Ohio History Journal

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Secretary Richland County Historical Society.

"Here stand mounds, erected by a race

Unknown in history or in poets' songs."

In our own county we see evidences of a pre-historic people

whose origin and fate are unknown. We know of them only by

the monuments they reared in the form of earth-works, and as

these principally are mounds, we call the people who made them

"Mound Builders." The term is not a distinguishing one, for

people the world over have been mound builders, more or less,

from generation to generation.

In no other country are earth-works more plainly divided

into classes than here in America. In some places fortified hills

and eminences suggest the citadel of a tribe or people. Again,

embankments, circular or square, separate and in combination,

enclosing, perhaps, one or more mounds, excite our curiosity, but

fail to satisfy it, and we ask, "Are these fading embankments the

boundaries of sacred enclosures, or the fortifications of a camp,

or the foundations on which were built communal houses?"

In the Blackfork valley-especially the part taken from Rich-

land and given to Ashland county-there are numerous mounds

and other earth-works, but only a few can be considered in the

limit of this paper.

On the southwest quarter of section 17, Green township, half

a mile northwest of Greentown, there was in the years agone a

circular embankment embracing about half an acre of ground.

The embankment was about five feet in height in the days of old

Greentown. There was a "gate-way" to the west, about twelve

feet wide. In the center of the enclosure there was a mound into

which excavations were made about fifty years ago to the depth

of nine feet, which appeared to be the depth of the artificial work.

Coal, wood and feathers were found in the lower strata.