Ohio History Journal

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The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society is to be

heartily congratulated over the final accomplishment of its efforts, ex-

tending through many years, of securing entire possession of Fort

Ancient.  It has been a long

and stubborn siege, with many

vicissitudes and delays and dis

couragements, but the last walls

of the enclosure have finally

been taken and the Society now

"holds the fort." It is neces-

sary to repeat some ancient his-

tory in order to give a complete

account of the purchasing nego-

tiations. From the time of its

first organization it has been

the desire and the ambition of

the Society to have the State

become the possessor of this

greatest, most complete and

famous defensive work of the

prehistoric  American   people.

Prof. Warren    K. Moorehead

was one of the first to recog-

nize and publicly urge the pre-

servation of this fort and its

acquisition by the State.  His

explorations in the years 1888-

1891 aided greatly in bringing

about the desired result. After

the legislature had been impor-

tuned during several different

sessions, it finally acquiesced in

the solicitations of the Society

and the first bill was passed

April 28, 1890, by the Sixty-

ninth General Assembly known

as Senate Bill No. 308, introduced by Senator Jesse N. Oren, "To

provide for the preservation of Fort Ancient." This act appropriated

the sum of $7,200, or so much thereof as might be necessary to pur-