found in unusual detail in the document
published herewith, pro-
vides a commentary on the motivations
and spirit of patriotism dur-
ing the first year of the war.
* Lester J. Cappon is director of the
Institute of Early American History and Cul-
ture at Williamsburg, Virginia.
1 In his The Life of Billy Yank, the
Common Soldier of the Union (Indianapolis
and New York, 1951).
The slavery question as an economic and
moral problem in the
minds of reasonable men was mixed with a
high percentage of
emotion when critical incidents arose to
stir their passions. The
same may be said of patriotism, which,
for that generation of
dismembered political loyalties
confounded by slavery, became ulti-
mately the clear-cut unifying issue. To
the abolition minority the
slavery picture was literally and
figuratively one of black and white.
Therefore their solution was single and
over-simplified, while among
moderate antislavery groups the question
elicited a variety of an-
swers. The historical approach to it as
fundamentally a problem
of race relations2 enlightens
our appreciation of its complexity in
the minds of thoughtful Americans of the
1850's and '60's who
asked, After slavery, what? Love of
country evoked a far more
positive response than freedom and equal
rights for the American
Minor Millikin, who wrote "The
Soldier's Creed," lived in south-
western Ohio, where residents of a free
state had long observed
at close range race relations under the
shadow of Negro slavery. If
northern opinion elsewhere was
hopelessly divided on practical
means of ridding the nation of the
institution, in the Ohio Valley
postponement of any attempt at solution
fitted the temper of the
times.3 Here, as in other
areas bordering on the slave states, free
Negroes and fugitive slaves had produced
economic and political
friction. What might be the results of
an influx of freedmen? Mil-
likin resented the southern view
(expressed by James H. Ham-
mond) that labor was the business of
slaves and northern wage-
earners, the "mudsills of
society," but his emotions were apparently
stirred against the southern aristocracy
rather than on behalf of the
slave. It was possible to be antislavery
at heart and yet take false
comfort in the idea that slavery as a
southern institution could be
isolated exclusively as a southern
problem. Northerners and south-
erners could no longer find common
ground on which to strive for
a way out of the dilemma. Not even
northerners could agree on
2 The most thoughtful and well balanced
presentation of this point of view is in
Allan Nevins, The Emergence of
Lincoln (New York, 1950), II, 462-471.
3 Wood Gray, The Hidden Civil War:
The Story of the Copperheads (New York,
1942), 29-30, 65, 90, 98-100; Eugene H.
Roseboom, The Civil War Era, 1850-1873
(History of the State of Ohio, edited by Carl Wittke, IV, Columbus, 1944), 327-328,
341-348, 352-353, 368, 399-402.
objectives involving the Negro. Slavery
was a delicate issue and a
doubtful one on which to expect united
response in the crisis of 1861.
By the time of President Lincoln's
inauguration the "house
divided" had become a grim reality
through secession and the organ-
ization of a southern confederacy. This
action by the South threw
the emphasis on state rights as the
immediate issue of the crisis.
Although the doctrine of state rights
was held by many Americans
outside the South, secession threatened
the nation, now continental
in expanse and a generation older and
prouder since President
Jackson's provocative toast in 1830,
"Our Federal Union--it must
be preserved." Lincoln accepted the
challenge in 1861 by making
his primary objective the preservation
of the Union, by peaceful
means if possible, reluctantly by war if
necessary. In taking the
initiative the South had secured
advantage over the temporizing
Buchanan administration, but Lincoln
capitalized on his defensive
position by stressing the cause to be
maintained, the nation itself.
Since the diplomacy of nerves centering
in Fort Sumter might deter-
iorate into war, he took every
precaution to keep the United States
government on the defensive. This stand
was consistent with the
assurance in his inaugural address that
there would be no bloodshed
or violence, "unless it be forced
upon the national authority."4
Patriotism and politics become closely
intermingled under threat
of war. If the Lincoln administration
refused to retreat at those
points where force threatened to meet
force, the South must main-
tain its initiative in
self-justification. Under these circumstances it
was clarifying the issue for the American
people in other sections
of the country. Lincoln realized of
course that patriotism is most
responsive and thoroughgoing under
attack. When the political
and constitutional challenge of
secession was followed by military
challenge in the firing on Fort Sumter,
"the great uprising" through-
out the North5 on behalf of
the Union confirmed the president's first
objective, which now became the primary
war aim. At the base of
4 James G. Randall, Lincoln the
President (New York, 1945-52), I, ch. 12, is a
penetrating account of the Fort Sumter
episode; see pp. 297-302 on the significance
of Lincoln's inaugural address.
