1. Daily Globe (Toronto), May 7, 26, 1863; Daily Leader (Toronto),
May 15, 19, 27,
1863; Quebec Morning Chronicle, July
11, 1863.
The author wishes to extend his thanks
to the American Philosophical Society for a
grant-in-aid which subsidized a research
trip to Windsor, Toronto, and Ottawa in
Canada as well as to a score of United
States libraries. This article dealing with Vallan-
digham's stay in Canada is a companion to one entitled
"Clement L. Vallandigham's
Exile in the Confederacy, May 15-June
17, 1863" which appeared in the Journal of
Southern History, XXXI (1965), 149-163.
2. The Novascotian (Halifax), July 1, 3, 1863; Montreal Gazette, July
21, 1863.
3. Clement L. Vallandigham to H. M.
Philips, October 24, 1863, Simon Gratz Papers,
Historical Society of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia; The Novascotian, July 13, 1863; Mon-
treal Gazette, July 21, 1863.
4. Melville M. Jackson to William H.
Seward, July 7, 1863. Consulate Files, State
Department Records, National Archives.
5. The Novascotian, July 13,
6. Telegram, Charles S. Ogden to Seward,
July 13, 1863. William H. Seward Papers,
Rush Rhees Library, University of
Rochester, Rochester, New York.
7. Edward W. Watkin, Canada and Her
States: Recollections, 1851-1866 (London,
1887), 454-455; Quebec Mercury, July
13, 1863 (clipping), attached to letter, Ogden to
Seward, July 15, 1863, Seward Papers; Montreal
Gazette, July 16, 1863.
8. Watkin, Canada and Her States, 455;
Ogden to Seward, July 15, 1863, Seward
9. Quoted in Watkin, Canada and Her
States, 455.
10. The Quebec Mercury (July 13,
1863) and Ogden, the United States consul, both
reported that Vallandigham left Quebec
via a special train, a favor of Brydges and
Watkin. On the other hand, Watkin later
wrote that Vallandigham "accepted a free pass
to Niagara." He should know.
Another passenger, who accompanied Vallandigham part
of the way on the cars (reported in the Buffalo
Commercial Advertiser, July 14, 1863),
would seem to support Watkin's
contention. Ogden was a most inept reporter. He even
credited William Walker, who had died
two months earlier, with being at the dinner
for Vallandigham given at the Stadacona
clubhouse. Robin W. Winks, Canada and the
United States: The Civil War Years (Baltimore, 1960), 143, stated that Vallandigham
traveled to Niagara Falls in "a
special coach" rather than a special train. Winks also
had the deceased Walker attending the
11. The Witness (Montreal),
December 30, 1861.
12. Report, Joshua R. Giddings to
Seward, October 13, 1863. Consulate Files, State
Department Records.
13. Quebec Morning Chronicle, July
11, 1863; Le Journal de Quebec, July 16, 1863.
14. Daily Globe, July 15, 1863.
15. Hamilton Times, July 13,
1863, quoted in Sarnia Observer, July 17, 1863.
16. Daily Globe, November 20, 27,
1862; Harry C. Allen, Great Britain and the United
States (New York, 1955), 483; Ephraim D. Adams, Great
Britain and the American
Civil War (Gloucester, Mass., 1957), II, 114-115; Winks, Canada
and the United States:
The Civil War Years, 125.
17. John Sandfield Macdonald formed a
Liberal administration, which took office on
May 24, 1862. Louis V. Sicotte led the
moderate Liberals as attorney general, holding
a post in the cabinet and having Thomas
D'Arcy McGee (of Montreal West) as an
associate. Near the close of the session
of the seventh parliament, after the Macdonald
government failed to get a majority vote
on the second reading of the militia bill, G. E.
Cartier and John A. Macdonald introduced
a "no confidence" motion in the legislative
assembly, and the motion carried by a 64
to 59 vote.
18. Many historians (e.g., Winks, 143)
have stated that Vallandigham also received
a public reception in Montreal, but the
evidence fails to substantiate that contention.
Even James L. Vallandigham, A Life of
Clement L. Vallandigham (Baltimore, 1872),
316, credits the Stadacona Club dinner
to Montreal rather than Quebec. The American
consul general in Montreal made no
mention of Vallandigham stopping over in the
city--had Vallandigham been given a
public dinner the consul would have known it.
Nor do the Montreal newspapers bear out
the story that Montreal citizens feted
19. St. Catharines Evening Journal, July 15, 1863; Daily Leader, July 16, 17, 1863;
Buffalo Morning Courier, July 10, 17, 1863; Buffalo Commercial Advertiser, July
20. Buffalo Morning Courier, July
17, 1863; Anson Stager to Edwin M. Stanton,
July 15, 1863, in The War of the Rebellion: A
Compilation of the Official Records of the