AGRICULTURE "Heigh-Ho, Come to the Fair," Ohio
Historical Society, Echoes, I, No. 9 (September 1962), [1]. Brief discussion of agricultural fairs in
Ohio and the founding of the state fair. PORTER, Thomas E., A Letter Concerning the Early
Maple Sugar Industry of Paint Creek Valley (Paint
Creek Valley Folk Publications, No. 14). Chillicothe, Ohio, Paint Creek Valley Folk Research Project, 1963. 6p.
Mimeographed. ANTISLAVERY MOVEMENT ABER, Mina E., "The Rankin House: Stop on
Underground Railroad," Negro History Bulletin, XXVI (1963), 253. At Ripley, Ohio. DIRLAM, H. Kenneth, The "Underground
Railroad" in Richland County. Mansfield, Ohio, Richland County Historical Society, 1963.
Unpaged. MYERS, John L., "Antislavery Activities of Five
Lane Seminary Boys in 1835-36," Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio, Bulletin,
XXI (1963), 95-111. ARCHAEOLOGY ALLMAN, John C., "Slate Spear from Preble
County, Ohio," Ohio Archaeologist, XII (1962), 101. BABY, Raymond S., "Prehistoric Hand
Prints," Ohio Archaeologist, XIII (1963), 10. Reprinted from Ohio Historical Society, Echoes,
I, No. 2 (February 1962), [1]. Describes impressions of human hands on
artifacts found in Hopewell burials in Ohio. BROWN, Virgil, "How I Came to Get a Folsum [sic],"
Ohio Archaeologist, XIII (1963), 32-33. A folsom point discovered in an old
dresser at Washington C. H., Ohio. CARSKADDEN, Jeff, "A Gilbert, Ohio, Multiple
Occupation Site," Ohio Archaeolo- gist, XIII
(1963), 22-23. With commentary by Arthur George Smith. |
304 OHIO
FIFER, Darl J., "The Edward Corbett
Cache, Portage County, Ohio," Ohio Archae-
ologist, XII (1962), 94-97.
LONG, Russell J., "The Grooved
Hammer," Ohio Archaeologist, XIII (1963), 44-46.
All examples from Ohio.
NORICK, Frank A., "A Sandia Type II
Point from Geauga County, Ohio," Ameri-
can Antiquity, XXVIII (1962), 92-93.
PATTERSON, Richard P., "Notched
Mussel Shells from a Site at Marietta, Ohio,"
Ohio Archaeologist, XII (1962), 98-99.
PHILLIPPI, Robert F., "A Hopewell
Workshop near Flint Ridge," Ohio Archaeolo-
gist, XIII (1963), 42.
PRUFER, Olaf H., and Raymond S. Baby, Palaeo-Indians
of Ohio. Columbus, Ohio
Historical Society, 1963. 68p.
PRUFER, Olaf H., "A Reworked Paleo-Indian
Point from Sandusky County, Ohio,"
Ohio Archaeologist, XII (1962), 82-83.
ROWLETTE, Ralph M., "A New Adena
Site South of the Kentucky River," American
Antiquity, XXVIII (1962), 93-95.
SERVEY, Ralph J., "Occurrence of
Jet Black Flint in Ohio," Ohio Archaeologist,
XIII (1963), 41.
SMITH, Arthur George, "Ground Slate
Points from Ohio," Ohio Archaeologist, XII
(1962), 76-77.
SMITH, Arthur George, "The
Heckleman Site, Erie County, Ohio," Ohio Archaeolo-
gist, XII (1962), 84-85.
SMITH, Arthur George, "Paleo-Indian
Knives," Ohio Archaeologist, XII (1962), 108.
WACHTEL, Hubert C., Who's Who in
Indian Relics. Dayton, privately published,
1960. 248p. Many Ohioans are
KEENER, William G., "Potters and
Potteries," Ohio Historical Society, Echoes, I,
No. 11 (November 1962), [1-2]. On the
development of the Ohio pottery industry.
NATHAN, Hans, Dan Emmett and the Rise
of Early Negro Minstrelsy. Norman,
University of Oklahoma Press, 1962.
NOGGLE, Mac, "Covered
Bridges," Pickaway County Historical Society, Pickaway
Quarterly, November 1962, pp. 3-4. Describes methods used in
building covered
PRATT, Rip, "The Duplicate in Abbot
Hall," Yankee, XXVIII, No. 9 (September
1962), 52-57, 94-95. A discussion of
Archibald Willard's painting, "The Spirit
of '76," in an effort to determine
which of several is the original.
RIDENOUR, Harry, "Baldwin-Wallace
Bach Festival To Be Honored at Ohioana
Meeting," Ohioana, V (1962),
80-82. Gives history of festival.
DUCKETT, Kenneth W., "Ohio Land
Patents," Ohio History, LXXII (1963), 51-60.
Reprinted in Hobbies, LVIII, No.
6 (August 1963), 110-111, 58, 66.
RELIGION, Nelson Glueck: A
Bibliography. [Cincinnati], Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of
1962. 18p. Includes a biographical
sketch of Glueck, a native of Cincinnati and
for many years on the faculty of Hebrew
Union College.
A List of Publications of the Ohio
Valley Research Project et al. [Chillicothe],
Ohio Valley Folk Research Project, Ross
County Historical Society, 1962. 5p.
MARTIN, Elizabeth R., "'Where Is
It'--'Who Has It,'?" Ohio Historical Society,
Echoes, I, No. 10 (October 1962), [2]. A note on guides to
sources, with refer-
ence to Ohio.
Philip H. Sheridan: A Register of His
Papers in the Library of Congress. Wash-
ington, D. C., Manuscript Division,
Reference Department, Library of Congress,
1962. 18p.
SMITH, S. Winifred, "A Survey of
Publications in Ohio History and Archaeology,
August 1961-July 1962," Ohio
History, LXXI (1962), 240-253.
AMES, Betty B., "Mary Edith
Campbell: Cincinnati's First Woman Citizen," His-
torical and Philosophical Society of
Ohio, Bulletin, XXI (1963), 133-138.
BACH, Jeanne, "Annie Was a
Doctor," Pickaway County Historical Society, Pick-
away Quarterly, July 1963, pp. 23-25. Mrs. Annie Smith Sears of
BLAZIER, George J., ed., The Cutler
Collection of Letters and Documents, 1748-1925:
Letters and Other Memorabilia of
Manasseh Cutler, 1742-1824, Ephraim Cutler,
1767-1853, William Parker Cutler,
1812-1889, Julia Perkins Cutler, 1814-1904,
and Their Relatives and Associates. Marietta, Ohio, Marietta College, 1962-63.
102p. Contains much biographical
material as well as checklists and excerpts
from the documents.
BRILL, Ruth, "Cincinnati's
'Poet-Warrior': William Haines Lytle," Historical and
Philosophical Society of Ohio, Bulletin,
XXI (1963), 188-201.
CRAWFORD, Benjamin Franklin, William
Holmes McCuffey: The Schoolmaster
to Our Nation. Delaware, Ohio, Carnegie Church Printing Company, 1963.
CRUDEN, Robert, "James Ford Rhodes
and the Negro: A Study in the Problem of
Objectivity," Ohio History, LXXI
(1962), 129-137.
DALTON, Robert F., "John
Costin--Man of Courage, One of Many," Ohio Genea-
logical Society, Report, II, No.
3 (July 1962), 1, 4.
FUSCO, Dr. Eugene M., "The Last
Hunt of Gen. George A. Crook," Montana, the
Magazine of Western History, XII, No. 4 (Autumn 1962), 36-46. Crook was a
native Ohioan, and was accompanied on
this hunt by two other Ohioans, John
S. Collins and Colonel Webb C. Hayes.
The article is illustrated by photographs
of the hunt taken by Hayes and one of
Crook's guns in the Rutherford B. Hayes
Museum at Fremont.
