of the manuscript is reproduced as
chapters 7-17 in Mitchel, and the original is avail-
able on microfilm in the Archive of
Contemporary Science and Technology, Case
Western Reserve University.
7. Mitchel, 51.
8. Ibid., 52-53.
9. Ibid., 53-54.
10. Ibid., 55-56.
11. Ibid., 123-132.
12. Ibid., 104-122 and 133-140.
13. "Minute Book of the Cincinnati
Astronomical Society," November 10, 1842; here-
inafter cited, "Minutes." The
original of this document is kept at the Cincinnati Ob-
servatory; a microfilm copy is available
in the Archive of Contemporary Science and
Technology, Case Western Reserve
14. "Minutes," June 16, 1843.
15. Mitchel, 151-152 and
"Minutes," August 8, November 11, November 28, 1843.
Adam's visit to Cincinnati did not
receive the universal acclaim that a reading of the
"Minutes" might indicate. The
fiercely Democratic Cincinnati Enquirer took exception
to the political tone of Jacob Burnet's
introduction of Adams. See Daily Cincinnati En-
quirer, November 11 and 14, 1843.
16. Mitchel, 153-158.
17. The Annual Address delivered
before the Cincinnati Astronomical Society, June,
1845, by E. D. Mansfield. Together
with the Reports of the Board of Control and of the
Director of the Observatory (Cincinnati, 1845).
18. "Minutes," September 27,
1845 - April 28, 1846.
19. "Minutes," April 1 and 7,
20. "Minutes," November 13,
21. "Minutes," March 26, May
14, 1850.
22. "Minutes," June 20, 1850.
23. These broad objectives are outlined
in the preamble of the constitution of the
society; a copy can be found in the
first pages of the "Minutes."
24. Annual Address . . . 1845, 56.
25. "Minutes," October 12,
26. "Minutes," March 23, 1852.
27. "Minutes," February 18,
28. "Minutes," April 28, 1859.
29. Mitchel's military career is told in
great detail in Mitchel, 205-388.
30. Everett I. Yowell, "One Hundred
Years at the Cincinnati Observatory," Sky and
Telescope, III (December 1943), 4.
31. Ibid.
32. Ibid.
CINCINNATI, 1836-1850
1. Leon F. Litwack, North of Slavery:
The Negro in the Free States, 1790-1860
(Chicago, 1961); Carter G. Woodson,
"Negroes of Cincinnati Prior to the Civil War,"
Journal of Negro History, I (January 1916), 1-22.
2. Compendium of the Sixth Census (Washington,
1841), 77; Seventh Census of
the United States, 1850 (Washington, 1853), 830.
3. Henry David Shaffer, Cincinnati,
Covington, Newport and Fulton Directory for
1840 (Cincinnati, 1840), 483; Charles Cist, Sketches and
Statistics of Cincinnati in
1851 (Cincinnati, 1851), 46; Cincinnati Commercial, May
24, 1848; Slave Document,
Methodist Church Papers, Samuel Williams
Collection, Cincinnati Historical Society;
Ohio Anti-Slavery Society, Proceedings
. . . 1835 (1835), 17, 30; Levi Coffin, Rem-
iniscences of Levi Coffin (Cincinnati, 1876), 203; Laura Haviland, A Woman's
Work: Labors and Experiences (Cincinnati, 1882), 111, 117, 140-141; Cincinnati Daily
Microscope, August 13, 1842; Cincinnati Daily Dispatch, June
26, August 19, October
13, 1848.
4. Ibid., February 20, 1849; Commercial, July 14, 1845,
March 11, September 23,