Ohio History Journal

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"Heigh-Ho, Come to the Fair," Ohio Historical Society, Echoes, I, No. 9 (September

1962), [1]. Brief discussion of agricultural fairs in Ohio and the founding of the

state fair.

PORTER, Thomas E., A Letter Concerning the Early Maple Sugar Industry of Paint

Creek Valley (Paint Creek Valley Folk Publications, No. 14). Chillicothe, Ohio,

Paint Creek Valley Folk Research Project, 1963. 6p. Mimeographed.




ABER, Mina E., "The Rankin House: Stop on Underground Railroad," Negro

History Bulletin, XXVI (1963), 253. At Ripley, Ohio.

DIRLAM, H. Kenneth, The "Underground Railroad" in Richland County. Mansfield,

Ohio, Richland County Historical Society, 1963. Unpaged.

MYERS, John L., "Antislavery Activities of Five Lane Seminary Boys in 1835-36,"

Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio, Bulletin, XXI (1963), 95-111.




ALLMAN, John C., "Slate Spear from Preble County, Ohio," Ohio Archaeologist,

XII (1962), 101.

BABY, Raymond S., "Prehistoric Hand Prints," Ohio Archaeologist, XIII (1963),

10. Reprinted from Ohio Historical Society, Echoes, I, No. 2 (February 1962),

[1]. Describes impressions of human hands on artifacts found in Hopewell burials

in Ohio.

BROWN, Virgil, "How I Came to Get a Folsum [sic]," Ohio Archaeologist, XIII

(1963), 32-33. A folsom point discovered in an old dresser at Washington C. H.,


CARSKADDEN, Jeff, "A Gilbert, Ohio, Multiple Occupation Site," Ohio Archaeolo-

gist, XIII (1963), 22-23. With commentary by Arthur George Smith.