184 OHIO
1. Arthur S. Link, American Epoch A
History of the United States Since the 1890's
(New York, 1955), 240-241.
2. John Hope Franklin, From Slavery
to Freedom, A History of American Negroes
(New York, 1952), 438-439, 478-481.
3. Franklin, From Slavery to Freedom,
4. Ralph M. Tyler to Harding, June 17,
1920. Box 606, Harding Papers, Ohio His-
torical Society. See also ibid., clipping
from The Cleveland Advocate (containing Repub-
lican convention report by Tyler), June
19, 1920. Box 606.
5. Ibid., Ormond A. Forte to Maurice Maschke, July 13, 1920;
Maschke to Harding,
July 15, 1920; Harding to Maschke,
August 12, 1920. Box 599.
6. Republican Campaign Text-Book,
1920, pp. 43, 50; Speeches of Harding from His
Acceptance to October 1, 1920, pp. 27, 34.
7. Henry Lincoln Johnson to J. G.
Robinson, August 31, 1920 (typed copy). Box 618,
Harding Papers.
8. Ibid., T. W. Fleming to
Harding, June 14, 1920, Box 593; Maschke to Harding,
June 16, 1920 (telegram), Harding to
Maschke, June 16, 1920 (telegram carbon), Box
599; Harding to Fleming, July 10, 1920
(carbon), Box 593. See also New York Times,
September 11, 1920.
9. Form letter to colored clubs, dated
August 18, 1920. Box 519, Harding Papers.
See also ibid., Marion office to
Johnson, August 27, 1920.
10. Ibid., pamphlets issued by
Republican National Committee: "The Colored Amer-
ican and the Campaign Issues";
"Even Justice and a Square Deal for All"; John R.
Lynch, "Why the Negro is a
Republican." Box 526.
11. Ibid., Johnson to Harry M.
Daugherty, August 9, 1920. Box 618.
12. Ibid., Robinson to Johnson,
August 28, 1920; Johnson to Robinson, August 31, 1920
(typed copy). Box 618.
13. Ibid., Daugherty to Howard
Mannington, August 23, 1920 (unclassified), No.
14. Ibid., Theodore E. Burton to
Harding, August 11, 1920; Harding to Burton,
August 13, 1920, Box 589; Tyler to
Christian, n. d., Box 606.
15. Ibid., Mannington to Johnson,
September 2, 1920 (carbon); Mannington to D. R.
Crissinger, September 8, 1920. Box 590.
16. New York Times, September 11,
17. Speeches of Harding, 144-146:
Marion Star, September 10, 1920; final quotation
is from "Even Justice and a Square
Deal For All" (pamphlet). Box 526, Harding Papers.
18. New York Times, September 11,
1920; The Union (Cincinnati), September 18,
19. Clippings from the Daily
Oklahoman, October 10, 1920; and the Tulsa World,
October 10, 1920. Clippings repeat
questions asked in the Daily Oklahoman "yesterday
morning." Box 610, Harding Papers.
20. Ibid., William Monroe Trotter
to Harding, October 20, 1920 (telegram), George
B. Christian, Jr., to Trotter, October
20, 1920 (telegram carbon), Box 531; H. M. Harris
to Harding, October 11, 1920 (telegram),
Christian to Harris, October 11, 1920 (telegram
carbon), Box 635.
21. Ibid., Harry S. New to
Christian, October 11, 1920 (telegram). Box 522.
22. Ibid., R. B. Montgomery to
Harding, October 25, 1920. Box 550. See also Henry
A. Wallace of New York to Harding,
October 11, 1920, Box 583; J. E. Boos, Albany,
N. Y., to Harding, October 19, 1920, Box
23. The Union (Cincinnati),
September 11, 25, October 23, 1920.
24. Johnson to Christian, August 28,
1920; Johnson to Harding, August 28, 1920;
Johnson to Christian, September 16,
1920; Malcolm Jennings to Johnson, September 12,
1920. Box 574, Harding Papers.
25. The articles in The Nation by
James Weldon Johnson were "Self-Determining
Haiti I. The American Occupation,"
August 28, 1920, pp. 236-238; "Self-Determining
Haiti II. What the United States Has
Accomplished," September 4, 1920, pp. 265-267;
"Self-Determining Haiti III.
Government Of By and For the National City Bank,"
September 11, 1920, pp. 295-297;
"Self-Determining Haiti IV. The Haitian People,"
September 25, 1920, pp. 345-347.
26. Speeches of Harding, 184.
27. New York Times, September 19,
22; October 3, 6, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 29, 1920.
28. Johnson to Harding, September 21,
22, 1920. Box 574, Harding Papers. See also
ibid., Walter F. White to Harding, October 6, 1920, Box 583;
Mary White Ovington to
Harding, October 14, 1920 (telegram),
Box 577; Samuel B. Hill to Christian, October
30, 1920, Box 635.