Ohio History Journal

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194                                                         OHIO HISTORY


35. New York Times, January 18, 1867; Cincinnati Commercial, January 23, 1867.

36. Congressional Globe, 39th cong., 2nd sess., 816.

37. Ibid., 1079-80.

38. Ibid., 1080-83; Kendrick, Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen, 393-396.

39. McKitrick, Johnson and Reconstruction, 479-485; Cincinnati Commercial, Feb-

ruary 20, 1867.

40. Congressional Globe, 39th cong., 2nd sess., 1213-14.

41. Cincinnati Commercial, February 16, 18, 1867.

42. Cited in Alphonse B. Miller, Thaddeus Stevens (New York, 1939), 328.

43. McKitrick, Johnson and Reconstruction, 498-504; John A. Bingham    to wife,

February 16, 1868. Bingham Papers, Ohio Historical Society.

44. George S. Boutwell, Reminiscences of Sixty Years in Public Affairs (New York,

1902), 119-120.

45. Congressional Globe, 40th cong., 1st sess., 263: Bingham to Lucy and Emma

Bingham, March 26, 1867, in the possession of Mr. Milton Ronsheim.

46. Ellis P. Oberholtzer, A History of the United States Since the Civil War (New

York, 1922), II, 81-85.

47. Bingham to Lucy and Emma Bingham, April 11, 1868, in the possession of Mr.

Milton Ronsheim.

48. Cincinnati Commercial, May 5, 6, 7, 1868; Albert G. Riddle, The Life of Ben-

jamin F. Wade (Cleveland, 1896), 284; David M. DeWitt, The Impeachment and Trial

of Andrew Johnson (New York, 1903), 505-513; Congressional Globe Supplement, The

Proceedings of the Senate Sitting for the Trial of Andrew Johnson, 40th cong., 2nd

sess., 379-406.

49. Cincinnati Commercial, May 7, 1868.

50. Oberholtzer, A History of the United States Since the Civil War, II, 141-142;

Congressional Globe, 40th cong., 2nd sess., 2504, 4474.

51. Cincinnati Commercial, February 3, 1869; Congressional Globe, 40th cong., 3rd

sess., 638.

52. Ibid., 722.

53. Ibid., 1426.

54. William Gillette, The Right to Vote: Politics and the Passage of the Fifteenth

Amendment (Baltimore, 1965), 62-63.

55. Congressional Globe, 40th cong., 3rd sess., 1427.

56. Gillette, The Right to Vote, 70-71.

57. Oberholtzer, A History of the United States Since the Civil War, II, 255-257,

261-266; Congressional Globe, 41st cong., 2nd sess., 244-245, 492-495, 716-717, 4782-83,


58. Rembert W. Patrick, The Reconstruction of the Nation     (New York, 1967),

155-156, 296; Dunning, Reconstruction, Political and Economic, 1865-1877, p. 184-189.

59. Congressional Globe, 41st cong., 2nd sess., 3853-55, 3882-84; 41st cong., 3d sess.,


60. Ibid., 42nd cong., 1st sess., 514, 522, 798; ibid., Appendix, 81-82.

61. Beale, The Critical Year, 109.

62. Dunning, Reconstruction, Political and Economic, 1865-1877, p. 185-186.

63. Donald, The Politics of Reconstruction, 146; C. Vann Woodward's review of the

latter in American Historical Review, LXXII (October 1966), 314-317.

64. Cadiz Republican, June 24, 1870; Cleveland Leader, August 2, 1872.

65. Oberholtzer, A History of the United States Since the Civil War, II, 605. After

Bingham's death, the citizens of Cadiz erected a statue in his memory. See Senator Jo-

seph B. Foraker's eulogy on the occasion of the unveiling of the statue in Ohio Archaeo-

logical and Historical Society Publications, X (1902), 331-351.




Research for this article was conducted with the support of a grant from the Ameri-

can Philosophical Society.

1. Editorial, "The Great Unknown," Boston Journal, May 9, 1867.

2. Governor J. J. Bagley of Michigan was one of the first prominent political figures