Ohio History Journal

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Annual Meeting Ohio Valley Historical Association

Annual Meeting Ohio Valley Historical Association. 403


faded manuscripts for you and put the same into type-written form, so

that editors will readily accept them; or you may not have historic mat

ter so much at heart, as the writer of these lines has; nor have been

taught by an honored historian, a dear husband, how to handle historic


The leaders of the morning's conference then reported

briefly upon their correspondence preparatory to the meeting and

outlined the following proposed scheme for the work of a com-

mittee on Historical Manuscripts.





I. J. Cox,

University of Cincinnati.

In my estimation, the first point to be determined is, Who are the

historical personages of the valley? Among the methods for preparing

lists of such persons we may suggest the following:-

1. The comparatively brief list that can be obtained from the gen-

eral histories of the United States.

2. This list should be supplemented by state, county, and city his-


3. From family and genealogical records published.

4. From the files of historical magazines.

5. From lists of members of historical societies, who by corres-

pondence will report from their localities.

6. As a sort of final resort, by advertising in the papers.

Having thus determined the question, who are historical personages

in the Valley, and prepared tentative lists of such, the next point to

determine is the question, did they leave manuscript collections, and if

so, what is the present place of deposit of such? In pursuing this phase

of our subject, one would naturally first make a thorough search of the

printed reports of well known manuscript collections, such as the Library

of Congress, the Wisconsin Historical Society, and the larger eastern

state societies.  (Some letters of Senator John Smith of Ohio are to

be found in the Pickering Papers in the Massachusetts Historical So-

ciety.)  In pursuing this search one should, if possible, also secure the

names of those corresponding with the individual searched for, for these

in turn will serve to locate other historical personages of the Valley.

In a search of the manuscript collections one should undertake to

find if a given historical character has left descendants in the locality

in which he lived. It is usually possible to ascertain this fact by cor-