Ohio History Journal

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[Mr. Lewis is the State Historian of West Virginia, the author

of "The History of West Virginia" and many valuable publications con-

cerning the early historical events in the Ohio Valley.]

All that was earthly of Anne Bailey, the Pioneer Heroine of

the Great Kanawha Valley, that has not crumbled to dust, has

been removed to Point Pleasant and re-interred in Tu-Endie-

Wei Park. It is, therefore, now time to eliminate from the story

of her wonderful career and life of adventure, as scout and mes-

senger, everything of a mythical legendary, fabulous and fanci-

ful character, and to learn and to know the real narrative - the

truth - regarding that record female heroism which has no par-

allel in the annals of the Border Wars. The keeping of her

grave is now in care of the Colonel Charles Lewis Chapter

Daughters of the American Revolution and they must answer a

thousand questions regarding her, whose bones they keep. Anne

Bailey was herself a Daughter of the Revolution, a real one,

who served her country faithfully and well when that struggle

was in progress. Then this western border was the "Back Door

of the Revolution," and the men and women who kept back from

it the savage allies of Great Britain were the "Rear Guard of

the Revolution." Anne Bailey was one of these; and the school

children should be able to tell to the thousands who will hence-

forth visit her tomb, the real story of her life.

The following facts obtained from Border Annals, from offi-

cial records, and from persons who knew Anne Bailey, will help

them to do this:

1742. Anne Bailey, whose maiden name was Hennis, was

born in Liverpool, the western metropolis of England the home

of her father, who, in early life, had been wounded at the battle

of Blenheim, while serving under the Duke of Marlborough. She

was named for Queen Anne.