5 "The Great Uprising" is the
title of Chapter 2 of John B. McMaster, A History
of the People of the United States
During Lincoln's Administration (New
York and
London, 1927). See also Kenneth M.
Stampp, And the War Came: The North and
the Secession Crisis, 1860-1861 (Baton Rouge, 1950), 205.
the house divided had been and still was
the slavery question, on
which the older political parties had
foundered, but slavery, over-
shadowed by the all-embracing cause of
the Union, receded tem-
porarily from the center of the stage,
though by no means dismissed
from men's minds. Moreover, patriotism
became the great asset of
the Republican party, which had been
branded as sectional by its
opponents in both the North and the
South. Now it asserted its
newly won role as the party of the
The wave of patriotism which converted
thousands of northern
civilians into soldiers in 1861 was a
response to Lincoln's call for
volunteers to preserve the Union and a
confirmation of his previous
policy.6 But to attain his
objective by invasion of the South posed
a paradox. If the North must fight a war
of conquest, who was the
greater sinner under either the
Constitution or the Higher Law?
The Copperheads later made capital of
this confusion of issues in
their peace campaign. To the southerner,
defending his home and
established order, it was a war of
aggression--a concept which
served as a rallying cry not only for
the Confederate soldier but also
for later generations upholding the
"lost cause." Since he was on
the military defensive, war aims were
easily simplified for the
Confederate soldier. The thought of
defeat envisaged the end of
the Confederacy, a hostile army in
occupation, and a future fraught
with grave uncertainty. To the federal
soldier, however, the pros-
pect of defeat at no time forecast the
dissolution of his government
and his way of life.7 The certainty of security at home,
the war's outcome was victory or
negotiated peace, may have diluted
many a northern soldier's enthusiasm for
conquest as compared
with his southern opponent's impelling
will to fight.
War aims are widely discussed by the
politician with voice and
pen, but seldom by the soldier who is
said by cynics to fight the
6 Marveling at Lincoln's patience and
forebearance before Sumter, Henry Adams
asserted in 1861: "Nor, if strength
is wanted, has ever any Government developed
more than our own, when, at one stamp of his foot, the
President called the whole
nation to arms, and the bristling lines
of bayonets poured down from every township
in the North, to sustain the integrity
of the Union." Henry Adams, "The Great
Secession Winter of 1860-61,"
Massachusetts Historical Society, Proceedings, XLIII
(1909-10), 687.
7 This point is well brought out in Carl
Russell Fish, The American Civil War:
An Interpretation (New York and London, 1937), 169; and the element of
alism, in The Diary of George
Templeton Strong, edited by Allan Nevins and Milton
H. Thomas (New York, 1952), III, 264.
politician's war. How deeply did the
federal soldier feel his loyalty
and what did it mean to him? At opposite
poles, the casual and
the reflective attitudes are illustrated
on the one hand by the raw
recruit from up-state New York who said
"he had voted for Abe
Lincoln, and as there was going to be
trouble, he might as well
fight for Abe Lincoln," and furthermore he had always
wanted to
see the world;8 and on the
other hand by the thrice-wounded veter-
an Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., who wrote
in 1864, "If one didn't
believe that this war was . . . a
[Christian] crusade, in the cause
of the whole civilized world, it would
be hard indeed to keep the
hand to the sword."9 Between
these extremes were many grada-
tions of opinion at different stages of
the war. Historical evalua-
tion of this diverse testimony provides
a partial measure of the
soldier's patriotism.
Professor Wiley, who has given
thoughtful consideration to the
motives of federal soldiers in the light
of their personal records,
declares that "love of country and
hatred of those who seemed bent
on destroying its institutions impelled
many to enlist, though often
patriotism was indistinguishably blended
with practical urges. . . .
For every Yank whose primary goal was
emancipation were to be
found several whose chief goal was the
Union and the system of
government that it represented. The objective was often im-
perfectly expressed, but the ideal
shines through in unmistakable
clearness."10 Turning
now to the author of "The Soldier's Creed,"
we may view him and his youthful
convictions with better historical
Minor Millikin (1834-1862) was a native
of Hamilton, in Butler
County, Ohio, and a graduate of Miami
University.11 In Decem-
ber 1857 at the age of twenty-three, he
became part owner and
editor of the Hamilton Intelligencer,
which he developed during
the two years of his editorship into a
vigorous organ of the Repub-
8 Strong, Diary, III, 121.
9 Holmes to Charles Eliot Norton, April
17, 1864, in Touched with Fire: Civil
War Letters and Diary of Oliver
Wendell Holmes, Jr., 1861-1864, edited
by Mark
DeWolfe Howe (Cambridge, Mass., 1947),
10 Wiley, Billy Yank, 38, 44. See
also William Matthews and Dixon Wecter,
Our Soldiers Speak, 1775-1918 (Boston, 1943), 143-144, 146, 189, and Merle Curti,
The Roots of American Loyalty (New York, 1946), 160, 162-164, 166-167.
