BAIRD, Clarke B., "Pataskala
Memories," Ohio Archaeologist, XI (1961), 123-124.
The author's recollections of
archaeological finds in the 1890's.
"Cache of 280 Blades Discovered by
D. E. Baker," Ohio Archaeologist, XII (1962),
7-9. Found in Defiance County along the
banks of the Auglaize River.
GOSLIN, Robert M., "Projectile
Point in Elk Skeleton," Ohio Archaeologist, XI
(1961), 85. The skeleton was found in
Lake Mac-O-Chee, Logan County.
PRUFER, Olaf H., "The Paleo-Indian
Problem in Ohio," Ohio Archaeologist, XI
(1961), 90-92.
PRUFER, Olaf H., and Elisabeth C. Munro,
Survey of Ohio Fluted Points, No. 5.
Cleveland, Cleveland Museum of Natural
History, 1961. 15p.
ROYER, Jacob S., "Excavation of a
Small Mound, Montgomery County, Ohio,"
Ohio Archaeologist, XI (1961), 112-116.
SMITH, Arthur George, "An Early
Woodland Type," Ohio Archaeologist, XI (1961),
95-96. Projectile point types in Ohio.
SMITH, Arthur George, "Trade or
Travel?" Ohio Archaeologist, XI (1961), 130-131.
Deals with the so-called trade artifacts
found in Ohio prehistoric sites.
SODAY, Frank J., "The John Lockhart
Mound," Ohio Archaeologist, XI (1961),
76-81, 102-108. Near Hallsville in Ross
SODAY, Frank J., "The Thurman
DeLong Mound," Ohio Archaeologist, XII (1962),
15-22, 31-38. An Adena mound in Colerain
Township, Ross County.
DENTLER, Clara Louise, "Robert
Montgomery Bird and Hiram Powers," The
Library Chronicle, XXVII (1961), 63-79. A group of letters between Bird
Powers with frequent references to
Cincinnati and Cincinnatians.
GROOM, Virginia Shulze,
"Circleville's Gifted Amateurs," Pickaway County His-
torical Society, Pickaway Quarterly, March
1962, pp. 4-8. An account of the
art work by Genevieve E. Jones and
others for Jones, Illustrations of the Nests
and Eggs of the Birds of Ohio.
KEENER, William G., "The Celebrated
American Bowie Knife," Ohio Historical
Society, Echoes, I, No. 3 (March
1962), [1]. Mention is made of the Society's
knife which belonged to John Brown, the
MEAD, Edward G., "Ohio's
Contribution to American Music: Composers, Performers,
Publishers and Teachers Do Their
Part," Ohioana, V (1962), 52, 54, 58.
REA, Gene, "Dr. Jones's Incredible
Amateurs: Circleville Enthusiasts Produced a
Work Rivalling Audubon's," Ohioana,
IV (1961), 98-100, 119. An account of the
art work by Genevieve E. Jones and
others for Jones, Illustrations of the Nests and
Eggs of the Birds of Ohio.
REA, Gene, "Two Mysteries Still
Remain," Ohioana, V (1962), 21-23. A continuation
of the story of Dr. Jones's amateurs.
SCHNEIDER, Norris F., Muskingum
Valley Gunsmiths. [Zanesville], Muskingum
County Gun Collectors Association, 1961.
40p. An account of the gunsmiths of
Perry, Licking, Muskingum, and other
counties in the Muskingum Valley.
STEVENS, Harry R., "The First
Cincinnati Music Festival," Historical and Philo-
sophical Society of Ohio, Bulletin, XX
(1962), 186-196.
WEBSTER, Cyril H., "In Tribute to a
Pioneer Statesman: Preservation of the Alfred
Kelley House," Franklin County
Historical Society, Landsmarks, II, Nos. 3-4 (Holi-
day 1961), 8-16.
242 OHIO
DUCKETT, Kenneth W., "John Brown
Manuscripts," Ohio Historical Society,
Echoes, I, No. 4 (April 1962), [1]. On the Society's
DUCKETT, Kenneth W., Inventory of the
Erasmus Gest Papers. Columbus, Ohio
Historical Society, 1962. 21p. Gest was
an Ohio-born surveyor, engineer, railroad
magnate, and street railway
HEISS, Willard C., "Guide to Quaker
Records in the Midwest," Indiana History
Bulletin, XXXIX (1962), 51-68, 71-82. Includes Ohio yearly and
monthly meetings.
"James Letter Books," Museum
Echoes, XXXIV (1961), 95. Of the John H. James
family of Urbana, Ohio, in the Ohio
Historical Society's library.
MORRIS, J. Wesley, "History and Retirement--A
Volunteer Reports," Historical
and Philosophical Society of Ohio, Bulletin,
XIX (1961), 270-276. Includes data
on the Alexander Long and Andrew
Hickenlooper papers at the Historical and
Philosophical Society of Ohio.
RODABAUGH, James H., "American
Indian Ethnohistorical Materials in Ohio,"
Ethnohistory, VIII (1961), 242-255.
SMITH, S. Winifred, "A Survey of
Publications in Ohio History and Archaeology,
August 1960-July 1961," Ohio
Historical Quarterly, LXX (1961), 343-354.
ALLMAN, Charles Brent, Lewis Wetzel,
Indian Fighter: The Life and Times of a
Frontier Hero. New York, Devin-Adair Company, 1961. 237p.
Originally published
in 1932.
BAER, Elizabeth, "William S.
Groesbeck," Historical and Philosophical Society of
Ohio, Bulletin, XX (1962),
111-122. Groesbeck was a Democratic politician of
BAKER, Wilma (Sinclair) LeVan, Father
and His Town: A Story of Life at the Turn
of the Century in a Small Ohio River
Town. Pittsburgh, Three Rivers Press
tributors for the University of
Pittsburgh Press), 1961. 43p. A biography of the
author's father, Dohrman James Sinclair
(1860-1915) of Steubenville, Ohio.
