Ohio History Journal

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Women In Kentucky. By Helen Deiss Irvin. (Lexington: The University

Press of Kentucky, 1979. 134p.; photographs, source listing.) Another con-

tribution to the Kentucky Bicentennial Bookshelf series, this work outlines

the history of the Kentucky women from 1775 through the 1930s. The six

chapters focus on the lives of settlers, workers, and reformers without dot-

ing on the contributions of exceptional Kentucky women. Based upon pub-

lished diaries, autobiographies, biographies, and newspapers, the book is an

example of solid research presented in a clear, concise, and quite readable

manner. Other states might do well to emulate this fine series of publica-

tions sponsored in part by the Kentucky Historical Events Celebration



Frank R. Levstik



Local History Today: Papers Presented at Four Regional Workshops for

Local Historical Organizations in Indiana, June, 1978 - April, 1979. By

Richard Jensen, Robert M. Sutton, Thomas D. Clark, Thomas J. Schlereth,

with an introduction by Thomas K. Krasean. (Indianapolis: Indiana Histor-

ical Society, 1979. viii + 86p.; illustrations, notes, appendix.) This is a

compilation of four keynote addresses presented by Professors Richard Jen-

sen, Robert M. Sutton, Thomas D. Clark, and Thomas J. Schlereth at a

series of workshops for local historical organizations in Indiana. The themes

of the addresses were focused on local history and its value in the under-

standing of state and national heritage. While three of the addresses pre-

sent the traditional academic historian's approach to the theme, Professor

Schlereth focuses on "aboveground archaeology." He calls upon the reader

to recognize that the environment, both natural and man-made, is an im-

portant historical document. Much local history can be learned through

geological/geographic features, landscape, vegetation, place and street

names, buildings or working places. These papers are a useful contribution

to the literature of local history.


Frank R. Levstik



William Oliver Littick: Newspaper Publisher Extraordinary. By Clay Lit-

tick. (Baltimore: Gateway Press, Inc., 1979. xii + 82p.; illustrations.) This

is an informal biography of the late manager and owner of the Zanesville

Times-Recorder. While detailing the career of a young newspaperman at

the turn of the century, William Oliver Littick: Newspaper Publisher Ex-

traordinary seeks to record the efforts of one man to bring civic improve-

ments and advancements to his Ohio town through active community lead-

ership. Perhaps the most interesting aspect of this volume is the history of