Ohio History Journal

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The greater part of the following data the writer had from

Levi Savage in 1885. He was at this time old and blind, but

in possession of his mental faculties. His memory seemed clear

and tenacious. I wrote down at the time what he said, word for

word and from this written account I draw also from govern-

ment and church publications. A camp meeting was held by the

Christian Wyandots on the east side of the Sandusky river, op-

posite the "big spring," in August, 1839. We must remember

that the various Indian tribes of Northern and Western Ohio had

only a few years before been deprived of their reservations and

the Wyandots a few years later, in 1842, of theirs.

In all this the Indians were greatly wronged by the govern-

ment. The Wyandots' reservation was twelve square miles with

Upper Sandusky near the center. There was less than a thousand

Wyandots on the reservation. There were a few located over

Ohio and Canada. The whites were settling all around and land

speculators were clamoring for the Wyandot's fair heritage. The

instinctive desire of this tribe to perpetuate their tribal character

prevented them becoming citizens and receiving land in server-


Many whites lived in the bounds of the reservation, but did

not own a homestead, but were there for hunting and traffic.

The camp ground was beautifully timbered and located near

the river. The large native trees, the white oak, walnut, the

hickory nut, elm and sugar were there in all their primal gran-

deur. The banks of the river were hedged with sycamore, buck-

eye and iron wood, while the grapevines in rich profusion en-

twined them.

The underbrush was cleared away, including the saplings of

dogwood and pawpaw, while the more stately trees were left

standing. They stood like columns in a great temple, while their

large limbs from forty to seventy feet above the ground entwined