BECKER, Carl M., "The Genesis of a
Copperhead," Historical and Philosophical
Society of Ohio, Bulletin, XIX
(1961), 235-253. Thomas 0. Lowe of Dayton, a
close associate of Clement L.
BECKER, Carl M., "Picture of a
Young Copperhead," Ohio History, LXXI (1962),
3-23. Thomas 0. Lowe.
BILLINGTON, Dallas, God Is Real: A
Testament in the Form of an Autobiography.
New York, David McKay Company, 1962.
298p. The author was founder of the
Akron Baptist Temple and a resident of
Akron for over thirty-five years.
CANNON, Helen, "First Ladies of
Colorado--Mary Thompson McCook," Colorado
Magazine, XXXIX (1962), 179-184. Mary Thompson McCook was the
first wife
of General Edward Moody McCook, one of
the "Fighting McCooks" of Ohio, who
was territorial governor of Colorado,
COLLACOTT, Mary Hover, "My
Story," Lake County Historical Society, Historical
Society Quarterly, IV, No. 2
(February 1962), [1-17]. Describes life in Painesville
in the 1880's and 1890's.
CRUDEN, Robert, James Ford Rhodes:
The Man, the Historian, and His Work.
Cleveland, Press of Western Reserve
University, 1961. 290p.
DOHN, Norman H., "Recall Alumni of
Capitol's First Century," Franklin County
Historical Society, Landmarks, III,
No. 1 (Spring 1962), 7. Men who served in
the Ohio State Capitol who also held
positions of national leadership.
DOWNS, Hugh, Yours Truly. New
York, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1960. 201p.
Autobiography of a TV personality, with
an account of his Ohio boyhood.
FESS, Lehr, Charters of Freedom; and
The Most Unforgettable Character I Have
Ever Known. Toledo, Historical Society of Northwestern Ohio, 1962. 46p.
a biographical sketch of the author and
of his father, Simeon D. Fess.
GABLE, Kathleen Williams, Clark
Gable: A Personal Portrait. Englewood Cliffs,
N. J., Prentice-Hall, 1961. 151p. Gable,
a native of Cadiz, Ohio, lived in the state
until about the age of twenty.
GALL, Angela, Miss Cronin Was a
Songstress. Chillicothe, Paint Creek Valley
Research Project, 1962. 3p.
Mimeographed. Mary E. Cronin (1881-1960) was a
music teacher at Chillicothe.
GARCEAU, Jean, and Inez Cocke, "Dear
Mr. G---": The Biography of Clark Gable.
Boston, Little, Brown and Company, 1961.
GELD, Ellen Bromfield, The Heritage:
A Daughter's Memories of Louis Bromfield.
New York, Harper & Brothers, 1962.
GRAVES, Charles Parlin, Annie Oakley,
the Shooting Star. Champaign, Ill., Garrard
Press, 1961. 78p. Grade three reading
GUYOT, Wilma, "A Biographical Note
on William Mueller (1845-1931)," Historical
and Philosophical Society of Ohio, Bulletin,
XX (1962), 89-91.
"J. N. Free's 'Immortality' Really
Seems Immortal," Ohioana, IV (1961), 72-74.
JAHNS, Patricia, The Violent Years:
Simon Kenton and the Ohio-Kentucky Frontier.
New York, Hastings House, 1962. 309p.
JONES, Eleanor I., Lillie Morlatt
Jones, 1862-1952: Daughter of the Mid-West.
Privately published, 1962. 20p.
The subject was a native of Ohio and lived in the
state until 1907 and again in 1931-32
and 1950-52.
JONES, Samuel M., III, "Brand
Whitlock: Literature, 1923-34," Northwest Ohio
Quarterly, XXXIII (1961), 91-104.
KIRK, Clara M. and Rudolph, William
Dean Howells. New York, Twayne Publishers,
1962. 223p. The first
thirty-odd pages deal with Howells' Ohio period.
KOCH, Herbert F., "Historian of
Ohio in the Civil War," Museum Echoes, XXXIV
1961), 91-94. Whitelaw Reid of
LAMERS, William M., The Edge of
Glory: A Biography of William S. Rosecrans,
U.S.A. New York, Harcourt, Brace and World, 1961. 499p.
MOLEY, Raymond, The American Century
of John C. Lincoln. New York, Duell,
Sloan and Pearce, 1962. 209p. Lincoln, a
native of Painesville, Ohio, became a
manufacturer and inventor of Cleveland.
NAFZIGER, Carol, "John P.
Bontrager," Mennonite Historical Bulletin, XXIII, No. 3
(July 1962), 3, 5. Bontrager spent his
first twenty-eight years in Ohio before
moving to the West.
NOLAN, William F., Barney Oldfield. New
York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1961. 251p.
REEDER, Russell Potter, Sheridan, the
General Who Wasn't Afraid to Take a Chance.
New York, Duell, Sloan, and Pearce,
1962. 238p. A biography of Philip Henry
Sheridan for juvenile readers.
RENICK, Marion, Steve Marches with
the General. New York, Scribner's Sons,
1962. 175p. Includes The
Boy Who Grew Up To Be General Grant, a Pageant.
Gives historical facts on U. S. Grant
for juvenile readers.
R[OOT], D[onna] L., "Clarence S.
Metcalf," Inland Seas, XVII (1961), 299-300.
A tribute to the memory of the founder
of the Great Lakes Historical Society.
