84 Official Records, VII, 23.
85 See petition of Ohio Senate to
President Lincoln [copy], February 3, 1862, in Garfield
Papers, Library of Congress.
86 Cleveland Herald, January 16,
87 Newspaper comments collected by J. H.
Rhodes from the New York Post and other papers
and quoted in a letter to Garfield,
January 20, 1862. Garfield Papers, Library of Congress.
88 Official Records, VII, 56. See
also ibid., 46-48, 55-57; Johnson and Buel, Battles and
Leaders, I, 396.
89 Official Records, VII, 48.
90 Ibid., 48-50.
91 Humphrey Marshall to Alexander
Stephens, February 22, 1862.
92 Official Records, VII, 57-58.
* This is the second and final part of
an article on William Sanders Scarborough, the first
part of which appeared in the October
1962 issue (v. 71, pp. 203-226).
1 Transactions of the American
Philological Association, 1882, XIII
(Cambridge, Mass., 1882),
iv. The Transactions of the American
Philological Association will be referred to hereafter as
Transactions only.
2 Ibid., 1884. XV (Cambridge, Mass., 1885), vi.
3 At this commencement Jebb had received
an honorary LL.D. Dictionary of National Biography,
1901-1911 (Oxford, 1912), 367-369.
4 Transactions, 1885, XVI (Cambridge, Mass., 1886), xxxvi.
Ibid., 1886, XVII (Boston, 1887), ii; ibid., 1887, XVIII
(Boston, 1888), ii.
6 Education, IX (1888-89),
7 Ibid., 396-399.
8 Ibid., X (1889-90), 28-33.
9 Transactions, 1888, XIX (Boston, 1889), xxxvi-xxxviii; ibid., 1889, XX
(Boston, 1889), v-vi.
10 Ibid., 1890, XXI (Boston, n.d.), xlii-xliv. Later, he read a paper
with the same title before
the National Educational Association.
11 Ibid., 1891, XXII (Boston, n.d.), 1-lii.
12 Education, XII (1891-92), 286-293. The paper was based largely on
Grote's History, VII,
13 Education, XIV (1893-94), 213-218. It was also summarized in Transactions,
1892, XXIII
(Boston, n.d.), vi-viii.
14 "Hunc Inventum Inveni," Transactions,
1893, XXIV (Boston, n.d.), xvi-xix.
15 Ibid., 1894, XXV (Boston,
n.d.), xxiii-xxv.
16 Ibid., 1895, XXVI (Boston,
n.d.), xi.
17 Ibid., 1896, XXVII (Boston,
n.d.), xlvi-xlviii.
18 Ibid., 1898, XXIX (Boston, n.d.), lviii-lx.
19 Education, XIX (1898-99), 213-221, 285-293.
20 Transactions, 1902, XXXIII
(Boston, n.d.), xx.
21 Ibid., 1903, XXXIV (Boston,
n.d.), xli.
22 Ibid., 1906, XXXVII (Boston,
n.d.), ii, xxx-xxxi.
23 Ibid., 1907, XXXVIII (Boston,
n.d.), ii, xxii-xxiii.
24 Ibid., 1908, XXXIX (Boston, n.d.), v.
25 Ibid., 1911, XLII (Boston,
n.d.), ii.
26 Ibid., 1912, XLIII (Boston, n.d.), ix-xvii.
27 Ibid., 1913, XLIV (Boston,
n.d.), iii.
28 Ibid., 1916, XLVII
(Boston, n.d.), ii.
29 Arnett was born at Brownsville,
Pennsylvania, March 16, 1838, and died at Wilberforce,
Ohio, October 7, 1906. For a listing of
a collection of his papers, see The Benjamin William
Arnett Papers at Carnegie Library,
Wilberforce University, Wilberforce, Ohio, compiled by
Casper L. Jordan (Wilberforce, Ohio,
30 Leonard E. Erickson, "The Color
Line in Ohio Public Schools, 1829-1890" (unpublished
Ph.D. dissertation, Ohio State
University, 1959), 333-339.
31 Champion City Times (Springfield,
Ohio), March 1, 1887.
32 The Centennial Jubilee of Freedom
at Columbus, Ohio (Xenia, Ohio, 1888), 67.