GARST, Doris Shannon, Frontier Hero:
Simon Kenton. New York, Julian Messner,
1963. 191p. For ages twelve to sixteen.
GILFILLAN, Merrill C., "Ohio's Top
Bird Man." Ohio Conservation Bulletin, XXVII,
No. 1 (January 1963), 3-5. Dr. Harry C.
Oberholser of Cleveland Heights, Ohio.
HALE, Frank W., "Salmon Portland
Chase: Rhetorician of Abolition," Negro His-
tory Bulletin, XXVI (1963), 165-168.
HALEY, William D., "Johnny
Appleseed-Early Missionary Extraordinaire," Ohio
Genealogical Society, Report, III
(February 1963), 1-3.
HATCH, Margaret G., "Louis
Bromfield: Farmer and Author," Buckeye Historian,
II, Nos. 4 and 5 (March-April, May-June
1962), 13-15.
HOWELLS, William Cooper, Recollections
of Life in Ohio from 1813 to 1840. In-
troduction by his son William Dean
Howells, Facsimile reproduction with an intro-
duction by Edwin H. Cady. Gainesville,
Fla., Scholars' Facsimiles, 1963. 207p.
306 OHIO
JACKSON, Bessie, Born in Poverty (An
Autobiography). Gallipolis, Ohio, French
City Press, 1963. 30p. Principally
Gallia County, Ohio.
JOHNSTON, Johanna, Runaway to Heaven:
The Story of Harriet Beecher Stowe.
New York, Doubleday and Company, 1963.
490p. About one hundred pages
deal with the Cincinnati period.
KAUFMAN, Mervyn D., Thomas Alva
Edison, Miracle Maker. Champaign, Ill.,
Garrard Press, 1962. 80p. For primary
KELLER, Dean H., "Tourgee's Ohio
Days: Writer Known for His Reconstruction
Novels Grew Up in Ashtabula
County," Ohioana, V (1962), 98-100, 110. Albion
W. Tourgee.
KRYTHE, Maymie R., "Ohio Minstrel
Music Man Composes 'Dixie,'" Ohio Genea-
logical Society, Report, III, No.
3 (June 1963), 1, 3. Dan Emmett. Reprinted from
Civil War Times.
McCOMBS, R. L. F., "Robert Story
Harper," Lincoln Herald, LXV (1963), 25-26.
MAGRATH, C. Peter, Morrison R. Waite:
The Triumph of Character. New York,
Macmillan Company, 1963. 334p.
MASSA, Paul L., "Captain Abraham
Emmett," Ohio Genealogical Society, Report,
III, No. 3 (June 1963), 1-2. A Mount
Vernon, Ohio, blacksmith, father of Daniel
Decatur and Lafayette Emmett.
NATHAN, Hans, Dan Emmett and the Rise
of Early Negro Minstrelsy. Norman,
University of Oklahoma Press, 1962.
NEWCOMER, Lee N., "'Think Kindly of
Us of the South': A Letter to William
Tecumseh Sherman," Ohio History,
LXXI (1963), 148-150.
NOGGLE, M. E., "Ben Hanby Grew Up
in Roundtown," Pickaway County Historical
Society, Pickaway Quarterly, March
1963, pp. 20-23.
NORRIS, Goeffrey, The Wright
Brothers. New York, Roy Publishers, [1963, c1961].
159p. Juvenile.
NUGENT, Elliott, James Thurber of
Columbus. [Chillicothe, Ohio], Ross County
Historical Society, 1962. 3p.
"A Personal History of Orsamus
Elliott Niles from His Own Pen," Pickaway County
Historical Society, Pickaway
Quarterly, March 1963, pp. 4-12.
PETERSEN, William J., "The
Governor's Tour," Palimpsest, XLIV (1963), 253-260.
Tour of Iowa by Robert Lucas as
territorial governor.
PETERSEN, William J., "Robert
Lucas," Palimpsest, XLIV (1963), 241-252.
PHILLIPS, Hazel Spencer, William
Elmer Harmon. Lebanon, Ohio, Warren County
Historical Society, [1962?]. 77p.
PIERCE, Philip N., and Karl Schuon, John
H. Glenn: Astronaut. New York, Frank-
lin Watts, 1962. 208p.
PROBST, George E., ed., The
Indispensable Man: The Story of Thomas Alva Edi-
son's Life and Inventive Genius Seen
in 130 Photographs . . . and Told in the
Words of David Sarnoff [and others]. New York, Shorewood Publishers, 1962.
RAVITZ, Abe C., Clarence Darrow and
the American Literary Tradition. Cleveland,
Press of Western Reserve University,
1962. 163p. Darrow lived in Ohio during
his first thirty-one years.
ROBBINS, Phyllis, Robert A. Taft, Boy
and Man. Cambridge, Mass., Dresser, Chap-
man, and Grimes, 1963. 288p. Emphasizes
Taft's early years and his preparation
for political life.
RUSSELL, Francis, "The Four Mysteries
of Warren Harding," American Heritage,
XIV, No. 3 (April 1963), 4-9, 81-86.
SHEPHERST, Mildred, ed.,
"Correspondence of Jesup W. Scott," Northwest Ohio
Quarterly, XXXIV (1962), 177-191; XXXV (1963), 32-47. Written by
from Toledo and from his summer home at
Castleton, N. Y., to his cousin Dr.
Ira S. Scott of Winnsborough, S. C.,
SHRIVER, Phillip R., George A.
Bowman: The Biography of an Educator. Kent,
Ohio, [Kent State University], 1963.
SIMON, John Y., "A Name for General
Grant," Ohio Historical Society, Echoes, II,
No. 4 (April 1963), [1].
STOUT, Reed A., ed., "Autobiography
of Hosea Stout, 1810-1835," Utah Historical
Quarterly, XXX (1962), 53-75, 149-174, 237-261, 333-344. Stout
lived in Clinton
County, Ohio, from about 1818 to 1828
and devotes much space to life among
the Shakers and Quakers in Kentucky and
southern Ohio.
THOMEY, Tedd, Doris Day: The Dramatic
Story of America's Number One Box
Office Star. Derby, Conn., Monarch Books, 1962. 139p. Doris
Kappelhoff of
WALKER, Kenneth R., and Randolph C.
Downes, "The Death of Warren G. Hard-
ing," Northwest Ohio Quarterly,
XXXV (1963), 7-17.
"William Sanders Scarborough:
Early Life and
Years at Wilberforce," Ohio
History, LXXI (1962), 203-226.
WEISENBURGER, Francis P., "William
Sanders Scarborough: Scholarship, the
Negro, Religion, and Politics," Ohio
History, LXXII (1963), 25-50.
WELCH, Herbert, As I
Recall My Past Century. Nashville, Tenn., Abingdon Press,
1962. Bishop Welch was president of Ohio
Wesleyan University, 1905-16. 144p.
BENDLER, E. Perry, "Exploration for
Natural Gas in Ohio," Inland Seas, XVIII
(1963), 281-290.
SCHEIBER, Harry N., "Urban Rivalry
and Internal Improvements in the Old North-
west, 1820-1860," Ohio History, LXXI
(1962), 227-239.
SCHLOSSER, George, "DeVilbiss
Through the Years," Northwest Ohio Quarterly,
XXXIV (1962), 160-167. A Toledo firm
which manufactures atomizers, spraying
equipment, and rubber products.
