Ohio History Journal

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Notes and Queries

Notes and Queries



The Cleveland Artists Foundation (CAF) has put out a call for papers on the

topic of Cleveland's artistic heritage. Proposals for papers on broad topics asso-

ciated with regional art and cultural history which determine the context of

Cleveland's art within national movements will be considered for presentation at

the "1896-1996: Cleveland's Artistic Heritage" Symposium to be held March 30-

31, 1996, at the Cleveland Museum of Art. For the symposium prospectus or more

information call (216) 464-1902 or write to: Symposium, Cleveland Artists

Foundation, 23811 Chagrin Boulevard, Room LL41, Cleveland, Ohio 44122-



The Western History Association recently announced the 36th Annual

Conference, "Grasslands and Heartlands: Remembering and Representing the

Great Plains in History and Literature," to be held October 9-12, 1996, in Lincoln,

Nebraska. The program committee requests proposals for papers and sessions on

all aspects of Western and frontier history. This will be a joint meeting of the

Western History Association and the Western Literature Association, so proposals

that reflect on the interplay of imagination and experience, of myth and memory,

in reconstructions and representations of the Great Plains are especially welcome.

For further information, please contact John Mack Faragher, Department of

History, Yale University, Box 1504A Yale Station, New Haven, Connecticut



The 39th Annual Missouri Valley History Conference will be held in Omaha,

Nebraska, March 7-9, 1996. For information about the conference contact Dale

Gaeddert, Chair MVHC, University of Nebraska at Omaha, Omaha, Nebraska

68182. The Society of Military History holds sessions as part of the Missouri

Valley History Conference. For information about these speical sessions contact

Mark R. Grandstaff, History Department, Brigham Young University, 414 KMB,

P.O. Box 24446, Provo, Utah 84602.


The Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission invites applications for

its 1996-1997 Scholars in Residence Program. The program provides support for

full-time research and study at any Commission facility, including the State

Archives, The State Museum, and 26 historical sites. Residencies are available for

four to twelve consecutive weeks between May 1, 1996, and April 30, 1997, at the

rate of $1200 per month. The program is open to all who are conducting research

on Pennsylvania history, including academic scholars, public sector profession-

als, independent scholars, graduate students, writers, filmmakers, and others. For

further information and application materials, contact: Division of History,

Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Box 1026, Harrisburg,

Pennsylvania 17108; phone, (717) 787-3034. The deadline is January 12, 1996.


The story of an 18th century Ohio fur trader who helped bridge the worlds of the

native Americans and the Europeans has won top honors in the third annual Local

History Publication Competition sponsored by the Bowling Green State

University Center for Archival Collections. Larry Lee Nelson, director of Fort

Meigs, won the $500 cash award for his dissertation, "Cultural Mediation on the