Ohio History Journal

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[Author of the valuable little volume, entitled "The Treaty of Greenville,"

published 1894.-E. 0. R.]

Probably the most disastrous defeat ever suffered by the

Americans at the hands of the Red Men was that of the army

of Gen. Arthur St. Clair on the east branch of the Wabash near

the present western boundary of Ohio, November 4th, 1791. Both

for the number of men killed and the blighting effect on the

frontier settlements was this disaster noted and the first report

of it cast a pall over the new nation. The tide of white immi-

gration which had begun to flow over the crest of the Alleghenies

just at the opening of the Revolution, was greatly augmented

after its close when the survivors of that great struggle who had

sacrificed their all for liberty turned their faces from the older

communities of the East to the promising lands of the West.

Considerable settlements were being made in southwestern Penn-

sylvania, in western Virginia around Wheeling, and the mouth

of the Kanawha, and in Kentucky below the Licking river. The

settlers built stockades and blockhouses, cleared small tracts of