SPENCE, Hartzell, Portrait in Oil:
How the Ohio Oil Company Grew to Become
Marathon. New York, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1962. 357p.
years' growth.
BECKER, Carl M., "Freeman Cary and
Farmers' College: An Ohio Educator and
an Experiment in Nineteenth Century
'Practical' Education," Historical and Phil-
osophical Society of Ohio, Bulletin, XXI
(1963), 151-178.
COLKET, Meredith B., Jr., "The
Western Reserve Historical Society," Ohio History,
LXXII (1963), 140-149.
HITCHCOCK, Mrs. Peter S., "Lake
Erie Female Seminary from the Beginning,"
Lake County Historical Society, Historical
Society Quarterly, V, No. 1 (February
1963), [1-4].
McGINNIS, Frederick A., The Education
of Negroes in Ohio. Wilberforce, Ohio,
the author, 1962. 104p.
MARCHMAN, Watt P., and James H.
Rodabaugh, "Collections of the Rutherford
B. Hayes State Memorial," Ohio
History, LXXI (1962), 151-157.
308 OHIO
MARCHMAN, Watt P., The Rutherford B.
Hayes State Memorial. Columbus, Ohio
Historical Society, 1962. 38p.
Revised edition.
The Musical Heritage of Ohio. Columbus, Ohio Department of Education, Division
of Elementary and Secondary Education,
1962. 53p.
RAMSEY, William M., "Hoi Polloi and
'Soap Opera': A Defense," Historical and
Philosophical Society of Ohio, Bulletin,
XX (1962), 223-233. Of Procter and
Gamble's radio programs.
SMITH, William E., About the
McGuffeys: William Holmes McGuffey and Alexander
H. McCuffey, Who Compiled the
McGuffey Readers, of Which 125,000,000 Copies
Have Been Sold. Oxford, Ohio, Cullen Printing Company, 1963. 28p.
STRAKER, Robert Lincoln, Horace Mann
and Others: Chapters from the History
of Antioch College. [Yellow Springs], Antioch Press, 1963. 106p.
TUCKER, Louis Leonard, "The
Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio: Its
Resources," Ohio History, LXXI
(1962), 254-261.
WEBER, Bertha Henry, A Retrospective
Panorama of My Twenty-Five Years with
the Women's Committee for the
Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, 1936-1961. Pri-
vately published. 78p.
WREEDE, Estella H. Schafer, Ohio Quiz
Book. Toledo, Northern Historical Ohio
Publishing Company, 1962. 164p.
Questions and examinations on Ohio history
for grades five through eight.
DIRLAM, H. Kenneth, "To Refute a
Myth," Ohio Genealogical Society, Report, III,
No. 1 (February 1963), 1, 3. Anecdotes
of Johnny Appleseed at Mansfield and
historical evidence on his activities.
GRAGG, J. Rodney, The Story of
Bourneville, Ohio. Chillicothe, Paint Creek Valley
Research Project, 1963. 13p.
Mimeographed. Includes both history and folklore.
PRICE, Robert, "And the Legend
Begins in Mansfield," Ohio Genealogical Society,
Report, III, No. 1 (February 1963), 1, 4. The legend of John
"Adams County, Ohio, Cemetery
Inscriptions," Ohio Records and Pioneer Families,
IV (1963), 8-15. Seaman and West Union
"Adams County, Ohio, Marriages,
1798-1799," Ohio Records and Pioneer Families,
IV (1963), 15. From Caldwell, Adams
County Atlas.
"Ashtabula County, Ohio, Cemetery
Inscriptions--Madison and Windsor Townships,"
Ohio Records and Pioneer Families, III (1962), 176-178.
BAKER, William M., "The Reasoner
Family," Ohio Records and Pioneer Families,
IV (1963), 70-75. Some of the family
settled in Muskingum County.
"Barnes Bible Records," Ohio
Genealogical Society, Report, II, No. 3 (July 1962), 3.
BARRICKLOW, David T., The History and
Genealogy of the John Dugan Barricklow
Family, 1664-1962. Privately printed, [1962]. 29p. Connections
in Harrison
County, Ohio.
"Brown County, Ohio, Marriages,
1818-1819," Ohio Records and Pioneer Families,
III (1962), 158-159.
"Brown County, Ohio, Will Index,
1818-1838," Ohio Records and Pioneer Families,
III (1962), 154-157.
"Cemetery Records: Richland Co.
[Salem (Lutheran)]; Franklin Co. [Primitive
Baptist, Truro Tp.]," Ohio
Genealogical Society, Report, III, No. 2 (April 1963),
"Claims of Revolutionary Soldiers
of Northeast Ohio," Ohio Records and Pioneer
Families, IV (1963), 79-80, 128-129.
"Columbiana County Cemetery
Inscriptions--Jordanville and West Union," Ohio
Records and Pioneer Families, III (1962), 172-173.
COPLEY, Raymond, comp., Tombstone
Information from Two Old Abandoned Grave-
yards in Scioto County, Ohio. Chillicothe, Scioto Valley Folk Research Project,
1962. Unpaged. Mimeographed.
CRAWFORD, Hammond, "The Mt. Tabor
Story, Church and Cemetery Inventory,"
Ohio Records and Pioneer Families, IV (1963), 112-118.
"Death List of the United Society
of Believers, North Union, Cuyahoga County,
Ohio, 1827-1888: Obituary Copied from
the Original Manuscript, Amended and
Improved," Shaker Quarterly, II
(1962), 119-140.
"Dennis Ancestry," Ohio
Records and Pioneer Families, III (1962), 174. Family
of James Dennis of West Union, Ohio.
DICKORE, Marie, ed., "Abandoned
Cemetery, Green Township, Hamilton County,
Ohio," Historical and Philosophical
Society of Ohio, Bulletin, XXI (1963), 146-
DU BOIS, Aaron, Name and Family of Du
Bois. Dayton, Ohio, privately published,
1962. 40p. Some of the family settled at
Carlisle, Ohio.
"Family Records--Mendenhall,
Lightcap, Hague, Shreve, McConkey," Ohio Records
and Pioneer Families, III (1962), 166-169.
FEDORCHAK, Mrs. J., "Pioneer
Cemetery, Martins Ferry, Ohio, and Zane Family
Records," Ohio Records and
Pioneer Families, IV (1963), 76-78.
"First Records of the Steubenville
Land Office, Northwest Territory," Ohio Records
and Pioneer Families, IV (1963), 86-89, 135-138.
"Gallia County, Ohio, Pioneer
Families," Ohio Records and Pioneer Families, III
(1962), 184-188; IV (1963), 35-38,
90-94, 139-143.
"Geauga County, Ohio, Cemeteries,
Russell Township," Ohio Records and Pioneer
Families, III (1962), 160-165.
"Genealogy of Joseph S.
Hedges," Ohio Genealogical Society, Report, III, No. 2
(April 1963), 4. Of Mansfield, Ohio.
"Guernsey County, Ohio, 1825 Tax
List," Ohio Records and Pioneer Families, IV
(1963), 3-7, 52-56.
HALL, Helen S., "Neal and Young
Family Records," Ohio Records and Pioneer Fam-
ilies, IV (1963), 121-124. Neal is also spelled O'Neil, Neil,
and Neel.
HARTER, Mrs. Bart, comp., "First
Records of the Steubenville Land Office, North-
west Territory," Ohio Records
and Pioneer Families, IV (1963), 20-24.
"Holmes and Blood Family Bible
Records," Ohio Records and Pioneer Families, III
(1962), 175.
JOHNSON, Wendell, Not Without
Courage. Pomona, Calif., the author, 1963. 68p.
History of the family of Burnell and
Mary Johnson of Toledo.