11 Memorial Record of Butler County,
Ohio (Chicago, 1894), 221-222; Bert S.
Bartlow and others, eds., Centennial
History of Butler County, Ohio (n.p., 1905), 871.
lican party. In its running fight with
the Democratic Telegraph
in a region usually controlled by
Democrats, the Intelligencer at-
tacked the Buchanan administration for
its openhanded support of
slavery expansion in the territories,
but cast aspersions on the
American Antislavery Society as the
"American Society for the Dis-
play of Frantic Fools."12 Nevertheless,
Butler County continued
as a Democratic stronghold, with
outspoken support of state rights,
and voted against Lincoln in 1860.13 A
man of Millikin's convic-
tions had doubtless made up his mind by
the spring of 1861 on his
course of action if war came. Among the
vanguard to answer the
president's call for volunteers, he
helped recruit the first company
of Ohio cavalry. This work led to his
commission as first lieutenant
and to service in the first West
Virginia campaign. He had risen to
the rank of colonel before he was
assigned to Rosecrans' army in
Tennessee in 1862. There, during a
cavalry charge at Stone River
on December 31, Millikin was killed.14
"The Soldier's Creed" was
found among Millikin's papers after
his death. His patriotic reasons for
joining the army, intermingled
with his understanding of the causes of
the war, reflect the narrow-
minded sources of friction between
North and South as well as those
broad controversial questions involving
"our old Constitution and
our old liberties." There is ample
evidence that the invective which
had been flung with abandon between the
sections during the ante-
bellum years left its indelible marks
on men's minds, Millikin's
among them. Economic considerations
regarding the effect of the
war on the country's prosperity were
evidently in his mind too. The
slavery issue as such is conspicuously
missing from his Creed, and
an explanation for the omission,
especially during the early period
of the war, has been suggested above.
His concluding resolutions,
prefaced by a kind of confession of
faith addressed to the second
person, suggest that he may have used
or intended the Creed to in-
doctrinate the soldiers under his
command, and therefore he de-
veloped his ideas in considerable
detail. He may have had in mind
12 Hamilton Intelligencer, 1858-59 passim, especially April 29-June 10 and
1-29, 1858.
13 Gray, Hidden Civil War, map on
p. 32, showing area, including Butler County,
fifty percent or more against Lincoln in
14 A History and Biographical
Cyclopaedia of Butler County, Ohio (Cincinnati,
1882), 186, 219-221; Memorial Record
of Butler County, 221-222.
too the state rights Democrats of his
native county who were ad-
vocating a negotiated peace.15 Love
of country was exalted in "a
holy cause." The religious and
moral overtones are typical of that
generation which linked duty with
righteousness to a degree that to
us smacks of the self-righteous. And
the crusading spirit which the
"holy cause" could inspire is
expressed in the preface to his last will,
written three weeks before his death in
battle: "Death is always the
condition of living, but, to the
soldier, its imminency and certainty
seems [sic] also the condition
of his usefulness and glory."16
Colonel Millikin was another federal
soldier who recorded his
reasons for going to war, but since he was
more articulate than most
officers or privates, his statement of
objectives in a framework of
patriotism seems worthy of rescue from
the oblivion of local history.
The Soldier's Creed17
I have enlisted in the service of my
country for the term of three years,
and have sworn faithfully to discharge
my duty, uphold the Constitution,
and obey the officers over me.
Let me see what motives I must have had
when I did this thing. It
was not pleasant to leave my friends and
my home, and, relinquishing my
liberty and pleasures, bind myself to
hardships and obedience for three
years by a solemn oath. Why did I do it?
1. I did it because I loved my country.
I thought she was surrounded
by traitors and struck by cowardly
plunderers. I thought that, having been
a good government to me and my fathers
before me, I owed it to her to
defend her from all harm; so when I
heard of the insults offered her, I
rose up as if some one had struck my
mother, and as a lover of my country
agreed to fight for her.
