Ohio History Journal

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Any book mentioned in this department can be obtained through the Pub-

lisher of the QUARTERLY.

PRIMITIVE INDUSTRY: or Illustrations of the Handiwork in Stone, Bone

and Clay of the Native Races of the Northern Atlantic Seaboard of Amer-

ica. By Charles C. Abbott, M.D. Pp. 560. Salem, Mass.: Geo. A. Bates.

Cincinnati: Robert Clarke & Co., 1881.

Taken all together, Dr. Abbott's work on Primitive Industry is the most

important single contribution yet made to the subject of American archaeol-

ogy. The illustrations are numerous, and drawn from the whole range of

specimens in the Peabody Archaeological Museum at Cambridge, Mass.

The world is specially indebted to Dr. Abbott for the discovery of palaeo-

lithic implements in the gravel deposits upon which the city of Trenton,

N. J., is built-a discovery which at once connects the archaeology of Amer-

ica with the most ancient relics of man in the Old World. It is in this

volume that the full account of these discoveries is detailed, occupying the

last ninety pages, and containing a chapter by Professor Lewis, of the Penn-

sylvania Geological Survey, giving the evidence that this gravel is of glacial

origin, thus proving the existence of man in America before the close of the

glacial period. The book should, be read by every student of archaeology.



THE MOUND BUILDERS: Being an account of a remarkable people that

once inhabited the valleys of the Ohio and Mississippi, together with an

investigation into the archaeology of Butler county, O. By J. P. MacLean.

Illustrated with over one hundred figures. Pp. 233. Cincinnati: Robert

Clarke & Co., 1887.

This inexpensive volume has for some time been the best manual avail-

able to assist in the study of the earthworks of Ohio, and must remain such

for some time, until the results of present investigations are much more

fully systematized and thought out. To the archaeology of Butler county

eighty pages are devoted.


NEW YORK: The Planting and the Growth of the Empire State. By Ellis

H. Roberts. (American Commonwealths). 2 Vols. Boston: Houghton, Mif-

flin & Co., 1887.

The want of a history of the Empire State has long been felt, and this

want has at last been supplied. Within these two volumes the author has

compressed the chief matters of interest and importance pertaining to the

history of the first State of the Union. By following the normal division of

its history into periods, Mr. Roberts has been enabled, and has well utilized

his opportunity, to trace the growth of the State from its infancy, with
