Ohio History Journal

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[At Point Pleasant, Ohio, the birth place of Ulysses S. Grant, there

was dedicated on Wednesday, October 2d, 1907, a tablet to the memory

of the great general and president. Many distinguished citizens partici-

pated, and of the several speeches, that of Governor Harris was especially

in sympathy with the occasion.-EDITOR.]

On this occasion I am doubly honored. It is my privilege

to respond to an inspiring address of welcome from Clermont

county's most eminent lady of letters, who is justly regarded

throughout our country as one of the most accomplished writers

in her department of literature, Mrs. Eliza Archard Connor.

I am at the same time here by your invitation to participate in

the exercises incident to the dedication of a monument that shall

fittingly mark the birthplace of the most distinguished native of

Clermont county and one of the most distinguished military

chieftains of the Republic and the world. For this rare oppor-

tunity which, through your kindness, comes to me as chief execu-

tive of the native state of Ulysses S. Grant, I most cordially

thank you. For your generous welcome I can make no adequate

response. You have made us feel that we are indeed at home

in your midst, that as something more than guests we share with

you in the consecrated services of this hour. The honor is

heightened by the presence of Generals Corbin and Grant, two

of our most eminent soldiers, whose participation in these exer-

cises is most fitting and welcome.

Words cannot add to the fame of him whose memory we

honor in this enduring tablet. His eulogies have been said. The

story of his achievements is familiar to every American. A cadet

at West Point in his seventeenth year; four years later a grad

uate from that institution; a lieutenant in the Mexican War with

promotion for distinguished services in the battle of Molino del

Rey and Chapultepec; presiding officer of the first union meeting

in Galena, Ill.; in rapid succession and for demonstrated merit,