Ohio History Journal

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Book Notes




Growth Amidst Struggle: A Sesquicentennial History of the Longenecker

Mennonite Church. By James O. Lehman. (Winesburg, Ohio: Longenecker

Mennonite Church, 1980. 160p.; illustrations, maps, notes, index.) Once

again James O. Lehman "puts together the history of a congregation," and

in so doing makes an important contribution to Ohio's local history. In

Growth Amidst Struggle Lehman traces the two meetinghouses-Kolb's

and Longenecker's-which today comprise the Longenecker Mennonite

Church in the Winesburg-Trail, Ohio area. More than a local religious

history, Lehman's work combines extensive research in the Holmes County

tax lists, family manuscripts, wills, deeds, letters, and diaries with inter-

views and secondary readings to create a valuable, scholarly record of this

Holmes County congregation.



Oliver Evans: Inventive Genius of the America Industrial Revolution. By

Eugene S. Ferguson. (Greenville, Delaware: The Hagley Museum, 1980.

72p.; illustrations, notes, index.) An individual who made a difference, Oli-

ver Evans is best remembered for the invention of the automatic flour mill

and the high-pressure non-condensing steam engine. This monograph de-

tails the life and inventions of the highly original and sharply analytical

genius who revolutionized the flour-milling industry by introducing the

concept of continuous production-foreshadowing modern mass produc-

tion-and whose high-pressure steam engine served as a prototype for the

steamboat engines of the nineteenth century. Written by the noted histo-

rian of technology who is Senior Resident Scholar at the Eleutherian Mills-

Hagley Foundation, Oliver Evans offers a unique interpretative study of an

important American figure.



Jonathan Goldsmith: Pioneer Master Builder of the Western Reserve. By

Elizabeth G. Hitchcock. (Cleveland: The Western Reserve Historical Socie-

ty, 1980. xi + 131p.; illustrations, appendices, bibliography, notes to the

text, index.) One of the important U.S. masters of the Greek Revival style,

Jonathan Goldsmith left his mark on the early buildings of the Western

Reserve, and is here fully recognized for the first time. Elizabeth G. Hitch-

cock has done her job well. Jonathan Goldsmith: Pioneer Master Builder of

the Western Reserve catalogs all of the known buildings by this famous

architect. The book is clearly organized, exhaustively researched, and

makes extensive use of the account books and papers of Goldsmith himself.

Moreover, it is illustrated with interesting photographs, lithographs, draw-