JONES, David T., comp., Pioneer
Blacks in Adams County, Ohio. Wabash, Ind.,
Floyd H. DeCamp Printing Company, 1963.
13p. Mimeographed.
KETRON, Alice Lake, comp.,
"Obituaries of Early Ohio People Who Died in Indi-
ana," Ohio Records and Pioneer
Families, IV (1963), 125-127.
KRAUSE, Louise, and Nellie Mae Dent,
comps., "Richland County Will Index," Ohio
Genealogical Society, Report, III,
No. 2 (April 1963), 2.
"McBride-Quaintance Family
Records," Ohio Records and Pioneer Families, III
(1962), 179-183. The family lived
principally in Crawford County, Ohio.
310 OHIO
McTEER, Frances (Davis), "A Davis
Migration from Amesbury, Mass., to Athens
County, Ohio," New England
Historical and Genealogical Register, CXVI (1962),
260-278; CXVII (1963), 44-56.
Descendants of Timothy Davis.
"Richland County, Ohio, Court
Records--Deeds, 1814-1826," Ohio Records and
Pioneer Families, III (1962), 189-195; IV (1963), 39-44.
ROEHL, Mrs. Kenneth, comp., "Early
Geib Families," Ohio Records and Pioneer
Families, IV (1963), 28-34. Branches of the family came from
Lancaster County,
Pennsylvania, and settled in Ashland and
Richland counties, Ohio. The name is
also spelled Geipe or Gipe.
SHUTES, Le Roy L., "The Hatch
Family; the Shute (Shutes) Family," Ohio Records
and Pioneer Families, IV (1963), 81-82.
SMITH, Percy K., "Early Settlers of
Kirtland," Lake County Historical Society,
Historical Society Quarterly, V, No. 2 (May 1963), [2-4].
STROUP, Hazel, "Surname Index of
Miltonville Cemetery, Butler County, Ohio,"
Ohio Genealogical Society, Report, III,
No. 1 (February 1963), 2.
SWOPE, Wilmer D., "The John Freed
Family of Columbiana County," Mennonite
Historical Bulletin, XXIV, No. 3 (July 1963), 4.
"Tragedies of the Civil War--Morgan
and Lutes Families," Ohio Records and Pio-
neer Families, IV (1963), 62-64.
"Tuscarawas County, Ohio, Court
Records, Will Index, 1809-1864," Ohio Records
and Pioneer Families, IV (1963), 65-69.
WALTERS, Mrs. Harold, "The Cassell
Family," Ohio Records and Pioneer Families,
IV (1963), 133-134.
WALTERS, Mrs. Harold, "The Linn
Family," Ohio Records and Pioneer Families,
IV (1963), 130-132.
WILLIAMS, Mary Price, copyist,
"Hugh Morgan Price Record Book," Ohio Records
and Pioneer Families, IV (1963), 27.
WILLIAMSON, Wallace, "Two Miami
County, Ohio, Families," Ohio Records and
Pioneer Families, IV (1963), 85. The Barbee and Tullis families.
WILLSON, Richard E., transcriber,
"Delaware Township, Hancock County, Ohio,
Adams Cemetery," Ohio Records
and Pioneer Families, IV (1963), 57-61.
WOODRUFF, Mrs. Howard, and Harold
Dinger, comps., "Hill (Heisler) Cemetery-
Annapolis, Jefferson County, Salem
Township, Ohio," Ohio Records and Pioneer
Families, IV (1963), 144.
BUCK, Elizabeth H., "Recordkeeping
in the Northwest Territory," American Archi-
vist, XXV (1962), 427-428. An exchange of letters between
Governor St. Clair
and Secretary Sargent on the territorial
HAVIGHURST, Walter, The Heartland:
Ohio, Indiana, Illinois. New York, Harper
and Row, 1962. 400p.
"The Northwest Ordinance--175th
Anniversary," Ohio Historical Society, Echoes,
I, No. 7 (July 1962), [1].
"Ohio: Land of History," Ohio
Bell, XL, No. 3 (June 1963), 4-15. Includes sections
on the Mormon Temple at Kirtland, Milan,
Chillicothe and Adena, Schoenbrunn
and Zoar, Fort Recovery, President
Garfield's Home, and Marietta.
ROBINSON, Ruth Mills, and Mary Emma
Harris, The Story of Ohio. Columbus,
Charles E. Merrill Books, 1963. 80p.
School text.
VAN EVERY, Dale, A Company of Heroes:
The American Frontier, 1775-1783.
New York, William Morrow and Company,
1962. 32p.
BYRON, Charles H., Saga of the
Hocking. Denver, Golden-Bell Printing Company,
1962. 278p. Illustrated by the author.
Southeastern Ohio in the early period.
BAUMAN, Robert F., "The Ottawas of
the Lakes, 1615-1766." Part II, "The Heyday
of the Ottawa Supremacy Over the Great
Lakes Fur Trade, 1660-1701." Northwest
Ohio Quarterly, XXXV (1963), 69-100.
FABEN, W. W., "Indians of the
Tri-State Area," Northwest Ohio Quarterly, XXXIV
(1962), 168-176. Indian-white relations
in Williams County, Ohio, Hillsdale
County, Michigan, and Steuben County,
Indiana, 1826-33.
JONES, Dorothy V., "A Preface to
the Settlement of Kansas," Kansas Historical
Quarterly, XXIX (1963), 122-136. An account of the migration of
Ohio Indian
tribes to Kansas in 1832.
GUTMAN, Herbert G., "Reconstruction
in Ohio: Negroes in the Hocking Valley
Coal Mines in 1873 and 1874," Labor
History, III (1962), 243-264.
MILLER, Glenn W., and Stephen B. Ware,
"Organized Labor in the Political
Process: A Case Study of the
Right-to-Work Campaign in Ohio," Labor History,
IV (1963), 51-67.
PAPIER, William, and others, Manpower
in Ohio, 1960-1970. Columbus, Division
of Research and Statistics, Bureau of
Unemployment Compensation, 1962. 61p.
MORGAN, H. Wayne, Writers in
Transition: Seven Americans. New York, Hill and
Wang, 1963. 170p. Two Ohioans, Sherwood
Anderson and Hart Crane, are in-
RAVITZ, Abe C., Clarence Darrow and
the American Literary Tradition. Cleveland,
Western Reserve University, 1962. 163p.
THOMPSON, Lawrence S., "Kentucky
Literature Crosses the [Ohio] River," Ohio-
ana, VI (1963), 50-51. An account of Kentucky writers who
came to Ohio.
ALMENDINGER, Fred W., An Historical
Study of Holmes County, Ohio. [Millers-
burg], Library Archives of Holmes
County, 1962. 105p. Mimeographed. Reprint
of a master's thesis, University of
Southern California, 1938.
BENNETT, Henry Holcomb, Chillicothe:
The Birthplace of Ohio. Chillicothe, Scioto
Valley Folk Research Project, 1963. 10p.
312 OHIO
BOGUE, Virgil T., ed., "Early
Ashtabula East Side," Ashtabula County Historical
Society, Quarterly Bulletin, IX,
No. 4 (December 15, 1962), [1-6].
BOGUE, Virgil T., ed., "The Grand
River Watershed," Ashtabula County Historical
Society, Quarterly Bulletin, X,
No. 2 (June 15, 1963), [1-16]. Historical sketch
of Windsor area.
"Brief History of Pickaway
County," Pickaway County Historical Society, Pickaway
Quarterly, July 1963, pp. 3-16. Reprinted from a booklet printed
in 1844, a copy
of which was found in the Library of
BRINKERHOFF, Jacob, "Blockhouse
Serves as First Richland County Courthouse,"
Ohio Genealogical Society, Report, III,
No. 2 (April 1963), 1, 4.
