quiries into the Communist conspiracies
of the 1950's prompted the Cincinnati National
League club to change its totem from
"Reds" to "Redlegs."
17. De Witt's Base Ball Guide, 1871, 94.
18. Ellard, Baseball in Cincinnati, 154-158;
Chadwick, Scrapbooks, VI, 21-24.
19. Ellard, Baseball in Cincinnati, 161-162.
20. Harper's Weekly, July 3,
1869, July 2, 1870; Cincinnati Commercial, July 1, 2, 3,
21. Cincinnati Commercial, August
27, 28, September 1, 3, 6, 1869; Ellard, Baseball
in Cincinnati, 166-169; Chadwick's Base Ball Manual, 1871, 96.
22. Wright, Note and Account Books, I;
Harry Wright, Correspondence of Harry
Wright, Baseball Manager, Volume V 236-237
Spalding Collection New York Public
Library; Chadwick, Scrapbooks, I, 26; Reach
Official Base Ball Guide, 1894, 79-85.
23. Cincinnati Commercial, October
29, 1870.
24. Voigt, American Baseball, 32.
25. Ellard, Baseball in Cincinnati, 189,
190-195; Cincinnati Commercial, June 15,
26. Ellard, Baseball in Cincinnati, 210-213;
Sporting Life, January 23, 1884; Hy
Turkin and S. C. Thompson, The
Official Encyclopedia of Baseball, (New York, 1956), 6.
The author gratefully acknowledges the
encouragement and guidance of the late Dr.
Harvey Wish of Case Western Reserve
University in the preparation of this paper.
1. Hiram House's more serious rival for
the designation of Cleveland's first social
settlement is Goodrich House. Mrs.
Samuel Mather financed the building of this social
settlement in Cleveland under the
auspices of the Old Stone Church; ground was broken
in April 1896. Henry E. Bourne,
vice-president of the first board of trustees, in The First
Four Decades: Goodrich House (Cleveland, 1938), 13, writes in regard to the
Probably no one would push back the date
to April, 1896, when the building it-
self was begun. It is doubtful whether
anyone would insist that it began only on the
date of formal opening, May 20, 1897. Of
course, the legal terminus a quo was May
15 [1897], when the Settlement was
incorporated .... The first meeting for organiza-
tion occurred on December 9, 1896, when
also a Board of Directors ... was chosen.
Actual settlement work had begun two
months earlier [October 1896], when Mr.
Chadwallader came to Cleveland to take
Cooperation was good between the two
settlements. George Bellamy served for a time on
the Goodrich House board while Mr. and
Mrs. Mather contributed heavily to both. A
third Cleveland settlement, Friendly
Inn, claims 1874 as its founding date, but this is
the date of establishment of the Inn's
parent organization.
2. Autobiographical notes, George A.
Bellamy Papers, Western Historical Society.
3. Membership list of the New England
Society of Cleveland and the Western Re-
serve; see also Roland Wolcott to
Bellamy, December 8, 1944, Bellamy Papers.
4. Address delivered by Bellamy before
the National Federation of Settlements, May
26, 1926, Bellamy Papers. Taylor, in
turn, credited Jane Addams with influencing him
to begin settlement work.
5. Historical Report of the Sixteen
Years of Hiram House (Hiram House,
1912), 5.
6. Second Annual Report (Hiram
House, 1898), 19.
7. Louise C. Wade, Graham Taylor:
Pioneer for Social Justice (Chicago, 1964), 82.
The best secondary source for relating
the settlement movement to the progressive era
is Allen F. Davis, Spearheads for
Reform (New York, 1967). Davis' book contains a
number of examples of settlement workers
attempting through studies and political
activities to bring about various
reforms. Two outstanding book-length examples of
early settlement house studies are:
Residents of Hull House, Hull House Maps and
Papers (New York, 1895) and Residents of South End House, The
City Wilderness
(Boston, 1898).
8. George A. Bellamy, "City Housing
with Special Reference to Cleveland," Decem-
ber 28, 1901, Bellamy Papers.
9. Oscar Handlin, in The Uprooted (Boston,
1951), illustrates the many ways in
which the immigration experience placed strains on
family life, often altering tradi-