A SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS ON THE HISTORY AND AR- CHAEOLOGY OF OHIO 1 9 6 7 - 1 9 6 8 Compiled by HELEN M. THURSTON ANTISLAVERY MOVEMENT FILLER, Louis, "Dynamics of Reform; The Antislavery Crusade, and Something About the Negro," The Antioch Review, XXVII (Fall 1967), 362-378. HUCH, Ronald K., "Patriotism Versus Philanthropy: A Letter from Gerrit Smith to Frederick Douglass," New York History, XLIX (July 1968), 327-335. MOODY, Minnie Hite, The Underground Railroad and Other Pieces. Granville, Ohio, Granville Historical Society, 1967. 40p. Articles from the Newark Advocate. QUARLES, Benjamin, comp., Frederick Douglass. Englewood Cliffs, N. J., Prentice- Hall, Inc., 1968. 184p. RATNER, Norman, Powder Keg: Northern Opposition to the Antislavery Movement, 1831-1840. New York, Basic Books, Inc., 1968. 176p. RITCHIE, Barbara, The Mind and Heart of Frederick Douglass. New York, T. Y. Crowell Publisher, 1968. 201p. For ages 12 and up. VACHA, John E., "The Case of Sara Lucy Bagby: A Late Gesture," Ohio History, LXXVI (Autumn 1967), 222-231. A test of the Fugitive Slave Law. VOEGELI, V. Jacque, Free But Not Equal: The Midwest and the Negro During the Civil War. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1968. 215p. |