"Buckeye Station," Ohio
Historical Society, Echoes, II, No. 3 (March 1963), [1].
Home of Nathaniel Massie built in 1797
at Manchester.
BUTLER, Margaret Manor, Romance in
Lakewood Streets. Cleveland, William
Feather Company, 1962. 48p. Colorful
events in the lives of the persons for
whom the streets were named.
CASE, Lora, Hudson of Long Ago:
Reminiscences. Hudson, Ohio, Hudson Library
and Historical Society, 1963. 70p.
Written in 1897 and first published in the
Hudson Independent, February-August 1897.
DAYS, INC., Vermilion,
Ohio: City of a Million
Opportunities. [Vermilion],
Publications and Historical
Commissions, 1962. Unpaged.
Commemorative program book for the 125th anni-
versary of the founding of Vermilion.
DAVIS, George, The Story of
Barberton, Ohio, the Magic City. Barberton, Ohio,
Barberton Public Library with the
Barberton Board of Education, 1963. 76p.
DAVIS, Johnda Tootle, "The
Famulener Home Place," Pickaway County Historical
Society, Pickaway Quarterly, July
1963, pp. 17-21.
DAVIS, Johnda Tootle, "Weather in
the Good 01' Days," Pickaway County Historical
Society, Pickaway Quarterly, November
1962, pp. 11-13.
DIRLAM, H. Kenneth, and Charles W.
Conklin, Your Land and My Land. Mans-
field, Richland County Historical
Society, 1963. 14p. ?? folded map. Mimeo-
graphed. A brief account of Richland
County with Ohio historical background.
EBERT, Steven C., Chief Logan Trail:
An Account of an Overnight Hike on Oct.
20-21, by Troop 17, B.S.A., Calvary
Lutheran Church, Chillicothe. Chillicothe,
Paint Creek Valley Folk Research
Project, Ross County Historical Society, 1962.
5p. Mimeographed.
ERCHENBRECHER, Edwin C., Fremont
People and Places. Fremont, Ohio, Lesher
Printers, 1963. 73p. Prose and poetry
based on historical incidents.
GILFILLAN, Merrill C., "Mahoning
County: Land of Contrast," Ohio Conservation
Bulletin, XXVII, No. 1 (January 1963), 16-19, 31. Historical
GRIM, Charles, The Ohio and Michigan
War and Tales of the Border. [West Unity,
Ohio, the author, 1962.] 55p.
Harrison County, Ohio,
Sesquicentennial Celebration, 1813-1963. [Cadiz], Freeport
Press, 1963. 52p.
HEALY, Fleming, With Sunshiny Faces. Philadelphia,
J. B. Lippincott, 1963. 220p.
Reminiscences of school days in
HENDRICKSON, Walter B., The Arkites
and Other Pioneer Natural History Organi-
zations of Cleveland. Cleveland, Press of Western Reserve University, 1962. 57p.
HUTSLAR, Donald A., "The Driverless
Coach," Ohio Historical Society, Echoes, I,
No. 10 (October 1962), [1]. An
explanation of the carving on the headstone of
Lodrick Austin in the cemetery at
Clifton, Ohio.
KELLEY, B. E., "Boston Tea
Party" Member Lies in Unmarked Ohio Grave (Paint
Creek Valley Folk Publications, No. 8).
Chillicothe, Paint Creek Valley Research
Project, 1962. 4p.
Mimeographed. Nathaniel Willis, father of Nathaniel Parker
Willis, who is buried near Cynthiana.
LANE, Ralph H., "When Pickaway Was
Young," Pickaway County Historical So-
ciety, Pickaway Quarterly, November
1962, pp. 9-10.
LEE, Virginia, "Tucker's Plat:
Lucas in 1836," Ohio Genealogical Society, Report,
III, No. 2 (April 1963), 1, 3. In
Richland County, Ohio.
McCLELLAND, Leland S., and Gilbert F.
Dodds, Early Homes of Columbus. Colum-
bus, sponsored by the Buckeye Federal
Savings and Loan Association and the
Franklin County Historical Society,
[1962]. [20]p.
MACKLIN, George F., "Camp
Charlotte--Past and Present," Pickaway County His-
torical Society, Pickaway Quarterly, November
1962, pp. 5-8. Lord Dunmore's
camp of 1774 seven miles southeast of
MAHER, W. H., "The Maumee River in
History," Old Fort News, XXVI, No. 1
(January-March 1963), [3-7]. Originally
published in the Toledo Blade and re-
published in the Fort Wayne
Journal-Gazette, June 21, 1908.
MARSHALL, Fred F., "Greene
County--Clifton Village and Gorge Enriched by
Historical Tradition," Ohio
Genealogical Society, Report, II, No. 4 (September
1962). 3.
MARTIN, Anamae, Columbus, the Buckeye
Capital. Columbus, Charles E. Merrill
Books, 1962. 231p. Fourth grade
MAY, Alice Ada, "The Underground
Railroad in Pickaway County," Pickaway County
Historical Society, Pickaway
Quarterly, November 1962, pp. 17-19.
MAYBIN, Vera, "Knox County--Home of
Kenyon College," Ohio Genealogical
Society, Report, III, No. 3 (June
1963), 1, 4. Reprinted in part from Ohio Cues,
IX, No. 7 (April 1960), 4-5.
MEILY, Julia E. Orbison, "Early
Social Life of Lima," Allen County Reporter, XIX
(June 1963), 13-27.
MORSEL, George A., Under the Buckeye
Trees. Amherst, Mass., Hamilton I. Newell,
1962. 96p. Memories of Steubenville,
ORTMAN, Ernest A., Sr., US 35 &
Frankfort Community. [Chillicothe], Paint Creek
Valley Research Project, 1962. 4p.
PHELPS, Mary, "Picturesque
Lexington Is Third Area Settlement," Ohio Genealogical
Society, Report, III, No. 2
(April 1963), 1, 4. In Troy Township, Richland County.
ROSS, Ishbel, "An Address to the
Friends of the Cincinnati Public Library," His-
torical and Philosophical Society of
Ohio, Bulletin, XXI (1963), 79-94. Early
Cincinnati as revealed by a study of the
correspondence of the Taft, Chase, and
Blackwell families.
SANTMYER, Helen Hooven, Ohio Town. [Columbus],
Ohio State University Press,
1962. 309p. Sketches of the town of
Xenia based on the author's recollections.
SINCLAIR, Mary Donaldson, comp., Pioneer
Days: Brief Sketches of Jefferson
County's Early Families. Steubenville, Ohio, privately published, 1962. 172p.
SKINNER, Herbert K., Historic Fort
Loramie: A Story of Discovery and Conquest.
Springfield, Ohio, the author, [1963]. 56p.
SQUIRE, Dick, ed., The Book of
Bedford. Bedford, Ohio, Bedford Area 125th Anni-
versary, Inc., 1962. 52p.
"Two Early Letters from Pickaway
County," Pickaway County Historical Society,
Pickaway Quarterly, November 1962, pp. 13-15. Henry and Sarah Aurand to
Spade at Lower Sandusky, 1847 and 1849.
WEBB, David K., ed., Two Stories
Concerning the "Country Schools" and Other
314 OHIO
Information (Paint Creek Valley Folk Publications, No. 10).
Chillicothe, Ohio,
Paint Creek Valley Folk Research
Project, 1962. 6p. Mimeographed.
WILKINSON, Raymond Moore, "Gamble's
Mill Becomes Shelby in July of 1834,"
Ohio Genealogical Society, Report, III,
No. 2 (April 1963), 1, 4.
DUNHAM, Don, "Best in the World:
Cleveland Has Given Great Names to Medical
History," Clevelander, XXXVII,
No. 7 (November 1962), 6, 19, 23.
EDWARDS, Linden F., "The Ohio
Association of Medical Teachers (1905-1911),"
Ohio State Medical Journal, LIX (1963), 258, 260, 374, 376.
FARRINGTON, David L., and Robert A.
Hingson, "The Development of Anesthesia
in Ohio, 1846-1961," Ohio State
Medical Journal, LVIII (1962), 1244-1245, 1352-
GREENE, P. F., "John George Rogers,
M.D.: Biography of the Man Who Delivered
General Grant," Ohio State
Medical Journal, LIX (1963), 36-38, 142-144. A
Clermont County doctor.
GRIFFITHS, Thomas D., "Thirty-One
Institutions Serve Greater Cleveland," Cleve-
lander, XXXVII, No. 7 (November 1962), 10, 21. Historical
account of the found-
ing of Cleveland hospitals.
GROH, George, "Doctors of the
Frontier," American Heritage, XIV, No. 3 (April
1963), 10-11, 87-91. Includes mention of
Daniel Drake and John Richmond of
Newton, Ohio.
HORINE, Emmet Field, "Daniel Drake
and the First Ophthalmic Institution West of
the Allegheny Mountains," Archives
of Ophthalmology, LXVIII (1962), 707-710.
STRIKER, Cecil, ed., Medical
Portraits. Cincinnati, Academy of Medicine of Cincin-
nati, 1963. 279p. Biographical sketches
of Cincinnati doctors.
DUCKETT, Kenneth W., "Land of
Shinehah," Ohio Historical Society, Echoes, II,
No. 1 (January 1963), [1]. Concerns two
rare documents-promissory notes
signed by Mormon leaders at Kirtland,
GILL, James F., and Thornton W.
Mitchell, "Ohio-Disposition of Medical Records
in State Mental Hospitals," American
Archivist, XXVI (1963), 371-378.
ABBOTT, Richard H., Ohio's War
Governors (Publications of the Ohio Civil War
Centennial Commission, No. 11).
Columbus, Ohio State University Press for the
Ohio Historical Society, 1962. 51p.
Introduction by William B. Hesseltine.
BENNETT, Henry Holcomb, Chillicothe,
Ohio, and the War of 1812. Chillicothe,
Ross County Historical Society, 1963.
CASE, Thomas R., "The Battle of
Fallen Timbers," Northwest Ohio Quarterly, XXXV
(1963), 54-68.
CASTEL, Albert, "Order No. 11 and
the Civil War on the Border," Missouri Historical
Review, LVII (1963), 357-368. The order was issued by Brigadier
General Thomas
Ewing, Jr.
CHYET, Stanley F., "Ohio Valley
Jewry During the Civil War," Historical and
Philosophical Society of Ohio, Bulletin,
XXI (1963), 179-187.
CURL, Donn W., "War of 1812,"
Ohio Historical Society, Echoes, I, No. 6 (June
1962), [1].
CURRY, Richard O., "McClellan's
Western Virginia Campaign of 1861," Ohio History,
LXXI (1962), 83-96.
DANCE, Hubert J., John Morgan's Men:
A Tale of the War Between the States. New
York, Carlton Press, 1962. 132p.
DANIELS, Jack, "Lake County in the
Civil War, 1862," Lake County Historical
Society, Historical Society
Quarterly, IV, No. 4 (November 1962), [1-4].
DAVISON, Kenneth Edwin, Cleveland
During the Civil War (Publications of the
Ohio Civil War Centennial Commission,
No. 10). Columbus, Ohio State University
Press for the Ohio Historical Society,
1962. 32p.
DAWES, Rufus, Service with the Sixth
Wisconsin Volunteers. Edited with an intro-
duction by Alan T. Nolan. Madison, State
Historical Society of Wisconsin for the
Wisconsin Civil War Centennial
Commission, 1962. 336p. First published, 1890.
DORNBUSCH, C. E., comp., Regimental
Publications & Personal Narratives of the
Civil War: A Checklist. Volume One, Northern States, Part V, Indiana
and Ohio.
New York, New York Public Library, 1962.
FORD, Harvey S., comp. and ed., Civil
War Letters of Petroleum V. Nasby (Publica-
tions of the Ohio Civil War Centennial
Commission, No. 8). Columbus, Ohio State
University Press for the Ohio Historical
Society, 1962. 34p. Includes an intro-
duction by the editor.
GARD, R. Max, Morgan's Raid into
Ohio. Lisbon, Ohio, the author, 1963. 62p.
GILPIN, Alec R., "A Short Sketch of
Hull's Surrender of Detroit in 1812," Detroit
Historical Society, Bulletin, XVIX
[XIX], No. 3 (December 1962), 4-9.
British Invade Ohio," Ohio Genealogical
Society, Report, II, No. 4
(September 1962), 1, 2, 3. Invasion of September 1812.
GRAHAM, Helen C., "Hedges Awarded
Medal of Honor," Ohio Genealogical Society,
Report, III, No. 2 (April 1963), 1, 2. Major Joseph S. Hedges,
who served with
the 4th United States Cavalry in the
Civil War.
GROSE, Parlee C., The Case of Private
Smith, and the Remaining Mysteries of the
Andrews Raid. Macomb, Ohio, General Publishing Company, 1963. 131p.
HANDERSON, Henry E., Yankee in Gray:
The Civil War Memoirs of Henry E.
Handerson, with a Selection of His
Wartime Letters. Cleveland, Press of
Reserve University, 1962. 132p.
Biographical introduction by Clyde Lottridge
Cummer. After the war Handerson became a
physician in Cleveland.
HARPER, Robert S., Ohio at
Perryville: The Silent Battle. Columbus, Ohio Civil War
Centennial Commission, 1962. 6p.
Major generals Don Carlos Buell, W. S. Rose-
crans, Alexander McD. McCook, Colonel
William H. Lytle, and the Tenth O.V.I.
were engaged.
HART, B. H. Liddell,
"Sherman--Modern Warrior," American Heritage, XIII, No. 5
(August 1962), 21-23, 102-106.
HOLLIDAY, Joseph E., "Relief for
Soldiers' Families in Ohio During the Civil War,"
Ohio History, LXXI (1962), 97-112.
KING, Arthur G., "Remarks on the
Dedication of the Restored Fort Washington
Monument," Historical and
Philosophical Society of Ohio, Bulletin, XXI (1963),
202-206. Deals with the history of the
fort, especially the routes through the
streets of Cincinnati taken by the
troops leaving for the Indian campaigns.
MARSHALL, Fred F., "Clifton Mills
Supplies 1812 Armies," Ohio Genealogical
Society, Report, III, No. 2
(April 1963), 3.
MASSA, David J., "Ohioans at
Gettysburg," Ohio Genealogical Society, Report, II,
No. 3 (July 1962), 1-2.
316 OHIO
MASSA, Paul L., "Johnny Saves
Settlers," Ohio Genealogical Society, Report. III,
No. 1 (February 1963), 1, 3. Events of
the War of 1812 in Knox County, and the
trip of "Johnny Appleseed"
from Mansfield to Fredericktown to warn the settlers.
MASSA, Paul L., "Ohio Volunteers
Join U.S. Army!" Ohio Genealogical Society,
Report, II, No. 4 (September 1962), 1, 2. Events leading to the
enrollment of three
Ohio militia regiments in the federal
service in the spring of 1812.
MILLER, Howard S., and Jack Alden
Clarke, "Ships in the Wilderness: A Note on
the Invasion of Canada, 1813," Ohio
History, LXXI (1962), 124-128.
