Ohio History Journal

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Ohio Day at the Jamestown Exposition

Ohio Day at the Jamestown Exposition.    175


thusiastic way which ever distinguishes Southern hosts in re-

ceiving their guests. Governor Swanson's remarks, entirely ex-

temporaneous, were among the most brilliant and eloquent which

the writer has ever heard upon a similar occasion. The Gov-

ernor dwelt at some length upon the respective histories of Ohio

and Virginia, their ties of relationship, Ohio being practically the

first born child of Virginia, and in periods of most glowing

rhetoric he pictured the loyalty of the Ohio troops and the Vir-

ginia soldiers in the late Civil War, closing with glowing trib-

utes to the character and nobility of each of the two great

leaders in that war, Grant and Lee.

Following Governor Swanson, Governor Harris was intro-

duced and responded to Virginia's welcome in the name of Ohio

and her people. Governor Harris' address is herewith given,

but it is a source of great regret that we are unable to include

his splendid introductory remarks or to give a proper idea of the

fine spirit of dignity, manliness and Americanism which capti-

vated his audience.


We are frequently reminded that we are passing through the com-

memorative period of our national history. Since we arrived on the

scene of action too late to participate in

colonial and revolutionary events, we may

consider ourselves fortunate to have lived

with the generation whose patriotic privil-

ege it is to celebrate these sacred and

inspiring anniversaries. They teach their

lesson. They light the path along which

we have traveled from humble beginnings

to our present high estate. They help us

to appreciate more fully what our free

institutions have cost and what they are

worth. The way has not been uniformly

smooth nor has there at all times been

unity of sentiment and action with refer-

ence to moral, social and industrial prob-

lems. Differences of opinion on minor

questions will, perhaps, continue to exist,

but Americans, and, indeed, the readers of

history in every clime agree as to the

prime importance to the event that this exposition commemorates.