SAMUELS, Charles, The King, A
Biography of Clark Gable. New York, Coward-
McCann, 1962. 315p.
244 OHIO
SMITH, Ophia D., Oxford Spy. Wed at
Pistol Shot. Oxford, Ohio, Cullen Printing
Company, 1962. 18p. The story
of Charlotte Moon and her sister of Oxford, who
were Confederate spies.
SOBOL, Donald J., The Wright Brothers
at Kitty Hawk. New York, Thomas Nelson
and Sons, 1961. 143p. For
young readers.
STEINMAN, Philip, III, Beechwood
Flats. New York, Vantage Press, 1960. 205p.
Autobiographical; the first three
chapters are devoted to the author's Ohio period.
STOUT, Reed A., ed., "Autobiography
of Hosea Stout, 1810-1835," Utah Historical
Quarterly, XXX (1962), 53-75, 149-174. Stout lived in Clinton
County, Ohio, from
1818 to 1828 and devotes much space to
life among the Shakers and Quakers of
Kentucky and southern Ohio.
STUTLER, Boyd B., "John Brown
and the Masonic Order," Ohio History, LXXI
(1962), 24-32.
THOMAS, Benjamin P., and Harold M.
Hyman, Stanton: The Life and Times of
Lincoln's Secretary of War. New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 1962. 643p.
THOMAS, Henry S., Ulysses S. Grant. New
York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1961. 192p.
YOUNG, Rosamond McPherson, Boss Ket:
A Life of Charles F. Kettering. New York,
Longmans, Green, 1961. 210p. Kettering
spent his boyhood in Loudonville and
most of his adult life in Dayton, Ohio.
For age twelve and older.
CROUT, George, The Seven Lives of
Johnny B. Free: A Study in Elementary Eco-
nomics. Minneapolis, T. S. Denison and Company, 1961. 48p. Deals
with Ohio
from pioneer times.
DONNAN, Ray F., "The History of the
Northwestern Cooperative Sales Association
(Part II)," Northwest Ohio
Quarterly, XXXIV (1962), 29-43.
The Flow of Oil: The Story of the
Buckeye Pipe Line Company and Its 75 Years of
Service to the Petroleum Industry. New York, Buckeye Pipe Line Company, 1961.
39p. The main office of the company is
at Lima, Ohio.
HESSLER, Sherry, "'The Great
Disturbing Cause' and the Decline of the Queen
City," Historical and Philosophical
Society of Ohio, Bulletin, XX (1962), 169-185.
On the failure of Cincinnati to develop
as a railroad center.
MILLS, C. B., First in Lawns: O. M.
Scott & Sons. New York, Newcomen Society in
North America, 1961. 24p. An historical
account of a Marysville, Ohio, firm.
SUTTON, Walter, The Western Book
Trade: Cincinnati as a Nineteenth Century
Publishing and Book-Trade Center,
Containing a Directory of Cincinnati Publishers,
Booksellers, and Members of Allied
Trades, 1796-1800. Columbus, Ohio
University Press for the Ohio Historical
Society, 1961. 360p.
TALCOTT, Kathryn H., "Cheese [in
Ashtabula County]," Ashtabula County His-
torical Society, Quarterly Bulletin, VIII,
No. 4 (December 15, 1961), [1-4].
BECKER, Carl M., and William H. Daily,
"Some Architectural Aspects of German-
American Life in Nineteenth Century
Cincinnati," Historical and Philosophical
Society of Ohio, Bulletin, XX
(1962), 75-88.
BERRY, Stewart, "School Annexation
Through Municipal Annexation in Cincinnati,"
Historical and Philosophical Society of
Ohio, Bulletin, XIX (1961), 265-269.
BONHAM, S. J., and Edward C. Grover, The
History and Development of School
Psychology in Ohio. Columbus, Ohio Department of Education, 1961. 75p.
CONRAD, Carl F., "Muskingum," Beautiful
Ohio, IV, No. 1 (Winter 1962). 22-26.
An account of Muskingum College with
historical background.
EASTON, Loyd D., "German Philosophy
in Nineteenth Century Cincinnati--Stallo,
Conway, Nast and Willich,"
Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio, Bulletin,
XX (1962), 15-28.
EASTON, Loyd D., "Hegelianism in
Nineteenth Century Ohio," Journal of the
History of Ideas, XXIII (1962), 355-378.
FONTAINE, Paul, Ohio University: The
Baker Years. Athens, Ohio, Ohio University
Press, 1961. 174p.
JUDY, Martha Cooper, The Founding of
the Martha Kinney Cooper Ohioana Library.
Privately published, 1962, 17p.
KEENER, William G., "Rembrandt and
the Ohio Historical Society," Ohio History,
LXXI (1962), 57-61. A discussion of the
acquisition policy of the department of
history of the Ohio Historical Society
and a description of some of its recent
LEIDNER, Bessie Ellen, "Forty Years
of Broadcasting: WHK Oldest in Ohio; Fourth
in Nation," Clevelander, XXXVI,
No. 12 (April 1962), 9, 24-25.
LOTTICH, Kenneth V., "Educational
Leadership in Early Ohio," History of Education
Qurarterly, II (1962), 52-61.
"Ohio's First Magazine," Ohio
Historical Society, Echoes, I, No. 1 (January 1962),
[1]. The Weekly Recorder, first
published at Chillicothe, July 5, 1814.
POLLARD, James E., and E. J. Crane, The
Kit-Kat Club of Columbus, 1911-1961.
Columbus, Kit-Kat Club, 1962. 47p. A
literary club of prominent men of the
capital city.
ZEYDEL, Edwin H., "The Teaching of
German in Cincinnati: An Historical Survey,"
Historical and Philosophical Society of
Ohio, Bulletin, XX (1962), 29-37.