"New Hampshire Surgeon &
Sheridan's Ride," The Month at Goodspeed's, XXXIV
(1962), 22-24.
NORRIS, James D., ed., "A Northern
Businessman Opposes the Civil War: Excerpts
from the Letters of R. G. Dun," Ohio
History, LXXI (1962), 138-147.
Ohio in the Civil War. [Cleveland], the Standard Oil Company (Ohio), [1962].
[37]p. One of the "Sohio Let's
Explore Ohio" series.
Ohio in the War of 1812 (Ohioana Year
Book 1963). Columbus, Ohioana Library
Association, 1962. 128p.
PESKIN, Allan, "The Hero of the
Sandy Valley: James A. Garfield's Kentucky
Campaign of 1861-1862," Ohio
History, LXXII (1963), 3-24, 129-139.
"A Raider's Journey," Ohio
Historical Society, Echoes, II, No. 6 (June 1963), [1].
Raid of Confederate cavalry under John
H. Morgan in Ohio in July 1863.
SHERMAN, William Tecumseh, Sherman's
Civil War. Selected and edited from his
personal memoirs, with a foreword by
Earl Schenck Miers. New York, Collier
Books, 1962. 509p.
THATCHER, Joseph M., Jr., Infantry
Small Arms, 1795-1815 (Papers on the War of
1812 in the Northwest, No. 9). Columbus,
Anthony Wayne Parkway Board, 1962.
18p. Mimeographed.
TOPPIN, Edgar A., "Humbly They
Served: The Black Brigade in the Defense of
Cincinnati," Journal of Negro
History, XLVIII (1963), 75-97.
TUCKER, Louis Leonard, Cincinnati
During the Civil War (Publications of the Ohio
Civil War Centennial Commission, No. 9).
Columbus, Ohio State University Press
for the Ohio Historical Society, 1962.
TUCKER, Louis Leonard, ed., "The
Siege of Cincinnati by a Pearl St. Rifle," Historical
and Philosophical Society of Ohio, Bulletin,
XX (1962), 255-273. An account by a
participant, William Howard Neff.
WEISENBURGER, Francis P., Columbus
During the Civil War (Publications of the
Ohio Civil War Centennial Commission,
No. 12). Columbus, Ohio State University
Press for the Ohio Historical Society,
1963. 43p.
WILLIAMS, Ames W., "The Action near
Vienna Station," Virginia Cavalcade, XII
(1962), 41-47. Brigadier General Robert
C. Schenck and a regiment of the Ohio
Brigade were involved. Pictures the
ambush of a trainload of Ohio troops.
WILLIAMS, T. Harry, McClellan,
Sherman and Grant. New Brunswick, N.J., Rutgers
University Press, 1962. 113p.
A discussion of the qualities of generalship of three
Ohio generals.
WOEHRMANN, Paul John, The American
Invasion of Western Canada, September-
October, 1813 (Papers on the War of 1812 in the Northwest, No. 10).
Anthony Wayne Parkway Board, 1962. 55p.
FROHMAN, Charles E., "Fort Sandusky
on Sandusky Bay," Inland Seas, XIX (1963),
JACK, Walter, "Origin of the Names
of Ashtabula County Townships," Ashtabula
County Historical Society, Quarterly
Bulletin, IX, No. 1 (March 15, 1962), [2-5].
DAVIES, Richard O.,
"Whistle-Stopping Through Ohio," Ohio History, LXXI (1962),
113-123. An account of President
Truman's campaign in Ohio in 1948.
FENTON, John H., "Ohio's
Unpredictable Voters," Harper's Magazine, CCXXV,
No. 1349 (October 1962), 61-65. Covers
the period 1956-62.
"First Ohioan in the White
House," Ohio Historical Society, Echoes, I, No. 6 (June
1962), [3]. Snuff box with William Henry
Harrison image, acquired by the Society.
FLINN, Thomas A., "Continuity and
Change in Ohio Politics," Journal of Politics,
XXIV (1962), 521-544. Covers the period
from 1832 to date.
GARA, Larry, "The Fugitive Slave
Law in the Eastern Ohio Valley," Ohio History,
LXXII (1963), 116-128.
HARRISON, John M., "David Ross
Locke and the Fight on Reconstruction," North-
west Ohio Quarterly, XXXV (1963), 18-31.
NOGGLE, Burl, Teapot Dome: Oil and
Politics in the 1920's. Baton Rouge, Louisiana
State University Press, 1962. 234p.
ROSEBOOM, Eugene H., "'Tippecanoe
and Tyler Too,'" Buckeye Historian, II,
Nos. 4 and 5 (March-April, May-June
1962), 16-21. The campaign of 1840.
SCHEIBER, Harry N., "The
Rate-Making Power of the State in the Canal Era: A
Case Study," Political Science
Quarterly, LXXVII (1963), 397-413. The state of
Ohio is taken as the example.
BOASE, Paul H., "The Fortunes of a
Circuit Rider," Ohio History, LXXII (1963),
BUSH, Frances Eileen, "The First
Hundred Years of Wellsville Methodism," Wells-
ville Echoes, X, No. 4 (March 1963), 1-13.
DAVIS, Johnda T., "Twelve
Circleville Churches," Pickaway County Historical
Society, Pickaway Quarterly, March
1963, pp. 13-19. Brief histories of each of the
churches and a picture of each
reproduced from early woodcuts by LeRoy Crall.
FAIRBROTHER, Lafayette I., The Hand
of God in My Life: My Story and Sermon
of a Crusade for Souls. Dayton, Ohio, Fay-Ma-Sha Press, 1962. 63p.
Our 150th Yearly Meet-
ing. [Damascus, Ohio], privately published, [1962]. 110p.
GOSLIN, Charles R., Historical Sketch
and Program for the Sesquicentennial Cele-
bration, the First Methodist Church . . . Lancaster, Ohio, 1812-1962. [Lancaster,
Ohio, Committee on History of the Church,
1962. 60p.]
HILL, Leonard, and others, A
Sesquicentennial History of the Westminster United
Presbyterian Church of Piqua, Ohio,
1812-1962. Piqua, Ohio, Magee
1962. 167p.
INSKEEP, Ruth, and Lula Harshfield, They
Found a Faith. Privately published, 1962.
32p. Gives an account of the fiftieth
anniversary of the Disciples of Christ Church
in East Liberty and a brief history of
the denomination in Ohio.
LEHMAN, James O., ed., Welcome to
Ohio. Privately published, 1962. 53p. A
history of the Mennonites in Wayne,
Holmes, Tuscarawas, Stark, and Medina
318 OHIO
MEADER, Robert F. W., "The Shakers
and the Mormons," Shaker Quarterly, II
(1962), 83-96. Deals with the contact
between the two sects at North Union (Shaker
Heights), Ohio.
"Old Letters Concerning
Sonnenberg," Mennonite Historical Bulletin, XXIV, No. 2
(April 1963), 1-3. The Sonnenberg
Mennonite Church is in Wayne County, Ohio.
RANDLES, Raymond J., "The Shaker
Harvest in Kentucky," Filson Club History
Quarterly, XXXVII (1963), 38-58. Closely related to the Ohio
CHRISTIAN, Malcolm H., My Country and
I: The Interracial Experience of an
American Negro, with Essays on
Interracial Understanding. New York,
Press, 1963. 96p. The author was a native
of Youngstown and some of his narrative
relates to his youth in Ohio.
CONLIN, Mary Lou, "A Tour of the
Western Societies and Museums," Shaker
Quarterly, II (1962), 67-76. Includes the Ohio villages of
Whitewater, Union
Village, and Shaker Heights.