2. Though I am no great reader, I have
heard the taunts and insults
sent us working-men from the proud
aristocrats of the South. My blood
has grown hot when I heard them say
labor was the business of slaves
and "mudsills;" that they were
a noble-blooded and we a mean-spirited
people; that they ruled the country by
their better pluck, and if we did
not submit they would whip us by their
better courage. .... So I thought
15 The Butler County Democrats protested
continuance of the war in the summer
of 1861 and again in 1862. Gray, Hidden
Civil War, 74, 93, 94. In August 1864 a
Copperhead meeting was held in Hamilton.
Ibid., 180.
16 Will Record, I, 531, Butler County Probate Court, Hamilton, Ohio.
17 Henry Howe, Historical Collections
of Ohio (centennial edition, Columbus,
1889-91), I, 357.
the time had come to show these insolent
fellows that Northern insti-
tutions had the best men, and I enlisted
to flog them into good manners
and obedience to their betters.
3. I said, too, that this war would
disturb the whole country and all
its business. The South meant "rule
or ruin." It has Jeff Davis and the
Southern notion of government; we our
old Constitution and our old
liberties. I couldn't see any peace or
quiet until we had whipped them, and
so I enlisted to bring back peace in the
quickest way.
I had other reasons, but these were the
main ones. I enlisted, and gave
up home and comfort, and took to the
tent and its hardships.
I have suffered a great deal-been abused
sometimes-had my patience
severely tried-been blamed wrongly by my
officers-stood the carelessness
and dishonesty of some of my comrades,
and had all the trials of a volunteer
soldier; but I never gave up, nor
rebelled, nor grumbled, nor lost my temper,
and I'll tell you why.
1. I considered I had enlisted in a holy
cause, with good motives, and
that I was doing my duty. I believe men
who are doing their duty in the
face of difficulties are watched over by
2. I felt that I was a servant of the
government, and that as such I
was too proud to quarrel and complain.
3. I know if with such motives and such
a cause I could not be faith-
ful, that I could never think of myself
as much of a man afterward.
And so I drew up a set of resolutions
like this:
1. As my health and strength had been
devoted to the government, I
would take as good care of them as
possible; that I would be cleanly in my
person and temperate in all my habits. I
felt that to enlist for the govern-
ment, and then by carelessness or
drunkenness make myself unfit for
service, would be too mean an act for
2. As the character I have assumed is a
noble one, I will not disgrace
it by childish quarrelling, by loud and
foolish talking, by profane swearing,
and indecent language. It struck me that
these were the accomplishments
of the ignorant and depraved on the
other side, and I, for one, did not
think them becoming a Union soldier.
3. As my usefulness in a great measure
depends on my discipline, I
am determined to keep my arms in good
order, to keep my clothing mended
and brushed, to attend all drills, and
do my best to master all my duties
as a soldier, and make myself perfectly
acquainted with all the evolutions
and exercises, and thus feel always ready
to fight. It seems to me stupid
for a man to apprentice himself to as
serious a trade as war, and then try
by lying and deception to avoid learning
"The Soldier's Creed"
Patriotism is an essential factor in
waging war and shaping its
outcome. Since the causes of a war, as
fixed in the minds of the
participants, affect both the deeper and
shallower feelings of
patriotism and are in turn influenced by
it, loyalty and the will to
fight are closely interrelated. The
concern of the military in recent
years with the soldier's ideas of war
aims has aroused interest in
his attitudes during previous conflicts.
Among these the American
Civil War, with its complex causes and
its typical American soldiers,
who were civilians in uniform, continues
to raise questions that can
be answered only partially from the
sources available.
Whatever the contributory causes of this
war, one question often
asked is worth reconsidering: Did the
northern soldier fight for his
country because it was embodied in the
inseparable Union of all the
states, or did he take up arms primarily
because of his conviction
that the slavery issue must be settled
and no other recourse re-
mained? No contemporary poll of soldier
opinion was taken. The
evidence from which conclusions are
drawn must be winnowed
piecemeal from scattered records. By
this painstaking process
Professor Bell Wiley has reached his
conclusions on this and many
other facets of the soldier's thoughts
and actions,1 but at best their
remarks are often brief and
inconclusive. Additional evidence,
found in unusual detail in the document
published herewith, pro-
vides a commentary on the motivations
and spirit of patriotism dur-
ing the first year of the war.
* Lester J. Cappon is director of the
Institute of Early American History and Cul-
ture at Williamsburg, Virginia.
1 In his The Life of Billy Yank, the
Common Soldier of the Union (Indianapolis
and New York, 1951).