Ohio History Journal

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1885 the Ohio State Archaeological and Histor-

ical Society began the publication of its docu-

ments in the form of a Quarterly. These were

issued at irregular intervals, however, until suf-

ficient material had accumulated to produce three

volumes. In 1896 the Society published, at one

issue, a fourth volume and the fifth appeared in August, 1897.

The Society has thus produced five volumes, averaging four

hundred pages to the volume, of material concerning the his-

tory, archaeology and biography of the State. These volumes

are of the utmost value and interest, containing articles, essays

and papers by leading authorities-most of which material was

prepared solely for the Society and which does not exist and

cannot be obtained outside the works of the Society. The

demand for these publications has been so great that the Society

has issued second editions of the first three volumes and a third

issue will soon have to be made. These books are in constant

demand, not only by similar societies and by leading libraries

throughout the United States, but by the governments and

great society libraries of the old world. Each member of the

Society and, by proper courtesy, each member of the Ohio Leg-

islature is entitled, without cost, to these publications as they

are issued by the Society.

In the fall of 1897 the Society decided to renew its pub-

lications in Quarterly form, and in January, 1898, the first Quar-

terly of the new series was issued, comprising the first ninety-

four pages of this volume (VI). In June another issue in Quar-

terly form was made, including the remainder of this volume

(pages 95 to 441). This last issue in June was regarded as the

Quarterlies (Nos. 2 and 3) for April and July, 1898. It was

thought advisable to make one issue for these two dates, as the

material provided was sufficient for the two numbers and of