GARRISON, Guy, "Voting on a Library
Bond Issue: Two Elections in Akron, Ohio,
1961 and 1962," Library
Quarterly, XXXIII (1963), 229-241. Relation of economic
status and cultural level to voting on
library issues.
HEUCK, Robert, "More About
Over-the-Rhine," Historical and Philosophical Society
of Ohio, Bulletin, XX (1962),
JOHNSON, Wendell F., Child and Family
Service in Toledo. Privately published,
1962. 24p. Covers sixty years history of
organized social work.
KLEINE, W. Laird, "Anatomy of a
Riot," Historical and Philosophical Society of
Ohio, Bulletin, XX (1962),
234-244. On the courthouse riot at Cincinnati, March
SCHREIBER, William I., Our Amish
Neighbors. Chicago, University of Chicago
Press, 1962. 227p. Describes all phases
of Amish life in the Wayne County
WEISENBURGER, Francis P., "Those
Who Have Built Ohio," Buckeye Historian,
II, Nos. 4 and 5 (March-April, May-June
1962), 7-9. Concerns the national origins
of Ohio settlers.
BLUST, F. A., "The Water Levels of
Lake Erie," Inland Seas, XIX (1963), 27-29.
A discussion of the varying levels of
the lake since 1859 and the effect on navigation.
CARLSON, Fred Albert, and Frank Seawall,
Coal Traffic on the Ohio River System.
Columbus, Bureau of Business Research,
College of Commerce and Administration,
Ohio State University, 1962. 49p.
Covers the period 1950-59.
FLETCHER, Daniel O., "The Decline
of the Great Lakes Package-Freight Carriers,"
Business History Review, XXXVI (1962), 387-407.
KELLER, John H., "Lima's
Interurbans," Allen County Historical Society, Allen
County Reporter, XVIII (1962), 58-67.
MARVIN, Walter Rumsey, "The
Development of Ohio Railroads," Buckeye Historian,
II, Nos. 4 and 5 (March-April, May-June
1962), 3-6.
"The National Road," Sohioan,
XXXV (1963), 2-4.
NORRIS, Joe L., "The Walk-in-the-Water,"
Detroit Historical Society, Bulletin, XIX,
No. 9 (Summer 1963), 4-11. The Ohio
interest centers in the first calls at Cleveland,
Sandusky, and Venice.
PABST, Anna C. Smith, ed. and comp., Cleveland,
Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis
Railway Company: A Pioneer Carrier of
Delaware County, Ohio. Delaware, Ohio,
the author, 1963. 82p. ??
maps and index. Mimeographed.
"Remember the Interurban?"
Ohio Historical Society, Echoes, II, No. 7 (July 1963),
[1]. Brief account of the interurban in
ROSS, D. Reid, and C. W. Wiester,
"The Relationship Between Urban Growth and
Transportation Development in the
Cincinnati-Northern Kentucky Area," Historical
and Philosophical Society of Ohio, Bulletin,
XXI (1963), 112-132.
TEAGARDEN, Ernest M., "Builders of
the Ohio Canal, 1825-1832," Inland Seas, XIX
(1963), 94-103.
WHITE, John H., Jr., "The Cheviot
Narrow Gauge: Some Additional Notes," His-
torical and Philosophical Society of
Ohio, Bulletin, XXI (1963), 22-29.
HAVIGHURST, Walter, "Travelers'
Tales: By Steamboat in the 1840's," Historical and
Philosophical Society of Ohio, Bulletin,
XXI (1963), 3-13.
SMITH, Dwight L., ed., "Israel
Angell and the West in 1788," Rhode Island History,
XXII (1963), 1-15, 39-50. Angell spent
two weeks in the Muskingum country and
described it in his diary. Mentions
prominent Ohioans.
CUMMINGS, Charles M., Seven Ohio
Confederate Generals: Case Histories of Defec-
tion. Ohio State University, Ph.D.,
DAY, Donald E., The Military Career of
Robert Cumming Schenck, 1861-1863. Miami
University, M.A., 1963.
FLACK, Bruce Clayton, The Attitude of
the Methodist Episcopal Church in Ohio
Toward the Civil War, 1861-65. Ohio
State University, M.A., 1962.
GEER, Emily Apt, Lucy Webb Hayes: An
Unexceptionable Woman. Western Reserve
University, Ph.D., 1962.
GILBERT, Harry Charles, The Pioneer
Railroads of the Miami Valleys. Miami Uni-
versity, M.A., 1963.
HALLINAN, Paul John, Richard Gilmour,
Second Bishop of Cleveland, 1872-1891.
Western Reserve University, Ph.D., 1963.
LEYDA, Martha Spencer, Robert Wilbur Steele,
Daytonian Scholar, 1819-91. Miami
University, M.A., 1963.
LINDENFELD, Charles Lloyd, Dayton's 1913
Flood. Ohio State University, M.A.,
MAURER, David J., Public Relief Programs
and Politics in Ohio, 1929-1939. Ohio
State University, Ph.D., 1962.
O'CONNOR, Joan, Ohio Responds to the
Corrupt Bargain Charge of the Election of
1824. University of Akron, M.A., 1963.
PETROELJE, Marvin, A Study of the
Free-Soil Party of Ohio, 1848-1852. Ohio
University, M.A., 1962.
SMITH, Thomas Howard, The Peace Movement
in Crawford County, Ohio, 1860-1865.
Ohio State University, M.A., 1962.
STAUB, Albert Emil, Unemployment Relief
and Private Philanthropy in Dayton, Ohio,
During the Early Years of the Great
Depression, 1930-1933. Miami University,
M.A., 1963.
TAGUE, James Andrew, Public Opinion in
Ohio Toward the Acquisition of Oregon.
Western Reserve University, Ph.D., 1963.
AGRICULTURE "Heigh-Ho, Come to the Fair," Ohio
Historical Society, Echoes, I, No. 9 (September 1962), [1]. Brief discussion of agricultural fairs in
Ohio and the founding of the state fair. PORTER, Thomas E., A Letter Concerning the Early
Maple Sugar Industry of Paint Creek Valley (Paint
Creek Valley Folk Publications, No. 14). Chillicothe, Ohio, Paint Creek Valley Folk Research Project, 1963. 6p.
Mimeographed. ANTISLAVERY MOVEMENT ABER, Mina E., "The Rankin House: Stop on
Underground Railroad," Negro History Bulletin, XXVI (1963), 253. At Ripley, Ohio. DIRLAM, H. Kenneth, The "Underground
Railroad" in Richland County. Mansfield, Ohio, Richland County Historical Society, 1963.
Unpaged. MYERS, John L., "Antislavery Activities of Five
Lane Seminary Boys in 1835-36," Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio, Bulletin,
XXI (1963), 95-111. ARCHAEOLOGY ALLMAN, John C., "Slate Spear from Preble
County, Ohio," Ohio Archaeologist, XII (1962), 101. BABY, Raymond S., "Prehistoric Hand
Prints," Ohio Archaeologist, XIII (1963), 10. Reprinted from Ohio Historical Society, Echoes,
I, No. 2 (February 1962), [1]. Describes impressions of human hands on
artifacts found in Hopewell burials in Ohio. BROWN, Virgil, "How I Came to Get a Folsum [sic],"
Ohio Archaeologist, XIII (1963), 32-33. A folsom point discovered in an old
dresser at Washington C. H., Ohio. CARSKADDEN, Jeff, "A Gilbert, Ohio, Multiple
Occupation Site," Ohio Archaeolo- gist, XIII
(1963), 22-23. With commentary by Arthur George Smith. |