Ohio History Journal

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It was one of Pascal's thoughts that "rivers are highways that

move on, and bear us whither we wish to go." Surely it is, that primeval

and pioneer man has followed the courses of great streams because

along those channels have been found the lines of least resistance. On

the rivers and their banks therefore has history found its favorite

haunts. Dry up the currents of the Tigris, the Euphrates, the Danube,

the Tiber, the Rhine, the Seine, and the Thames, and you will have

changed if not have wiped out the courses of civilization.

In the stored records of our country the rivers have played their

part, picturesque and potent. The St. Lawrence, the Hudson, the Con-

necticut, the Colorado, the Illinois, the Wabash, the Wisconsin and the

Father of Waters have had their historians. Nor has the Ohio escaped

the pen of the chronicler. Mr. Reuben Gold Thwaites, the scholarly secre-

tary of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin was perhaps the first

to produce a volume devoted to the waters of the La Belle Riviere, as

the early French navigators styled the Ohio. His brochure issued first

as "Afloat on the Ohio," and reissued as "The Storied Ohio," is a de-

lightful account of a canoe voyage on this historic waterway from Red-

stone creek to Cairo, with landings at and observation upon the points

of interest along the route.

Mr. Archer Butler Hulbert, secretary of the Ohio Valley Histori-

cal Society and a Life Member of the Ohio State Archaeological and

Historical Society, is the author of an extensive and elaborate work

entitled "The Ohio River, a Course of Empire," recently put forth by

G. P. Putnam's Sons. Mr. Hulbert had already made himself known

to the reading public as the author of the unique and valuable contri-

bution to American History, "The Historic Highways of America." Mr.

Hulbert made his initial bow as the author on this subject, in which

he has become the highest authority, in the pages of this QUARTERLY

for January, 1900.

"The Ohio River" is a masterly and entertaining presentation of the

subject comprising some 350 octavo pages, with maps and copious illus-

trations. Mr. Hulbert has the historic instinct and discrimination with

rare powers of description. He carries the reader along through the