Ohio History Journal

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Book Notes




Studies on Indiana: Indiana History Resource Series. Volume I. A Bib-

liography of Theses and Dissertations Submitted to Indiana Institutions of

Higher Education for Advanced Degrees, 1902-1977. Compiled by Betty

Jarboe and Kathryn Rumsey. (Indianapolis: Indiana Historical Bureau,

1980. xiii + 377p.; author index, name and subject index, bibliography.)

This bibliography was compiled with the idea that nowhere else has Indi-

ana been more thoroughly studied than its universities, and that a bib-

liography to the collective theses and dissertations written about Indiana

would enhance scholarship on Indiana. Titles in this volume are classified

according to the subject headings used in Dissertation Abstracts. Of particu-

lar value are the index to authors and the main index which includes

entries for all popular names, geographical locations, and subjects cited.

The compilers excluded specific engineering, education, and management

principles and non-Indiana subjects.



Wisconsin Indians. By Nancy Oestreich Lurie. (Madison: The State His-

torical Society of Wisconsin, 1980. 66p.; illustrations, maps, reference mate-

rial.) This brief overview attempts to place the Wisconsin Indian in relation

to national Indian policy. Throughout this work Lurie seeks to explain the

Wisconsin Indian population's many battles to secure their legal and polit-

ical rights and to gain control of their community affairs. This volume is a

revised edition of Lurie's 1961 and 1969 editions of the same title. Increased

Indian militancy throughout the 1970s has made Wisconsin Indians more of

a primer on major developments in Wisconsin Indian history, rather than a

historical account of their existence.


The Saga of John Hammon, Revolutionary War Hero and Owen County

Kentucky Pioneer. By Stratton Owen Hammon. (Louisville: The Pilgrim

Press, 1979. ii + 34p.; illustrations, notes.) Despite the title of this book,

John Hammon is systematically ignored. The author, Hammon's great-

great grandson, is more intent on describing Hammon's friends and con-

temporaries, such as Daniel Boone, than on describing Hammon's historical

significance. For instance, Hammon was an Ohio River steamboat entre-

preneur, yet little detail or analysis of his role in the development of steam-

boat travel is given. John Hammon might have been a Revolutionary War

hero and an important Kentucky pioneer, but it will take another study to

prove so.