ANDERSON, David D., "Songs and
Sayings of the Great Lakes," Midwest Folklore,
XII (1962), 5-16.
BROWN, Henrietta Brady, Some Venables
of England and America. Cincinnati,
Kinderton Press, 1961. 463p. Deals
especially with the William Venables of
Warren County, Ohio.
BROWN, Kenneth R., "Coulson Bible
Records, Pennsylvania and Ohio," American
Genealogist, XXXVII (1961), 229-231. Family of Jabez Coulson, who
lived in
Columbiana County, Ohio, 1811-86.
COLLACOTT, Margaret O., and Ruth T.
Grandin, The Ancestors and Descendants of
Zephaniah and Silence Alden Hathaway.
Mentor, Ohio, n. pub., 1961. 279p.
Located principally in Cuyahoga and
Geauga counties.
DICKORE, Marie, ed., "Cincinnati
Pioneers at Time of Semi-Centennial in December
1838," Historical and Philosophical
Society of Ohio, Bulletin, XX (1962), 148-149.
DICKORE, Marie, "Klauprecht's Chronik
. . . Des Ohio Thales Abounds in Genea-
logical Data About German
Pioneers," Historical and Philosophical Society of
Ohio, Bulletin, XX (1962), 92-95.
246 OHIO
DICKORE, Marie, ed., "New
Burlington Cemetery," Historical and Philosophical
Society of Ohio, Bulletin, XIX
(1961), 225-228, 293-295. The cemetery is in
Springfield Township, Hamilton County.
["Family Records"], Ohio
Records & Pioneer Families, III (1962), 125-131.
Leonard, Roderick, Payne, Ashton,
Brundrige, Wyatt, and Hull families.
"Gallia County, Ohio, Pioneer Families,"Ohio
Records & Pioneer Families, III,
(1962), 137-142.
"Harrison County, Monroe Township,
Ohio, Feed Spring Church Cemetery," Ohio
Records & Pioneer Families, III (1962), 121-124.
JOHNSON, Hilda, copyist, "The Moore
Cemetery, East Fork Road near the Old Mill,
Clermont County, Ohio," Historical
and Philosophical Society of Ohio, Bulletin,
XX (1962), 149.
"Knox County, Ohio, Register of
Land Titles," Ohio Records & Pioneer Families,
III (1962), 132-136.
"Mahoning County, Ohio, Will Index,
1845-1857," Ohio Records & Pioneer Families,
III (1962), 114-116.
"Perry County, Ohio, Shawnee
Cemetery," Ohio Records & Pioneer Families, III
(1962), 118-119. The cemetery was in a
Welsh community.
"Point Cemetery, Green Twp., Adams
County, Ohio," Ohio Records & Pioneer
Families, III (1962), 120.
"Richland County, Ohio, Court
Records, Deeds, 1814-1825," Ohio Records & Pioneer
Families, 111 (1962), 143-147.
"Wayne County, Ohio, Court House
Records: Marriages, 1813-1818, Original Con-
tracts," Ohio Records &
Pioneer Families, III (1962), 105-109.
CARUSO, John Anthony, The Great Lakes
Frontier: An Epic of the Old Northwest.
Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill Company,
1961. 432p.
VAN EVERY, Dale, Forth to the
Wilderness: The First American Frontier, 1754-1774.
New York, William Morrow and Company,
1961. 369p. Numerous references to
the Ohio country.
CARRIGHAR, Sally, The Glass Dove. New
York, Doubleday and Company, 1962.
347p. An Ohio farmer and his daughter aid escaping Negro
slaves on the Under-
ground Railroad.
DE LEEUW, Cateau, The Proving Years. New
York, Thomas Nelson and Sons, 1962.
158p. A novel of the War of 1812,
written for young people.
JANOWSKI, Barbara Ray, "The Valiant
Defense of Fort Henry," Daughters of
the American Revolution Magazine, XCVI (1962), 139-143, 212. Although the
action was in West Virginia, persons
figuring in Ohio history are involved.
MOORE, John H., "A Captive of the
Shawnees, 1779-1784," West Virginia History,
XXIII (1962), 287-296. An account of the
captivity of Margaret Paulee (later
Mrs. Michael Erskine), who was taken
captive in West Virginia but lived with the
Shawnees at Piqua, Ohio.
SMITH, Dwight L., "Provocation and
Occurrence of Indian-White Warfare in the
Early American Period in the Old
Northwest," Northwest Ohio Quarterly, XXXIII
(1961), 132-147.
TALBERT, Charles Gano, "John Logan,
1747-1807," Filson Club History Quarterly,
XXXVI (1962), 128-150. Mention is made
of several Indian campaigns in Ohio
in which Logan participated.
THORNBROUGH, Gayle, ed., Letter Book
of the Indian Agency at Fort Wayne,
1809-1815. Indianapolis, Indiana Historical Society, 1961. 272p.
Of as much
interest to Ohioans as to Hoosiers.
WATTS, Florence, ed., "Lieutenant
Charles Larrabee's Account of the Battle of
Tippecanoe," Indiana Magazine of
History, LVII (1961), 225-247. The Ohio
interest depends on comments on W. H.
Harrison and a description of Cincinnati
in 1811.
ANDERSON, David D., "The Fiction of
the Great Lakes," Northwest Ohio Quarterly,
XXXIV (1962), 18-28.
ANDERSON, David D., "The Remarkable
Piatt Brothers of Logan County," Ohioana,
V (1962), 34-38, 58. Donn and Abram
Sanders Piatt.
"Cleveland Firm is Publisher of
Unusual Trade Magazine," Ohioana, V (1962),
26-27. Brief history of The
Professional Photographer.
