Ohio History Journal

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ACCINELLI, Robert D., on Harding, 113                                         Colonial Frontiersman, Explorer, and

Adams and Jefferson: A Revolutionary                                             Indian Agent, rev., 138-39

Dialogue, by Merrill D. Peterson, 136                               Bain, George W., book rev., 204-05

Adams, Charles Francis, 242-44, 246                                          Bancroft, Thomas, Chief Inspector of

Adams, John Quincy, 157, 165-66, 167n                                           Mines, 17

Agricultural Adjustment Administration,  Barefoot Preacher, The, comp. by Mrs.

272                                                                                                        N. E. Lamb and revised by J. F. Bur-

Agricultural and Mechanical College (The                                       nett, 202

Ohio State University), 16                                                    Barth, Alan, Prophets with Honor: Great

Agricultural Extension, at The Ohio State                                        Dissents and Great Dissenters in the

University, 116                                                                                 Supreme Court, rev., 74-75

Alabama Normal and Industrial School,                                    Beard, Charles and Mary, 167

Huntsville, 93                                                                           Belknap, Michal R., book rev., 74-75

Allen, Robert S., "The British Depart-                                        Bell, John, 128, 235

ment and the Frontier in North                                             Bellush, Bernard, 266

America," 55                                                                               Belz, Herman, A New Birth of Freedom:

Allen School, Miami County, Ohio, 117,                                         The Republican Party and Freedmen's

123, 126; illustration, 125                                                           Rights, 1861-1866, rev., 291-92; on

Allen, William, and coal mining, 14;                                                 Abraham Lincoln, 195

nomination for governor, 87                                                 Benedict, Michael Les, book rev., 67,

Alexander, Joseph, WPA Director in                                                 290-91

Cleveland, 269                                                                         Benison, Saul, 248-49, 257

American Colonization Society, 81-82                                     Benson, Lee, 156, 159n, 161n

American Folk Art in Ohio Collections,                                  Beveridge, Albert J., 103

by Robert Doty, 280                                                               Beyond the Civil War Synthesis: Political

American Genealogical Resources in                                              Essays of the Civil War Era, by

German Archives: A Handbook, by                                          Robert P. Swierenga, rev., 64-65

Clifford  Neal Smith   and   Ann                                           Billias, George Athan, Elbridge Gerry:

Piszczan-Czaja Smith, 280                                                            Founding Father and Republican

American Revolution in the West, The, by                                      Statesman, rev., 283-84

George M. Waller, rev., 213-14                                           Birthplace of an Army: A Study of the

Andrews, Faith, and Edward Deming                                               Valley Forge Encampment, by John

Andrews, Fruits of the Shaker Tree of                                     B. B. Trussell, Jr., 202

Life: Memoirs of Fifty Years of Col-                                 Bishop, Richard M., Governor, 15-16

lecting and Research, rev., 150-52                                    Black Ballots: Voting Rights in the South,

Antioch College, 41-43                                                                        1944-1969, by Steven F. Lawson, rev.,

Apple-cutting, on the frontier, 50-51                                               300-01

Appointment at Armageddon: Muckrak-                                Black Family in Slavery & Freedom,

ing and Progressivism in American                                        1750-1925, The, by Herbert G. Gut-

Life, by Louis Filler, rev., 221-22                                              man, rev., 206-07

Arndt, Karl J. R., book rev., 140-41;  Black Ohio and the Color Line: 1860-

219-21                                                                                               1915, by David A. Gerber, rev.,

Arthur, Chester A., 89                                                                           290-91

Ashley, James M., Reconstruction pro-                                    Black, Samuel L., 254

posals, 187-99; illustration, 191                                       Blacks, and Peter Clark, 79-95

Avondale, Pennsylvania, mine disaster, 6,                             Blacks in Ohio History, edited by Rubin

9, 14, 16                              F. Weston, rev., 204-05

Blocker, Jack S., Jr., Retreat From Re-

BAILEY, Kenneth P., Christopher Gist:    form: The Prohibition Movement in