Ohio History Journal

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NOTES                                                                                  289



38 Scarborough states in his autobiography that there were fifty-two in the class, but the

Oberlin Alumni Catalogue (Oberlin, 1937), gives fifty-three.

39 This was the last public appearance of President Finney, who died a few days later,

August 16.

40 The former was the son of Henry Grimke of South Carolina and Nancy Weston, a beautiful

family slave, and was graduated at Princeton Seminary in 1878. He had a long pastorate at

the 15th Street Presbyterian Church, Washington, D.C. Culp, born in Unionville, S. C., in

1852, served as a Presbyterian and Congregational minister, after graduating from the seminary

in 1879, and later became a physician. Edward H. Roberts, comp., Biographical Catalogue of the

Princeton Theological Seminary, 1815-1932 (Princeton, 1933), 321, 325.

41 For Cain's career, see Samuel D. Smith, The Negro in Congress, 1870-1907 (Chapel Hill,

N. C., 1940) 43, 65-67, 93-94.

42 Francis B. Simkins and Robert H. Woody, South Carolina During Reconstruction (Chapel

Hill, N. C., 1932), passim.

43 For this phase, see Daniel W. Hollis, University of South Carolina (Columbia, S. C., 1956),

II, 61-80. Greener became associated for a time with Howard University and later was United

States Consul at Vladivostok, Russia.

44 He received the M.A. in 1878. Alumni Catalogue, Oberlin College (Oberlin, 1937), 27.

45 He was president of Wilberforce, 1863-76.

46 E. A. Miller, "History of Educational Legislation in Ohio from 1803 to 1850," Ohio State

Archaeological and Historical Quarterly, XXVII (1918), 7-142.

47 With some changes in 1853 these laws remained on the statute books of Ohio until 1887.

48 For the general situation as to the Negro in Ohio, see James H. Rodabaugh, "The Negro in

Ohio," Journal of Negro History, XXXI (1946), 9-30.

49 Frederick A. McGinnis, A History and an Interpretation of Wilberforce University (Wilber-

force, Ohio, 1941), 41-50.

50 Published by A. S. Barnes and Company, New York, in 1881.

51 Scarborough found that his students were delighted to use a book written by their professor.

52 The Recorder had been started as the Christian Herald. J. M. Buckley, A History of

Methodists in the U. S. (New York, 1907), 584.

53 McGinnis, Wilberforce University, 148-149.

54 Payne was made dean; President Mitchell, professor of systematic theology and Hebrew;

the Rev. C. W. Priolean, professor of historical and pastoral theology; and Scarborough, pro-

fessor of New Testament Greek and literature. The home of President Mitchell was purchased

for the seminary.

55 Besides Washington, speakers were President William Oxley Thompson of Ohio State

University, United States Senators Joseph B. Foraker and Charles Dick, and the former speaker

of the national house of representatives J. Warren Kiefer. During the commencement of 1907

the Carnegie Library at the university was also dedicated. McGinnis, Wilberforce University, 74.

56 McGinnis, Wilberforce University, 68.

57 Booker T. Washington, "A Negro College Town," World's Work, XIV (1907), 9361-9367.

58 McGinnis, Wilberforce University, 68-70.

59 W. S. Scarborough, Forty-Eighth Annual Report of the President, Secretary and Treasurer

to the Trustees of Wilberforce University (Wilberforce, Ohio, 1911), 3.

60 Scarborough raised all but the $13,000 obtained through the efforts of Miss Hallie Q.


61 McGinnis, Wilberforce University, 183.

62 After Scarborough's death Hastings Hart declared it his opinion that the three greatest

colored men of the period were Frederick Douglass, Booker T. Washington, and Scarborough,

"each great lights in their respective spheres."

63 W. S. Scarborough, Wilberforce in the War (Xenia, Ohio, 1918).

64 W. S. Scarborough, "Wilberforce War Work," The Wilberforcian, I, No. 6 (March 1919).





* Research for this article was supported by the Social Science Research Council. An earlier

version of the paper was read at the annual meeting of the Mississippi Valley Historical Asso-

ciation in April 1962. The author wishes to thank Professors Richard C. Wade and Howard R.

Lamar, and his colleagues in the department of history at Dartmouth College, for criticism and
