Ohio History Journal

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NOTES                                                                         191


180. Lucy Hayes to Fanny Hayes, November 26, 1885; note added by Hayes, Hayes


181. Lucy Hayes to Fanny Hayes, February 4, 1886, Hayes Papers.

182. Mitchell, "Reminiscences," Rutherford B. Hayes Library.

183. William H. Smith, memo of a conversation between Hayes and Smith, August

9, 1890, ibid.

184. Lucy E. Keeler, "Account of the Last Hours of Lucy W. Hayes," manuscript

written at the request of R. B. Hayes, 1889, ibid; Hayes, Diary and Letters, IV, 471-474.

185. Webb Hayes to Elizabeth Tod, July 5, 1889, draft of letter in Webb Hayes

Papers, Rutherford B. Hayes Library.



1. Charles R. Williams, ed., Diary and Letters of Rutherford B. Hayes (Columbus,

1924), III, 39. Hereinafter cited as Hayes, Diary and Letters.

2. Ibid., 25.

3. State of Ohio, General and Local Laws and Joint Resolutions (Columbus, 1867),


4. Warren Bateman to W. H. Smith, April 28, 1867. William Henry Smith Collec-

tion, Collection 2, Box 3, Ohio Historical Society.

5. Hayes, Diary and Letters, III, 39-40.

6. Ibid., III, 41.

7. Hayes unrealistically and perhaps purposefully made no reference as to how

this might be accomplished.

8. Hayes, Diary and Letters, III, 39.

9.  Ibid., III, 42-43.

10. Morning Journal (Columbus), August 6, 1867.

11. See the Gazelle (Cincinnati), Commercial (Cincinnati), and Enquirer (Cin-

cinnati), June 10, 1867, et seq.

12. Morning Journal, July 8, 1867.

13. Ibid., August 27, September 11, 1867.

14. Ohio Statesman (Columbus), August 6, 1867.

15. Ibid., July 17, 26, 1867.

16. Mac-a-Cheek Press, 1867; Morning Journal, October 29, 1867.

17. Morning Journal, December 31, September 18, 1867; Mary R. Dearing, Veterans

in Politics (Baton Rouge, 1952), 113; T. D. McGillicuddy, comp. and ed., Proceedings

of the Annual and Semi-annual Encampments of the Department of the Ohio Grand

Army of the Republic (Columbus, 1912), 4.

18. New York Times, October 10, 1867; New York World, October 10, 1867; New

York Commercial, October 10, 1867.

19. On November 17, 1868, Hayes moved from this house to that of Judge Swayne

on Seventh Street at the head of State Street on the present site of the Columbus

Public Library where "the rent is cheap," $800 a year. Hayes, Diary and Letters, III, 74.

20. Francis R. Aumann and Harvey Walker, The Government and Administration

of Ohio (New York, 1956), 88-89

21. William Henry Smith Collection, Collection 2, Box 15.

22. Morning Journal, January 7, 1868.

23. Ibid., January 14, 1868.

24. Hayes, Diary and Letters, III, 51; Morning Journal, August 27, 1868.

25. McGillicuddy, Proceedings, 12-15.

26. Morning Journal, July 4, 1868.

27. Hayes, Diary and Letters, III, 55.

28. Morning Journal, November 24, 1868.

29. State of Ohio, General and Local Laws and Joint Resolutions Passed by the

Fifty-eighth General Assembly (Columbus, 1868, 1869).

30. Morning Journal, June 24, 1869.

31. Ibid., August 13, 1869.

32. Ohio Statesman, July 8, 1869.

33. Morning Journal, September 13, 1869.

34. Speech, General George A. Sheridan, Bellefontaine, ibid., September 18, 1869.