Ohio History Journal

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Historical News

Historical News





ing at Kent State University on November 7, 1959. Papers were read

at the morning session on "Clarence Darrow and the American Liter-

ary Tradition" (Abe C. Ravitz of the department of English, Hiram

College), "Communal Societies on the American Frontier," (Hallock C.

Raup of the department of geography, Kent State), and "Magazine Fic-

tion: Image or Mirage?" (William Coyle of the department of English,

Wittenberg University).

The luncheon meeting was addressed by Edwin H. Cady, professor

of English at Indiana University, on the subject, "American Studies

in the Doldrums: Whistling Up a Breeze."


William D. Overman, director of the Firestone Library and Archives,

has announced the appointment of William E. Bigglestone as archivist.

Mr. Bigglestone, who has an M.A. in history from Stanford University,

has been employed at the National Archives for the past two years.


A new million-dollar addition to the Western Reserve Historical

Society buildings was opened to the public on November 20, 1959.

The new addition joins the imposing old mansions of Leonard C.

Hanna and Mrs. John Hay at 10825-10915 East Boulevard, Cleve-

land, which have been the headquarters of the society since 1940. The

new structure harmonizes with the Florentine Renaissance style of the

original buildings. The expansion will provide space for the society's

growing collection of books, manuscripts, and museum objects.

The society has recently issued its Publication No. 115, a transla-

tion of Ernst von Schulenburg's Sandusky, Einst und Jetzt, first pub-

lished in 1889. The translation is by Norbert A. Lange and Marion

Cleaveland Lange.

Applications are now being accepted for the College of William and

Mary's Apprenticeship Program in Historical Administration. Spon-

sored by the history department of the college in cooperation with the

Institute of Early American History and Culture and Colonial Wil-

liamsburg, Inc., the fifteen-month program combines academic and