COYLE, William, ed., Ohio Authors and
Their Books: Biographical Data and Selective
Bibliographies for Ohio Authors,
Native and Resident. Cleveland, World
Company for the Martha Kinney Cooper
Ohioana Library Association, 1962. 741p.
DUFFY, Charles, "Homage to Ralph
Hodgson," Ohioana, V (1962), 2-5. Hodgson,
a resident of Carroll County, Ohio, is a
well-known poet.
MAHR, August C., "Delaware Terms
for Plants and Animals in the Eastern Ohio
Country: A Study in Semantics," Anthropological
Linguistics, IV, No. 5 (May
1962), 1-48.
"Ohio's First Magazine," Ohio
Historical Society, Echoes, I, No. 1 (January 1962),
SCHOOLFIELD, George C., "The Great
Cincinnati Novel," Historical and Philo-
sophical Society of Ohio, Bulletin, XX
(1962), 44-59.
ALLEN, Mary, "Bryan, a Progressive
Community," Beautiful Ohio, IV, No. 1 (Winter
1962), 5-7. Historical background.
BLOWER, Arthur H., "Captain Brady's
Foot Race," Summit County Historical
Society, Bulletin, XV, No. 5 (May
1962), [2]. Discusses various versions of
Brady's race and leap in Summit County.
CROUT, George, Middletown Landmarks:
A Visitors' Guide. Middletown, Ohio,
Middletown Chamber of Commerce, [1962].
CURTISS, Mae Goodrich, and others, Windham
Sesquicentennial History, 1811-1961.
Privately published, 1961. Windham is in
Portage County.
DAVIDSON, Edgar S., ed., "Shades of
Wm. Wells," Wellsville Echoes, X, No. 1
(1962), 4-10. A travel diary of Edwin
Wells, a great-grandson of William Wells,
founder of Wellsville.
DAVIS, Johnda Tootle, "Pickaway
County Homes," Pickaway County Historical
Society, Pickaway Quarterly, [I,
No. 1] (November 1961), 5-8. An account of a
number of early homes in the county.
DIRLAM, H. Kenneth, Bits of History. Mansfield,
Richland County Historical Society,
1962. 66p. Largely on the
history of Mansfield and Richland County.
DODDS, Gilbert F., "The Early
History of Westerville--Part II--Otterbein College,"
Franklin County Historical Society, Landmarks,
III, No. 1 (Spring 1962), 20-25.
The second in a series on the early
history of Westerville, the first written by Dr.
Edward W. Schear.
DOWNES, Randolph C., "Toledo's
History--A Birdseye View," Northwest Ohio
Quarterly, XXXIV (1962), 71-81.
ECKERT, Allan W., "Canoe Across
Lake Erie," Tradition, IV, No. 10 (October 1961),
46-49. On September 3, 1817, Solomon
Sweatland of Conneaut, Ohio, was blown
across Lake Erie in a storm.
ETZKORN, Lillie Vernier, Up From the
Sod. Privately published, n. d. A brief
history of Louisville, Ohio.
FASSETT, Josephine, History of Oregon
and Jerusalem: The Story of Two Ohio
Communities. Camden, Ark., Hurley Company, 1961. 349p.
FLUHARTY, Irwin A., "Men and
Mountains: The Saga of a College and a Town,"
Beautiful Ohio, IV, No. 1 (Winter 1962), 44-52, 54-55. An historical
account of
Steubenville and the College of
GRAGG, J. Rodney, Gragg's Country
Store. [Chillicothe, Ohio], Paint Creek Valley
Research Project, 1962. 7p.
Mimeographed. Description of a store in Bourneville,
Ross County, in the 1890's and early
HEMINGER, R. L., Profile of Community
Development and Progress. Findlay,
[Republican-Courier], 1961. 92p. Phases
of the history of Findlay and Hancock
HORTON, John J., The Jonathan Hale
Farm: A Chronicle of the Cuyahoga Valley.
Cleveland, Western Reserve Historical
Society, 1961. 160p.
HUNTER, Miriam C., Postal History of
Coshocton County, 1805-1961. Privately
published, 1961. 240p.
JACK, Walter, "Origin of the Names
of Ashtabula County Townships," Ashtabula
County Historical Society, Quarterly
Bulletin, IX, No. 1 (March 15, 1962), [2-5].
KARR, Madge M., ed., Sesqui-Centennial
of Coshocton County, 1811-1961. Coshocton,
Ohio, Coshocton Sesquicentennial
Committee, 1961. 127p.
KELLER, Allan, Morgan's Raid. Indianapolis,
Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1961. 272p.
KELLER, Kathryn M., "Scene: Toledo;
Time: 1837," Northwest Ohio Quarterly,
XXXIV (1962), 52-70.
KING, Arthur G., "Clifton One
Hundred Years Ago," Historical and Philosophical
Society of Ohio, Bulletin, XIX (1961),
205-217. Since 1896 Clifton has been a
part of Cincinnati.
LOVETT, Robert W., "Augustus Roundy's
Cincinnati Sojourn, 1838-1845," Historical
and Philosophical Society of Ohio, Bulletin,
XIX (1961), 254-264.
PENISTEN, Edwin Harness, Boyhood
Days. Chillicothe, Ohio, Ohio Valley Folk
Research Project, 1961. 8p.
Mimeographed. Describes Chillicothe in the 1890's.
PHILLIPS, Hazel Spencer, "Ohioana
Pilgrimage to Lebanon," Ohioana, V (1962),
PRUGH, Daniel F., "Columbus
Centennial of Fifty Years Ago," Franklin County
Historical Society, Landmarks, III
(1962), 14-19.
Outline History of Richfield Town-
ship, 1809-1959. Richfield, Ohio, Richfield Historical Society, 1960. 44p.
