29. The Black and Magenta, May
24, 1921. See also James F. Allison, "Muskingum--
A Real College," The Muscoljuan,
1923, p. 118.
30. Bulletin of Information for
Faculty, Students and Prospective Students, Mus-
kingum College Bulletin, Series XXVII, No. 6 (August
1931), 10.
31. See Minute Books of Muskingum
Student Council, 1922-1930, and 1929-1934,
in Muskingum College Library.
32. Hand Book, 24-25.
33. The Black and Magenta, October
26, 1926.
34. See advertisements in ibid., November
1, 1922; October 8, 1924; October 20, 1925.
35. Ibid., October 11, 1922;
April 29, 1925.
36. Ibid., March 15, 1927.
37. The discussion of the violations is
based partly on the Muskingum College
Administration Committee Minutes,
1920-1937; and General and Executive Faculty
Minutes, 1919-1933, in Muskingum College
Library. Also, individuals connected with
the college provided additional
38. The Black and Magenta, November
8, 1921.
39. Report of the President to the Board
of Trustees of Muskingum College, dated
March 17, 1927. J. Knox Montgomery
40. The Black and Magenta, January
31, 1928.
41. R. N. Montgomery, "The Problem
of Social Regulations," A College Looks at
Its Program, ed. R. W. Ogan and others (New Concord, 1937), 279.
42. Untitled four-page printed leaflet
of the Muskingum Student Committee on
Rules and Regulations [1926].
43. Minute Book of Muskingum Student
Council, 1922-1930: minutes of October 19,
25; November 8, 9, 1926.
44. The Black and Magenta, March
20, 1928.
45. Minute Book of Muskingum Student
Council, 1922-1930: minutes of February
8, 1928.
46. Muskingum College Campus Regulations.
47. J. Knox Montgomery, "Report of
the President of Muskingum College," The
United Presbyterian Synod of Ohio:
Sixty-Fifth Annual Meeting, September 28th
and 29th, 1926, Steubenville, Ohio (n. p., n. d.), [19].
48. Hand Book, 14, 21.
49. Report of the President to the Board
of Trustees of Muskingum College for
1926-1927, dated June 8, 1927. J. Knox
Montgomery Papers.
50. Hand Book, 14.
51. J. Knox Montgomery, "The Report
of the President of Muskingum College for
the College Year 1927-28," The
United Presbyterian Synod of Ohio: Sixty-Seventh
Annual Meeting, September 25th and
26th, 1928, Cambridge, Ohio (n. p., n.
d.), [15].
52. Report of the President of Muskingum
College to the Board of Trustees for
the Year 1925-1926.
53. Report of the President to the Board
of Trustees of Muskingum College for
54. The Black and Magenta, February
21, 1928.
55. Report of the President to the Board
of Trustees of Muskingum College for
1928-1929, dated June 10, 1929. J. Knox
Montgomery Papers.
56. The Black and Magenta, November
8, 1921.
57. Student life was examined during the
1920's, for instance, in R. H. Edwards
and others, Undergraduates: A Study
of Morale in Twenty-Three American Colleges
and Universities (Garden City, New York, 1928); and Robert Cooley
Angell, The
Campus: A Study of Contemporary
Undergraduate Life in the American University
(New York, 1928).
1. For a discussion of the California
gold rush in general and for a perceptive ac-
count of the misleading journalism which
was in part responsible for the gold fever
of 1849-50, see Ray Allen Billington, The
Far Western Frontier, 1830-1860 (New
York: Harper and Row, 1956), 218-242.
2. The following discussion of Dr.
Hines' activities has been culled from his diary
(1851), personal papers, and other
memorabilia in the possession of his great-great-great-
grandson, John Eugene Hines of Van Wert.
The letter is being printed with Mr. Hines'
permission. Also helpful was the
biographical sketch of Dr. Hines appearing in A