NEWS and NOTES AN EARLY PHOTOGRAPH of the Ohio State Capitol has been received through the kindness of Dr. Wilcomb E. Washburn, curator of the division of political history of the Smithsonian Institution, Washing- ton, D.C. The glass negative was acquired recently by the Smithsonian from the archives of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail- road. It is shown on the opposite page. The picture was probably taken in the early 1870's. The Columbus City Hall, completed in 1872, is shown at the right. WILLIAM E. MARSHALL, formerly head of the department of exhibits and design of the Ohio Historical Society, has been ap- pointed executive director of the State Historical Society of Colorado. After eight years with the Ohio society, Mr. Marshall joined the Colorado institution in 1960 as deputy director. His final major work for the Ohio Historical So- ciety included the installation of the new Bird Hall and the new Arts and Crafts Hall in the Ohio State Museum. Several other members of the Society's staff have likewise moved on to distin- guished positions with other institutions in recent years. These include Robert L. Damm, the Society's field representative (1958-62) and supervisor of education (1959-62), who is director of education of Old Mystic Seaport, Mystic, Connecti- cut; Bruce C. Harding, state archivist of |
Ohio (1957-61), who is archivist of Mich- igan; John S. Still, the Society's curator of history when he resigned in 1959 after nine years' service, who is assistant to the chief curator and curator of craft shops at the Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village, Dearborn, Michigan; George F. Jenny, supervisor of education (1945-59), who joined the Columbus public school system to develop and head its conservation education program; Frances L. Goudy, reference librarian (1958-59), who became head librarian of Grove City College, Pennsylvania; Robert C. Wheeler, head of the newspaper divi- sion of the Society's library (1942-50) and field representative till 1957, who is assistant director of the Minnesota His- torical Society; and John W. Weather- ford, curator of manuscripts (1954-57), who resigned to become assistant director of libraries at Miami University. Dr. Still served as president of the Mid- west Museums Conference in 1962. He was also editor of the Midwest Museums Quarterly for several years. THE NATIONAL HISTORICAL Publications Commission has submitted a printed re- port to President Kennedy containing "a proposal . . . to meet existing and antici- pated needs over the next ten years under a national program for the collection, preservation, and publication, or dis- semination by other means, of the docu- mentary sources of American history." Included in the report are proposed amendments to the federal records act of 1950, which created the commission, au- thorizing and providing for congressional appropriations of not more than $500,000 a year for a grants-in-aid program in which grants can be made to federal, state, and local agencies and to non-profit organizations and institutions "for the collecting, describing, editing, and pub- |