ROSS, Edna, Some Logan County Place
Names. Chillicothe, Ohio, Ohio Valley Folk
Research Press, 1962. 8p. Mimeographed.
SCHEAR, Dr. Edward W., "The Early
History of Westerville, Ohio (1805-1846),"
Franklin County Historical Society, Landmarks,
II, Nos. 3-4 (Holiday 1961), 17-22.
SMITH, Mrs. Barton E., Upon These
Hills: Massillon's Beginnings and Early Days.
Massillon, Ohio, Massillon Chapter
Daughters of the American Revolution, 1962.
SWOPE, Wilmer D., "Columbiana
County, Ohio, Mennonites and the Ohio State
Militia," Mennonite Historical
Bulletin, XXIII, No. 3 (July 1962), 7.
SWOPE, Wilmer D., "The Mennonites
of Bristol Township, Trumbull County, Ohio,"
Mennonite Historical Bulletin, XXIII, No. 1 (January 1962), 5-8.
TAFT, Eleanor Gholson, and Helen B.
Woodward, "Scenes of Old Indian Hill,"
Historical and Philosophical Society of
Ohio, Bulletin, XX (1962), 197-207.
VAN VOORHIS, Frank J., The Sub Alpine
Club of America, Incorpolated [sic]: A
Travelogue. Privately published, 1961. Unpaged. Includes historical
material on
the early settlers of Knox County.
WALLACE, Robert D., "Mark Twain on
the Great Lakes," Inland Seas, XVII (1961),
181-186. The first half of the article
describes his stay in Cleveland, July 1895.
WEBB, David K., ed., A Short History
of Frankfort, Ohio. Chillicothe, Paint Creek
Valley Press, 1962. 19p. Mimeographed.
WILKINSON, Raymond Moore, The Story
of Early Shelby. Privately published,
1962. 46p.
WITTKE, Carl, "The Germans of
Cincinnati," Historical and Philosophical Society
of Ohio, Bulletin, XX (1962),
GREENEBAUM, J. Victor, "Dr.
Frederick Forchheimer: His Contributions to
Pediatrics," Ohio State Medical
Journal, LVIII (1962), 152-153, 156. Dr. Forch-
heimer was at one time professor of
medicine and dean of the medical school at
the University of Cincinnati.
HUDSON, N. Paul, ed., The Ohio State
University College of Medicine. Vol. II,
1934-1958. Columbus, Ohio State University, 1961. 456p.
"Ohio Pioneer Physicians of
Pickaway County," Ohio State Medical Journal, LVII
(1961), 874-878. Reprinted from the Circleville
Herald, October 18, 1960.
PIERCY, Harry D., "History of the
Lakeside Unit of World War I," Ohio State
Medical Journal, LVIII (1962), 551-553, 658-660, 760-762.
ROND, Philip C., "Richard Gundry's
Observations on Insanity, 1860," Ohio State
Medical Journal, LVII (1961), 1334, 1356-1357; LVIII (1962), 36-38.
Gundry was
an early Ohio psychiatrist who was
connected with mental institutions in Ohio
from 1855 to 1878.
SHOEMAKER, Dacia Custer, "William
O. Hanby, M.D. (1847-1879)," Ohio State
Medical Journal, LVII (1961), 994. Dr. Hanby received his medical
education in
Ohio and practiced in Westerville and
other Ohio towns.
WEBB, J. L., "Dr. David Tod
Gilliam," Ohio State Medical Journal, LVII (1961),
1114. Gilliam was a Columbus, Ohio,
COPELAND, Robert W., "Being Sold,
'Brown's Folly' Lands," Ohio Conservation
Bulletin, XXV, No. 9 (September 1961), 20-22. Gives historical
background on
the canal movement in Ohio, especially
on the parts played by Ethan Allen Brown
and Alfred Kelley.
250 OHIO
ALLBECK, W. D., Clark County Boys in
Blue. [Springfield], Clark County Historical
Society, [1961]. 16p.
ANDERSON, David D., "The Battle of
Fort Stephenson: The Beginning of the End
of the War of 1812 in the
Northwest," Northwest Ohio Quarterly, XXXIII (1961),
BARNETT, James, "August Willich,
Soldier Extraordinary," Historical and Philo-
sophical Society of Ohio, Bulletin, XX
(1962), 60-74. Willich was organizer and
"father" of the 9th O. V. I.
BARTLETT, Louis, ed., "Captain T.
W. Rathbone's 'Brief Diary of Imprisonment,'
July 1-November 21, 1864," Ohio
History, LXXI (1962), 33-56. The diarist, from
Amelia, Ohio, was a company commander of
the 153d O. V. I. when captured in
July 1864. He spent three months in
rebel prisons before making his escape.
BLAIR, John L., "Morgan's Ohio
Raid," Filson Club History Quarterly, XXXVI
(1962), 242-271.
CLIFT, G. Glenn, "Prologue to
Victory: General Orders, Fort Meigs to Put-In-Bay,
April-September, 1813," Register
of the Kentucky Historical Society, LX (1962),
9-35. Field orders of Major General
Green Clay.
COLES, Harry L., Ohio Forms an Army. (Publications
of the Ohio Civil War
Centennial Commission, No. 5). Columbus,
Ohio State University Press for the
Ohio Historical Society, 1962. 26p.
"Colonel Charles Whittlesey and the
Tennessee River Campaign," Western Reserve
Historical Society, Historical
Society News, XVI, No. 2 (February 1962), 2, 4.
DAMM, Robert L., "One of
Many," Buckeye Historian, II, No. 2 (November-December
1961), 3-7. Based on the Civil War diary
of William H. Pittenger, a captain in the
39th O. V. I.
