Ohio History Journal

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Editorialana.                        417


who are interested in this work. The undersigned committee will be

glad to receive suggestions concerning speakers, lists of names and ad-

dresses of history workers, details concerning local history organizations

and patriotic societies, and any other sources of information that will

assist in rendering the conference a success. Address communications

to Frank P. Goodwin, 3435 Observatory Place, Cincinnati, Ohio."




Where did the parents of Return Jonathan Meigs get the name?

This question has been asked innumerable times by Ohioans, in looking

over the list of names of Ohio governors in early days. Possibly there

is no accurate information on the subject, but General Zeigler, visitors'

attendant at the state house, tells, a story of the matter which he says

he secured from relatives of the dead governor.

According to this story the elder Jonathan Meigs, father of Return

Jonathan, was very much in love with a charming girl down in Con-

necticut. He asked her hand in marriage one evening. The lass looked

calmly into the big open fire place, and measured in her mind the worth

of the young man. Jonathan Meigs is a young lawyer, of good family,

as well off in this world's goods as any of the other men of the com-

munity, but he lacks something. What was it? Vinegar? That's it.

He lacked spirit. So, pressed for an answer, she told Jonathan that she

would think of him as a very dear brother. Flushing, Jonathan Meigs

arose, picked up his hat and cane and started out without a word. Why

be in such a hurry?" the maiden called. But the slam of the door was

the only answer. "Why, he has a temper after all," she said aloud, and

rushed to the door just in time to see the old gate slammed shut so

violently that the wooden hinges split apart. "Return Jonathan Meigs,"

she cried. Jonathan returned, a wedding followed and the first child

born was named Return Jonathan Meigs, and later he became the

fourth governor of Ohio.

Meigs was one of the war governors of the state, serving during

the war of 1812. He resigned his office as governor to become postmaster

general of the United States. Othniel Looker, of Hamilton county, com-

pleted his term.



On June 11th, the Pioneer Association of Wyandot county held

its anniversary of the Crawford massacre.   Several hundred people

gathered in the picturesque grove, on the banks of the historic Tymoch-

tee, but a few hundred feet from the monument erected to the memory

of the martyr Colonel William Crawford, who gave up his life in the

cause of the advancement of white civilization on June 11, 1782. The

*Vol. XVI.-27.