Ohio History Journal




I AM sure that all of us who have come from a distance,

and listened to so many things, have been impressed with

the change in things. I for one recollect perfectly well

that the fathers of one hundred years ago would have all

gone to bed at nine o'clock at night, whoever came to ad-

dress them, whether it was a Shawnee Chief or Mad

Anthony himself.  I am quite sure that at the bottom of

the heart of even an Ohio gentleman there must be a cer-

tain satisfaction existing that this speech is not to be two

hours and a half long.

I should not say a word more, but that my friend, Dr.

Sturtevant, has made this excellent suggestion of what is

a fit memorial to such men as we commemorate here.

And it is the great good fortune of the State of Ohio,

that she has succeeded in calling to the chair a gentleman

whom I will not simply say is one of the most distin-

guished educators in this country, but one of the most dis-

tinguished educators known to the world; I should think

the State of Ohio would be glad fitly to endow the Institu-

tion over which Dr. Eaton presides.

I do not forget on what day I am speaking, and that this

is a religious meeting, and the lesson of the day should be,

as one of us has said, that of being servants.  He has

touched a chord which has vibrated in the hundred years

gone by and will vibrate in the hundred years to come.

Men write great volumes, pile up great libraries about

religion, and yet the whole of religion may be expressed in

these words: it is the love of man, when he loves with

God, his fellow man.