DOWNER, Edward T., "Johnson's
Island," Civil War History, VIII (1962), 202-217.
An account of the federal prison on an
island near Sandusky, Ohio.
GALWEY, Thomas Francis, The Valiant
Hours. Harrisburg, Pa., Stackpole Company,
1961. 262p. Civil War diary
of an Irish-American of Cleveland, who rose to the
rank of lieutenant in the 8th O.V.I.
HARPER, Robert S., Irvin McDowell and
the First Battle of Bull Run. [Columbus,
Ohio Civil War Centennial Commission,
1961.] 12p.
HATCH, Margaret G., "Mother
Bickerdyke," Buckeye Historian, II, No. 2 (November-
December 1961), 8-9. Nursing experiences
in the Civil War.
HOPKINS, C. A. Porter, "The James
J. Archer Letters: A Marylander in the Civil
War, Part II," Maryland
Historical Magazine, LVI (1961), 352-383. Many of the
letters are dated at Johnson's Island
LINDSEY, David, "Ohio's
'Copperheads,'" Museum Echoes, XXIV (1961), 83-86.
MONTGOMERY, E. L., ed., "Dr. Nelson
Jones Report to the Provost Marshal
General," Pickaway County
Historical Society, Pickaway Quarterly, June 1962,
p. 21-23. Dr. Jones was surgeon of the
12th Military District of Ohio.
RENICK, Marion, Steve Marches with
the General. New York, Scribner's Sons, 1962.
175p. Gives historical facts
on U. S. Grant's Civil War experiences on an ele-
mentary level.
ROSENBERGER, H. E., ed., "Ohiowa
Soldier," Annals of Iowa, XXXVI (1961),
111-148. Civil War diary of John Wesley
Humpel, a private in the 55th O. V. I.,
who after the war emigrated to Iowa.
Such veterans were called "Ohiowa veterans."
ROSKE, Ralph J., and Richard W. Donley,
"The Perry-Elliot Controversy: A Bitter
Footnote to the Battle of Lake
Erie," Northwest Ohio Quarterly, XXXIV (1962),
SHRIVER, Phillip R., "Johnson's
Island: Civil War Prison," Museum Echoes, XXXIV
(1961), 75-78.
SIMMS, Henry H., Ohio Politics on the
Eve of Conflict (Publications of the Ohio
Civil War Centennial Commission, No. 4).
Columbus, Ohio State University Press
for the Ohio Historical Society, [1961].
SIMMS, Henry H., "The Troubled
Years: The Background of the Civil War,"
Buckeye Historian, II, No. 2 (November-December 1961), 12-19.
STACKPOLE, Edward J., Sheridan in the
Shenandoah: Jubal Early's Nemesis.
Harrisburg, Pa., Stackpole Company,
1962. 413p.
STARR, Stephen Z., "Camp Dennison,
1861-1865," Historical and Philosophical
Society of Ohio, Bulletin, XIX
(1961), 167-190.
STERN, Joseph S., Jr., "The Siege
of Cincinnati," Museum Echoes, XXXIV (1961),
STILL, John S., "A Fortnight of
Fear: Morgan's Raid," Museum Echoes, XXXIV
(1961), 67-70.
WESLEY, Charles H., Ohio Negroes in
the Civil War (Publications of the Ohio Civil
War Centennial Commission, No. 6).
Columbus, Ohio State University Press,
1962. 46p.
WILL, Charles G., "Captain John H.
Groce," Pickaway County Historical Society,
Pickaway Quarterly, June 1962, pp. 3-6. Groce was captain of Company H,
O. V. I.
WILSON, Harriett Dawes, Julia Cutler
and Morgan's Raid. Marietta, Marietta College,
1960. 34p.
YATES, Trudy R., "Lincoln's
Bugler," Pickaway County Historical Society, Pickaway
Quarterly, March 1962, pp. 9-11. Hiram Cook of Circleville, Ohio,
a bugler in the
Union Light Guards, blew taps as
Lincoln's funeral train left Washington.
BUSFIELD, Roger M., "The Hermitage
Walking Stick: First Challenge of Congres-
sional Immunity," Tennessee
Historical Quarterly, XXI (1962), 122-130. The case
involved a verbal attack by William
Stanbery of Ohio on Samuel Houston of
Tennessee on the floor of the house of
FERRELL, Robert H., ed., "Young
Charley Dawes Goes to the Garfield Inauguration:
A Diary," Ohio Historical
Quarterly, LXX (1961), 332-342.
GREENE, Alexander, Ohio Government. Englewood
Cliffs, N. J., Prentice-Hall,
1961. 105p.
KOHL, Jean F., "The Killits-Cochran
Controversy," Northwest Ohio Quarterly,
XXXIII (1961), 110-131, 160-176. A
controversy between Negley Cochran, editor
of the Toledo News-Bee, and Judge
John M. Killits of the federal district court
arising out of the Toledo street railway
war in 1914.
MINGER, Ralph Eldin, "Taft,
MacArthur, and the Establishment of Civil Govern-
ment in the Philippines," Ohio
Historical Quarterly, LXX (1961), 308-331.
TRESOLINI, Rocco J., "Chief Justice
Morrison R. Waite and the Public Interest,"
Northwest Ohio Quarterly, XXXIV (1962),
124-137. A vindication of Waite's
career on the supreme bench.
WILLIAMS, Donald E., "Charles G.
Dawes: The Conscience of Normalcy," Speech
Monographs, XXIX (1962), 20-31.
WILLIAMS, Donald E., "Dawes and the
1924 Republican Vice Presidential Nomi-
nation," Mid-America, XLIV
(1962), 3-18.
