Ohio History Journal


Editorialana.                         90


Secretary--Harry Brent Mackoy, Covington, Ky.

Deputy Secretary - Murray Marvin Shoemaker, Cincinnati.

Treasurer - Howard Sydenham Winslow, Cincinnati.

Registrar -Robert Ralston Jones, Cincinnati.

Historian -John Uri Lloyd, Norwood.

Chancellor - Herbert Jenney, Cincinnati.

Surgeon - Dr. Phineas Sanborn Conner, Cincinnnati.

Chaplain -  Rev. Henry Melville Curtis, Cincinnati.

Gentlemen of the Council - Nathaniel Henchman Davis, Cincinnati;

Edwin C. Gashorn, Cincinnati; Charles Humphrey Newton, Marietta;

Harry Langdon Laws, Cincinnati; Dr. Gilbert Langdon Bailey, Cincin-

nati; John Sanborn Conner, Cincinnati; James Wilson Bullock, Williams-

town, Mass.; George Merrell, Cincinnati; Roderick Douglass Barney,

Wyoming; Benjamin Rush, Cowen, Cincinnati.

Committee on   Membership-Achilles Henry     Pugh, Cincinnati;

Charles James Stedman, Glendale; Ward Baldwin, Cincinnati; Howard

Barney, Wyoming; Michael Myers Shoemaker, Cincinnati.

Committee on Collection of Historical Documents and Records--

Rev. Dudley Ward Rhodes, Cincinnati; Prof. Edward Orton, Jr., Colum-

bus; Ethan Osborn Hurd, Plainville.

Following the election a banquet was held, after which speeches

were made by the retiring officers and Gen. B. R. Cowen.

The flowers used on the occasion were sent as a remembrance to the

widows of the two members who have died in the last year, Mrs. W. W.

Seely and Mrs. John Bailey.





On November 15, 1904, the Clark County Historical Society, in its

new rooms in the East County Building, Springfield, Ohio, held its annual

meeting and elected the following officers for the ensuing year:

President - Prof. B. F. Prince.

Secretary-William M. Harris.

Treasurer - Charles H. Pierce.

Trustees -Oscar T. Martin, for five years; L. H. Fahnestock, for

six years.

All of the officers elected succeeded themselves except Mr. Fahne-

stock, who succeeded Prof. A. H. Linn. The Board of Trustees, as at

present constituted, consists of seven members. An amendment to the

by-laws was proposed, increasing the number of trustees to nine. The

meeting was well attended and great interest was manifested in the

progress of the Society. Professor Prince, who was honored with the

presidency, is a trustee of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical
