Notes and Queries
The Ohio Museums Association (OMA), a
nonprofit statewide organization
of nature centers, zoos, art, science, history, and
natural history museums,
has located its headquarters at the Ohio
Historical Center in Columbus,
Ohio. Although separate from the Ohio
Historical Society, the OMA pro-
vides workshops, conferences, annual
meetings, and a monthly newsletter to
OHS and other organizations throughout
the state in an effort to provide ed-
ucational opportunities for staff
development and to foster up-to-date informa-
tion concerning museum techniques and
administration. For further informa-
tion contact Jeanne Ontko Suchanek,
Director, Ohio Museums Association,
1985 Velma Avenue, Columbus, OH 43211.
The Ohio Academy of History will hold
its annual spring meeting at Wit-
tenberg University on Friday and
Saturday, 15 and 16 April 1988.
The University of Toledo's Department of
History in cooperation with the
National Council on Public History and
The Forum For History and Business
will present the Mid-America Public
History Conference on April 29-30, 1988.
The conference, to be held at The
University of Toledo at SeaGate Centre (a
downtown convention facility), will
feature such topics as: "History in Public
and Private Policy Analysis,"
"Making the Past Accessible to the Public,"
and "Exploring History Where People
Live." Exhibit space will be available
at the conference center for individuals
and groups interested in displaying
public history materials. For more
information about the Mid-America Pub-
lic History Conference contact Diane F.
Britton, Department of History, The
University of Toledo, Toledo, OH
43606-3390, (419) 537-2845.
The University of Cincinnati Social
History Conference will be held Octo-
ber 22, 1988. Those interested in
submitting papers should submit a one-
page typed abstract by May 16, 1988. For
further information, contact Nina
Mjagkij, Chair, Social History
Conference, Department of History, 360 Mc-
Micken Hall, Mail Location 373, University
of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio
The Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art,
Cornell University, has put out a
call for the art works of painter,
lithographer, surveyor, and mapmaker, Hen-
ry Walton (1804-1865), and for any
information which would assist an exhibit
and catalogue in progress. Walton is
known to have gone to California and
Michigan from New York State. Any
information about Henry Walton, his
wife Jane B. Orr, or works with his
signature would be welcome. To assist the
project, please contact Leigh Rehner
Jones, Visiting Curator, 50 Balmville
Road, Newburgh, New York 12550.
John C. Fredriksen recently announced a
publication agreement with
Edwin Mellen Press regarding his
proposed reference book, The War of 1812:
An Illustrated Encyclopedia, and seeks contributions. The editor, hoping to
promote a truly comprehensive text with
an international perspective-
encompassing all military, political,
diplomatic, Native American, social, ar-
chival, and economic aspects of the
war-is particularly interested in hearing