Ohio History Journal

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Professor American History, Woodward High School, Cincinnati, O.

The Treaty of Greenville by a lasting peace with the In-

dians, in so far as the eastern part of the Northwest Territory

was concerned, removed that influence which for six years had

prevented the development of the colony planted in the Miami

Country and for the first time since the beginning of the move-

ment started in 1788, was it possible to extend settlements unin-

terrupted into that region. At the time of the treaty there were

gathered under the protection of Fort Washington and close

to the stockades of Columbia, North Bend, and the dozen or

more stations of the Miami Country, several hundred anxious

settlers who hailed that event as the beginning of an era of peace

and security and an opportunity for better times. "The return

of peace gave them new ambitions and new hopes." They re-

moved from their forts into the adjacent country, selected farms,

built cabins, and began to subdue the forests.1

So sudden was this movement that, for a time, we have the

curious phenomenon of settlements like Cincinnati, North Bend

and Columbia in a new and growing country actually losing a

large part of their population. In evidence of this, Judge Symmes

wrote to Jonathan Dayton, August 6th, 1795, that North Bend

was reduced more than one-half in its number of inhabitants

since he had left to go to New Jersey in February, 1893; that

the people had spread themselves into all parts of the purchase

below the military range since the Indian defeat on the 20th of

August; and that the cabins were deserted by dozens in a street.2

What had in some measure contributed to this exodus was the

demand that he had made on all volunteer settlers to go out and


1 Cincinnati Directory 1819, page 29.

2Miller; Cincinnati's Beginnings, page 219.