Ohio History Journal

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In present day politics we find the principle of "like father,

like son" a very potent one. Or, as a ward chairman of this city

recently remarked when speaking of the politics of a candidate,

"an apple never falls very far from the tree." If now this system

of "paternal" or "traditional" politics is noticeable in recent

generations it is fair to presume that a trace may be found run-

ning back to the time of the founding of the territory or county

and there may possibly be a relation between the politics of a

section today and the politics of its original settlers.

In the case of the state of Ohio there is enough variation in

the nature and origin of the first settlers to lend considerable in-

terest to a study of the "wherefor" of the present county "political


Students of history will remember that while the first legal

settlement was made by New Englanders, the proximity of the

virgin territory to the boundaries of Virginia and Kentucky had

induced many squatters to cross the line before the Ohio Com-

pany was even formed. Later when the land was opened for

settlement men came in great numbers from the Southern states

as well as from Pennsylvania, New York, and New England. In

the case of settlement by Southerners we expect to find democracy

and when the Northerners first occupied the land the principles

of Republicanism prevailed.

In taking up the study of the counties as they are now found

it must be born in mind that many have been formed from

adjacent counties and again that large sections have been settled

by men from other older counties. In these cases it is more

difficult to trace the political trend as the accounts of the origin

of the first settlers is not definite. In determining the politics

of the various counties the returns from ten elections were taken,

the first election being that of 1836, and the last that of 1904. In

Vol. XVII. 13.        (193)