Ohio History Journal

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On August 19, 1904, a meeting of the Executive Committee of the

Trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society was

held in the conference room of the Public Library, with the following

members present: Mr. Geo. F. Bareis, Col. John W. Harper, Prof. B. F.

Prince, Hon. D. J. Ryan, Secretary E. O. Randall and Mr. E. F. Wood

representing Mr. S. S. Rickly. Letters of regret on account of inability

to attend were received from Mr. W. H. Hunter, Chillicothe; Hon.

M. S. Greenough, Cleveland; Prof. C. L. Martzolff, New Lexington

and Prof. G. F. Wright, Oberlin.

Mr. E. F. Wood made a verbal report of his visit to Ft. Ancient

on July 4th and 5th, when he held a conference with Mr. Warren Cowen,

the custodian, and also made a careful inspection of the Fort, and study

of contemplated improvements on the property. Mr. Wood's statement

was one exceedingly satisfactory to the committee and complimentary

to Mr. Warren Cowen. The latter has been most loyal and faithful in

his labors in the care of the Fort and in looking after the interests of

the Society. Mr. Cowen has also been most efficient and painstaking in

carrying out all instructions of the Trustees in their supervision of the

property. After hearing the report of Mr. Wood the Secretary was

instructed to renew the present contract, with some slight changes, which

the Society has had with Mr. Cowen the past two years, the new con-

tract to be effective from August 1, 1904, and continue for two years,

until August 1, 1906.

Standing committees for the ensuing year were decided upon as

follows: Finance, Rickly, Ryan, Bareis; Ft. Ancient, Prince, Harper,

Bareis; Serpent Mound, Martzolff, Hunter, Randall; Museum and Li-

brary, Wright, Greenough and Brinkerhoff; Publications, Ryan, Keifer

and Randall.

The Secretary reported an account of his visit to the St. Louis

Exposition on June 15th and 16th, at which time he carefully inspected

the exhibit being made by the Society in its quarters in the Anthropolo-

gical Building. This is one of the permanent and therefore most desirable

buildings on the grounds, it being one of the main structures recently

erected for the Jefferson University, to be occupied by the University

after the Exposition has closed. In the same building is the Egyptian
