Ohio History Journal

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Notes and Queries

Notes and Queries



The Ohio Academy of History annual meeting will be held on Friday and

Saturday, April 26-27, 1991, at Capital University in Columbus, Ohio. For

details concerning the meeting contact Clayton R. Koppes, OAH Program

Committee, Oberlin College, Department of History, Oberlin, Ohio 44074-



The Second Annual University of Cincinnati Social History Conference

invites interested scholars to submit papers in social history: broadly defined

as any aspect of the history of society, not limited by methodology, geography,

or period. The conference is scheduled for November 9, 1991, and one-page

abstracts are due by May 1, 1991. Send abstracts and requests for further

information to Paula Banerjee, Chair, UC Social History Conference, Depart-

ment of History, 360 McMicken Hall, McMicken College of Arts and Sciences,

University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio 45221-0373.


The North American Society for Sport History will hold its Nineteenth

Annual Convention at Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois, on May 25-27,

1991. For information write to Robert K. Barney, Faculty of Kinesiology,

Thames Hall, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada

N6A 3K7.


The University of Montana, Forest History Society, U.S.D.A. Forest

Service, and National Forest Service Museum have joined together to sponsor

the National Forest History and Interpretation Symposium/Workshop in

Missoula, Montana, on June 20-22, 1991. The program will focus on the

historical origins and significance of the National Forest System and the

techniques of interpreting its rich history. For details on the symposium and

workshop contact the Center for Continuing Education, University of Mon-

tana, Missoula, Montana 59812.


The Defiance College in Defiance, Ohio, will host a two-day conference

entitled "Contest for the Old Northwest: The United States, Canada, and the

Ohio Country Indian Wars, 1790-1794," on 1-2 November 1991. Bringing

together a distinguished interdisciplinary panel of Canadian and American

scholars and nonacademic specialists from the museum, archives, and educa-

tion professions, the symposium will commemorate America's struggle with

Great Britain and the Northwest Indian tribes for control of the Northwest

Territory during the post-Confederation era. Among those scheduled to speak

are Reginald Horsman, Helen Hornbeck Tanner, Colin Calloway, Richard C.

Knopf, and Dwight Smith. Located at the site of Fort Defiance and "The

Glaize," and scheduled on the 200th anniversary of St. Clair's defeat, this

conference will be of considerable interest to historians, archaeologists,

educators, museum professionals, students, and history enthusiasts. Further

information, a complete conference program, and registration materials are

available from Larry L. Nelson, Fort Meigs State Memorial, Ohio Historical

Society, P. 0. Box 3, Perrysburg, Ohio 43551, or by calling (419) 874-4121.