252 OHIO
ALLEN, Lee, "Baseball's Immortal
Red Stockings," Historical and Philosophical
Society of Ohio, Bulletin, XIX
(1961), 191-204.
BUSH, Joseph Bevans, "The Grandest
Olympian: James Cleveland 'Jesse' Owens,"
Negro History Bulletin, XXV (1962), 191-193. Owens was a native of Cleveland
and a member of the Ohio State
University track team.
BOASE, Paul H., "Interdenominational
Polemics on the Ohio Frontier," Historical
and Philosophical Society of Ohio, Bulletin,
XX (1962), 99-110.
SAWYER, Edwin Albert, The Religious
Experience of the Colonial American
Moravians (Transactions of the Moravian Historical Society,
XVIII, Pt. I).
Nazareth, Pa., Moravian Historical
Society, 1961. 232p. Chapter VII has con-
siderable material on the Moravian
missions in Ohio.
EVERETT, Glenn D., "One Man's
Family," Ohio Conservation Bulletin, XXVI, No. 3
(March 1962), 10-11, [33]. An account of
the descendants of John Eli Miller of
Middlefield, Ohio, and life among the
Old Order Amish.
GLEASON, Philip, "From Free-Love to
Catholicism: Dr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Nichols
at Yellow Springs," Ohio
Historical Quarterly, LXX (1961), 283-307.
HOLMES, Paul, The Sheppard Murder
Case. New York, McKay, 1961. 332p. An
account of the controversial trial of a
Cleveland doctor.
JONES, Wilbur D., "Some Cincinnati
German Societies a Century Ago," Historical
and Philosophical Society of Ohio, Bulletin,
XX (1962), 38-43.
ORIANS, G. Harrison, "History of
the Burt Theatre in Toledo," Northwest Ohio
Quarterly, XXXIII (1961), 60-80, 177-195.
SMITH, William C., "The Cincinnati
Saloon, 1880-90," Historical and Philosophical
Society of Ohio, Bulletin, XIX
(1961), 279-292.
WALKER, Kenneth R., "Distinctively
American: A Glimpse of Midwestern Culture
in 1901," Northwest Ohio
Quarterly, XXXIV (1962), 138-154.
ZENDER, Edward, "Charles Foster and
the Liquor Question," Northwest Ohio
Quarterly, XXXIV (1962), 6-17.
BOUGE, Virgil T., "The Girdled
Road," Ashtabula County Historical Society,
Quarterly Bulletin, IX, No. 2 (June 15, 1962), [1-8]. The road built by
Perkins between the Pennsylvania line
and the Cuyahoga River.
DIEHL, John A., "Buckeye Covered
Bridges," Ohio Historical Society, Echoes, I,
No. 5 (May 1962), [1].
DOSEY, Herbert W., "Fire Fighting
Ships," Inland Seas, XVII (1961), 172-176.
Describes ships built and used in
FATOUT, Paul, "Canal Agitation at
Ohio Falls," Indiana Magazine of History, LVII
(1961), 279-309. The state of Ohio and
numerous Ohioans were involved.
GARLING, Pat, "The Cleveco Keeps
Her Secret," Inland Seas, XVII (1961), 177-180.
An oil barge which sank mysteriously
near Cleveland, December 2, 1942.
KETCHUM, Victor A., "The Ohio
Railway Museum," Franklin County Historical
Society, Landmarks, III (1962),
8-13. Located at Worthington, Ohio.
"The Mail Comes to Cleveland,"
Western Reserve Historical Society, Historical
Society News, XVI, No. 6 (June 1962), [2].
SCHLEGEL, Henrietta M., The Hydraulic
Canal in Chillicothe. Chillicothe, Paint
Creek Valley Research Project, 1962. 5p.
SPROAT, B. F., The Canal. Ohio
Valley Folk Research Project. Chillicothe, Ross
County Historical Society, 1961. 17p.
Mimeographed. An account of the Ohio
Canal reprinted from the Scioto
Gazette, January 23, 1911.
WILLIAMS, W. R., "The Peerless,"
Inland Seas, XVII (1961), 227-228. A wooden
steamer built in Cleveland.
HEPBURN, Andrew, Complete Guide to
the Great Lakes. Garden City, N. Y., Double-
day Company, 1962. 192p.
SMITH, Dwight L., ed., The Western
Journals of John May, Ohio Company Agent
and Business Adventurer. Cincinnati, Historical and Philosophical Society of
1961. 176p.
BREEN, Donald J., The History of the
Federal Civil War Prison on Johnson's Island,
Ohio, 1862-1865. Kent State University,
M.A., 1962.
CORCORAN, Thomas B., The Lane Seminary
Rebellion: Its Causes and Consequences.
University of Cincinnati, M.A., 1962.
FRY, Charles George, Washington Gladden
as Preacher. Ohio State University,
M.A., 1961.
GROSS, Cecilia R., Anti-Slavery in Stark
County, Ohio, 1831-1856. University of
Akron, M.A., 1962.
HAYES, Walter Sherman, Rutherford B.
Hayes and His Connection with The Ohio
State University. Ohio State University,
M.A., 1962.
HOWELL, James Carlton, Community-Transit
Relations in Dayton, Ohio. Ohio State
University, M.A., 1962.
JOERING, Margaret, Jacob Dolson Cox: His
Ohio Political Career. 1865-1872.
University of Cincinnati, M.A., 1962.
PERZEL, Edward S., Alexander Long: A
Political Study of a Copperhead Congress-
man, 1816-1886. University of
Cincinnati, M.A., 1962.
PITZER, Donald Elden, The Ohio Campaigns
of Billy Sunday with Special Emphasis
on the 1913 Columbus Revival. Ohio State
University, M.A., 1962.